Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 169: The Adventurous Date (III)

Chapter 169: The Adventurous Date (III)


Within the grand gathering hall of the Yin Devourer Sect, nearly hundreds of disciples congregated, their anticipation palpable as they awaited the long-awaited reappearance of their Grand Sect Master. For months, they had toiled tirelessly, honing their skills and solidifying their powers, all in preparation for their ultimate mission—to conquer and replace the Frozen Cloud Asgard as the preeminent sect of the Blue Wind Empire.

In the heart of the hall, atop a raised platform, almost fifty women stood as reluctant captives, their recent capture evident in the fear etched upon their faces. But these women were more than mere prisoners; they were prized possessions, their capture a testament to the sect's insatiable hunger for power. For within them lay the essence of the Primordial Yin, a reservoir of unparalleled Yin Energy coveted by all who sought to harness its power.

As the disciples gazed upon the captive women, their eyes gleamed with avarice, their thoughts consumed by visions of conquest and domination. For these women were not just trophies to be displayed, but vessels of power, their Primordial Yin a source of untapped potential waiting to be unleashed.

"I wanted that wench."

"I wanted that one as well."

"Go get your own."

In the dimly lit gathering hall, the imprisoned women stood in a cage, their fearful expressions a stark contrast to the arrogance of the men surrounding them. Among the men, a murmured conversation rippled through the air, punctuated by a voice filled with grim determination.

"Tsk, we need to gather more Yin Energy. I refuse to meet my end before the age of thirty," one of them muttered, his words a testament to the desperation that fueled their pursuit of power. Unbeknownst to them, the very cultivation art they sought to master would seal their fate long before they reached that milestone.

Meanwhile, concealed within their ranks, Yun Che assumed the guise of Killer Bee once more, while Retsu remained hidden using invisibility Kido, positioned discreetly atop the arena. And as Yun Che left the Apple of Eden on Minazuki, utilizing its invisibility function to conceal the colossal beast as the women from the Hall of Beauty makes their escape.

A grim revelation dawned upon him as he overheard the men's conversation. The contaminated Yin Energy they sought to harness would ensure their demise before they reached thirty, a cruel irony that sealed their fate.

With resolve burning in his heart, Yun Che formulated a plan to liberate the imprisoned women at the center, his mind alight with strategies to outmaneuver the sect's forces and thwart their sinister intentions.

"We greet sect master!" the disciples intoned in unison, their voices echoing through the hall. As the disciples paid their respects to Sect Master Ah Tian and the enigmatic figure beside him, the grand sect master, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation. But Yun Che's attention was drawn to two men slowly approaching the assembly hall, their dark skin and blonde hair marking them as members of the sect.

One was a middle-aged man, his features hardened by years of discipline and devotion to the sect's cause. The other, however, was older, his bald head a testament to the passage of time and the burdens he bore as a leader.

"A new power is rising. Our victory is at hand!" The middle-aged man, Sect Master Ah Tian's voice boomed through the hall, his words igniting a fervor among his disciples. They cheered in response, their eyes alight with zeal and ambition.

But it was the grand sect master's proclamation that sent a chill down Yun Che's spine. "The grand sect master has broken through. Cultivate your heart's desire after midnight. Tomorrow, we will march to the Frozen Cloud Asgard!"

The mention of the Frozen Cloud Asgard sparked a surge of excitement among the disciples, their minds filled with visions of conquest and plunder. "Disciples, tomorrow we will feast on the disciples of the Frozen Cloud Asgard. Potent Yin Energy is ripe for the taking. Leave the guardians to us!"

The hall erupted into cheers, the disciples' fervent cries echoing off the stone walls. But amidst the jubilation, Yun Che gritted his teeth with anger. Little did these men know of the formidable strength possessed by Little Fairy and Chu Yueli, or the danger that awaited them should they underestimate the women of the Frozen Cloud Asgard.

Even Retsu, hidden in the shadows, shared in Yun Che's apprehension. The Frozen Cloud Asgard was a place someone she held dear lives.

"Frozen Cloud Asgard better appreciate this," Yun Che muttered under his breath, his voice tinged with determination. For he knew that the battle ahead would be fraught with peril, and the fate of the Frozen Cloud Asgard hung in the balance.

"Showtime," Yun Che declared, his voice cutting through the tense atmosphere like a blade. With Retsu in position and the pieces of his plan falling into place, he stood poised on the highest zone of the gathering hall, ready to unleash chaos upon the Yin Devourer Sect.

"Whee!!!" he shouted in his Killer Bee persona, his words reverberating through the hall and drawing the attention of every member of the sect. "Yo, can't let you disrespect those beautiful ladies. Yeah."

Sect Master Ah Tian's voice thundered in response, his anger palpable. "Who the hell are you?" he demanded, his tone laced with hostility.

Undeterred, Yun Che continued, his words dripping with conviction. "Vile men, you've tarnished the reputation of us all. Women are meant to be cherished, not treated as objects. Anyone who disrespects them will answer to me."

But then, in a dramatic reveal, Yun Che shed his Killer Bee persona and unveiled his true form—a handsome, daring figure with raven-shaped hair and a smirk playing on his lips. Even the captured women, momentarily forgetting their fear, couldn't help but be captivated by his presence.

"And who might you be?" Yun Che proclaimed, his smirk widening into a grin. "I am the one who will bring an end to this vile sect."

As his words hung in the air, the hall erupted into laughter, the sect members finding amusement in the audacity of his claim. 

"Hahaha! A brat wanted to destroy us. Hahaha"

"Hohoho.. a big fat jokes. Someone brazenly wanted to destroy us?"

"Even my donkey can do a better job than this. A brat? Hahaha"

"Ha! Look at this amateur attempt. Do they think they can take us down?"

"Hilarious! They must have thought they were some kind of mastermind."

"Oh, please! I've seen toddlers with better strategies."

Laughter echoed through the halls of the Yin Devourer Sect, but Yun Che remained unfazed. He had foreseen this confrontation, knew the inevitable outcome that lay ahead.

Even as the grand sect master bemoaned the interruption of his closed cultivation, Yun Che stood before him, undeterred by the mockery that spewed from the sect master's lips.

"Do you truly believe that the might of the Yin Devourer Sect cannot be suppressed?" the sect master sneered, his words laced with arrogance. "We have the backing of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, a force that dwarfs any you could muster."

Yun Che's lips curled into a sardonic smile. "The Mighty Heavenly Sword Region? I was planning on dismantling them as well. Your so-called support means nothing to me."

"You're either stupid or brainless to come after us," Sect Master Ah Tian spat, his arrogance oozing from every word. "No matter. Get him and bring me his head! Those who succeed will be rewarded with the finest virgin women to boost their cultivation."

His words ignited a fervor among the sect's disciples, their eyes gleaming with the promise of power and riches. They surged forward, driven by greed and the desire to claim the prize their sect master had dangled before them.

Yun Che watched the scene unfold with a mixture of disdain and amusement. "You know, this is getting dull," he remarked casually, his voice cutting through the chaos of the arena.

With a fluid motion, he leaped into the center of the arena, where the captured women huddled together in fear. They regarded him with wide eyes, their curiosity piqued by the sight of the lone figure who had dared to challenge the might of their captors.

A smirk played across Yun Che's lips as he unleashed his Haoshoku No Haki, a raw power that crackled with red lightning. The air hummed with energy as the disciples of the Yin Devourer Sect collapsed one by one, overwhelmed by the force of his aura.

Even Sect Master Ah Tian himself fell to his knees, his arrogance shattered by the sheer magnitude of Yun Che's power. And as the grand sect master rose from his seat, a sense of dread settled over the arena.

"You have the same power as Princess Cang Yue!" Sect Master Ah Tian exclaimed, his voice tinged with fear and awe.

Yun Che's smirk widened as he regarded the trembling figure before him. "I am more than just a match for her," he declared, his voice ringing with confidence.

The realization dawned on the sect master, his desire for power eclipsing all else. With renewed determination, he lunged forward, intent on capturing Yun Che and claiming his abilities for himself.

But Yun Che was ready, his resolve unshakeable. As the sect master closed in, Yun Che braced himself for the battle ahead, knowing that his mastery of Haoshoku No Haki had made him a target for those who sought to wield its formidable power.


The sect master's strike was met with unexpected resistance as it clashed against the defenses of a veiled braided woman. His eyes widened in astonishment as he gazed upon her, struck by the ethereal beauty that emanated from her very presence. Her eyes, like pools of liquid silver, held a mesmerizing allure, and the energy that surrounded her seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly power. 

His desires stirred once more, fueled by the prospect of dual cultivation with such a captivating woman. To possess her essence would be to ascend to unimaginable heights of power. But before he could even contemplate his next move, the woman effortlessly repelled his attack, sending him crashing into the nearby structures with a forceful impact.

Across the battlefield, the grand sect master's attention was similarly captivated by the braided woman's radiant aura. Never before had he encountered a woman so perfect, so imbued with Yin Energy that it practically hummed in the air around her. His desire to claim her for himself burned fiercely, overshadowing all other thoughts.

But their fascination was short-lived as Yun Che intervened, his Zangetsu Shikai form striking with deadly precision, sending the grand sect master hurtling back into the underground walls with a resounding crash.

With a nod of acknowledgement, Yun Che and Retsu prepared to face their respective opponents, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

"What is your name, kind lady?" Ah Tian's voice oozed with false charm as he sought to sway the braided woman to his side, his eyes glinting with a mixture of desire and greed. But Retsu remained unmoved, her gaze steady and unyielding as she regarded him with silent contempt.

Undeterred by her stoicism, the sect master persisted, his words dripping with honeyed persuasion as he attempted to coax Retsu into surrendering willingly. Yet, her resolve remained unshaken, her silence a testament to her unwavering determination.

"Kind lady... this might be your only chance. Offer yourself to me and spare the trouble of me defeating you," Ah Tian's tone turned more insistent, his impatience simmering beneath the surface as he sought to exploit any weakness in Retsu's resolve. But she met his demands with resolute silence, her focus unswerving as she prepared for the inevitable clash.

Growing frustrated by her refusal to yield, Ah Tian resorted to underhanded tactics, releasing a pink mist into the air in a desperate attempt to disorient Retsu and undermine her judgment. Yet, even as the mist enveloped her, Retsu remained steadfast as she had confidence with the system.


[Ding… Potent Pleasure Fragrance detected. Effects Nullified.]


"You... the fragrance should affect you!" Ah Tian's voice crackled with disbelief as he watched in astonishment, the mist failing to have any discernible effect on Retsu. His frustration mounting, he released a potent version of the mist, a concoction designed to overwhelm even the strongest-willed individuals.

"This should do it," Ah Tian muttered to himself, confident that the intensified fragrance would finally break through Retsu's defenses. In his mind, he envisioned her succumbing to the allure of the mist, her will bending to his command as she begged to be cultivated.

But to his dismay, Retsu remained unaffected, her demeanor unyielding in the face of his desperate ploy. With a dismissive wave of her hand, she brushed off the nauseating scent as if it were nothing more than a mild annoyance.

The realization struck Ah Tian like a blow to the chest. Despite his best efforts to manipulate her, Retsu stood firm.


[Ding… Effects Nullified.]


"Ufuu… what does he think we are? Easy and cheap women?" Yachiru's voice echoed internally as the nauseating mist dissipated effortlessly thanks to the system's intervention. Without the system's assistance, resisting such potent fragrances would require immense willpower.

"You... How?! How?!" Ah Tian's voice cracked with disbelief as he stared at Retsu, his mind reeling from her apparent immunity to his underhanded tactics.

"Vile... How many of those innocent women died by your hand? How many of their lingering scents of blood and suffering cling to your very being?" Retsu's words cut through the air like a sharpened blade, her voice laced with righteous indignation as she confronted Ah Tian.

"You are a living example of why men like you shouldn't exist," she continued, her tone dripping with contempt as she prepared to engage her adversary in combat.

With a burst of speed, Retsu activated her flash step, closing the distance between them in the blink of an eye. The clash of their blades resonated through the air as they collided with ferocious intensity.

Undeterred by the sect master's formidable swordsmanship, Retsu channeled her power, her movements fueled by determination and righteous fury. With a swift strike, she shattered Ah Tian's sword into two, leaving him momentarily stunned by the display of her strength.

But Retsu wasn't finished yet. With a powerful kick to his stomach, she sent Ah Tian reeling backward, his confidence shaken by the realization of the woman's formidable prowess. As he staggered to regain his footing, a newfound sense of doubt crept into his mind whether he could defeat this woman who just shattered his sword with a single hit.

"Do you think I am going to die like this? Let me show you what I can do!" Ah Tian's voice boomed with defiance as he summoned puddle after puddle of blood, creating swirling swamps around Retsu. "Swamp Blood Art!"

With lightning-fast reflexes, Retsu evaded the blood swamps as they surged towards her, demonstrating her agility and skill. But Ah Tian's attacks persisted, the swamps multiplying in number as he attempted to ensnare her within his dark dimension.

"Tsk, you managed to avoid it. My ability can drag you into my swamp dimension. You can't possibly defeat me!" Ah Tian's voice echoed with arrogance as he emerged from one of the swamps, his sword poised to strike. But Retsu met his attack head-on, effortlessly parrying his blows with her own blade.

As the battle raged on, Ah Tian conjured more and more blood swamps in a desperate attempt to overwhelm Retsu. But then, to Ah Tian's astonishment, Retsu took flight, her body defying gravity as she soared above the blood-soaked battlefield. "You! You're a Sky Profound Realm Cultivator?!" he exclaimed in disbelief, his eyes widening with greed at the sight of her elevated status.

With newfound determination, Ah Tian resolved to capture Retsu, his desire for her potent Yin Energy fueling his ambition. The prospect of absorbing the energy of a Sky Profound Realm cultivator filled him with a hunger for power, driving him to pursue her relentlessly. "More... the more reason for me to want her!" he declared, his voice dripping with avarice as he plotted his next move.


Yun Che stepped into the rubble where he had sent the grand sect master flying moments before. The sect master emerged slowly, his body battered but his defiance unwavering. With all the Yin Devourer Sect disciples incapacitated by Yun Che's Haoshoku No Haki, he could focus solely on defeating this pathetic excuse for a grand sect master. Meanwhile, Retsu engaged the sect master, confident in her ability to handle the confrontation.

"Impressive. For someone barely twenty, you have the strength that almost matches me," the Grand Sect Master remarked, his voice tinged with begrudging admiration. Despite his twisted limbs and battered form, he showed no signs of pain, effortlessly rearranging himself as if it were a mere inconvenience.

"Not considered human to be able to do that," Yun Che mused silently.

"I am impressed indeed. Able to change yourself to fit our ranks and infiltrate the Yin Devourer Sect. Who are you, young man?" the grand sect master inquired, his curiosity piqued by Yun Che's mysterious abilities.

"Just an average cultivator named Yun Che," Yun Che replied casually, withholding the true extent of his power and identity. He had once adopted the persona of Killer Bee, but without the appropriate weapon, assuming such a guise would be impractical.

"Average? A young man who emits no cultivation aura, yet easily overpowers me, an emperor cultivator. Somehow, you managed to knock every one of my disciples out cold. Who and what are you?" Xing Lie pressed further, his frustration simmering beneath the surface.

Yun Che merely shrugged, eliciting a growl of frustration from the grand sect master. "No matter. It's common courtesy to introduce yourself to me. I am Xing Lie, Grand Sect Master of the Yin Devourer Sect."

"Ah, so you're the highest scumbag of this godforsaken place," Yun Che retorted bluntly, showing no regard for formalities.

"Are you dumb or just stupid? We are backed by the Heaven Mighty Sword Region," Xing Lie sneered, attempting to intimidate Yun Che with the sect's powerful affiliations. "To think you have the audacity to offend us. We are a sect even the four major sects of this empire won't dare to offend." 

"So, the Heaven Mighty Sword Region is involved in this mess as well. That explains your audacity in kidnapping all those women. No matter... I've been itching for a fight with them anyway. So, let's get started," Yun Che taunted the grand sect master, goading him into initiating the battle.

"Hmph, such barbaric behavior. I'm sure the Heaven Mighty Sword Region's sacred ground is intrigued by a man like you and your companion. Too bad they're preoccupied with the Burning Heaven Clan rather than a snot-nosed rookie like you," Xing Lie retorted, attempting to undermine Yun Che's confidence.

"Why are they interested in that clan anyway?" Yun Che inquired, feigning ignorance though he was already well aware of the reasons.

"There's no need for you to know. With your youthful body, I can't wait to take it over and unlock its potential," Xing Lie remarked, his eyes gleaming with greed as he eyed Yun Che's form.

"Sorry mate, I'm only interested in girls. Not old farts like you," Yun Che quipped, pulling Zangetsu from the ground and positioning it behind his back with a casual ease.

"Do you think stalling like this will do you any good?" Xing Lie taunted, but Yun Che simply shrugged in response. "Nope..."

"Hmph, impudent. Devourer Blood Art, God's Descending Arm!" Xing Lie laughed as a massive blood arm materialized behind him, descending towards Yun Che with terrifying force. Yet, Yun Che held his ground, blocking the impact with his Khyber great sword alone, using only a single arm.

"You'll need more strength than that," Yun Che remarked calmly, effortlessly pushing the massive arm back before delivering a powerful sword slice to cleave it in two. The severed arm dissolved into blood, drawn back into Xing Lie's body.

Undeterred, Xing Lie conjured arrows made entirely of blood, launching them at Yun Che with deadly precision. However, Yun Che anticipated the attack, effortlessly dodging and deflecting the projectiles with calculated ease, leaving Xing Lie astonished by his opponent's prowess.

"You're quicker than you look," Xing Lie grunted, his frustration mounting as Yun Che continued to evade his assaults with seemingly supernatural agility. He tries again but Yun Che already knew the trajectory and he is evading it as if he could see the attack from miles away. With only casual movements.

With a sinister grin, Xing Lie raised his arm toward the sky, unleashing a torrent of blood that separated into thousands of sharp needles, each gleaming ominously in the dim light. The air filled with the sound of whistling as the needles descended like a deadly rain upon Yun Che, threatening to pierce him from all angles.

"Take this, Devourer Blood Art, Falling Blooddrops!" Xing Lie's voice echoed with malevolent glee as the onslaught of blood needles rained down upon Yun Che, covering the area with a lethal carpet of sharp projectiles. But Yun Che remained unfazed, his expression calm and composed as he faced the barrage head-on.

As the dust settled, revealing the aftermath of the storm of needles, Xing Lie's smile of triumph faltered, replaced by a frown of disbelief. To his astonishment, Yun Che burst forth from the needle storm, emerging unscathed before gently floating to safety.

Activating his Emission barrier, Yun Che enveloped himself in a shimmering aura of haki, repelling the blood needles away from his body like a protective shield. Observing Xing Lie's manipulation of blood, Yun Che couldn't help but comment, "Interesting art... this sect cultivates. The ability to manipulate blood at will."

Unaware that he was being probed for information, Xing Lie proudly explained the origins of the technique, attributing it to the Heaven Mighty Sword Region and its forbidden arts. However, Yun Che's mocking retort struck a nerve, exposing the dark truth behind the sect's practices.

"Guess they didn't tell you about the darkened skin and blonde hair," Yun Che taunted, alluding to the sinister side effects of cultivating the art. The contamination of Yin Energy poisoned the practitioners' bodies, leading to premature death—a grim fate that awaited many disciples before they reached thirty. 

"They didn't warn us about its side effects, but it gave us a power boost by absorbing women's essence," Xing Lie spat bitterly, his voice tinged with defiance even as his skin darkened like coal and his hair fell away. Despite the grotesque transformation, he saw it as a necessary sacrifice to attain his current level of power.

"So, they used these guys as test subjects," Yun Che speculated, his mind piecing together the grim reality of the sect's practices. While lower disciples seemed to cultivate Yin Energy from women, the sect master absorbed their essence directly into himself. Yun Che surmised that the side effects must have been too severe for it to be marked as a forbidden tome. Other sacred grounds likely discovered it and used the Yin Devourer Sect as unwitting test subjects to gauge its suitability for wider cultivation.

"A fallen sacred ground?" Jasmine's voice interjected suddenly, drawing Yun Che's attention.

"Yeah, I suspected that particular sacred ground if my hunch is correct," Yun Che responded, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew the implications of a forbidden tome originating from a destroyed sacred ground, and the curiosity surrounding its demise only fueled his determination to uncover the truth.

"You seem to know about it," Jasmine observed.

"Kind of, the system had information about it. Moreover, that sacred ground is the reason the Heaven Mighty Sword Region is interested. I'll tell you about it later," Yun Che spoke, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and concern. The mention of a forbidden tome gained from a destroyed sacred ground left both him and Jasmine pondering the dark mysteries surrounding it. What kind of sacred ground was it? Why was its knowledge deemed forbidden? And what calamity befell it that led to its destruction?

Jasmine nodded in understanding, her eyes reflecting the weight of their conversation. The implications of such forbidden knowledge being passed to another sect were unsettling, hinting at deeper machinations at play.

"Do you have last words before I took your young body to myself?" Xing Lie taunted.

"Yeah, put a spin on this." Yun Che pointed his middle finger at him. But since the gesture was unknown to Xing Lie. He merely shrugs his gesture as jest.

"Take this for this father. Blood Devourer Art, Blood Heavenly Flame!" Xing Lie's voice thundered as he commanded the swirling mass of blood to transform into a raging storm of flames, aiming to engulf Yun Che entirely. But Yun Che, unfazed, stood firm behind his sword, the flames licking against its protective barrier.

"Blood Devourer Art, Heavenly Fall!" Xing Lie unleashed another attack, this time shaping the blood into a concentrated energy ball and hurling it with deadly accuracy at Yun Che. With a swift motion and a whispered incantation.

"Way of Destruction #33, Blue Fire Crash Down!" Yun Che retaliated, summoning a torrent of blue flames that crashed down upon the energy ball, obliterating it in a spectacular display.

Closing the distance between them in a single bound, Yun Che raised Zangetsu high, aiming to cleave the grand sect master in two. Yet, Xing Lie's mastery over the blood allowed him to manipulate it into a shield, deflecting Yun Che's strike. Undeterred, Yun Che launched another Sokatsui, forcing Xing Lie to release his hold on Zangetsu just long enough for Yun Che to land a decisive blow, cutting through his body.

However, to Yun Che's shock and dismay, the body reformed before his eyes, the wounds closing as if they had never been there. A chilling realization settled over him as Xing Lie spoke with sinister resolve.

"It seems that I clearly underestimated you," Xing Lie admitted, his voice dripping with malice. "But you leave me no choice, Yun Che. I am taking your body one way or another."

With those words, Xing Lie began to undergo a horrifying transformation, morphing into a monstrous form that sent shivers down Yun Che's spine. As the air crackled with tension, Yun Che braced himself for the battle that lay ahead, knowing that the true test of his strength had only just begun.


As the chaos of battle raged on, Ling Ming and a group of courageous girls seized the opportunity to slip away unnoticed after they rescued the rest of the captured women on the center of the gathering hall, their hearts set on rescuing the remaining captives held within the chambers of the sect master and grand sect master. While Yun Che engaged the grand sect master in a fierce duel and Retsu clashed with the sect master himself, Ling Ming led the covert mission to free their imprisoned sisters.

As Yun Che and Retsu worked to keep the higher-ups of the sect occupied, Yun Che instructed Ling Ming to unleash the mysterious marbles he had provided, each one containing a devastating explosive force. With grim determination, Ling Ming followed his orders, hurling the marbles with precision as they traversed the labyrinthine corridors of the sect's stronghold.

From the lowliest chambers to the sanctum of the sect master himself, no corner was spared as Ling Ming carried out Yun Che's directive with unwavering resolve.

Meanwhile, seizing the opportunity presented by the incapacitated disciples, some of the imprisoned girls joined the fray, breaking free from their bonds and seizing marbles to hurl at key structures throughout the sect. 

Some even took it upon themselves to target the unconscious disciples, ensuring that no corner of the sect remained untouched by the explosive marbles. It was a daring gambit, a calculated risk that offered them a chance at freedom amid the chaos.

With Yun Che's Haoshoku outburst disrupting the enemy ranks, the path to the chambers became clearer, allowing Ling Ming and her companions to maneuver through the labyrinthine corridors undetected. 

Meanwhile, Yun Che's relentless assault on the grand sect master created a distraction, drawing attention away from Ling Ming's mission. With the sect's leaders occupied, the girls were able to move swiftly, unlocking cells and breaking chains to set their sisters free. Some even helped their passed-out sisters to regain consciousness and help them towards freedom.

With Yun Che's support, they provided the rescued girls with Ancient Potions to restore their bodies and spirits, ensuring that they could walk properly as they lead them back into their escape hole after the explosive plantings done.


Retsu stepped into the murky depths of the swamp dimension, her senses on high alert as she prepared to confront the vile sect master who lurked within its misty confines.

"Looks like you finally had the gall to face me!" Ah Tian's voice echoed through the darkness, taunting and mocking as he prepared to strike.

Inside the dimension, the air was thick with dark mist, obscuring visibility and shrouding everything in an eerie gloom. Activating her Eagle Vision, Retsu scanned her surroundings, her keen senses searching for any sign of her assailant.

Suddenly, a blade spun out of the mist, hurtling towards her with deadly intent. With lightning-fast reflexes, Retsu shifted her body, narrowly avoiding the deadly strike as the blade disappeared back into the swirling mist.

"You really have keen senses," Ah Tian mocked, his voice dripping with malice as he unleashed another spinning blade towards her.

Annoyed by his taunts, Retsu braced herself for the next attack. As another spinning blade burst forth from the mist, she stood her ground, intercepting the blade with a swift block before redirecting it towards a flicker of flame hidden within the darkness.

With a cry of pain, Ah Tian revealed himself, blood gushing from his shoulder where Retsu's deflected blade had struck true. Though the mist around her dissipated, leaving the area still shrouded in darkness, Retsu remained undeterred, her Eagle Vision allowing her to navigate the dim surroundings with ease.

"Bitch!" Ah Tian spat, his anger boiling over as he conjured the mist once more, this time forming a massive arm made entirely of blood. With a surge of energy, the blood arm lunged towards Retsu, aiming to ensnare her in its grasp.

But Retsu was ready. Sensing the energy string attached to the arm, she parried the attack with precision, her movements fluid and precise. With a swift kick, she sent the massive blood arm hurtling back towards Ah Tian, the force of the impact sending him reeling.

"You!" Ah Tian's furious roar reverberated through the darkness, his rage fueling his desperation as he conjured more blood arms to attack Retsu. "That's it, die!!!"

With fluid grace, Retsu continued to evade the relentless assault, her senses heightened by the voices that echoed through the air around her. 

"Help us... Please... release us!" 

The anguished cries of the souls trapped within the blood arms reached her ears, their pleas for freedom tugging at her heartstrings.

"These voices..." Retsu's eyes widened in realization as she extended her senses, recognizing the suffering contained within the essence of Ah Tian's blood arms. Gritting her teeth in anger, she understood the true horror of his actions. "Poor souls."

With a determined resolve, Retsu sheathed her blade and called upon her water bending skills, tapping into the elemental forces of the swamp dimension itself. As a skilled water bender, she exerted her will over the liquified essence of the blood arms, commanding them with a power born of compassion and strength.

The blood arms around her froze in their tracks, their movements halted as Retsu seized control of their liquid form. Ah Tian's shock was evident as he struggled to regain command over his own creations, his arrogance crumbling in the face of Retsu's mastery over the elements.

"How...?!" Ah Tian's eyes widened in disbelief as he witnessed his blood arms turning against him, their once obedient forms now under Retsu's control.

"How vile... using their blood like this," Retsu's voice carried a mixture of sorrow and righteous anger as she manipulated the blood arms, directing them to seize Ah Tian and pull him towards her. Despite his status as a Peak Sky Profound Realm cultivator, he was powerless against the strength of his own blood turned against him.

"This! Release me! You don't know who you're messing with!" Ah Tian's desperate shouts fell on deaf ears as his own blood arms betrayed him.

"How vile... forcing them against their will. Absorbing their essence and blood like this," Retsu's voice dripped with disgust as she stared down Ah Tian, her eyes flickering with a mix of rage and determination. With a flick of her wrist, she summoned forth her elemental powers, her eyes glowing with a fiery red and icy blue hue, a manifestation of her control over both fire and ice.

Drawing upon her bending abilities, Retsu tapped into the essence of blood itself, heating it with her flames until it crackled with raw energy. With soul precision of training with Yachiru, she delved deep into Ah Tian's soul, her senses homing in on his darkest depths until she found his soul chain. Instead of severing it, she unleashed the souls that had been bound to him, setting them free from their torment.

"Your soul and body are stained by their innocence. Feel their pain," Retsu's voice echoed with a steely resolve as she unleashed the full force of the tormented souls upon Ah Tian. With a blood-curdling scream, he writhed in agony as the souls of the innocent women he had sacrificed descended upon him, their spectral forms tearing at his very essence with vengeance in their hearts.

As the onslaught continued, the blood around Retsu dissipated into thin air, the very fabric of the dimension breaking apart under the weight of the soul's torment. With a final, gut-wrenching cry, Ah Tian's lifeless body fell to the ground, his soul disintegrating under the relentless assault of the tormented spirits.

With her Soul Vision enabled, Retsu beheld the souls of the innocent women and girls before her, their ethereal forms bathed in a soft, otherworldly light. Tears of relief flowed freely from their spectral eyes as they embraced one another, their torment finally coming to an end with Ah Tian's demise. Freed from the chains of their suffering, they let out their breath of relief.

All of the souls prostrated before Retsu, their ethereal forms glowing with gratitude and reverence. "Thank you... for releasing us," they spoke in unison, their voices echoing with a mixture of relief and sorrow.

Retsu's heart clenched at their words, her resolve hardening as she swore to honor their final wishes. With determination in her eyes, she delved into Ah Tian's spatial ring, her fingers curling around the hairpins she found within. Gritting her teeth in anger, she vowed to return these precious mementos to the families of the departed, ensuring that their loved ones would be remembered and cherished for eternity.

"Please return our hairpins to our families. Tell them that we always remembered them," the souls implored, their voices filled with longing and sorrow.

With a gentle smile, Retsu nodded, her eyes shimmering with compassion as she made a silent promise to fulfill their wishes. Drawing her Zanpakuto, she filled the air with her warm Reaitsu, casting a protective aura around the souls as they prepared to depart for the afterlife.

"You girls have been tormented long enough. Be free and be at peace," Retsu spoke softly, her voice carrying a soothing warmth as she initiated Konso on the souls, guiding them gently towards the realm of the departed. As they slowly faded from view, a sense of solemnity settled over the area, the weight of their suffering lifting with their departure.

Retsu clenched her fist in determination, her heart heavy with the injustice these women had endured. Though the world may be cruel and unforgiving, she refused to stand idly by while innocence was trampled upon. With the hairpins safely stored in her inventory, she offered a silent prayer for the souls' safe passage before turning her attention to the task at hand.


Despite the grotesque transformation of the grand sect master into a blood abomination, Yun Che remained composed. Blood tentacles writhed from his body, accompanied by eerie creatures attempting to emerge from his arms. Three skulls materialized on his back, pulsating with elemental power—one engulfed in flames, another crackling with lightning, and the last surrounded by swirling water. His features twisted into something vile as blood threads manifested, capable of taking any form he desired.

"Oh shit…. that's one face only a mother could love." Yun Che mused as he saw Xing Lie's face of abomination, and Jasmine nodded in his inner world. To think that she wanted to puke seeing such ugliness.

"Thanks to the sacrifices, I was able to cultivate three elemental powers at once. You, a nobody, want to challenge me?" Xing Lie taunted, laughter echoing in the chamber as the skulls morphed into blood monsters around him.

"Sacrifices? So, you've been sacrificing innocent blood to prolong your life?" Yun Che's voice cut through the tension, his gaze unwavering.

"A courtesy of the Heaven Mighty Sword Region. A forbidden technique they found from ancient days. They risk exposing themselves to other sacred grounds so they let us cultivate it," Xing Lie explained casually, toying with his blood threads.

"Immortality on the blood of the innocent. Sounds quite familiar," Yun Che remarked, a hint of disdain coloring his tone.

"But, you weren't supposed to know of this. You were never supposed to. Killing you might be the best, as I can use your body to extend my own life," Xing Lie threatened, preparing for a deadly confrontation.

Unfazed, Yun Che decided to test the grand sect master's resolve. "Well, good luck with it. I am sure the Wang family are waiting for you."

"Wang family? So, you do know of their disappearance," Xing Lie noted, suspicion creeping into his tone.

"Can't say I do, but I heard of it," Yun Che replied casually, feigning ignorance.

"They were supposed to form a branch sect, but they were wiped out in a single night. You… you did that… aren't you?" Xing Lie's accusation hung in the air, his gaze piercing.

"Cat's out of the bag. Well, are you going to take revenge for them?" Yun Che's taunt only served to further aggravate Xing Lie.

"Revenge? But a minor inconvenience. Who sent you?" Xing Lie probed, his patience wearing thin.

"No one… I just thought monsters like you shouldn't exist. That's why I decided to eliminate them all," Yun Che declared, swinging Zangetsu with determination.

"Monsters? We are catalysts for new humans. Those women should be grateful that they became fuel for our powers," Xing Lie boasted arrogantly, his twisted justification revealing the depths of his depravity. 

"There's no use talking to monsters like you. I'll destroy this sect with you alongside it." Yun Che's gaze remained steady, though inwardly he couldn't help but recoil at the abomination before him. The blood monsters took on horrific forms—one standing tall, another crawling on all fours, and the third with only two arms. The stench of blood hung heavy in the air, threatening to overwhelm even Yun Che's resolve.

"Holy..." Yun Che braced himself as the skull abomination launched its attack. With swift reflexes, he engaged both blood monsters, recognizing their formidable strength but remaining confident in his own abilities. As one of the skull creatures unleashed a torrent of flames, Yun Che calmly raised his hands, tapping into his fire bending skills to redirect the fire back towards its source.

Another skull aimed a water jet towards him, and Yun Che swiftly countered it with a precise sword wave, slicing through the water before it could reach him. Before the third skull could release its attack, Yun Che swiftly sliced it, disrupting the abomination's form and causing it to revert into a sea of blood that receded back into Xing Lie's body. Three new skulls popped out on his blood arms, a disturbing testament to his twisted power.

"You can't defeat me! As long as I have their blood, I can regenerate as much as I can!" Xing Lie boasted, his confidence unwavering despite Yun Che's prowess.

Positioning the fire skull, Xing Lie shot a blast of flames towards Yun Che, who leaped to evade it. However, Yun Che's haki senses warned him of an impending lightning attack, prompting him to raise Zangetsu and block the strike with precision. Seizing the opportunity, he absorbed the lightning's energy, channeling it to empower his next move.

"Don't use Getsuga Tenshou unless you want to bury yourself alive," Jasmine's voice echoed in his mind, a reminder of the risks involved in unleashing such powerful attacks.

"Didn't plan to," Yun Che replied mentally, aware of the delicate situation with the ongoing evacuation of the beauties. Instead, he opted to conserve his energy and delay the confrontation. However, after absorbing the lightning, he found himself able to redirect it into a devastating sword wave attack.

One of the skills obtained from Hoyuu or Zangetsu granted him the ability to absorb and redirect energy attacks, allowing him to turn his adversaries' strength against them. Harnessing this newfound power, Yun Che released the absorbed energy in the form of a powerful crescent sword wave aimed directly at Xing Lie, slicing through his blood tentacles with precision. Then, he simply regenerates them.

"You're really an idiot, aren't you?" Xing Lie's words were venomous as he launched another assault on Yun Che, but the latter effortlessly evaded every blood attack hurled his way. Blood spikes erupted from the ground, yet Yun Che simply danced around them with agile footwork, executing precise flash steps to avoid any harm. Seizing the opportunity, Xing Lie summoned his gruesome three-skull abomination once more, hoping it would finally be enough to subdue his adversary.

However, as Yun Che continued to fend off the onslaught, his keen senses caught a glimpse of Retsu finishing her own battle. With a nod exchanged between them, Yun Che understood her intent. If slicing alone couldn't vanquish this formidable foe, then perhaps total annihilation was the answer. Retsu surrounded herself with a seething aura, her determination evident as she prepared to unleash her most devastating technique.

Meanwhile, Xing Lie extended his blood vessels, aiming to ensnare Yun Che while deploying his skull abominations to keep him occupied. Yet, Yun Che effortlessly dispatched the grotesque creatures with a swift stroke of his blade. Suddenly, Xing Lie seized the opportunity to bind Yun Che with his blood tendrils, immobilizing him and preparing to absorb him into his grotesque form.

"Got you!" Xing Lie's triumph was short-lived as Yun Che, bound but undeterred, began slashing at the blood vessels restraining him. Amidst the struggle, Yun Che's heightened senses picked up on something unexpected—the anguished pleas of trapped souls within Xing Lie's blood constructs. These were the voices of innocent women, their essence and will fused with the monstrous being before him, condemned to servitude for eternity.

A surge of righteous fury coursed through Yun Che as he realized the true nature of his adversary. With gritted teeth, he channeled his inner strength, imbuing his Haki with an intense burning Emission energy that seared through the threads binding him. As Xing Lie attempted another assault, his blood tendrils disintegrated in the face of Yun Che's empowered aura. Even the blood spikes shattered against his overwhelming power, highlighting the vast chasm in strength between them.

The voices of the tormented souls only fueled Yun Che's resolve, kindling his Haki into a blazing Emission inferno within him. 

Xing Lie, taken aback by the intensity of Yun Che's mysterious technique, could only watch in horror as the burning aura enveloped his adversary. It wasn't ordinary flames; it was something far more potent, a manifestation of Yun Che's unwavering willpower.

Desperate to quell this unexpected threat, Xing Lie commanded his three skulls to unleash their elemental assaults upon Yun Che. With a swift motion, Yun Che planted Zangetsu into the ground and raised his hands, invoking the powerful incantation, 

"Hadō #73. Sōren Sōkatsui! (Way of Destruction #73: Twin Blue Fire Crash Down!)"

Twin azure flames erupted from his palms, consuming the abominations and their attacks in a brilliant conflagration. The flames licked at Xing Lie, searing his form with their scorching intensity leaving behind a massive trench. Yet, Yun Che maintained control, ensuring the destruction did not extend beyond the confines of the sect, where the evacuation of the captives was still underway.

The intensity of the flames brightens the area for a single moment before it dies down.

As the flames subsided, the once-quiet scene was shattered by the grotesque sight of blood coalescing into the monstrous form of Xing Lie once more. Though his skulls lay in ruins, destroyed by the searing flames, Xing Lie's regeneration remained intact, a testament to his formidable resilience.

"Bastard! You think you can kill me?!" Xing Lie's voice reverberated with defiance, his gaze fixated on Yun Che. "As long as a drop of my blood remains, I can never be destroyed!"

Yun Che's smirk betrayed his confidence as he readied himself for the final confrontation. "Yeah, you forgot one thing."

A sudden, spine-chilling screech echoed from behind Xing Lie, causing him to whirl around in fear, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"She... When did she?!" Xing Lie's eyes widened in disbelief as he turned his head to see the braided beauty from before, hurling some kind of bladed wind ball towards him while shrouded in some sort of boiling energy around her. The air screeched with the force of her attack as it hurtled towards him with lethal precision.

If the flames can't burn his blood, perhaps the wind can destroy it.

With Xing Lie's monstrous form threatening to escape, Yun Che acted swiftly, summoning a burst of crackling yellow energy in his palm. With a deft motion, he traced a pattern in the air, forming an inverted yellow triangle that crackled with power. From its three points, smaller triangles of solidified energy emerged, ready to execute Yun Che's command.

"You're not escaping! Bakudō #30. Shitotsu Sansen (Way of Binding# 30 Beak-Piercing Triple Beam)!" Yun Che's voice rang out with authority as he unleashed the binding spell. The smaller triangles shot forth with precision, striking Xing Lie and pinning his massive arms into the ground in three places, forming a perfect triangle and effectively immobilizing him.

With Xing Lie trapped and unable to move, Retsu approached with her devastating technique, her eyes ablaze with determination. This was his chance to end it once and for all.

"Take this!" Retsu's voice rang out with determination as she unleashed the full force of her Rasenshuriken, smashing it into Xing Lie's back with incredible power. In a split second, Yun Che teleported out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the devastating impact. The force of the Rasenshuriken propelled Xing Lie forward, sending him hurtling towards the center of the sect with unstoppable momentum.

The Rasenshuriken exploded into a massive swirling storm that engulf the center of underground sect producing tremors beyond control. The central sect had been entirely disintegrated by the swirling storm.

"The shockwave is coming!" Yun Che's warning echoed through the chaos as he and Retsu braced themselves for the imminent explosion. Meanwhile, Ling Ming, who was busy evacuating the other girls, felt the ground tremble beneath her feet as she instinctively braced herself for the shockwave's impact. However, her attention was drawn to the massive swirling storm at the center of the sect, where Xing Lie had been thrown.

As the Rasenshuriken exploded with devastating force, thousands of attacking needles ravaged Xing Lie's body at a cellular level, inflicting excruciating pain and destroying his profound points. The relentless assault left nothing untouched, disintegrating his blood arms and rendering his body powerless to resist. Despite the destruction, Xing Lie's body remained intact, but the damage was irreversible. Even Yun Che's keen Sharingan could see the extent of the devastation wrought upon him.

After what seemed like an eternity, the swirling storm dissipated, leaving Xing Lie's lifeless body suspended in the air with the microscopic attacks still on going. Ling Ming and her companions stared in disbelief, their mouths agape at the sight of the grand sect master's defeat at the hands of a seemingly unstoppable sneak attack from the braided woman.

As Xing Lie's lifeless body fell into the center of what now resembled a massive crater, Yun Che couldn't help but be impressed by the sheer destructive power of the Rasenshuriken. Despite having witnessed its devastating effects during Wrath's attack, seeing it obliterate a cultivator entirely was still awe-inspiring.

Ling Ming and the other beauties stood in stunned disbelief, their eyes wide with shock at the unbelievable turn of events. The ground trembled beneath their feet, the aftermath of the Rasenshuriken triggering a chain reaction of destruction deep within the mountain. With each passing moment, the danger of a catastrophic collapse loomed larger, threatening to bury them all beneath tons of rubble.

Realizing the imminent peril, Ling Ming sprang into action, her instincts guiding her as she hurriedly led the others towards the escape route. 


[Ding…. Congratulations for defeating Xing Lie, Grand Sect Master of the Yin Devourer Sect.]


"That's one terrifying technique, Retsu," Yun Che remarked as he stored Shikai Zangetsu back into his inner world.

"I didn't know either. I only thought the technique just creates a big storm around the target, but..." Even Retsu was entirely surprised by its microscopic attack. The thought of hurling it at someone only to produce millions of deep papercuts that destroy cell regeneration and Profound Regeneration was chilling.

Yun Che and Retsu approached the lifeless body of the grand sect master, but to their astonishment, he was still alive. Both of them could imagine the excruciating pain he must have endured after being attacked by millions of papercuts.

Xing Lie opened his eyes, his vision blurred from the rapid onslaught of the Rasenshuriken. Despite his condition, he managed to discern the approaching figures before him. "Cough*…. No matter how hard you try, there are others who can replace me," he sneered. "The Yin Devourer Sect will never be erased as long as the sect stands. No one dares to mess with us after we're supported by the Heaven Mighty Sword Region. You will never erase us."

"Bastard..." Retsu was about to charge up a Rasengan, but Yun Che raised his hand, halting her.

"There's no need for that," Yun Che conveyed through their link before addressing Xing Lie with a dark tone. "I see. Then... I'll bury this sect instead. If another one rises, we will destroy it." With resolve in his eyes, Yun Che retrieved his spatial ring, knowing that the hairpin trophies, symbols of the sect master's depravity, should be within. He decided to examine them later.

To end this charade, Yun Che raised his hand and pointed his palm at the grand sect master, preparing to end his life.

"Chuckle… do you think the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region will let this matter go?" Xing Lie taunted, hoping to strike fear into Yun Che's heart with the mention of the powerful organization's name.

"No worries... I am planning to destroy them anyway," Yun Che smirked, unfazed by the threat. He had faced similar challenges before.

"Such bold proclamation," Xing Lie mocked.

"But you won't be alive to see it," Yun Che declared coldly as he activated his Sokatsui, unleashing a devastating blast that obliterated the grand sect master's body and soul in one fell swoop.

With his Soul Vision activated, Yun Che could see hundreds of beautiful souls surrounding him, the victims of the grand sect master Xing Lie. Retsu's Rasenshuriken had broken their link to him by destroying their essence. For the first time, they could finally be free.

Approaching them slowly, Yun Che was greeted with gratitude. "Thank you… Thank you for freeing us. Thank you for stopping the endless torment," one of the souls expressed.

One by one, the floating souls bowed in gratitude, their endless suffering now at an end.

"No one should be tortured endlessly like that. I am sorry I couldn't save all of you sooner," Yun Che expressed his sorrow, regretting the delay in their liberation. He hoped that their reincarnation or afterlife would be far kinder than the torment they had endured.

"As long as some of us still live, we hope that the lives you save could bring salvation to this wretched world. Please, bring our hairpins back to our families. Thank you again for letting us be at peace," another soul spoke, expressing their final wishes.

Yun Che nodded towards Retsu, who drew her sword and initiated Konso once more, sending the freed souls to the afterlife. They departed with smiles, finally liberated from their torment.

As the dust settled and the chaos subsided, the souls of the fallen found peace, liberated from the torment that had bound them to the Yin Devourer Sect. Their gratitude was palpable, a silent acknowledgment of Yun Che and Retsu's role in their salvation. Yet, amidst the tranquility, a sense of foreboding lingered—a dark truth lurking beneath the surface.

With the revelation of the Heaven Mighty Sword Region's involvement, the pieces of the puzzle began to align. They had orchestrated this sinister affair, pulling the strings from the shadows, their motives veiled in secrecy. The forbidden art obtained from a decimated sacred ground was but one facet of their insidious agenda, a pawn in their game of power and manipulation.

Now, with their true intentions laid bare, the Heaven Mighty Sword Region stood exposed as the primary target of retribution. For Yun Che and Retsu, the battle was far from over. Their sights were now set on the puppeteers behind the curtain.

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