Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 176: The Awkward Encounter

Chapter 176: The Awkward Encounter

Xia Yuanba focuses his attention on the approaching figures.

As the five ethereal figures drew near, their presence seemed to transcend mortal bounds, casting a mesmerizing aura that captivated all who beheld them. It was as though celestial beings had descended from the heavens themselves, their graceful movements and icy radiance leaving onlookers spellbound.

Yet, amidst the allure of their celestial presence, Xia Yuanba remained unfazed. His gaze wandered elsewhere, his attention fixed on a different point of interest, undeterred by the mesmerizing beauty that surrounded him.

"Ah… it's big sis!" he exclaimed suddenly, spotting his older sister among the group. With unbridled joy, he dashed towards her. "Big sis, big sis!"

Growing up alongside Xia Qingyue, renowned for her incomparable beauty, Xia Yuanba had developed a remarkable immunity to the charms of beautiful women. Even now, faced with the enchanting presence of Retsu, Mio, and Nemu, their veils aside, he remained unfazed. While these enchanting maidens from the Frozen Cloud Asgard could easily ensnare the hearts of experienced elders, Yuanba was unaffected, his focus solely on reuniting with his sister.

"Yuanba?" Xia Qingyue's melodious voice rang out with surprise, her stunning eyes widening as she paused in her graceful stride. The unexpected encounter with her brother here stirred a visible astonishment within her. Her second master, the Asgard Mistress Gong Yuxian, had retired early to attend to their sleeping quarters. Had she been present, Yuanba's approach would have likely been met with stern rebuke. However, as Xia Qingyue observed the growth and muscular stature of her brother, any lingering chill in her demeanor melted away, replaced by a gentle warmth that softened her features. "Why are you here?" she inquired, her curiosity evident in her voice.

Little Fairy, familiar with Yuanba, knew he wouldn't recognize her, having encountered her in disguise as Yuechu in New Moon City. Now, dressed in her sect's attire, she felt reassured that her identity remained concealed from him.

Yuanba, beaming with excitement, stopped before Xia Qingyue, his emotions palpable. Having spent so much time apart from his sister, he was overjoyed at their reunion. "Big sis, did you know I met brother-in-law in New Moon City?" he exclaimed eagerly. "He trained me and said I have special veins that will make me strong. He even showed me this massive bone snake he has. I watched all your matches, big sis. And guess what? I won five matches too! Dad will be thrilled to hear how incredible you've become. Are you doing well? Is anyone bothering you? When are you coming home…"

Xia Qingyue listened intently to her brother's rapid-fire revelations, struggling to process the flood of information he presented. Her husband had trained Yuanba? The very thought seemed improbable, given Yuanba's apparent stagnation in growth. What kind of training could have yielded such remarkable results in just two years? And what was this about a giant bone snake?

Before she could voice her questions, a familiar voice interrupted her thoughts. It was a voice she knew well, one that brought a sense of familiarity and comfort.

"Well, you took your time. Come on, everyone's kind of hungry right now," the voice called out from above, drawing her attention.

As he landed behind Yuanba, blocking the young man's view of the Frozen Cloud Asgard fairies, Yuanba turned around with excitement. "Brother-in-law!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine joy and warmth.


With a swift chop, Yun Che's hand landed squarely on top of Yuanba's head, interrupting his enthusiastic greeting. "It's aniki!... how many times do you I have to tell yoooooo….." he began, trailing off as he moved to stand beside his brother-in-law.

However, the moment Yun Che's eyes landed on the scene in front of him, he stopped abruptly in his tracks. "Ah, this is not the meeting or reunion I had in mind," he muttered, his tone tinged with surprise and perhaps a hint of amusement.


[Ding…. Congratulation for achieving the achievement 'An Awkward Reunion' – Reunite with Xia Qingyue.]

[XP: 250000 SP: 75000]


"Thanks Captain Obvious…" Yun Che retorted to the system with a playful smirk, his eyes dancing with amusement.

"(Hoho… they're even more beautiful up close!)" A live plushy suddenly climbed onto his shoulder, making remarks about the fairies, eliciting curious glances from everyone except Chu Yuechan, who recognized the plushy well.

"(Which one's your wife? Who's the lucky babe who married the brute?)" Kon spoke in Japanese, his voice filled with intrigue.

"(Shut up! She's right in front of you.)" Yun Che replied in the same language, causing everyone except Little Fairy to regard him with newfound interest.

Kon focused his gaze on Xia Qingyue and was instantly mesmerized. If Yun Che hadn't warned him about the Frozen Cloud Asgard's temperament, he might have leaped into their arms right then and there.

"(Wow… she's as pretty as nee-san! You sure made a grave mistake leaving this cookie that night. You're the worst.)" Kon spoke while tapping his head.

"(Teme… You don't have to rub it in.)" Yun Che chuckled, their conversation still unfolding in Japanese.

"…" Xia Qingyue's eyes fluttered as she looked towards Yun Che, who stood before her with his characteristic flat expression. "Yuanba, could he… be…" She almost didn't recognize the man before her. The last time she saw him, he wore a dark, unfamiliar outfit. Now, he looked dashing in his modern adventurer attire, complete with a contemporary white coat. It was an outfit that seemed out of place in the cultivation world. Additionally, she couldn't help but notice that the man before her was now taller than her, a fact that caught her by surprise.

"Hajimemashite," Yun Che boredly greeted the Asgardian fairies, who looked at him with puzzled expressions. Unaware that he had still been conversing with Kon moments before, his language hadn't shifted. "Oh… uh… sorry about that… Nice to meet all of you, Fairies of the Frozen Cloud Asgard." With a casual two-finger salute, he acknowledged them.

"Rascal!" Yun Che's Tenteikura instantly connected with Little Fairy's, and she immediately addressed him.

"Little Fairy… It's nice to see you again. Sorry we have to meet like this," he replied, using the Kido to communicate discreetly. Their conversation was cut short as Yuanba once again drew attention to himself.

"Eh?" Xia Yuanba glanced at Yun Che, then back at Xia Qingyue, scratching his head with widened eyes. "He's brother-in-law. It's only been a year and a half, and my big sis no longer recognizes him. Strange, even though brother-in-law's looks did not really change in these two years."

Yun Che formed tick marks on his forehead, seizing Yuanba's head in frustration. "Shut it! I told you it's aniki! Do you have to spill the beans to everyone you meet!?"

"Ahh! Not the iron claw! I am sorry, Aniki… Brother-in-law! I mean Aniki…" Yuanba comically held his head as Yun Che pressed it.

"Oh, just shut up. Cat's out of the bag anyway. So much for trusting a loose mouth," Yun Che grumbled in frustration.

Xia Qingyue: "…"

"Ara…. there you are Yuu-kun…" Retsu emerged from the other end of the hallway, followed by her younger sister. Her beauty outshone even the Frozen Cloud Asgard's fairies. Though still veiled, she frowned upon seeing the group ahead. Xia Qingyue, the woman Yun Che described as his wife, stood before her – the woman she considered her rival for Yun Che's affection.

"Ara..." Instinctively moving closer to him, Retsu acknowledged the woman beside him, realizing that she was Yun Che's first wife, Xia Qingyue. Admittingly, it was the first time she had seen her up close, and her beauty was undeniably top tier. Nemu followed suit behind her.

Seeing this, Xia Qingyue remained indifferent, but inwardly, she felt a sense of unease. The presence of this woman beside Yun Che stirred something within her, particularly when their shoulders brushed against each other. Both Retsu and Xia Qingyue remained silent, but there was an unspoken tension between them. Yun Che could feel the invisible lightning clash between the two women.

"Unohana Retsu, desu," Retsu spoke with a flat tone.

"Xia Qingyue," Xia Qingyue responded with her signature cold tone.

The fiancée and the wife.

Xia Qingyue stood with an air of calm detachment, her expression serene and composed. Yet, beneath her calm facade, there was a flicker of tension in her eyes, a subtle tightening of her features betraying the internal conflict she felt.

Retsu, on the other hand, exuded an aura of quiet intensity. Her usually cheerful demeanor was replaced by a complete calmness. Despite her efforts to maintain her composure, there was a hint of apprehension in her gaze as she glanced at Xia Qingyue, a silent challenge lingering in her stance.

Nemu, following closely behind her sister, appeared more subdued than usual. Her typically stoic expression held a touch of uncertainty, reflecting the unease that permeated the atmosphere. Though she remained silent, her eyes darted between Xia Qingyue and Retsu, silently observing the tension between them.

"Danna-sama, I am hungry… lets go somewhere to eat." As Mio joined the group, her usual bubbly demeanor seemed to dim in the presence of Xia Qingyue. Positioning herself to Yun Che's left, she shot a flat, yet unmistakably intense, yandere glare at Xia Qingyue, adding another layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere.

Yun Che sighed inwardly at Mio's reaction, realizing that his attempts to defuse the situation were falling short. "Mio-chan, you ate all the bento, remember? I don't think there's much left for you to eat," he remarked, trying to redirect her attention away from the brewing conflict.

Meanwhile, Cang Yue, oblivious to the silent clash between Retsu and Xia Qingyue, was more focused on the bright smiles adorning the faces of her companions. Little Fairy's voice suddenly broke through the tension, using the Kido art to communicate with them. However, Retsu seemed too preoccupied with her silent standoff to fully engage in the conversation.

Cang Yue's voice cut through the tension once more, drawing their attention back to her. With a glance exchanged between them, Retsu and Xia Qingyue silently acknowledged that their clash was far from over, their resolve unwavering despite the interruption.

"Sister Yuechan!! Sister Yueli!" Cang Yue's voice rang out, cutting through the air like a melody, as she approached Chu Yueli and Chu Yuechan with the warmth of old friends reuniting after a long separation. Xia Qingyue, Shui Wushuang, and Wu Xuexin stood nearby, their eyes widening in surprise at the unexpected familiarity between the princess and the Chu sisters. They had never suspected such a bond existed.

Xia Qingyue found herself equally taken aback, her gaze lingering on the three women before her. Their beauty was breathtaking, surpassing anything she had seen before. Could this be where he had disappeared to for almost two years? The memory of their wedding day flashed through her mind, along with the surge of energy she had felt from him. She hadn't seen him directly since then, but she could sense his presence, unchanged and enigmatic as ever. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't discern his true strength or that of the others present. It was as if they were shrouded in mystery, their auras impossible to grasp.

Her suspicions about his true power resurfaced. Had he been concealing his strength all along, perhaps to compete in the tournament?

"You're that Xiao Che who married Qingyue in Floating Cloud City?" Chu Yueli's voice broke through her thoughts, addressing him directly with a hint of disbelief. She remembered him vividly, the man who had transformed into a monstrous figure, unleashing destruction with a power that had even overwhelmed her. And now, here he stood, casually introducing himself as Yun Che, as if their paths had crossed before.

He gave her a two-finger salute before tucking his hands back into his pockets. "The one and only. The name's Yun Che… Xiao Che is more of a history. It's nice to meet all of you, Fairies of the Frozen Cloud Asgard. And nice to see you again as well, Yueli."

Chu Yueli fell momentarily speechless. The man before her spoke her name with an ease that suggested familiarity, as if they were old friends. His words carried a resonance that made her feel as though she was more than just an acquaintance. Yet, she was certain she had never met him before. Did he know her from somewhere? With a controlled tone, she finally managed to speak, "Have we met before?"

Yun Che suddenly realized he hadn't slipped into his Mihawk persona, and his casual greeting to Chu Yueli was a stark reminder of that. Jasmine had been right about her growing affection for him after their skirmish in the tomb, but that affection seemed to be directed more towards Dracule Mihawk than himself. Now, standing before her as the man she had just met directly, excluding their wedding day, he felt a strange awkwardness. "Uhh… you were there that night, right? Ehem… I mean, it's good to see you as well, Fairy Chu Yueli," he stammered, hoping to divert any further questions.

He flashed an awkward smile, hoping Chu Yueli wouldn't press him any further. After a moment of pondering, she simply nodded her head.

"Ahh?" Shui Wushuang and Wu Xuexin exclaimed simultaneously, their eyes widening as they looked at Yun Che with astonishment. They had overheard the conversation between Little Fairy and her sister about Xia Qingyue's marriage. All Chu Yueli had described was a man named Xiao Che who transformed into a mysterious figure clad in black, wielding a Khyber-shaped sword, capable of suppressing a Sky Profound Realm like her, shooting lightning bolts from his fingers, and pulverizing an entire mountain peak. They found it hard to believe that a man of such incredible power could be married to the pearl of the Frozen Cloud Asgard, and yet here he stood before them, defying their expectations.

As Shui Wushuang and Wu Xuexin exchanged glances, a seed of doubt began to sprout in their minds. Were those descriptions they had heard a bit exaggerated? They couldn't help but wonder if this man standing before them truly matched the awe-inspiring figure they had heard about.

Their doubts deepened as they remembered that he was said to possess the strength of a True Profound Realm. Could he really be the same man they had been discussing?

Adding to their confusion was the fact that they had heard he was once a cripple who had hidden within the Xiao Clan for years. Xia Qingyue had been certain he would remain a cripple for life. Yet here he stood, displaying new-found abilities that nobody had noticed before. Had he been hiding his true strength all along, deceiving everyone around him?

Chu Yuechan, or Little Fairy, had also heard the descriptions from her sister. After witnessing his capabilities for three months, she was inclined to believe he was indeed the man of that caliber. However, his decision to hide his wedding from her left her with a sense of unease. It seemed to her like a grave mistake on his part.

Meanwhile, Chu Yueli turned to the women standing behind him. She knew full well about the other two dark horses, but the remaining two were a mystery to her. She couldn't gauge their cultivation, which hinted at their complexity. There was more to these women than met the eye, and Chu Yueli couldn't shake off the feeling that they held secrets of their own.

"Everyone from the Asgard, this is Unohana Retsu and her little sister, Unohana Nemuri. The butterfly hairpin girl here is Mio," Cang Yue introduced her companions to the disciples of the Frozen Cloud Asgard. The introductions were met with respectful bows. Being close to both Chu Yueli and Chu Yuechan, Cang Yue easily fostered a friendly atmosphere among them.

"Well… it's been nice knowing you all. Have a lovely evening," Yun Che said, preparing to leave before Yuanba tapped his shoulder.

"Aniki… you won't say anything to big sis?" Yuanba's question caught Yun Che off guard, and all eyes turned to him. He hadn't planned on any interactions, especially not regarding what had transpired during his wedding night. Xia Qingyue's continued stares, even after her silent clash with Retsu and Mio, had made him feel awkward. He carried a sense of guilt for what had happened, and her gaze only amplified it. Now, almost two years had passed, and he found himself at a loss for words. He never expected this day would come.

"It's been a while, Qingyue. I hope you're doing well. I see you've made significant progress in your cultivation," he said while awkwardly rubbing behind the back of his head, attempting to soothe the tension. Xia Qingyue stared back at him, her gaze piercing. She nodded gracefully, but her body language hinted at an expectation for more from him. However, Yun Che failed to pick up on the cue, simply turning his head away.

"That's it?" Xia Qingyue's voice was barely above a whisper, but the disappointment in her tone was unmistakable.

He rubbed the back of his head, feeling the awkwardness hanging in the air, especially considering what had transpired that fateful night. "Yeah, kind of? Come on, Yuanba," he muttered, attempting to diffuse the tension.

But Xia Qingyue's voice halted him in his tracks, and he turned to face her once more. There was a pause, pregnant with the weight of unspoken words, before she finally voiced her thoughts. "Did you find a way to restore your crippled body?"

Yun Che simply nodded; his expression guarded. "I can finally use Profound Strength alongside my special cultivation. Think of it as a stroke of luck. The strength might be a little lacking, but it's been restored for a while now."

Xia Qingyue remained silent, her gaze unreadable. She didn't disclose the fact that she had gathered rare items as a contribution to the sect, hoping to aid him in restoring his crippled body. In her spare moments between cultivation, she had taken on missions to fight white-masked beasts, accumulating points to exchange for valuable profound items, all with the hope of assisting him. Now, with him revealing that he had restored his body on his own, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. Had her efforts been in vain?

Xia Qingyue handed Yun Che a spatial bag, breaking the awkward silence with her gesture. "Here," she said quietly.

Yun Che looked at the bag in surprise. "What's this?" he asked, curious. This was the first time she had ever given him anything.

"All the items I gathered in hopes of restoring your profound veins," Xia Qingyue explained calmly. "Consider it repayment for your wedding gift."

"Thanks. I might be able to use them to make something else," Yun Che replied, his tone softening as he realized the depth of her kindness. It was becoming increasingly clear that this girl had a soft spot for him. Yet, their exchange only served to heighten the tension in the air, with everyone watching their interaction intently.

"If that is all…" Yun Che bowed his head respectfully to Xia Qingyue before turning to leave. He made a quick exit, sensing the unresolved emotions lingering in the atmosphere. He knew he needed to diffuse the situation before it escalated any further, especially with Mio and Retsu nearby. The tension was so palpable that it felt like a kitchen knife could slice through it. Literally.

But just as he was about to slip away, Chu Yueli stepped forward, her demeanor as courteous as possible. "Wait," she said, her voice carrying a hint of authority. She knew full well what this Xiao Che, or Yun Che, was capable of. "I hope you won't forget about the status of Frozen Cloud Asgard disciples, and moreover, won't forget why Frozen Cloud Asgard permitted her marriage to you."

Yun Che shot Chu Yueli a flat look. "I let her go back to her sect on the night of her wedding. I respect that. I understand why such a rule existed. Knowing the full nature of the Asgardian disciples, of course."

Chu Yueli responded with a confused tone. "What do you mean by that?" Her lack of understanding surprised Yun Che. She didn't seem to know about the taboo of her own sect, the reason behind such a rule. He shook his head, raising his hands in an ignorant manner. "I am just making assumptions. Besides, if you're worried about my intentions as a man, then you can rest assured. I have no such intentions towards her."

"Yet…" Yun Che shot them a mischievous grin, causing Xia Qingyue to widen her beautiful eyes.

"You…" Chu Yueli shot him a warning look.

He raised his hand in defense. "I was jesting… sort of… Anyway…" He turned towards his group. "Let's go. I am starving!"

Mio, Retsu, and Nemu bowed their heads in response before following Yun Che. Xia Qingyue watched their backs with eyes filled with contempt. So, these were the women he was close to. Judging from how they stood next to him, she could sense a deep bond between them. Perhaps they had known each other long before either of them had been married. She clenched her fist, feeling a surge of jealousy towards them.

As they disappeared from view, Xia Qingyue's thoughts swirled with conflicting emotions. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within her.

"But Aniki! I still have so many things to tell Onee-chan!" Yuanba protested, only to receive another iron claw to his head, dragging him away.

"Yuanba, take good care of yourself and father," Xia Qingyue said gently, even as her husband was being dragged away. Her gaze swept across Yun Che's back before turning to Chu Yuechan and Chu Yueli, leaving behind a lingering sense of curiosity and apprehension.

"I will, Onee-chan! Ow..ow..ow… Aniki!" Yuanba shouted as Yun Che dragged him away.

"Qingyue…" Yun Che's voice trailed off as he turned to face her. "Aunt Lingxi sends her regards."

Xia Qingyue widened her beautiful eyes at the mention of that name. So he had indeed gone back and met her. She had promised Xiao Lingxi that she would reconcile with Yun Che if they ever met again. However, that seemed like an impossibility now. She calmed herself down and decided to focus on the tournament. She had given him the items she had gathered, and the repayment was done. Now, it was time to show him what she was capable of.

"Well, I should excuse myself as well," Cang Yue said, bowing her head before turning towards the departing group.

"Wait, Sister Yue… Did you bring her as well today?" Chu Yueli suddenly asked, her expression hopeful. Cang Yue knew exactly who she was referring to.

Cang Yue sweatdropped before turning sideways. "Uhhh… no… I was participating in the tournament, so I left her back with the palace maids. I'll try to bring her tomorrow if I have the chance."

"Please do. I'll make sure she's safe," Chu Yueli said with high hopes, causing others aside from her sister to wonder who she was referring to.

Cang Yue internally sighed. If Yun Che could create an ultimate terminator like Libra, then he could probably create a fake Nezuko. "Well, I'll see what I can do… Sister Yueli… Sister Yuechan… I'll see you some other time!" With a wave goodbye, Cang Yue left, already making plans to seek Yun Che's help.

As Chu Yueli watched Yun Che's group depart, a nagging feeling gnawed at her. There was something amiss with that man, and indeed, with their entire group. They seemed to lack any discernible cultivation aura, almost as if they were normal humans. Yet, there was an air of mystery surrounding them, especially the man himself. His calm demeanor and confident aura intrigued her, leaving her with a sense of curiosity that she couldn't quite shake off.

"Such an interesting man… He's certainly calm, but there's something odd about him. What do you think of him, Onee-san?" Chu Yueli asked her sister.

"Hmph… He's nothing but a rascal," Little Fairy replied with a calm tone.

Hearing their unfamiliar terms of address, Xia Qingyue turned to her master. "Master… What are these 'Onee-san' and 'Onee-chan' terms both you and Yuanba have been using?"

"I picked it up from my older sister. She said it means 'big sister' in another language. Both terms mean the same, but Yuanba seems to use it in a more cutesy way, while I use it in a more respectful manner. The language it comes from is quite unusual," Chu Yueli explained.

"Could it be the language he spoke to that plushy just now?" Xia Qingyue wondered aloud, her curiosity piqued.

"Onee-san, are you familiar with the language they spoke?" Chu Yueli voiced what was on Xia Qingyue's mind.

"Only a handful of phrases… I didn't understand any of his words with that plushy just now, but what he used to greet us really meant 'nice to meet you,'" Little Fairy answered.

"How do you know this?" Chu Yueli inquired, sensing there might be more to the connection between her sister and the man in question.

"Cang Yue sometimes slipped that phrase into our conversations," Little Fairy replied, covering up so her sister wouldn't suspect anything beyond what was already apparent.


As they walked away from the Sword Discourse Arena, Yuanba's voice broke the silence. "Still Aniki… do you think Onee-chan will come home one day?"

Yun Che halted, his expression somber. "That's enough, Yuanba. Don't dwell on it. The day she became a Frozen Cloud Asgard disciple, she ceased to be a member of the Xia family. Even after disciples of the Frozen Cloud Asgard Palace die, their bodies eternally remain within the Asgard."

Yuanba sighed heavily. "Still Aniki… do you think Onee-chan is happy to see you again?"

Yun Che gave him a vague smile. "Who knows… That girl's good at keeping a poker face," he replied cryptically. He couldn't discern whether Xia Qingyue was genuinely happy or not. Yet, he found her dedication to cultivation while simultaneously seeking ways to restore his body endearing, though he couldn't decipher if it stemmed from genuine care or merely repaying a debt of gratitude.

"Poker face?" Yuanba wondered, trying to grasp the concept.

Meanwhile, Cang Yue spoke up, puffing her cheeks. "So, that's Xia Qingyue? She's quite pretty for her age."

Yun Che nodded. "Believe it or not, she's only seventeen," he revealed, surprising Cang Yue with her youthfulness. To him, age seemed a minor detail, especially in a world where marriage at sixteen was common.

Nemu chimed in, intrigued. "She's two years younger than Yuu-sama?"

Yun Che nodded again. "Sort of… You two have been quiet for a while," he remarked, turning to Retsu and Mio.

"Ahh… I'm sorry, Yuu-kun," Retsu apologized. "Seeing Xia Qingyue up close like that, I never knew she had that kind of beauty. Now, I feel jealous for her stealing the first wife title from me," she confessed with a hint of annoyance at being outshone by someone younger.

Yun Che sweatdropped at her admission. "Yes, Retsu-chan… looks like we found ourselves a formidable rival… I wonder how her energy tastes like…" Mio added, her tone hinting at a darker intent.


Yun Che quickly intervened, gently bonking their heads before their thoughts veered into dangerous territory. "Stop that, you two…," he gently scolded, knowing all too well the potential danger of their Yandere tendencies towards Xia Qingyue.

"But Danna-sama…." Mio and Retsu pouted in unison, their expressions filled with jealousy and longing.

Yun Che gently patted their heads, understanding the complex emotions swirling within them. Xia Qingyue held a special place in his heart, despite their lack of physical interaction. While all of them were his fiancées, Xia Qingyue was his wife, and that fact stung. "I understand that you both feel jealous of her. But don't worry, you're all with me now… My attention is currently on all of you."

Their pouts softened under his touch, and they melted at his reassuring words. "Mouu…" they murmured, succumbing to his affectionate gestures.

"You look like you were fawning over her, Yuu-sama," Nemu remarked with her usual stoic demeanor.

"I'm not fawning over her… I haven't seen her in a while and felt a little awkward. Still, I admit she was…" Yun Che trailed off, noticing the displeased expressions on the faces of his other companions. He quickly realized it was best to tread carefully. "Looking a bit better," he finished diplomatically.

Pats on their heads reassured his harem, but the tension lingered. "Well, it's almost dinner time, and cooking might take a while. Why don't we eat out for a change?" Yun Che suggested, hoping to divert their attention.

"Hai~~~~" The response was enthusiastic, but he knew that Xia Qingyue was still on their minds. They were determined to find a way to approach her personally and find a way to compromise with each other.

"Aniki… Your women look kind of scary. Even Senior Sister Yue is kind of scary as well," Yuanba remarked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Well, Yuanba, if you want to marry more than one woman, you need to build trust bridges between them. That's how polygamous relationships work. Right now, these four trust each other like the closest of sisters, but none of them trusts your big sister," Yun Che explained with a sheepish smile. He was relieved he had managed to usher them out before they started an illegal rumble. While Nemu and Cang Yue might not have participated, Retsu and Mio were a different story. Their possessiveness could overturn the wife and fiancée rights he held.

Yuanba shivered at the thought of what his new sister-in-laws might do to his sister. "That might be bad, right?"

"Don't worry, these four understand the meaning of tolerance, but that only applies to their own flock members. Besides, I never play favorites, even with your sister as my wife. If she and I patch things up, everything will eventually work out between all of them in the future. They just haven't accepted her as a fellow flock sister yet. I'm sure your sister feels the same way," Yun Che reassured before ushering his group back to their accommodation.

He kept to himself the knowledge that all his girls possessed powers capable of world destruction, and it was a miracle for them to tolerate each other. He could only hope that any future additions to his harem would share the same tendency.


The Blue Wind Imperial City lay three hundred kilometers away from the Heavenly Sword Mountain Range, a distance that could be quite a trek by carriage. Knowing this, Mio contemplated using her Mirror Dimension to transport them instantly, but she hesitated. She couldn't conjure the gate in front of their companions, especially with Yuanba present. Nobody aside from their group knew about Mio's abilities, and she intended to keep it that way. They had arrived at the arena earlier using her Mirror Dimension, but she couldn't risk revealing it now.

Cang Yue's usual mode of transportation, her beloved white eagle, Little White, was unavailable, currently residing within the confines of the Imperial Palace. Retsu faced a similar predicament, unable to summon her Blood Hawk due to its distinctive appearance. She knew all too well that the sight of a four-winged blood hawk soaring through the skies would undoubtedly draw bewildered gazes and unwanted attention.

Despite their instant transportation option, the group decided to find something to eat first back in the Imperial City. They were confident they could find a restaurant willing to empty their food storage for them with a hefty sum. However, without Mio's Mirror Dimension for the return trip to the Imperial City, the journey might take longer.

"I'm sure we can hitch a ride with your father back to the city, Little Yue," Yun Che suggested, offering a practical solution.

"It'll take an hour to arrive at the Imperial City," Cang Yue confirmed.

"We could use flight," Retsu proposed, but Mio quickly shot down the idea.

"We can't, Retsu-chan. We're only True Profound Realm cultivators, remember?" Mio reminded, fanning herself casually. She was wary of using her abilities in front of Yuanba, who tended to be quite outspoken. What would happen if Yuanba knows about Mio's true cultivation?

As they pondered their options, Nemu gently raised her hand and spoke with her usual stoic expression. "Yuu-sama, if I may?"

All eyes turned towards her as she continued, "I might have tinkered with the creation mode and managed to create this."

Yun Che's eyes widened as Nemu produced something from her inventory. It was a pair of black wings with gold tribal patterns and a glowing core in the middle. To Yun Che, they looked strikingly similar to the Wings of First Flight from Genshin Impact, sparking a term in his mind.

"Isn't this a Wind Glider?" Yun Che exclaimed, recognizing the device Nemu had created. In the world of Genshin, Wind Gliders allowed players to soar through the skies, granting them the ability to fly.

Nemu nodded affirmatively. "Hai… but I made some modifications to it. It's something that allows us to fly without the use of Profound Strength or Reaitsu."

"Sugoi…" Retsu and Mio marveled at Nemu's ingenuity.

"How did you make something like this?" Cang Yue asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Yuu-sama, you left your Solar Surfer back home, right?" Nemu inquired.

"Yeah, I planned to make some repairs and a couple of improvements to it," Yun Che confirmed, recalling the modifications he had intended to make.

"I stumbled upon it and read your notes on the Profound Core Engine. Somehow, I understood the Improved Profound Core Engine that you made on the Solar Surfer. I also saw your winged jetpack designs in your notes, so I understood those as well. So, I reverse-engineered some parts to create this," Nemu explained, her pride evident despite her usual stoic expression.

"Nemu, I never knew you were some sort of genius," Yun Che grinned, impressed by her resourcefulness as he praised and patted her head. Essentially, she had taken the Improved Profound Core Engines, made them smaller, and placed thrusters underneath them, using the solar feather wings to stabilize the user in flight. She had used his jetpack and engine designs, improved upon them, and created her own Wind Gliders with it. While they might not be as fast as jetpacks yet, he could suggest adding afterburners to boost their speed. This way, they could use the wings effectively without relying on Sky Profound Realm cultivation just to achieve flight.

"Thank you, Yuu-sama," Nemu blushed, her smile widening at his praise and pat.

"Ufuu, my little sister is actually a genius," Retsu exclaimed, pulling Nemu into a warm hug that caused her cheeks to flush. She had been determined to showcase her abilities to Yun Che, especially after witnessing Mio and Retsu create powerful versions of the Rasenshuriken. She didn't want to be left behind, so she had tinkered with the Solar Surfer, using it as a base to create the Glider Wings.

"Sugoi! Nemu-chan," Mio chimed in with praise, impressed by her sister's ingenuity.

"Incredible, sister-in-law!" Yuanba exclaimed, bestowing upon Nemu a title that made her blush and smile, feeling acknowledged as Yun Che's future wife.

"But how does it work?" Cang Yue wondered, her curiosity piqued.

"It functions the same as Yuu-sama's Solar Surfer. You simply attach the core to your back, and it utilizes your energy to power itself up. Then, with a simple command, the wings will lift you into the air," Nemu explained, demonstrating the glider wings' capabilities. She showcased how they could achieve flight and even float in mid-air, all without the need for Sky Profound Realm energy.

"I made this for Sister Yue and me since we can't fly yet," Nemu added before receiving a heartfelt hug from Cang Yue, who was touched by her gesture.

"Incredible, we can use flight without being in the Sky Profound Realm?!" Yuanba exclaimed in awe.

Yun Che marveled at Nemu's ingenuity. By reverse-engineering his broken Solar Surfer, she had created glider wings that utilized the power of the solar feathers to grant flight. With thrusters underneath the core, they could soar through the skies with style, relying only on their own energy to power the wings.

This innovation opened up new possibilities for their future endeavors back home, providing them with a means of travel to other empires for their missions. Nemu had truly inherited her previous life's genius intellect, and her creation was a testament to her brilliance.

"Mouuu, Nemu… You can ask Onee-chan to fly you over," Retsu suggested with an affectionate tone.

"But… I don't want to trouble Nee-chan... I mean Nee-sama," Nemu replied quietly, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"Eh? What did you say?" Retsu's ears perked up at Nemu's slip of tongue.

"Nee-sama…" Nemu blushed even more, revealing her deep affection for her sister despite her typically stoic demeanor.

"I heard you say Nee-chan just now. Say it again…" Retsu playfully demanded, clearly cherishing the term of endearment.

Nemu remained silent, but her flushed cheeks spoke volumes. It was evident to everyone that despite her stoicism, Nemu harbored a deep love for her family.

"Anyway, thanks to Nemu, we can use flight without arousing suspicion anymore," Yun Che interjected, observing several cultivators using flying swords without being in the Sky Profound Realm. He couldn't help but wonder about the difference between their wings and the traditional flying swords.

Nemu conjured around six Wings of First Flight and distributed them to the group, surprising Yuanba with a pair as well.

"Eh? Sister-in-law... this is…" Yuanba was taken aback by the unexpected gift.

"Just take it. Consider it a gift for calling her sister-in-law," Yun Che interjected, earning a nod of gratitude from Nemu.

"Thank you, sister-in-law," Yuanba expressed his gratitude with genuine happiness, causing Nemu to blush at his endearing address. Yun Che couldn't help but wonder about the future and how Nemu might fit into it. Despite her typically emotionless facade, he resolved to respond to her feelings with care and consideration.

As everyone donned their wings, they immediately felt the rush of power coursing through them, akin to the sensation of using the Floating Profound Technique. With practiced ease, Yun Che, Mio, Nemu, and Retsu were able to manipulate the wings' output flawlessly, even achieving the feat of hovering mid-air. It was quite simple for them since they are used to flying with the Profound Floating Technique. Nemu's insight proved correct; compared to the energy-consuming Floating Profound Technique, the Wings of First Flight required far less effort to maintain and offered superior control.

Though the Wings of First Flight were Nemu's initial creation, Yun Che couldn't help but envision personalized designs tailored to each of his beloved flock's personalities. He knew that suggesting such modifications to Nemu would only fuel her enthusiasm for further innovation.

In the sky above, the group soared gracefully toward the Imperial City, their smiles reflecting the joy of newfound freedom. While Nemu effortlessly navigated the skies, Cang Yue struggled slightly, requiring Yun Che's steady hand to prevent her from tumbling. Yuanba, too, faced challenges with controlling the wings' output, his lack of energy control causing bursts of ascent before finding his equilibrium.

After some practice and adjustments, they finally mastered the art of flight, their journey to the Imperial City now swift and unhindered. As they flew, Yun Che couldn't help but marvel at the sheer joy radiating from Nemu and Cang Yue's beaming faces. Indeed, the Wings of First Flight had proven to be a transformative addition to their arsenal, offering stability and ease of travel that surpassed their previous flying techniques.

What's even more remarkable is that the Wings of First Flight seemed to possess a hidden potential waiting to be unlocked. As they channeled more power into the core, the wings expanded alongside it, showcasing their ability to store and harness power within themselves. It was as if the wings themselves were alive, responding eagerly to the energy coursing through them.

Nemu's ingenuity had not only solved their transportation issues but had also unlocked a new dimension of possibility for their adventures ahead.


[Ding… Nemu hasn't started her daily training yet to earn SP of her own but since she is host's future spouse, the system has taken some of your points as payment for her creations.]


"How much?" Yun Che asked with a nervous tone.


[Around 300,000 SP]


"Isn't it too…" Yun Che didn't even finish talking yet before another notification came.


[Thank you for your patronage.]


Yun Che couldn't help but sigh as he watched the system deduct his hard-earned points to create the Wings of First Flight for everyone. Yet, seeing the radiant smiles on the faces of his women as they marveled at their newfound ability to soar through the skies with the Profound Flying Technique, he couldn't deny that the investment was well worth it.

Three hundred thousand SP for Nemu and Cang Yue's beaming faces as they achieved flight of their own? In that moment, it felt like the best decision he had ever made.

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