Melting the Cold CEO's Heart



Right after Liz made her speech, Elijah was the one who gawked at her most, which made for the third time that he had been rendered speechless by this woman in one day.     

Even though Liz was in front of him, she saw the security guard glance at him with puzzlement on his face, which made her understand the situation, look down, and stamp hard on his foot that was right behind hers.     


As the kid clenched his foot that had just been mashed by Liz's heel, Liz innocently said, "Sorry about him. He's new today, so he's still being shown the ropes."     

'Is that show you're supposed to be showing the ropes?'     

The guard looked like he might ask this, but seeing Liz's honest smile, he decided that all this was above his paygrade.     

All he did was take her badge, verify her identity from Happle, and push forward her request to the First Lady.     

Meanwhile, Elijah was still nursing his foot and looking down sullenly, which made Liz feel like apologizing as she had been a little bit harsh, but she decided to do that later, when they were alone and not being eyed by an army of security guards.     

It was a warm day, and in the shade they were standing in, a soft wind blew which made Liz's hair raise lazily and fall back, which made for a beautiful sight.     

Liz didn't know if this ploy would work, so all she could do was sit and hope.     

She didn't like this position of vulnerability and desperation, but she understood that she could change it all with hard work.     

Or smart work.     

Either way, she was confident that she could change her fate using her own merit, just like everything that had happened so far.     

As if to echo her thoughts, the same security guard who had verified her information walked up to her and said, "Come with me. The First Lady wishes to see you."     

This made Liz beam with happiness, while Elijah looked on, unable to believe that it had actually worked.     

Of course, he snapped out of his surprise in barely a second, as he remembered what Liz had done before.     

That foot was still hurting.     

15 minutes later, they were sitting in a calm lobby that overlooked a small, beautiful garden where flowers were blooming.     

This was a very peaceful place, and it told a lot about the woman they were about to meet.     

First Lady Francesca.     

A woman of normal descent, who had happened to fall in love with the man who became President.     

She was an avid social worker, and she had done a lot for the people of her country.     

So, Liz had been hoping that this, too, would ensure in her bullsh*t working, and it looked like it had.     

After a few more moments, Liz was called into the room, and after a thought, she asked Elijah to wait for her.     

The kid agreed and remained seated, and he had actually been hoping for this, too, as his nerved were never very adept at handling high stakes situations.     

As he saw his boss walk into the room after taking a deep breath, he didn't know what to expect.     

Yet, after seeing how the day was progressing so far, he braced himself for another shock.     

At best, they might get her to call that Christoff up, so that he would stop making trouble.     

That would be shocking in and of itself, as they weren't supposed to be able to use bureaucratic power at all, in the first place.     

Yet, no matter how he thought about it, he could never have imagined that his boss…would actually walk out, side by side, with the First Lady, just 15 minutes after walking in.     

He kept staring, wondering whether this was all some kind of crazy dream.     

A newly appointed Director of a software company…had somehow enlisted the help of an important political figure by lying and then talking to them for 15 minutes?     

What the hell was going on?     

He didn't have time to ask, as the two women led the way outside, while he followed after being nodded to by his boss, who had a smile on her face.     

They had come in a regular car and they had been stopped at the gate.     

Yet, now, they exited in a grand fashion, with a full entourage of policemen who escorted them through the city, back to the Government building which housed all the various wings.     

Elijah was in the car behind the one in which his boss and the First Lady. Hence, he didn't know what they were talking, but no matter how much he tried to think what his boss could have done to enlist this kind of support, he couldn't figure it out.     

Soon enough, they had arrived at the government building, where everyone was already waiting outside to greet the Madam First Lady.     

Among them was Christoff, who had an ashen expression on his face.     

He looked like even he couldn't believe what was going on, but he had no option but to play along.     

Still, he had been hoping that this was random.     

Yet, as he saw the woman whom he had just turned away get off the car along with the First Lady, he knew that he was screwed.     

They weren't supposed to be able to appeal to the top echelons of the government like this! Even if it was the CEO, all he could get was a few minutes of the time of the President! There was no way that he would be able to have them come to solve something like this!     

At this moment, he realized that his feeling had been right, and that he should have listened to it.     

Dreading what was in store for him, he could only wait, while the First Lady started to approach him directly.     

Meanwhile, Liz was waiting at the car, planning to make an entrance after the First Lady had done her job.     

It was then that Elijah appeared beside her, and asked the question which made the smile on her face broaden, before she answered.     

"Ma'am, how did you do it?"     

"It's simple, Elijah. She's a social worker who wants to change the lives of her citizens. I'm the one in charge of making that happen. Yet, she was hesitant to waste her precious time with me, in case I turned out to be useless. So…I simply told her that if she gave me her full help, I would transform her country into something beautiful, as I am someone who has been in a similar condition, so I know exactly what needs to be done. And if I didn't…well, let's say that I said some things which will make sure that I get thrown off the board, even if that Jonathan doesn't succeed. Another risk, but what's one more when I'm taking so many, already? Get ready to get back to work, kid. We better make what I said come true."     

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