CEO Vengeful wife.



"Eh... Who is this Zhang Min." Heng Bingwen was puzzled.     

"He is the head of the finance department. He holds many important confidential files. He is also one of the moles planted by Su Enterprise."     

"What? But I have checked his past activities in the company. I don't see anything suspicious."     

"That is because he is a sly fox. The only reason we know he is a mole is because of President." Mei Xiu sighed. "In the past, I was actually very against the President for giving him such an important place in the company despite knowing that he is a mole. But today, he is our crucial lead. That to say if President hadn't allowed him, we would have been in a dire state without any leads."     

"So what... now?" Heng Bingwen was astonished when he learned that the President actually let a spy in her important ranks.     

But since she took such huge risks, she must have a solid plan in her mind.     

Mei Xiu lips twitched. "What now? Hae you lost some brain cells? Of course, monitor this Zhang Min closely. His each and every movement... His relationship with different employees. The transactions he handles and everything."     

"Yes, Xie Jie, right away!" Heng Bingwen had been extremely tired during the last week looking after his grandfather's company. That was apparent with bag eyes under hie eys.     

Looking at his state, Mei Xiu sighed. "Don't be too hard on yourself..."     

Heng Bingwen had just been lifted somewhat when Mei Xi suddenly said.     

"...That is what I would say under other circumstances but the situation at hand is too critical. You of all people should be aware of this, shouldn't you? You have to be hard on yourself. Don't let a single error happen. Understood?!"     

"En... Yes, Mei Jie!" Heng Bingwen was suddenly alert.     

Being reminded of the gravity of the situation, he knew he could not err.      

"That's the spirit." Mei Xiu smiled at Heng Bingwen. After that, she got out of his office. "That Heng Bingwen... Although he is intelligent and sharp he is still a kid. He needs a supervisor to lead him right. Hopefully, he would learn soon and start getting on his own feet."     

Mei Xiu had just stepped outside when her eyes spotted someone. Immediately, her face darkened.      

The person was at a distance, fawning over some high ranked employee who had just stepped out from his office. His ingratiating manner towards the other person disgusted Mei Xiu greatly.     

After sending off the person, Zhang Min spotted Mei Xiu. "Ayee, isn't this our hard-working Secretay Mei?" His eyes brightened as he faced her.     

Mei Xiu felt her skin crawl. To stomach that man with a character like hers, it was truly unbearable.     

Not only she had to stomach him, but she also had to face him without showing her disgust. After all, they didn't want to make him suspicious.     

"Who was the person who had just come out of your office?" Mei Xiu's face was cold.      

It was not unusual. This was her usual stance towards every other employee of the company. She would always face them with coldness and harshness. The only exception was Heng Bingwen and that as only because he had a special spot in the company and close to President Jing.      

"Secretay Mei, why are you always so hard on yourself? Now that President is gone, you should consider taking a few days off for rest." Zhang Min said with flattering smiles.     

He could sense Mei Xiu's disgust towards him from the first day.     

As he was a spy from someone else, the first thing to do was to earn the trust of others.     

With his slick tongue, he was capable of earning trust from the majority of senior management and even President Jing trusted him fully.     

But this Mei Xiu, she was a hard nut to crack.     

Like always, Mei Xiu showed no softness from his flattering. Instead, she frowned. "Why did you not answer my question?"     

Zhang Min felt a rush of anger.     

Why are you so vain? Why do you act so high and mighty?      

Is it because that good-for-nothing President of yours favors you?     

She had just made a few lucky deals that's why she was able to save the company that was at the edge of bankruptcy.     

Just you wait! In a few days, I would get my hands on those classified documents. After that, everything would be reversed.     

Zhang Min's target was the 'Dry Creek Fields' contract.     

The upgoing construction on those previously deserted lands and the involvements of the great 'Li' corporation had garnered intense attraction from both media and competitors     

However, the content of the contract signed between Tang enterprise and Li corporation was kept secretive for now.     

That was, of course, understandable from a business point of view.     

No one wants his competitors to be aware of the details of the restrains of the contracts that bind him.     

However, if Zhang Min was capable of getting his hands on the classified documents and get himself a copy of the contract, he could sell the information to Su enterprise for Millions!     

He would not need to work his entire life.     

That was a golden opportunity sent be heavens. Because before he had started working in Tang enterprise as a spy, he didn't know Li corporation would get in ties with them!     

He knew that recently Su Enterprise had been approached by many foreign large forces that were aware that Su Corporation is against the Tang enterprise. All those foreign forces were Li corporation competitors.     

They all wanted a copy of that contract so they could exploit the terms!     

That had greatly improved Zhang Min's position who had initially not many hopes from the spying job.     

Since Su enterprise was now in the spotlight from many strong forces, he could easily raise the price of the documents after gettings his hands on them.     

Zhang Min could already see himself floating in Millions.     

Thinking about that, his anger subsided. After all, just a few more days and that Mei Xiu and he would be on an entirely different level.     

"That? He was Chen Yuefang, the assistant of the Manager of the real estate transfers. He recently got engaged so he had been considering throwing a small party."     

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