My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-267 Raghav?

CH-267 Raghav?

'How is this possible? How could he be here? If he's here, then she must be here too.' Avery thought.     

Thanks to god that she was sitting in the corner a little bit otherwise he would have seen her by now. She looked for her mother but her mother was not there anymore. She must have gone to the food corner as her brother was a little hungry. She thought that she needed to tell this her husband before the situation would go out of control.      

Avery started looking for her cellphone. But today unknowingly she had left her cellphone in the room. Her breathing started getting uneasy and she didn't even bring her inhaler, which she needed now most. For that, she cursed herself very badly.      

Before he could see her and her panic state persuaded anybody's attention, she needed to get out of there right now.     

She was rushing through a long corridor. She could not go straight to Alex because it would have gotten people's attention and she would not have let it happen. As the wedding ceremony was about to begin and she didn't want to give anybody's unwanted question's answer so she chose a deserted corridor.     

She wanted to get to her room quickly and call Alex.      

In that state of panic after crossing some distance, her walking speed decreased which made it impossible for her to walk properly and speedily.      

She paused for a moment and took a deep breath to full fill the lack of oxygen in her system and started walking again. But still, it was very difficult for her because her panic mode had already started.     

Barely she had just taken a step forward when abruptly someone grabbed her from behind by circling a strong arm around her tiny waist. She gasped.     

In a fraction of a second, that person pushed the tip of the inhaler into her parted lips and whispered in her ear in a husky voice, "Inhale!"      

That was a strict command.      

It didn't take her long to realize that the person was Alex because now she was too familiar with his hero style entry.      

Alex quickly pulled Avery to the nearby gazebo and quickly closed the curtains, so no one should see them.     

It was a decorated gazebo with seating arrangements.     

Instead of putting her on the chair, he settle her on the table and he also stood close to her with one hand wrapped around her waist.     

After some time Avery's breath became normal but still, her heart was at a high rate. She placed her small hand on his chest and looked up. Alex was already looking at her.      

He lifted his free hand and placed it on her cheek. She leaned on his touch and felt safe after coming in the arms of her lover but still, there was fear in her eyes.     

"Ale. here." After whispering she gulped and pointed her little thin finger towards the pavilion despite they were in the gazebo. She had a cold sweat on her forehead and her chest was constantly moving up and down.     

"Alex, he is here. Raghav is here." This time she completed her sentence.      

Alex's heartache when he saw the fear in Avery's eyes and in the very next movement he regretted why did not he kill Raghav at that time. If he had done that, his wife would not be so scared today.      

"Shh... It's ok. I know you just relax. You don't have to worry about anything."      

"How can you say that? Thank God he didn't see me. But what will happen when he sees me?" Hearing this, he raised one of his perfectly shaped eyebrows and crumpled his beautiful face.      

"What do you mean? Even though I'm here, you're still afraid of him. Do you think that I cannot protect you? I cannot guard you." His voice was gentle but stern.     

"It's not like that. I have full faith in you and I also know that in the past I had made a very wrong decision to leave the country but the situation was such that I had no other choice. Clara had scared me in such a way that I did not dare to come in front of you. But it is also true that Raghav's sister's words are still ringing in my ears every night and I do not want his dirty eyes to fall on me and my baby...." She safely placed her hand on her stomach.     

"And his eyes will not fall on you and our baby. I promise." He assured her and pulled out his cellphone. He called Ethan and asked in a strict voice, "Is work done?"      

"Yes, boss!"     

Alex's stiff body relaxed a bit after receiving a positive reply from Ethan. He immediately cut off the call and grabbed his cellphone in front of Avery. Avery was staring at the screen of the phone when a video started playing on the screen in which she saw Raghav standing in the parking lot and the next moment he got in his car and left. It was all a live recording of the drone.      

Alex had already hacked the system and taken control of the entire drone which were for the wedding program. Alex knew about Raghav's presence even before Avery. Alex could have shot him the moment he saw him but he didn't want to create a mess at the wedding. And Alex also wanted to know the connection between Raghav and Avery's uncle because he was a guest too. And that's why Alex planned to send Raghav back instead of shooting him.      

He had also put his men behind Raghav who would give him every update about Raghav. Not only this, but Alex also told his men to send Raghav to his basement till evening. Where he was going to paint his hands with Raghav's red blood.     

After showing her the video, Alex put her cellphone in his pants pocket and cupped her cheek again. Now my dear smile. He's gone and I promise you you'll never see him again. A smile appeared on her lips but her innocent heart did not know that indirectly Alex was talking about killing Raghav.     

A question came into her head and she asked immediately. "Raghav's sister did n....".      

"She did not come with him." Before she could finish, Alex answered her, and before she could ask any more questions, Alex pulled her into a kiss. Soon Avery, as usual, got lost in Alex's kiss and forgot about her surroundings.      

Little did she know that there was a third person in the gazebo beside the two of them who was looking at them very angrily.     

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