The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Memorable Relationship

Memorable Relationship

Kiba has fallen asleep on the sofa with his head resting on Lisa's lap. He has spent too much of his energy in the span of 7-8 hours for the happiness of women. Eva, Olivia, Katey, and now Lisa.

Lisa jumped from the sofa while making sure Kiba didn't wake up. She picked her clothes that were dropped on the floor. Thankfully none of them were torn.

"This bastard is really good in bed. Nevertheless, I can't forget my goal. I will have to go with Plan B!" Lisa thought as she dressed.

She was not sure if Kiba was truly hypnotized or not. Regardless, she would have to proceed with her backup plan.

She was aware her hypnosis ability was not a sure kill ability. There were people who were immune to her ability if they had a strong will or psychic powers.

In fact, there were even devices used by people from high society to resist psychic abilities. This was was Lisa had a Plan B for the worst-case scenario.

She lightly knocked on the door, and the two men in black opened the door. They were surprised when they saw Kiba sleeping naked inside. They didn't dare say anything but inwardly they were shocked, knowing what the scene implied.

"Tell the team to be ready for capturing Kiba. A lot of blood is going to be spilled tonight!" Lisa commanded them.


"Kiba would be going to the 83rd building when he teleports out so activate Teleportation Interference Device the moment he reaches there! As per the plans, we will change his teleportation destination to the wasteland outside the city," Lisa's voice was heavy as she continued, "Tell the teams to strike him the moment he reaches there. If we give him time to recover from teleportation backlash, we will suffer casualties."



An hour later, Kiba awakened. He stretched his body and complained of exhaustion.

"I really went over my limit today!" Kiba mumbled as he wore his clothes back. He wasn't surprised when he saw no traces of Lisa.

"She is a good bitch but her heart is too dark!" Kiba thought with a smile.


Outside, Carole was waiting for him.

"Oh? What brings you here?" Kiba asked, surprised. He didn't expect to see her after the recent incident.

"I'm here to apologize to you on behalf of Sir Hank. He was sorry for what he said before and hopes today's little incident wouldn't affect your relationship with White Angel Corporation," Carole answered.

"I got my hopes high for nothing," Kiba said with a sigh.


"I thought you were going to tell me that our date isn't canceled. I don't really care about the damage control Hank wanted you to do."

Carole was startled by his response. She has a hard time believing he was the same man who almost killed her and Hank.

"It would be awkward to go on a date," Carole replied. She wasn't the type of woman who would sell her body for a benefit.

Carole wanted to go on a date with Kiba because she liked his personality. He didn't pretend to be something he wasn't to get in her pants. The other men she knew would say flattering words in front of her but behind her back, they would make derogatory remarks.

"It is your choice, and I will not force you. But I believe the best relationships were formed from conflicts. Life is only interesting if we have awkward moments in it." 

"Well..." Carole didn't know how to reply.

"When we turn old and remember these awkward moments, they would bring a smile on our lips. A relationship formed on conflicts is the most memorable relationship. And I will be honest here, I want to have a memorable relationship with you. Something that I can remember until my end! Kiba concluded.

Carole thought of his words and knew he wasn't saying them just for having a relationship with her. She could feel his sincerity and thought his philosophy was interesting.

"Seems like we have a lot to discuss on our date," Carole smiled.

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