Ancient Godly Monarch



Right now, Qin Wentian was already a peak-stage immortal emperor but his opponent was an empyrean that had comprehended the source origin of his sword laws. He had already transcended the emperor realm and achieved a qualitative transformation. No matter how strong Qin Wentian's combat prowess was, it was still impossible. Upon fighting with an empyrean, Qin Wentian could clearly sense how terrifying characters at this level were.     

In addition, this man before him was someone who had merely gained comprehension over the source origin of a single law. How terrifying would someone become if he manages to gain comprehension over the source origins of all his laws? The emperor energy in their body would be completely transformed into Empyrean might that would suppress him. Even if his astral souls were monstrous, it would still be impossible to resist against an expert at that level.     

Naturally, if Qin Wentian himself has also comprehended the source origin of one of his laws, things would be different. He would be able to insta-kill this madman before his eyes.     

Qin Wentian's threatening voice made the madman look at him. The madman smiled, "It's rare to meet such an interesting person. Since this is the case, I can spare them. It's just that if you believe it's so easy to comprehend the source origin of a law, you would be sorely mistaken. I spent a thousand years to sharpen my sword, killing people is merely to test out my strength. It's fine if I don't kill them too. I'm very curious how long it would take you to comprehend it."     

"Senior doesn't need to worry about this." Qin Wentian smiled. That madman laughed. However, he soon vanished from sight as he transformed into a beam of light, disappearing in the blink of an eye.     

After he left, many people turned their gazes to Qin Wentian as they sighed in relief. Numerous figures walked over and bowed to Qin Wentian, "Many thanks for saving our lives."     

"Senior, your strength is transcendent, to think that you can actually fight against empyreans. I'm truly impressed."     

"I've long heard of Brother Qin's name. Now that we've met, it's true that your reputation is well justified. That has been an eye-opener for me." Yi Qing walked over and clasped his hands at Qin Wentian. "In the past, if I have been disrespectful in anyway to Brother Qin, please forgive me. If it wasn't for Brother Qin saving us, we would definitely have all died."     

"It's nothing much, I just did what anyone would do." Qin Wentian smiled, he was as casual and easy-going as before.     

"Brother Qin, you truly hid yourself deeply. If I knew you were so powerful, I would have long hugged you for dear life and wouldn't let go." Murong Xiaoxiao walked over with a gentle smile on her face.     

Yi Leng glanced at Murong Xiaoxiao, feeling a sensation of loathing. This woman truly was shameless, she wondered how did Murong Xiaoxiao cultivate until her current realm today. She turned her beautiful eyes to Qin Wentian as she felt some frustration in her heart. Why didn't she notice how handsome and heroic Qin Wentian was before this? His entire person seemed to be giving off a dazzling light.     

In comparison, Shan Lengqiu was nothing. He wasn't qualified at all to compare with Qin Wentian.     

Although Yi Leng found Murong Xiaoxiao shameless, she also felt an impulse in her heart to rush over. However, at this moment, Qin Wentian turned to Murong Xiaoxiao and spoke, "I've never hidden anything. It's just that Brother Shan was too outstanding. It's very normal that Fairy Murong wished to befriend him."     

Although Qin Wentian was smiling, he projected a sense of casting her away. After hearing his words, Yi Leng also abolished any thoughts of going forward. That was right, earlier, all of them wanted to get close to Yi Leng and fawned over him while ignoring and disregarding Qin Wentian. In fact, she had even mocked him before. What would she be if she rushed over just because Qin Wentian was powerful?     

It was already extremely benevolent of Qin Wentian that he acted to save them. If it was someone who was petty-minded, they would all have already died.     

"There's no need for everyone to be so polite. Cultivation is tough, I believe everyone came to the Taotie Mine for the purpose of their cultivation. I hope everyone will find success." Qin Wentian clasped his hands towards the crowd and continued forward. The crowd opened up a path for him as gratitude shone in their eyes.     

Murong Xiaoxiao had an embarrassed look on her face. She naturally understood that their so-called alliance had never existed before in the first place.     

"What does he want to do?" At this moment, the eyes of everyone flashed as they looked at Qin Wentian. They saw Qin Wentian moving closer to the sword river that radiated towering amounts of sword intent. With an intention of will, his dharma body appeared around him, blocking the currents.     

"He wants to learn from that madman, using the sword river to temper himself, to sense the source origin of the sword laws." The hearts of everyone trembled.     

Before this when Qin Wentian and Shan Lengqiu were discussing the dao, the topic was about sword laws. From this, one could tell that Qin Wentian was proficient in the way of the sword. In addition, his comprehension of sword laws was deeper than Shan Lengqiu.     

Since he was proficient in sword laws, and the fact that the madman could enter the sword abyss to meditate a thousand years ago, why couldn't he do so now?     

The crowd only saw Qin Wentian's body descending deeper and deeper down the sword abyss. Finally, he vanished from the vision of the crowd.     

"Daring to temper himself in the sword abyss. Other than needing a high-level of comprehension, one must have a high enough defense or they won't be able to stop themselves from being killed by the sword river." Someone spoke. The rest of them could only comprehend the sword laws at the edge of the abyss. Nobody dared to venture in.     

Numerous figures flashed as the experts each found a position as they continued to comprehend the energy of the sword river. After seeing how strong that madman was, their hearts were filled with an even more intense yearning.     

Naturally, there were also some who were more cautious as they left. They were worried that the madman might come back and start another rampage again. If that was the case, they would surely be in dire straits.     

Shan Lengqiu didn't leave. He walked to the edge of the sword river and sat down as his eyes gleamed with terrifying sharpness. He wanted to gain back the face he lost. In that case, the only way for him to do so was to break through to the empyrean realm faster than Qin Wentian.     

Murong Xiaoxiao and the others were already abandoned once by Shan Lengqiu and almost died as a result. They naturally didn't want to group with him any more. They walked further away and pretended that they weren't acquainted with him. They naturally didn't dare to seek revenge on Shan Lengqiu. No matter how despicable he was, his strength was beyond doubt. Also, given his identity as a grand-disciple of the Realmlord, nobody would really dare to act against him.     

In the blink of an eye, several years passed. During these years, Shan Lengqiu sat there alone as he tried to comprehend the sword intent. It was like as long as he couldn't succeed, he would not give up. Many of those saved by Qin Wentian that day were still around. They came into the Taotie Mine for the sake of cultivation. There were some who initially wanted to leave, but because Qin Wentian ventured into the sword abyss, they decided to stay and see when he would exit it.     

Some times, curiosity can become a great source of motivation as well.     

Right now in the sword abyss, a figure was clad in a sphere of light. The sword river flowing down landed on the sphere and transformed into droplets of sword intent, seeping into it, flowing towards Qin Wentian. It felt like rain falling over him, but Qin Wentian could feel a sense of extreme sharpness in them that wanted to destroy his body.     

Qin Wentian finally understood why the clothing of that madman was so torn and tattered and why he had so many wounds. Clearly, the madman had undergone the same experience as him and had to endure this hellish pain.     

Not only was he attempting to comprehend the source origin of sword laws, he was also tempering his flesh. No wonder that madman earlier would go wild and start a killing spree after he broke through to the empyrean level. This process of tempering was too miserable and painful. If one endured this for extended periods of time, they would surely want to go crazy to vent.     

Fresh blood leaked from the corners of Qin Wentian's mouth as a painful expression could be seen on his face. However, he continued to endure as he personally experienced the power of the sword river with his body. Only then would he be able to sense it clearer.     

Things continued, Qin Wentian slowly gained insights, feeling the tyranny of swords, the sharpness of swords, as well as the softness and gentleness of swords.     

The source origin of a law contains many different forms. As long as you were strong enough, you would be able to control it, your will would be the sword will.     

However, knowing this was one thing. Fully understanding the concept and comprehending the insights within was another.     

Time continued to flow by. Qin Wentian's understanding grew deeper and deeper as his cultivation base solidified at the true peak of the immortal emperor realm. Right now, he was only a step away from comprehending the source origin.     

Today, inside the sword abyss, Qin Wentian stood there as the currents of the sword river gushed over him. Right now, he no longer resisted and was completely immersed in the sword river. His white robe was long stained with blood but the him now no longer moved when the river submerged him. He no longer felt the pain he once felt when he just started those years ago. He quietly closed his eyes and sank into the depths of this feeling, entering a miraculous world of insights.     

Why did the sword river not injure him despite him being submerged within?     

The sword lords contained many forms, if he could truly sense the gentleness of the sword, it meant that the sword river would no longer be able to hurt him.     

The more important thing was that by reaching this step, it meant that he already could faintly control the nature of sword laws.     

However, the Qin Wentian at this moment knew nothing at all. He was completely immersed in a state of complete focus, like he was in an epiphany.     

Ever since Qin Wentian entered the Taotie Mine, it had already been over ten years. Today, the sword river continued flowing down from the sky, gushing over Qin Wentian. Qin Wentian, who always had his eyes closed, finally opened his eyes today. His eyes shone with a resplendent light akin to the stars as a faint smile could be seen within.     

Inclining his head, the flow of the sword river started to reverse. Instead of flowing down from the sky, it flowed upwards from the sword abyss instead.     

At this moment, above the abyss, there were still many experts here. After one batch left, another batch would arrive. Shan Lengqiu, Murong Xiaoxiao and the others were still here as well. Shan Lengqiu felt reluctance in his heart. He vowed that he wouldn't leave unless he manages to comprehend the source origin of sword laws.     

At this moment, the gazes of everyone froze. They stared into the abyss, they could sense an extremely terrifying aura gushing over. At the next instant, all of them retreated with explosive speed. They peered downwards, only to see the sword river reversing its flow, the momentum in which it did so generated a blast of wind that transformed into a fearsome windstorm. Any gust of wind from this windstorm was capable of killing an immortal emperor.     

The experts who had retreated far away all stared at the windstorm. At the next moment, their eyes narrowed as they focused at the center of the storm. Over there, a figure could actually be seen. The figure was wearing a white robe that was stained by blood. He stood calmly at the center of the storm, resembling a divinity that was accepting the worship of the masses!     

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