Dragon King's Son-In-Law



What Hao Ren knew was that Lu Qing was actually saying hi to him. Lu Qing knew about his visit to Zhao Yanzi's home. Without a doubt, Hao Ren believed that Lu Qing acted that way to encourage him.

That little girl had been tremendously sought after and loved; no wonder her temper was quite overbearing.

However, Hao Ren wouldn't share those things with his buddies as who knew what they would think of if they found out that the vice-principal had Hao Ren covered.

They went back to the dorm noisily. Some started playing cards while some went on their computers. Not until the lights shut off at midnight did they unwillingly went back to their own dorm rooms.

Hao Ren got up furtively after the other three in the room fell asleep. He went to the balcony to practice what was called "Spirit Concentration Scroll".

The moonlight shone on the entire dorm. Hao Ren felt a weak airstream circulate in his body, then he slowly threw all the distracting thoughts away and entered a dimly discernible realm.

He realized it was four o'clock in the morning when he finished practicing. There were only a few hours left before class started. He looked back and found the other three were still sound asleep, so he rushed back inside quietly and went to bed to catch some sleep. 

He was in full spirit and energy even though he had just practiced the Spirit Concentration Scroll. He recalled the scriptures in his mind and reviewed it a few more times since he wasn't exhausted at all.

He was able to feel the so-called "Qi" by practicing the scroll for a few days. If this scroll were ever revealed to the world, it would definitely shock the entire traditional Qigong world. Hao Ren's imagination ran wild while he was trying to figure out the various meanings in the scroll.

What he forgot was that there was a unique Internal Core in his body which was worth three hundred years of cultivation for a normal person.

Unknowingly, dawn arrived. Zhou Liren shouted to wake everyone up with full vim and vigor. The first class on Monday was Advanced Mathematics. The teacher of the class was an extremely strict old man. Thus they didn't dare to skip the class. Apparently, those who had skipped his class before all received fails for their final grades without exception.

The four of them rushed to the cafeteria and then went bustlingly to class.

Hao Ren felt quite complicated to see all his classmates again after a weekend. Many of the classmates looked back and pointed at Hao Ren. It seemed that him getting picked up by the Lincoln Stretch Limousine on Friday had left a deep impression.

Hao Ren spent ten minutes copying his homework and then handed it to the Class President Xie Yujia.

"What happened on Friday?" Xie Yujia asked as she took Hao Ren's work. She usually turned a blind eye to Hao Ren's copied homework as long as he could pass the exams.

"I was invited by a relative for lunch," Hao Ren said.

"I heard someone mentioned fiancée." Xie Yujia kept asking.

"That was just a joke," Hao Ren answered calmly, indicating that he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Xie Yujia stopped asking. She turned around to collect the homework from the back row.

Seeing that, Zhou Liren who sat beside Hao Ren bumped Hao Ren with his elbow and said happily, "She seems interested in you."

"She will ask you too if you got picked up by a limousine," Hao Ren cast a glance at him and said.

Zhou Liren laughed even more brightly. No one knew what that was about.

The class was extremely boring. Formulas for calculus might be difficult for girls, but it wasn't hard to understand at all for people like Hao Ren who was the top student of his science class in high school.

Among all the courses, his weakest one was English.

Hao Ren took a three-hundred-page English test bank out of his backpack and started working on it.

Zhou Liren who also had no interest in the class moved closer to Hao Ren with curiosity. "Practicing English questions?" He was even more shocked when he noticed it was an English test bank. "Questions for middle school? What do you want? Go back to middle school?"

"Just to kill time," Hao Ren responded.

Zhou Liren didn't buy it. "Be honest with me, are you flirting with some girls in middle school?"

Hearing their conversation, Cao Ronghua and Zhao Jiayi got closer too. "Ren, what are you doing?"

"Alright alright." Hao Ren had enough of them. "I'm going to be tutoring a girl."

"A girl? Is she pretty?" Zhou Liren's eyes lit up.

"Is it the one who looked for you at the university last time?" Thinking for a while, Zhao Jiayi asked.

Hao Ren sighed and said, "It is her."

"No wonder she made a tremendous uproar last time, she is the one you are tutoring." Zhao Jiayi realized suddenly.

"Then it was her who asked someone to pick you up last Friday?" Cao Ronghua asked.

Hao Ren nodded.

"Dude! You are hooking up with a pretty little rich girl now." Zhou Liren put his arm around Hao Ren's neck and expressed his jealousy.

"Hey, you! What are you guys talking about back there!" The old man stopped lecturing and stare angrily at the four of them.

They lowered their heads down immediately, pretending they were listening carefully.

"Go stand in the corner if you guys don't want to listen to this class!" The old man kept lecturing after letting off one more time.

Xie Yujia looked back at Hao Ren, shaking her head helplessly.

Zhou Liren mumbled, lowering his voice, "That little girl is a bit wild, but she is very pretty. How about asking her to come here next time."

"No way!" Hao Ren responded in a low voice. Zhou Liren thought Zhao Yanzi was just an innocent little girl, but Hao Ren knew that she wasn't someone easy to deal with.

Moreover, if anything annoyed or pissed off Zhao Yanzi and she told Lu Qing on him, then Zhou Liren would have more trouble than he could handle.

The morning Advanced Mathematics class ended. As everyone was about to be dismissed and go for lunch, the Class President Xie Yujia stood up. "Please stay everybody, I have something to announce!"

Hao Ren was unconsciously shocked. He thought it was going to be about him. Instead, he saw Xie Yujia walking up to the dais. "The Athletic Games is coming up next week, the university required that at least six people from each class would need to attend. Now I have to make the headcount." (Athletic Games is where selected students from each class competed in different events.)

Xie Yujia was dressed in a cool t-shirt and shorts. A regular cartoon t-shirt matching light-washed jean shorts made her very pretty.

The guys who were about to leave all stopped as they saw Xie Yujia.

She stood on her tipping toes and raised her arms trying to get the attention of everyone in the class. However, moving while standing on the dais made her look as if she was striking a pose.

Having a slim and colorful belt that showed off her gorgeous slim waist was what made her casual outfit stand out more.

"She is indeed the Class President and the most popular girl in the class," Zhou Liren mumbled.

Seeing the crowd had stopped walking and went quiet, Xie Yujia finally gave a sigh of relief and continued, "I have reserved some spots, you can apply for the rest."

"First, Yu Rong, shot put."

Second, Cai Junjie, high jump."

"Third, Chen Han, 400-meter relay race."

"Fourth, Hao Ren! 1500-meter race!"

Her voice seemed especially loud when Hao Ren was up.

"No way..." Whoever was called by name appeared extremely helpless.

Zhao Jiayi and others looked at Hao Ren, feeling excited about his misfortune.

"Everyone be quiet for a second." Xie Yujia raised her hands again. "The four I just mentioned are just on the reservation. It is up to the school whether they will be chosen or not. However, we should at least show our positive attitude."

Receiving no response, she asked again, "There are still two empty spots. Who would like to apply? Most of the events are for men, and we only have a few girls in this class. Can you guys be more involved?"

Although she said that, who would like to show his face in public for the Athletic Games? It was known that there were numerous athletes in the university. In terms of the guys in the class, they were all geeks who were excellent at dealing with computers but had no talent in sports. Who would be willing to embarrass himself in public?

Xie Yujia gritted her teeth when she saw all the guys hesitate. "Fine. Then Zhao Jiayi and Zhou Liren! You two are up for the 100-meter race!"

Zhao Jiayi and Zhou Liren who were just very happy about the other's misfortune started whining instantly.

"Em, that's all! Everybody can go have lunch!" Xie Yujia bent down to write the names on a notebook and then announced the dismissal.

Zhou Liren helplessly watched as Xie Yujia walked out of the classroom through the front door. He then suddenly turn around to look at Hao Ren and said, "She seems to have something against our dorm room!"

"How would I know!" Hao Ren left his words and then strode out of the classroom through the back door.

The afternoon classes were the same; boring and insipid. Zhou Liren who sat beside Hao Ren complained endlessly about how Xie Yujia applied for him without his agreement. Would his "illustrious reputation" be swept down to the ground if he was the last one in the race?

"Stop worrying so much, it will never be your turn. There are countless athletes in the university, how could you be chosen?" Hao Ren couldn't bear it anymore. He stopped writing and glared at him.

"That isn't for sure. What if no one applies and they make me go?" Zhou Liren asked.

"Then you can throw yourself on the ground, then all the beautiful girls would remember your cute face and you can successfully complete your girlfriend-searching mission," Hao Ren said.

"It's always easy to say! Em, what a shame..." Zhou Liren covered his face and tried to put on an act,

Hao Ren didn't bother to respond. He continued doing his middle school level English test bank. Tonight would be his first time tutoring someone.

Beep beep, beep beep…...

The phone Hao Ren put on the desk suddenly vibrated.

He picked up the phone saw a message from Xie Yujia. "The university has decided to not pick the other five people. You will be the one attending the 1500-meter race. I know you are good at running. You can do it.

Hao Ren was stunned.

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