Elixir Supplier

The First Time to Hear the Name of King Pharmacist

The First Time to Hear the Name of King Pharmacist

"Yes, his student came to me to talk about it," Sun Yunsheng said.     

"He has a student?" Sun Zhengrong asked with surprise.     

"I mentioned it to you last time. His student is a doctor who works in the Lianshan Hospital," Sun Yunsheng said.     

"Oh, I remember now. Don't worry about the hill. You just need to get ready. Your priority is the apartments. Make sure the construction is going smoothly," Sun Zhengrong said.     

"I will," Sun Yunsheng said.     

"How are Uncle Lin and Hao?" Sun Zhengrong asked.     

"They are doing well. Dr. Wang has seen both of them. They should be fully recovered in a month," Sun Yunsheng replied.     

"Good," Sun Zhengrong said.     

"Dr. Wang may have come across some trouble," Sun Yunsheng said.     

"I know. I talked to the relevant personnel. You need to make friends with him with all your heart. Try to solve his problems without him asking," Sun Zhengrong said.     

"But he won't know it was me helping him," Sun Yunsheng said with confusion.     

"He doesn't need to know it right away. He will know you helped him one day, and he will be appreciative," Sun Zhengrong said. "I want Dr. Wang to be our true friend."     

"I see, Dad," Sun Yunsheng said.     

They talked for a long time, mainly about the business. Sun Zhengrong had established a large business. It looked easy, but outsiders didn't know how difficult it was to maintain. Sun Zhengrong and his staff had to be careful with every single decision. Otherwise, all their previous efforts would be wasted. A lot of big companies had gone bankrupt due to unwise decision-making. Also, many people were looking for a chance to bring Sun Zhengrong down.     


One morning, an unexpected visitor came to the village. He was an old man in his 70s. He came with a middle-aged man in his 40s, Han Zhiyu.     

"Dr. Sang, what brings you here? Please come in." Wang Yao invited Sang Guzi into the clinic.     

Sang Guzi was Wang Yao's good friend, regardless of their age gap.     

"Please have some tea." Wang Yao made Sang Guzi a cup of tea with the leaves grown in the herbal field.     

"Thank you," Sang Guzi said. "How are you lately? Busy working?"     

"Not really. I'm not particularly busy this time of the year, but I was busy before the Chinese New Year," Wang Yao said with a smile. "How about you?"     

"Oh, I went back to my home town for the Chinese New Year. Now, I just want to travel around. However, I came across some trouble that I couldn't solve myself. So, here I am," Sang Guzi said.     

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Wang Yao asked.     

Han Zhiyu thought, Who is this young man? What makes him so highly regarded by Dr. Sang?     

One of the Han Zhiyu's family members had a weird medical condition. This man's father had known Sang Guzi for over 20 years. They were old friends. Therefore, Sang Guzi went to see him as a patient. However, he couldn't cure him. He thought about Wang Yao and decided to introduce Wang Yao to the middle-aged man. They went straight to Wang Yao's clinic without delay.     

He is such a young doctor! What can he do? Han Zhiyu's thought was the same as most of Wang Yao's patients when they first met him.     

"One of my old friend's son is seriously sick. I've seen him but couldn't do anything to help. I thought about you, so here I am," Sang Guzi said.     

"What is his condition?" Wang Yao asked.     

"He was poisoned by a weird toxin. His body has started to rot," Sang Guzi said.     

"A weird toxin?" Wang Yao asked.     

"Yes," Sang Guzi replied.     

"Where is he?" Wang Yao asked.     

"In Dali," Sang Guzi said.     

"Since you are here, I'll go see him," Wang Yao said. He couldn't turn Sang Guzi down. "It will probably take three to four days to arrive in Dali. Could you please arrange the trip? We can leave in the afternoon, but I need to prepare some herbs."     

"OK, I won't disturb you," Sang Guzi said.     

"No, that's fine. Since you are here, and it's almost lunchtime, how about having lunch together?" Wang Yao quickly booked a table at the nearby restaurant.     

"Do you mind me looking around here?" Sang Guzi asked.     

"Of course not," Wang Yao said.     

This was not Sang Guzi's first time visiting Wang Yao's clinic. However, the clinic was different than the last time he was there. Wang Yao hadn't moved everything into the clinic at that time.     

Sang Guzi spotted the seven-star herb cabinet right away. "Hmm, is this antique?"     

He gently touched the cabinet as his eyes lightened. The public wouldn't know what it was. To Chinese medicine practitioners, items like this were valuable.     

"Yes," Wang Yao replied.     

Sang Guzi opened the draws and took a look at the herbs stored inside. He put some herbs next to his nose.     

"Hmm, these herbs are high quality," Sang Guzi said after checking a few drawers. "Are all the herbs wild?" He was a bit surprised.     

"Yes," Wang Yao replied.     

"Wow, this is amazing," Sang Guzi said.     

"I've been traveling all over China these years. This is only the second place where all the herbs being used are wild," Sang Guzi said.     

"Oh, second place? Where is the first place?" Wang Yao curiously asked.     

"In Southern Yunnan," Sang Guzi replied. "That place is run by a stubborn old guy with a bad temper." When mentioning that man, Sang Guzi had a weird expression on his face. He seemed to be angry yet admiration could also be seen.     

"I guess he must be a famous doctor," Wang Yao said.     

"He is very well-known down south. They call him the King Pharmacist of the Miao area," Sang Guzi said.     

"King Pharmacist?" Wang Yao was surprised at the nickname. Anyone with a title containing "King" must be an expert in his or her area.     

"I didn't think he was that good at the beginning, but I changed my point of view after witnessing him treat a patient. He used some secret recipe from the Miao area. It was amazing. He has also recovered some ancient herbal formulas," Sang Guzi said.     

A simple description of the man had already impressed Wang Yao. Anyone highly regarded by a fantastic doctor like Sang Guzi had to be extraordinary.     

"What is his name?" Wang Yao asked.     

"Wu San," Sang Guzi said.     

"What?" Wang Yao asked with surprise.     

"That's right, San as three," Sang Guzi said. He was also surprised when he first heard the name. "He is the third child, so that's why he got the name. He never changed it, even after he had become famous. However, no one calls him Wu San now. People all call him King Pharmacist."     

"I see," Wang Yao said as he nodded.     

"But your herbs are as amazing as his," Sang Guzi said.     

"I'm flattered," Wang Yao replied.     

While Sang Guzi was looking around, Wang Yao prepared herbs. All the herbs were common. They were used to clear excessive heat energy.     

It was soon lunchtime. Wang Yao invited Sang Guzi and Han Zhiyu for lunch at the restaurant in the neighboring village. Sang Guzi and his company waited in the clinic while Wang Yao went back to Nanshan Hill to fetch detox grass, Bajiaotong, Lingshanji, and everlasting grass, which were all licorice roots.     

Wang Yao set off the hallucination battle array before leaving Nanshan Hill. He went home to inform his family about his trip.     

"You are going to Yunnan this afternoon? Why such a hurry?" Zhang Xiuying asked.     

"There is something urgent I need to address. I'll come home in three days. I've arranged everything on Nanshan Hill. Please keep an eye out for bushfires on the hill. Don't worry about anything else." Wang Yao had told his parents all about the battle array and Xianqiuluo in case they went up to the hill and got hurt. He also asked his parents to drink Xianqiuluo soup every second day to resist its effects.     

"I see, don't worry about us," Zhang Xiuying said.     

Wang Yao, Sang Guzi, and the middle-aged man arrived in Dao in the afternoon and flew to Dali from there.     

It was late at night by the time they arrived. A car had been waiting for them at the airport. It took them to a pre-arranged accommodation.     

"Is this your first time coming to Dali?" Sang Guzi asked.     

"Yes, it's my first time," Wang Yao said.     

"Oh, I can show Dr. Wang around tomorrow," Han Zhiyu said.     

"OK," Wang Yao said.     

After they had settled in the hotel, they went to rest. After a simple breakfast the next morning, they went to the patient's home.     

It was a house with an antique flavor. A gentleman in his 40s came to welcome Wang Yao and Sang Guzi.     

"Hello, Dr. Sang," the man said. "And, this must be Dr. Wang."     

"Hello," Wang Yao said.     

After greeting one another, Wang Yao and Sang Guzi went into the patient's room. Even before entering the room, Wang Yao could smell an unpleasant odor. It was as if someone left a piece of rotten meat in the room for months.     

Wang Yao and Sang Guzi saw a person lying on the bed. The person was wrapped in gauze. Next to the bed, incense was being burned to calm the patient. Wang Yao could see the patient's body moving up and down. His breathing was weak.     

Wang Yao walked closer to have a good look. The patient was in a deep sleep or unconscious.     

He checked the patient's pulse. It was weak like raindrops leaking into a broken house. It was a dead pulse.     

The patient was deeply intoxicated. The toxin had entered his organs. Wang Yao thought, His condition is similar to Su Xiaoxue's.     

He and Sang Guzi left the room after he had seen the patient.     

"What do you think?" Sang Guzi asked.     

"The toxin has gone into his organs. He is in critical condition," Wang Yao said.     

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