Elixir Supplier

The Decoction Was Effective

The Decoction Was Effective

Professor Wu was capable and held a high social status. Everything about him made people admire and envy him. Professor Wu was no longer young, but he was dedicated and focused on his work. He impressed every other doctor.     

It was no surprise for a person like Professor Wu to be successful. He didn't become a professor overnight. He had always worked hard. A person required both talent and hard work to be a high achiever.     

On the other hand, these doctors had a stable job with a good salary. Slowly, they lost the motivation to achieve more.     

It was not good for people to stay in their comfort zone for too long. An easy and comfortable life would make people lose their motivation and ambition.     

It was a bit cold at night. Wang Yao looked up at the sky on Nanshan Hill.     

I wonder how Professor Wu is doing with the test.     

Meanwhile, in Lianshan People's hospital, Professor Wu continued his test.     

"Teacher, please take a break. We can do these things for you," a young assistant said.     

"Yeah, you are already tired after the trip. It's 10 p.m. You should go rest," another assistant said.     

"I'm fine," Professor Wu said as he shook his hand.     

The second bottle of decoction was in use. The effect was obvious.     

What is inside?     

Professor Wu was not the only person who had questions. Every doctor in the hospital had the same query. However, they thought the decoction was brought by Professor Wu from Beijing.     

The doctors thought, Specialists from Beijing are really different! Their contempt and resistance to Professor Wu disappeared. This world was ruled by facts and capability.     

Professor Wu didn't leave until it was nearly midnight.     

"Give the decoction to the patient in four hours. Make sure you document every detail," Professor Wu said.     

"Sure," an assistant said.     

He breathed a sigh of relief and stood up. However, he stumbled and almost fell since his legs were a bit numb.     

"Professor!" His assistant held his arm. "Are you alright?"     

"I'm fine. My legs are a bit numb," Professor Wu said.     

"Let me give you a massage." His assistant squatted down.     

"I'm fine. I just need to walk a bit." He walked back and forth twice in the corridor of the hospital and felt better afterward. He went to rest in the place arranged by Lianshan People's Hospital.     

He was truly tired. After all, he was nearly 60 years old. It was a long trip for him from Beijing to Lianshan. He didn't take any breaks after he had arrived at the hospital. He started to observe and treat the patient right away. Finally, the patient started to get better. Once he stopped working, he felt exhausted.     

I'm getting old! Professor Wu sighed.     

He didn't immediately fall asleep while lying on the bed. He was thinking about Wang Yao and his decoctions.     

How did he make it? Does the disease have something to do with him? The latter made Professor Wu frown. If that is the case, what can I do? That young man would be a horrible person.     

He gradually fell asleep as he was thinking.     

Meanwhile, his assistants were still in the observation room.     

"Where do you think the decoctions are from?" one of the assistants asked.     

"How am I supposed to know?" the other assistant said.     

The two were talking in a low voice. They had been following Professor Wu for years.     

"The decoctions worked," one of the assistants said. "Do you think the professor is hiding something from us?"     

"So what? Does he have to tell us everything?" the other assistant replied.     

"That is not what I mean," the first assistant said.     

The sun rose early the next morning. It was March. The trees started to turn green, and the flowers started to turn red.     

Professor Wu got up and arrived at the observation room before 6 a.m.     

His two assistants had been observing the patient. One fell asleep at the table. He looked exhausted.     

"Hey, the professor is here!" The other assistant pushed the one who was sleeping.     

"Just leave him there," Professor Wu said.     

"Professor!" The sleeping young man suddenly woke up.     

"How is the patient?" Professor Wu asked.     

"He is stable. We gave him the second bottle of decoction," one of the assistants said.     

Professor Wu checked the notes made by his assistants while he was away. He read through the notes over and over again to ensure everything was fine. He entered the isolated room.     

Lianshan People's Hospital was small. The so-called isolation room was not strictly isolated.     

The patient, a middle-aged man, was lying on the bed. He had vomited occasionally the whole night, so he felt very weak and uncomfortable.     

"How are you feeling? Do you feel discomfort anywhere?" Professor Wu asked.     

"I feel uncomfortable everywhere," the patient said.     

"Can you go into details?" Professor Wu asked. "Try to describe your feelings."     

"I feel weak and nauseous, and I have a headache. Actually, every part of my body aches," the patient said.     

His face was a wax yellow.     

"He needs nutrition," Professor Wu said.     

"OK," his assistant said.     

After Professor Wu and his assistant left the room, the other doctors from the hospital gradually came to work. They were all very happy. The patient's condition made them hopeful.     

"Hey, where is Professor Wu?" a doctor asked.     

"He's gone out," one of Professor Wu's assistants said.     

"Has he had breakfast?" the doctor asked.     

"He said he'd grab something to eat on his way," the assistant said.     

None of the doctors said anything.     

Professor Wu was on his way to the village. He was having a cup of warm soy milk and a bun in the car. He looked through the window while thinking. The trees alongside the road had started to sprout.     

It was 7:30 a.m. when he arrived at the village.     

"Why is the old man here again?" The guard was surprised to see Professor Wu.     

"I want to go inside," Professor Wu said.     

"OK," the guard said.     

After completing the paperwork, Professor Wu entered the village with one of his assistants.     

The door of Wang Yao's clinic was locked. Wang Yao was still on Nanshan Hill.     

"He's not here yet." Professor Wu waited for about 20 minutes.     

"Professor?" His assistant was a bit impatient. To him, the professor's time was too precious to be wasted on waiting. This was a critical moment. The patient had just started to get better.     

"Be patient," Professor Wu said.     

The two of them continued to wait. A moment later, they saw Chen Ying and Chen Zhou, who had come out to do morning exercises.     

"Good morning, Professor Wu," Chen Ying said.     

"Good morning," Professor Wu said.     

"How long have you been waiting here?" Chen Ying asked.     

"To be honest, we've been waiting here for nearly an hour," Professor Wu's assistant grumpily said.     

"Shut up!" Professor Wu scolded him.     

"Did you come here to see Dr. Wang?" Chen Ying asked.     

"Yes, to ask for more decoctions," Professor Wu said.     

"I see. Give me a moment." Chen Ying walked to the side to call Wang Yao.     

"I see," Wang Yao said. "Can you ask him to wait for a bit longer?"     

Two bottles were not enough. Wang Yao grabbed some herbs to brew another decoction.     

It was not a very fast process to brew a decoction. At least, it took longer than making a bowl of noodle soup.     

"What's wrong with him?" Professor Wu's assistant was becoming increasingly impatient.     

They waited for another hour. Finally, they saw Wang Yao walking down from Nanshan Hill.     

"Has he been on the hill?" Professor Wu's assistant wondered.     

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting," Wang Yao said.     

"That's fine," Professor Wu said with a smile.     

"Please come inside." Wang Yao unlocked the door and invited everyone into the clinic.     

"I'll make you guys a cup of tea," Wang Yao said.     

"Thank you," Professor Wu said.     

He felt much more relaxed inside Wang Yao's clinic, unlike in the hospital.     

"How is the patient?" Wang Yao asked.     

"He's getting better. Your decoctions worked," Professor Wu said.     

"That's good," Wang Yao said.     

"I brewed some more decoctions on the hill. That's why I was so late." He took out three bottles and placed them on the table. "Please take the three bottles back to the hospital and give them to the patient to take."     

"Sure," Professor Wu said. "May I ask what the decoctions contain?"     

"Well, I'll discuss that with you on a different day," Wang Yao said.     

"OK," Professor Wu said.     

Chen Ying and Chen Zhou talked with Wang Yao for a while after Professor Wu left.     

"Dr. Wang, is this decoction very valuable?" Chen Ying asked.     

"Not really. It's different than the decoctions for Chen Zhou. This one was not hard to make," Wang Yao said.     

The decoctions Wang Yao gave Professor Wu only contained common herbs. Only the dandelion and bristle grass were special because they had a limited supply. However, all the herbs were from Wang Yao's herbal field, which was impacted by the Spirit Gathering Battle Array. Those herbs grew extremely fast.     

"Is everything going to be fine with the help of your decoction?" Chen Ying asked.     

"I hope so," Wang Yao said. However, he didn't think it would be that easy.     

Professor Wu rushed back to the hospital with the decoctions.     

"Professor, are the decoctions we've been using from that young doctor?" Professor Wu's assistant still found it hard to believe.     

"Yes. Don't tell anyone about it for now," Professor Wu said.     

"I see!" The young man's eyes flashed with surprise.     

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