Elixir Supplier



This was a matter of principle!     

Looking at his father's serious face and gaze, Guo Zhenghe, who had always been intelligent and eloquent, did not know how to answer. He could only admit his mistake.     

There was always something he feared in the world.     

What Guo Zhenghe was most afraid of was his father.     

He did not tell his father some things related to his governance or personal problems. It was not because he did not want to. He simply didn't dare to.     

"This time, you used your public power for private purposes. Will you pay for a murderer next time?" Guo Zhaojun sighed.     

"No, I won't make such a mistake again," Guo Zhenghe hurriedly said. He knew his father was very angry.     

"From today on, you are not allowed to have any personal contact with that local official. If I hear about it, you will go back to Beijing!"     

"Yes," Guo Zhenghe immediately said.     

"As for Wang Yao's things, you will stop it. Forget any evil thoughts and remember that he saved your life. Since she does not like you, give her up. The world is big. There are many excellent girls!"     

"I know, Father," Guo Zhenghe said.     

"Well, tell me about your next step."     

Guo Zhenghe thought for a moment before telling his father some of his governance ideas. This was a summary of his experience since he entered officialdom. He had never said them to anyone before.     

Guo Zhaojun listened quietly. He interrupted his son in some places, asking a few questions and letting him continue.     

He was pleased that his son could have his own ruling ideas. He knew what his purpose was before doing things, as well as what methods and means were used for the purpose. That was a basic framework. Guo Zhenghe had no problems in that respect. Guo Zhaojun did not deliberately tell him some of his ideas, but he carefully explained to the son about the particulars of the career.     

That included what could be done, what should be done on its initiative, what could never be done, and the importance of understanding the spirits and intents of leaders.     

These basic things had to be known.     

"Zhenghe, don't think we can do anything we want since the Guo family engages in big business and have been officials from generation to generation. I am in this position. I know how many people who are staring at us, waiting for us to make mistakes to replace us."     

It was glorious to be a member of a big family, but the pressure under the glory was out of most people's imagination.     

No one wanted to be infinitely glorious one day but at the edge of death the next day.     

Guo Zhaojun wanted his son to know these things. At the very least, he could not make mistakes. For example, if the recent incident was known to those who were speculative, it would be a shortcoming that could be used to attack him.     

In this way, no matter how dazzling one's political achievements were, if one made mistakes, one would ruin everything. The golden rule, since ancient times, had been highly respected by officials.     

He was clear about his son's character. He wanted to do big things, and he wanted to do better than others. He had not yet reached the stage of being over-ambitious. He might not be aware of that point yet. He was eager to win, which was often the characteristic of young people. In officialdom, it was dangerous.     

"Don't go back tonight. Stay and drink some wine with me."     


Guo Zhaojun, as a strict father, hoped that his son's generation would be able to go further than his.     

The family had a high starting point, but it also made these children's lives too smooth with limited frustrations. In life, no one could expect things to always be smooth.     

In the mountain village, Wang Yao harvested a portion of the herbs from the field. He leveled the land and planted new seeds.     

As for continuous cropping, in a place with a spirit gathering battle array, it was unnecessary.     

After he had finished, he re-organized the medicinal herbs and prepared to make a batch of pills during the next two days.     

When it was almost dark, he came down the mountain. It happened that Wang Zecheng came out from home with tools to prepare to go up the mountain.     

"Why did you come back so early today?"     

"The factory over there is not so busy, and I don't work there at night," Wang Zecheng said with a smile.     

"Where are you going?"     

"I want to go to the field and see how the herbs I have just planted are growing."     

"Let's go together."     

"Oh, OK."     

The two of them went to Wang Zecheng's fields on Dongshan Mountain. They were all terraced, block-shaped, and arranged along the hillside. Each piece was small. The land was not purely for crops. There were also other trees, such as peach, almond, and cherry.     

On Wang Zecheng's land, the seedlings were growing well.     

"Look, is it good?" To grow these herbs, he paid close attention to them.     

"Yes, very good." Wang Yao smiled.     

The earliest herbs were wild plants. People soon discovered their medicinal value and tried to plant them. This was the same as starting to plant crops. Since they were growing on the hills, they were not so delicate. Dongshan's environment was ideal for growing herbs.     

"Are these saplings alright?" He pointed to a few tree seedlings in the ground.     

"It doesn't matter. Just leave them there."     

Wang Zecheng stayed and cleared the weeds. Wang Yao went down the mountain.     

It was dark. The wind was blowing, expelling the heat accumulated recently.     

The next day, the clinic opened.     

Wen Wan and her son arrived early.     

"We want to go out to have a walk, but I am worried about my mother's body."     

"No worries. Go out to and take a walk."     

"OK, thank you." Fan Youren was happy.     

"Where should we go?" he asked his mother.     

"To the beach."     

"Don't go to the beach," Wang Yao said.     

"Why not? Did something happen?"     

"It's going to rain." Wang Yao smiled.     

"OK." Fan Youren patted his head. How could he forget the weather?     

After they left, a few patients came later that morning. They all had gastrointestinal discomfort.     

The first one was a young man. He had a pale face and strong diarrhea. He was a villager.     




"How many days?"     

"Three days."     

"Open your mouth and say, 'Ah.'"     

"Have you had barbecue recently?"     

"Well, I have eaten it four or five times."     

"Do you still drink beer?"     

"How can I not drink beer when I have barbecue?" He smiled. The diarrhea started the day before. He had come to the village because it was his grandfather's birthday. His family told him to find Wang Yao.     

"It is due to your disharmonious stomach and dampness in the body. You should stop eating those things. I will give you some medicine."     

Ume, Codonopsis, Atractylodes, and scorpion.     

These simple medicines were to stop diarrhea.     

"Have some light foods in your daily diet. Don't eat greasy, spicy, sweet foods, and don't eat much watermelon."     

"Oh." The young man got up and left.     

It was OK for him to get some Western medicine for this disease.     

The second patient was a child, around 5 or 6 years old. His mother brought him to the clinic. He also had diarrhea.     

"How much soda does he consume?"     

"Well, three a day," the woman said.     

"Come on. Lie down so I can give you a massage."     

After the child laid down, Wang Yao gently pushed on his abdomen. He could hear rumbling in the boy's abdomen.     

"A child's stomach is far more fragile than an adult stomach. Those cold drinks and something like that must be controlled. You can't eat more. It's best not to eat," Wang Yao said while giving a massage.     

Colas and similar drinks did not cool a body down. Instead, it might cause an upset stomach. People loved those drinks because they were delicious, and they often made one feel comfortable while drinking it.     

"How do you feel?"     

"It's very comfortable," the child said. As Wang Yao massaged him, he kept farting. Wang Yao didn't care.     

Wang Yao gave him a drug to stop the diarrhea.     

The third person also had diarrhea.     

They were coughing.     

"Have a cold?"     


"How many days?"     

"Three days. I started having diarrhea yesterday."     

"What medicine have you taken?"     

The man told him the medicine.     

"The diarrhea was caused by a cold. Rather, it is because of the cold medicine," Wang Yao said.     

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