God Emperor

The Battle of Array Masters

The Battle of Array Masters

Ming Gu thought that he could easily defeat Lu Baiming since he was in his home court. However, it did not look all that simple now.     

"Dragon-Tiger's Hegemony."     

Ming Gu growled as he controlled the Four-Guardian Heaven Lock Formation with all his might.     


The Azure Dragon and the White Tiger flew out at the same time, releasing tiger and dragon roars that shook the lands.     

There was a saying, "the wind follows the tiger, and the clouds follow the dragon".     

The moment the tiger and the dragon moved, the winds, as well as the clouds, changed while a massive vortex appeared. It fell from the sky, trying to take away all of the Saint Swords.     

The vortex was formed by the condensed winds and clouds and was connected to the heavens. The Azure Dragon and the White Tiger were hidden within the vortex, with only their voices heard, but their forms were nowhere to be seen.     


The 54 Saint Swords all trembled and let out a series of hums.     

The suction power of the vortex was indeed terrifying. If the 54 Saint Swords had not been deeply connected, they would have been sucked in instantly.     

The Azure Dragon and the White Tiger stuck their claws out from the vortex and struck two of the Saint Swords.     


The two Saint Swords suffered heavy damage as cracks appeared all over them, and they almost came apart.     

Without waiting for Lu Baiming to shift the positions of the two swords, the Azure Dragon and the White Tiger struck again with another devastating attack.     

Both the Azure Dragon and the White Tiger possessed extremely terrifying powers that were comparable to elites of the Path's Anterior realm. Over on the Celestial Court's side, there were probably not many that could directly block their attacks.     


The two Saint Swords could not withstand the second blow, and they immediately shattered.     

Seeing this, a smile suddenly appeared on Ming Gu's face. He truly did not believe that he was unable to do anything to Lu Baiming.     

As long as there was a breach in the sword formation, unraveling it would not be too difficult. Besides, he wanted to take the 108 flags for himself.     

With Ming Gu's eyes, he naturally could see that the materials of the 108 flags were unusual, and each individual flag was invaluable.     

If he could take them for himself and then refine them again, he would be able to use them. They were enough to increase his strength for sure.     

On the head of the Primordial Demonic Serpent, Lu Baiming was still calm as ever, as though he was a complete bystander.     

The two broken Saint Swords had completely disintegrated and transformed into two rays of Saint Light as they merged into the adjacent Saint Swords.     

At the same time, the other Saint Swords also fused with one another.     

In the blink of an eye, the number of Saint Swords in the formation halved again, leaving only 27 swords.     

The 27 Saint Swords shrank dramatically, and each became only a hundred feet long.     

Correspondingly, the Saint Swords became more and more corporeal since countless Precepts of Heaven and Earth were contained inside the swords.     

Seeing this, Ming Gu's expression could not help but change slightly. "So it can fuse again... Are these swords going to fuse into one in the end?"     

He could feel that every time the Saint Swords merged, although their numbers were greatly reduced, the power of the formation was constantly increasing. It was already able to shake the Four-Guardian Heaven Lock Formation.     

The most frightening thing was, the sword formation seemed to be isolating the Four-Guardian Heaven Lock Formation, cutting off all sources of power, causing the formation to collapse upon itself.     

"I cannot go on like this!"     

Ming Gu's gaze sharpened as he stretched his hand out to lightly press the altar under him.     

A large amount of evil Death Qi was released from the altar, among them was a large number of dead spirits.     

All of the dead spirits had no fixed form; they were all black shadows that exuded a strange and terrifying aura.     

The next moment, the dead spirits gathered and transformed into a menacing God of Death, which stood several hundred feet tall.     

The God of Death was formed by a formation, and it was very different from the God of Death formed from the Will of Death.     

In order to refine this altar and form this formation array, Ming Gu had slaughtered many Celestial Court cultivators on the Battlefield of Merits. He had extracted their Saint Souls and refined them into special dead spirits, storing them inside the altar.     

There had originally been hundreds of thousands of dead spirits within the altar, but after they cannibalized one another, there were only 999 left. Each of them was very powerful and comparable to a Nine-step Saint King.     

Ninety-nine dead spirits, under the control of the formation, took the form of a God of Death with enhanced power. It was now more powerful than the Four Guardian Beasts conjured from the Four-Guardian Heaven Lock Formation.     

Under Ming Gu's control, the God of Death flew out from the Four-Guardian Heaven Lock Formation.     


The God of Death swung its death scythe and actually cut through the formation formed by the 27 Saint Swords.     

The main reason was the Four-Guardian Heaven Lock Formation had been holding the sword formation back, causing it to not have enough power to fight against the God of Death.     

The God of Death rose into the sky, waving its scythe as it charged at Lu Baiming.     

Lu Baiming was indifferent, and calmly stretched his hand out, and tapped the air before him.     

A series of formation sigils appeared one after another, as a total of 24 started to overlap each other.     

Each of the formation sigils was itself a high-level formation array, and with the 24 formation sigils layered over one another, it was a 24-linked formation.     

Bam! Bam!!     

The death scythe smashed the formation into pieces and was seemingly unstoppable.     

However, it was unable to break all of the formation sigils, and after its strength was exhausted, the remaining seven formation sigils fell upon it.     

The God of Death was repeatedly pushed back because the evil Death Qi outside its body was unstable. Its form almost broke.     

Lu Baiming stretched his hand out again, and a massive formation sigil appeared. A Primordial Bull rushed out from it and charged straight toward the God of Death.     

The Primordial Bull unleashed its terrifying brute force, seemingly being able to shatter a Primordial Divine Mountain with its charge.     


Half of the God of Death's body shattered and transformed into hundreds of dead spirits.     

Just as these dead spirits was about to regroup, Lu Baiming deployed a very ancient formation array.     

A large amount of spiritual power emerged from between Lu Baiming's brows and was infused into the formation.     

Suddenly, the formation came back to life as a series of arcane formation patterns emerged, culminating in a series of thunder that struck at the God of Death.     

The colors of the thunders from the formation were different, and all five elements were included within them. They were the Five-Element Thunders.     

The five elements reinforced and counteracted one another, while the Five-Element Thunders that were unleashed possessed an arcane connection with one another. They contained devastating power.     


Dozens of consecutive strikes struck the God of Death, and the God of Death's body instantly exploded.     

Not only that, the dead spirits that formed the God of Death were restrained by the Five-Element Thunder, and in an instant, dozens of the dead spirits were destroyed by the thunder.     


Ming Gu was anxious, and he desperately activated the altar to recall the remaining dead spirits.     

He had expended a lot of effort to cultivate these dead spirits, and the destruction of even one caused him pain.     

Naturally, Lu Baiming would not allow Ming Gu to recall the dead spirits that easily as he roused the formation array with all his might, causing more and more Five-Element Thunder to strike out, destroying the dead spirits one by one.     

In the end, Ming Gu had only managed to recall half of the dead spirits, with many of them damaged by the Five-Element Thunder.     

"Lu Baiming!"     

A fierce look appeared in Ming Gu's eyes as he gritted his teeth at Lu Baiming with extreme hatred.     

If he had known that Lu Baiming had such a terrifying formation that could counter the dead spirits, he would not have used the God of Death formation.     

He could only blame Lu Baiming for hiding his trump cards too well. After all, no one had seen him use this Five-Element Formation Array before.     

"Senior Brother Lu's skills in formation is really terrifying." A hint of surprise appeared in Zhang Ruochen's eyes.     

He had fought against Mister Godcliff, and had seen the formations the latter had deployed before. He had thought them to be terrifying back then, but compared with Lu Baiming, Mister Godcliff was undoubtedly inferior.     

Now he somewhat believed what Ji Fanxin had said, perhaps Lu Baiming really had the hope to be promoted to an Arch Array Master before becoming a Spiritual Power Supreme Saint.     

Right then, the formation covering Xianji Mountain changed once again, going from twenty swords to fourteen, and then from fourteen to seven swords as their strength increased exponentially.     

At that moment, the seven Saint Swords no longer continued to merge and had seemed to reach their limit.     

Anyone could see that the seven Saint Swords were brimming with power, and if they continued to merge, it was likely that they would self-destruct due to their powers going out of control.     

Lu Baiming did not try to force them. Instead, he controlled the swords with his spiritual power, arranging them into a bizarre formation. Following that, he slashed them down in a deadly stroke, unleashing a devastating blow.     

The seven sword lights combined into one, measuring thousands of feet long. From afar, it looked like a beautiful rainbow hanging in the sky.     


The Four Guardian Heaven Lock Formation was instantly crushed as the four Divine Beasts were annihilated and many of the formation inscriptions on the mountains were wiped out in an instant.     

A major earthquake shook the entire Xianji Mountain, causing many peaks to collapse, as a massive ravine appeared on the ground, reaching a depth of hundreds of feet.     

"Damn you."     

Ming Gu was furious, with fires almost erupting from his eyes.     

Everything had happened so quickly that he had no time to stop Lu Baiming from breaking through the Four-Guardian Heaven Lock Formation.     

Now even the formation base of the formation array had been damaged, it was impossible to repair it in a short period of time.     

"The Four-Guardian Heaven Lock Formation has been broken. It is now your turn to strike."     

Lu Baiming turned around and spoke to the Celestial Court cultivators on the dozens of warships.     


Without any hesitation, dozens of warships rushed into Xianji Mountain.     

Each of their targets had already been decided beforehand.     

As soon as they rushed into Xianji Mountain, the dozens of warships immediately split apart. Four ships were formed into a team for a total of eight teams as each times struck at a barracks.     

This was the second line of defense within Xianji Mountain. Only by destroying them could they approach the Altar of Death.     

It was because of the eight barracks that the sword light had only caused damage to Xianji Mountain's periphery, but the central area of the mountain was not affected.     

"You dare step foot in Xianji Mountain. All of you will die!" Ming Gu roared.     

A powerful spiritual power was unleashed, activating many of the formation patterns that had been engraved onto the ground in advance, wanting to destroy a portion of the warships.     

Lu Baiming blasted out the Five-Element formation array, activating the arcane formations contained within it, and actually suppressed the formations Ming Gu had deployed, causing them to fail to function.     

"Ming Gu, your opponent is me," Lu Baiming said faintly.     

A cold light appeared in Ming Gu's eyes as he said, "Lu Baiming, don't ever think I'll ever be afraid of you. While you may have broken the Four-Guardian Heaven Lock Formation, that does not mean you have defeated me. I will fight you properly after this. Let's see who the strongest Array Master is."     

Before, he was thinking of relying on the Xianji Sect's Four-Guardian Heaven Lock Formation so that he could save a little effort.     

However, since the Four-Guardian Heaven Lock Formation was unreliable, he had to rely on his own ability, and he did not believe that he was unable to beat Lu Baiming with that.     

Ever since he started cultivating, he had never been defeated by anyone on the matters of formation arrays...     

Not in the past, and not now.     

Lu Baiming smiled faintly and replied, "Then use all of your skills, don't disappoint me."     

"You won't." A powerful murderous intent exuded from Ming Gu.     

Now, he no longer thought of anything else, neither did he cared if Xianji Mountain could withstand it or not. The only thing he wanted to do now was to defeat Lu Baiming with his formation array and let everyone know that he was the strongest Array Master beneath a Supreme Saint.     

In this battle, only victory was permitted, or else Lu Baiming would forever be a thorn in his heart that ceased to go away.     

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