God Emperor

Water Under the Bridge

Water Under the Bridge

Qianshui Commandery was one of the largest commanderies outside the Eastern Region's divine lands. Many famous rivers such as the Tongming River, the Wansang River, and the Baiyue River flowed through its borders, connecting to thirty-three other commanderies. Its water and land-based roadways were very well developed and considered to be in a very favorable geographical location.     

In addition, the 13th Sub-terminal of Merits was built in Qianshui Royal City, which immediately made the place a bridgehead fortress for battles between the Celestial Court and Infernal Court.     

Within the city, there was an increasing number of Saint-level elites coming from all realms in the universe. However, most of them hid their aura and did not show off just because Qianshui Royal City was a city of mortals in the Kunlun Realm. It was as if they were quietly following some unspoken rules.     

A few cultivators even set up Saint Shops in the Martial Market to trade various cultivation resources.     

No matter how terrible the fighting was elsewhere, Qianshui Royal City was thriving and many times more prosperous than before.     

When Zhang Ruochen entered the city, he noticed the interior city walls were all engraved with formation inscriptions, and the inscriptions were all quite complicated and arcane, very likely a Rank 9 Formation Array.     

"With such a formation array protecting it, Qianshui Royal City can literally be called an iron wall. It looks like Earthlord Formation Masters from the Celestial Court have come to the Kunlun Realm."     

It was possible for one to become an Earthlord with the rank of a Saint King. Earthlords were definitely talented and experienced people in terms of formation arrays. Such individuals could determine the victory or defeat of a large scale War of Merits, and they were extremely rare. Well, they could not find one in the entirety of the Guanghan Realm at the very least.     

Outside Qianshui Royal City, countless refugees had gathered, wanting to enter the city to escape the war. Recently, there had been continuous outbreaks of battles between Saints, and that terrified the civilians.     

Despite that, Qianshui Royal City was only so big, and it was impossible for it to accept the nonstop influx of refugees. Hence, the city could only expel them beyond the city walls.     

Zhang Ruochen arrived at the city gate and immediately unleashed his Saint Aura. The Saint Guards manning the gate did not dare to stop him, and they promptly let him through.     

Nevertheless, there was still an ancient mirror hanging below the city. After an examination by the ancient mirror, which determined that he was not an Infernal Court cultivator in disguise, only did Zhang Ruochen officially enter the city.     

It was easy getting out of the city. Getting in, however, was difficult.     

Looking at the bustling scene in the city, Zhang Ruochen sighed to himself. "The war has brought not only devastation to the Kunlun Realm, but also hope of rebirth. This War of Merits, if it lasts for a hundred years, it will definitely be a realm where both suffering and opportunities coexist. No doubt, the Kunlun Realm will be stimulated to give birth to a large number of talented and strong individuals.     

"Of course, there is a bigger possibility of it being destroyed by both internal and external woes."     

Even the gods could not predict where the Kunlun Realm would head in the future.     

Perhaps the Kunlun Realm's destiny was annihilation, but there would always be a group of stubborn ones who would never surrender to fate. They would puff their chest, grit their teeth, endure any shame, bleed, and fight as they screamed at the heavens, declaring war against destiny.     

Once Zhang Ruochen arrived at the Martial Market Bank's Qianshui Commandery branch, the first person he actually saw was Lei Jing.     

Zhang Ruochen hurriedly clasped his hand over his fist and bowed. "Greetings, Master."     

Lei Jing was once the principal of the Martial Market Academy at Tianmoling and was Zhang Ruochen's first master. He had played a great role in helping Zhang Ruochen prior to his growth.     

A day as his master was the same as being his master for a lifetime.     

Now, Lei Jing had cultivated to the rank of a Demi Saint, and he was working in the Martial Market Bank's Qianshui Commandery branch.     


Lei Jing was obviously quite happy as he laughed and patted Zhang Ruochen on the shoulder with his large hand. "Good lad, it has only been a few years, and your cultivation has already reached the rank of a Saint King. Not bad, not bad. You must drink a couple of rounds with your master tonight," he said.     

While he was just a Demi Saint, Lei jing did not exude any pressure at all and appeared carefree.     

"Sure!" Zhang Ruochen smiled.     

Immediately after, Lei Jing sighed again because he knew that Zhang Ruochen's life these past few years had not been easy. He wanted to say something but stopped, and instead said, "Forget that. Let us get down to business. Your senior sister has been waiting for you for a long time now."     

"Which senior sister?" Zhang Ruochen asked.     

"The one who brought you something."     

Lei Jing then took Zhang Ruochen to a quiet courtyard in the Martial Market Bank. Four-seasons Begonias were planted there, and the fragrance of flowers, as well as the faint scent of calligraphy ink, permeated the area.     

Suddenly, Lei Jing halted and said, "She's over there. Go on!"     

Zhang Ruochen looked at the pond and saw Luo Shuihan's graceful figure. She was wearing an immaculate white robe that was whiter than snow, yet her person was fairer still. The pond's green water reflected her image, and the fragrance from the surrounding flowers made her appear as stunning as when Zhang Ruochen saw her at the western courtyard for the first time.     

There was an elegant and artistic air about her.     

The Divine Scripture Maiden[1] had a similar temperament too, but the maiden was active in court     

and well acquainted with the ways of the land, with troubles in her heart and schemes in her being. She was always out and about, worrying about the safety of her kin and country or carrying the weight of the world's heroes.     

Luo Shuihan, on the other hand, was a hermit with no quarrels in the world. She was akin to a cloud of mist that floated in the sky, untouched by worldly things.     

What surprised Zhang Ruochen was the fact that Luo Shuihan had actually attained the Saint King rank.     

Luo Shuihan had always wanted to walk Luo Xu's path. In fact, her talents surpassed that of Luo Xu, and he did not have the attributes she possessed back then at all. He relied on his own hard work and continuous efforts to make up for what he lacked innately to achieve what he had today.     

In addition to her own efforts, Luo Shuihan stood on Luo Xu's proverbial giant shoulder. With Luo Xu paving the way for her, the speed of her cultivation was naturally fast.     

Of course, Luo Shuihan had to have her own opportunities and fortune, otherwise, she would not have reached her current position.     

The Three Demons of the Western Courtyard were all women of talents, each with their own personality and fortune.     

Seeing Luo Shuihan again, Zhang Ruochen sighed in his heart as he thought of the past.     

"Senior Sister," Zhang Ruochen said.     

Luo Shuihan took out a crystal box and handed it to Zhang Ruochen. "The item you wanted is in it."     

Zhang Ruochen took the crystal box, and only after he propped up a Dimensional Domain did he open the box. The box was inlaid with a formation array, and two blinding rays of divine light rushed out of it like two scorching suns, containing terrifying energy.     


Quickly closing the box, Zhang Ruochen suppressed his excitement. He did not want to appear too immature before Luo Shuihan, and he tried his best to keep his composure as he said, "How many Saint Stones?"     

Luo Shuihan shook her head lightly and said, "This is just a small favor. You don't have to pay any Saint Stones for it."     

"I appreciate Senior Luo Xu's kindness! But Senior Sister, you should know that I, Zhang Ruochen do not like to owe anyone anything. Just state a price," Zhang Ruochen said.      

Luo Shuihan fell silent, and a moment later, she replied, "There is no need for Saint Stones! However, there is one thing that I may need to trouble you with."     

"What's the matter?"     

"You should know about Luoshui by now, right?"     

Zhang Ruochen nodded gently.     

"Luoshui is closedly tied to the Luo Saint Clan, and with the recovery of the Kunlun Realm, Luoshui will soon undergo a lot of changes, and the eyes of the cultivators will probably be drawn to that place," Luo Shuihan said     

Zhang Ruochen obviously knew that Luoshui was extraordinary, and Luo Xu actually learned to cultivate his Luoshui Fist at Luoshui.     

There was a possibility that it was not Luo Xu who had learned the fist techniques there, but there were still other secrets to uncover. After all, Luo Xu was already skilled in Luoshui Fist when he was out and about in the martial arts realm.     

Given how exquisite the Luoshui Fist was, how could a mere martial artist of the Huangji Realm learn it?     

Of course, that was Luo Xu's secret, and he would definitely try to keep it hidden. Luo Xu was already being very generous when he taught Zhang Ruochen the Luoshui Fist technique. Naturally, Zhang Ruochen pretended not to know anything and did not deliberately ask him about it.     

"What can I do then? Take Luoshui away?" Zhang Ruochen asked.     

Luo Shuihan gently shook her head and said, "You cannot take Luoshui away. There is a great secret hidden there. Besides, Master Xu and I have found great fortune at the river."     

"The civilians near Luoshui's bank are more or less related to the Luo Saint Clan. Master Xu hopes you can pick them up and take them away so that they do not perish amid the chaos of war."     

Zhang Ruochen agreed and said, "That is just a small matter! I will take the two Godstones from Senior Luo Xu and consider that I owe him a favor. If the Luo Saint Clan were to get into any trouble, just let me know. Zhang Ruochen will definitely rush over to help."     

Luo Shuihan smiled faintly. "A favor from Zhang Ruochen is much more valuable than two Godstones. There is no loss in us gifting them to you."     

Something suddenly occurred to Zhang Ruochen, and he immediately took out a list. As he handed it over to Luo Shuihan, he said, "I need the materials on the list. It shouldn't be difficult for the Martial Market Bank, right?"     

Luo Shuihan took the list and read it carefully before she said, "They are all materials for a formation array and a rather high-level one. Give me a night, and I should be able to help you get all of them by tomorrow morning."     

After parting with Luo Shuihan, Zhang Ruochen went to see Lei Jing.     

Lei Jing had taken out the best wine he had from his wine cellar for quite some time. Even Lei Jing himself was only willing to taste a sip a year, but at that moment, he and Zhang Ruochen were drinking it by the bowl.     

While they drank, they talked about their experiences over the years.     

Zhang Ruochen asked about his former seniors, Si Xingkong and Chang Qiqi. Lei Jing did not want to hide the truth from Zhang Ruochen and told him everything. There was a time in the past when Zhang Ruochen's three meridians were completely ruined, and it caused many people related to him quite the trouble. Si Xingkong, the easygoing senior was brutally killed by Immortal Vampires, and neither his wife nor children were spared. His end was gruesome.     

Hearing that, Zhang Ruochen crushed the wine bowl in his hand and blamed himself deeply. At the same time, his hatred toward the Immortal Vampires grew even more.     

Lei Jing then told him that Chang Qiqi was still alive, but he had gone incognito, gotten married, and had children, living his life like a mortal.     

That night, Lei Jing and Zhang Ruochen talked about many things and people. No one knew how much they drank, but both of them got slightly tipsy.     

Perhaps it was due to his tipsy state, but Lei Jing asked about Huang Yanchen.     

Lei Jing knew that Huang Yanchen was the last name Zhang Ruochen wanted to hear. If he had been sober, he would have definitely not asked about it.     

Zhang Ruochen shook his head and told Lei Jing that there was no news of Huang Yanchen.     

In the end, Zhang Ruochen did not know if he really got drunk, or if it was his fatigue that led to him feeling drunk. In short, as he lay on the table, he heard Lei Jing sigh in a daze. "Aih! Actually, she did return to Qianshui Commandery... Yunwu Royal City... Western Court... Seen her once... Will never return... Hell's Gate... Tears..."     

He did not hear it clearly, and by the time he woke up the next day, Zhang Ruochen could not remember anything.     

[1] Previously translated as Saint Tome Maiden     

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