God Emperor

Pursuing Xie Canghai

Pursuing Xie Canghai

In the Eastern Region Holy City, even its sea regions had a large number of inscriptions. They could contain the destructive power of a cultivator within a certain range and would prevent a city from being destroyed due to the battle between Nine-step Saint Kings.     

Even so, when Xie Canghai struck his ax out, the sea region within hundreds of miles kicked up huge waves.     

The blood-haired man appeared calm and stood up as he pointed upward with his slender fingers.     


Thousands upon thousands of Saint Path Precepts blasted out from his finger and turned into an arc-shaped shield with a diameter spanning hundreds of meters, like a huge mushroom sprouting out in the sea.     

The Xuantian Battle Ax bit into the surface of the shield ward, and a terrifying energy storm erupted.     

The surrounding seawater was squeezed upward, forming a high ring-shaped mountain of water that spanned kilometers.     

Immediately after, the ring-shaped mountain of water rushed out in all directions, submerging islands in the area.     

Three hundred miles away, the island Zhang Ruochen was hiding in was also not spared.     

The island shattered within an instant and sank to the bottom of the sea.     

Zhang Ruochen fell into the sea, and his entire body hurt as if he had been struck by a palm strike by a powerful elite of the Precept Domain realm. Fortunately, his body was strong, otherwise, he would definitely be wounded.     

"A cultivator of the Precept Domain realm is too terrifying. Even hundreds of miles away, the shock wave of the battle almost wounded me."     

This battle made Zhang Ruochen realize that the area within a hundred miles of the Precept Domain cultivators' battlefield was a death zone. Breaking into it would surely have disastrous consequences.     

As for a cultivator below the Saint rank, the forbidden area of a battle between cultivators of the Precept Domain realm would be thousands of miles wide.     

Right then, Xie Canghai was extremely shocked.     

He had gone all out with the ax attack, and it was easily neutralized by his foe. Other than a Supreme Saint, this was the first time Xie Canghai had met such a terrifying character, and there was a hint of flight that was born in his heart.     

"It would be discourteous for me to receive and not return the favor. Have a taste of my sword."     

The man with blood hair did not draw his sword and stood still on his boat instead.     

A dazzling Sword Light flew out of his body.     

If there was a Supreme Saint nearby, he would clearly see that the Sword Light was actually a fast-flying figure that looked exactly like the man with bloody hair.     

However, it was difficult for any beings beneath a Supreme Saint to see this clearly.     

Xie Canghai was, after all, an old monster of the Precept Domain realm and could guess the true essence of the Sword Light. "A Sword Soul... For you to cultivate such a terrifying Sword Soul..." he exclaimed.     

That Sword Light was the blood-haired man's Sword Soul.     

Only by comprehending the Jianjiu to a certain level would one be able to cultivate a Sword Soul.     

The deeper the enlightenment, the stronger the Sword Soul was.     

Xie Canghai deployed a defensive Intermediate-level Saint Technique as a layer of stone skin grew on the surface of his skin, and covering his entire body. The stone skin grew increasingly thicker and finally transformed into a stone mountain that was a hundred feet tall.     


The Sword Light collided with the stone mountain.     

The stone mountain burst into pieces.     

The Sword Light entered from Xie Canghai's chest and through his body.     

There was not a single trace of wounds on Xie Canghai's body, yet his Saint Soul was severely wounded by the blood-haired man's Sword Soul. Not only his head felt like it was about to burst, he even could not control the Saint Qi and Saint Path Precepts in his body.     

Both his Saint Qi and Saint Path Precepts had become disordered.     

On the other hand, the small boat beneath the man's feet shot out like an arrow towards him. As his bloody hair fluttered in the wind, he looked like a peerless immortal.     

"I need to run."     

There was only that thought in Xie Canghai's mind now.     

"Thousand-Mile Demonic Step."     

Xie Canghai held the Thousand-Mile Demonic Step talisman between two fingers and pressed it against his chest.     

The Talisman melted away and condensed into a layer of demonic light that enveloped Xie Canghai's body.     

The man with blood hair frowned deeply as he clutched the bamboo slips tight with his left hand while raising his right. Suddenly, the seawater within hundreds of miles solidified and turned into sword-shaped white ice crystals; cold light gleamed at the tip of the swords.     

It was just seawater earlier, and now it was a forest of swords.     

The number of ice swords was beyond counting.     


Countless ice swords flew up and flew toward Xie Canghai with deadly abundance.     


Xie Canghai roared, and turned into a beam of light, blasting away at a speed that was a thousand times faster than sound as he shot through the layers of raining swords. A moment later, he had fled thousands of miles away.     

The Thousand Mile Demonic Step Talisman was Xie Canghai's most important life-saving means, and even if he were to encounter a foe of a Supreme Saint realm, he still had a glimmer of hope to escape.     

After all, even the speed of a Supreme Saint could not reach a thousand times the speed of sound.     

"He's quite capable. And it really won't be easy to take the Demonic Blood Ax Engraving back. Then, let's catch that mysterious little guy first."     

The man with blood hair said something to himself and then drove his small boat to the vicinity of the small island Zhang Ruochen had been hiding in. Of course, the island had sunk.     

He did not really have a deep friendship with Jiang Yunchong, and just happened to cooperate just this once.     

Not only did he want to take the Demonic Blood Ax Engraving back, but he also wanted to seize the hundred-thousand-year-old sacred medicine and the Taiyi Primordial Stone, and capture Zhang Ruochen to interrogate him about the secrets of the Godslayer Cross Shield.     

"He's really perceptive and has already escaped."     

The man with the blood hair laughed at himself. After troubling himself for almost half a day, he ended up with nothing.     

Xie Canghai was seriously injured, and the Saint Qi in his body became more and more chaotic.     

"Although my fight with the blood-haired man was short, the shock wave from the battle was still extremely powerful. With his spiritual power, Mr. Godcliff would have been able to detect it. Why didn't he take action and suppress that man?" Xie Canghai was quite puzzled.     

He did not know that Jiang Yunchong had deployed means in Tianjue Pavilion and on Tianjue Island to blind Mister Godcliff's perception.     

At this moment, Jiang Yunchong was talking and laughing with Mister Godcliff as they tested each other out.     

"No, I cannot go back to Tianjue Island..."     

Xie Canghai stopped as his eyes looked around.     

That man with the blood hair would definitely wait for him near Tianjue Island.     

Xie Canghai would most certainly be intercepted long before he met Mister Godcliff and the rest. Besides, with his current state, was there another chance for him to escape?     

Xie Canghai sent out a Communication Light Talisman to Mister Godcliff before escaping into the bottom of the sea and went all out to heal his wounds.     

Of course, before the light talisman he had sent out could even fly into Tianjue Island, it was shot down by an invisible force and reduced to powder, scattering into the sea.     

"Xie Canghai is seriously injured. Now is the best time to get rid of time, and take the Demonic Blood Ax Engraving back."     

Zhang Ruochen kept using the Greater Dimensional Shift as he pursued the aura left behind by Xie Canghai, searching for his trace.     

Zhang Ruochen was naturally no match against Xie Canghai at his peak, but now, with the Azuresky Pagoda, Zhang Ruochen had some confidence in taking down the seriously wounded Xie Canghai.     

After using nine Greater Dimensional Shifts in a row, Zhang Ruochen had pursued him for over thousands of miles.     

Suddenly, Xie Canghai's aura disappeared.     

After searching for an hour, Zhang Ruochen tried all sorts of methods without success. Clearly, Xie Canghai had some treasures that could restrain his aura and hide his tracks.     

No wonder the man with the blood hair did not pursue him, or perhaps, he had expected this long ago.     

Zhang Ruochen did not want to give up, if he missed the opportunity today, it was very possible that Xie Canghai would take the Demonic Blood Ax Engraving back to Blackdemon Realm, and an ultimate legacy of the Kunlun Realm would really be lost.     

"Chunan, come and meet me."     

Zhang Ruochen shot out a light talisman and called Xiang Chunan back.     

Another hour later, Xiang Chunan rushed back and asked, "Brother, has the situation changed?"     

Zhang Ruochen shook his head and said, "Is your Eye of Clairvoyance reliable?"     

Xiang Chunan was immediately confident as he patted his chest in assurance. "Aside from the past and the future, there is nothing my Eye of Clairvoyance can't detect or see through. I still have this bit of confidence."     

"I'll give you two hours' time. Find Xie Canghai for me," Zhang Ruochen said.     

As the time of the attack against the Eastern Region Saint King Manor grew closer, the time left for Zhang Ruochen was not much.     

"Leave me to me. If I cannot find that old coot, I'll gouge these eyes out myself."     

"Powers beyond take my body, and stare into the void a thousand miles away."     

Xiang Chunan flew to a position thousands of feet above the sea, as he stood on top of a cloud, and shot out two beams of light from his eyes, as he surveyed across all directions.     

Next, Xiang Chunan and Zhang Ruochen searched area by area as time ticked on.     

Two hours later, Xiang Chunan still failed to find Xie Canghai.     

Xiang Chunan was a little crazy, as he had used his Eye of Clairvoyance for too long, his eyes started to bleed. But he knew the importance of finding Xie Canghai, so he gritted his teeth and pressed on.     

Zhang Ruochen's heart was no longer as calm as he was earlier, yet he did not put pressure on Xiang Chunan.     

Another hour had passed, and Zhang Ruochen said, "Chunan, forget it! It's too late now, let's head back to the Eastern Region Saint King Manor."     

"Found him!"     

Xiang Chunan laughed maniacally as he pointed south. "Xie Canghai is rushing toward the Sixth District of the Golden Rainbow Continent. There is a sub-manor there. It is most likely his target..."     

After saying that, Xiang Chunan closed his eyes, and fell straight down.     

Zhang Ruochen caught him and found that Xiang Chunan had activated the Eye of Clairvoyance for far too long, and the Saint Qi in his body had been exhausted. Moreover, there were two lines of blood beneath his eyelids.     

"Thank you, Brother. Leave the rest to me."     

Zhang Ruochen sent Xiang Chunan into the Qiankun Realm, and immediately after, flew towards the Sixth District.     

The main city of the Eastern Region Saint King Manor was located at the center of the Golden Rainbow Continent and belonged to the First District.     

The Saint King Manor in the Sixth District was the closest to the main city, and its importance was self-evident. The fact that Xie Canghai rushed over while his wounds had yet to recover meant that he had an extremely important task at hand.     

"Could there be something special about the Saint King Manor in the Sixth District?"     

Zhang Ruochen rushed to the outside of the Saint King Manor and found that the manor was brightly lit with patrolling soldiers and maidservants walked along the sidepaths. Everything was calm and peaceful, and the slaughter in his mind was nowhere to be found.     

"Is it possible that Xie Canghai did not rush to this sub-manor at all?"     

Zhang Ruochen stood at the edge of a pool, and gently stroked his chin, and prepared to fall back, and rush to the main city of the Eastern Region Saint King Manor at the First District.     

That was the main battlefield tonight.     

At this moment, from the depths of the Saint King Manor, a mighty and boundless aura spread out, suppressing all of the cultivators in the manor onto the ground.     

"Sure enough, there's something wrong."     

Like a phantom, Zhang Ruochen cautiously sneaked into the depths of the Saint King Manor.     

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