God Emperor

Cooperating Once Again

Cooperating Once Again

Immediately after Zhang Ruochen's exit, Ji Fanxin, Xiang Chunan, Feng Yan, and Pei Yutian came out one after another. All four of them had undergone apparent changes.     

Zhang Ruochen cast his gaze on Pei Yutian and smiled. "Congratulations, Brother Pei. Your cultivation base has made great progress. The Yuanhui sacred medicine sure is extraordinary."     

In just six short years, Pei Yutian's cultivation had reached the realm of a Nine-step Saint King's Lesser Precept World. Such a cultivation speed could be said to be extremely terrifying.     

Before his seclusion, Pei Yutian had just reached the realm of an Eight-step Saint King, and the Saint Path Precepts in his body were no more than two million.     

Now, he had attained another breakthrough in his cultivation, and the Saint Path Precepts in his body were currently more than six million.     

It was impossible to cultivate four million Saint Path Precepts in just six years even if he had the Canon of Truth.     

Without a question, it was all due to the Yuanhui sacred medicine.     

"If I cannot greatly improve my cultivation after refining a Yuanhui sacred medicine, then I'd just be too useless," Pei Yutian said.     

"The Yuanhui sacred medicine is extremely magical, and I believe that your cultivation speed from now on will not be slow, Brother Pei. You are well on your way to reaching the Greater Precept World and even Precept Dominion," Zhang Ruochen said.     

Pei Yutian carried with him the qi of the Northern Region, and his achievements were bound to be limitless. He had more of a chance than others to become a Supreme Saint.     

The Sunleaf was naturally even more magical than the Yuanhui sacred medicine. However, its medicinal powers were mainly for refining one's body, and it helped Zhang Ruochen's body to reach the realm of "Beneath a Supreme Saint". Its effect on increasing the Saint Path Precepts, on the other hand, was not obvious.     

"Junior Brother Zhang, please come to the hall quickly."     

At this moment, Zhen Yuan's voice suddenly rang in Zhang Ruochen's ears.     

Zhang Ruochen said, "Let's go and meet Senior Brother Zhen Yuan first."     

Without delay, the five of them rushed to the council hall.     

"Brother Zhen Yuan, has the Five-Element Soil been sent over?" The moment Zhang Ruochen saw Zhen Yuan, he immediately asked him about it.     

Zhen Yuan nodded and took out a one-foot-square box as he said, "The Five-Element Soil is inside this box. The amount is small, and it must not be lost, or else even I would be hardpressed to explain it."     

"Thank you, Brother Zhen Yuan. Please rest assured that nothing will happen to the Five-Element Soil." Zhang Ruochen took the box and solemnly promised.     

With the Five-Element Soil, the eleven Godstones at the bottom of the Cliff of Doom were as good as his.     

Putting away the box containing the Five-Element Soil, Zhang Ruochen said, "Brother Zhen Yuan, when will the attack on Xianji Mountain commence?"     

Before his seclusion, Zhen Yuan, Xuanyuan Liekong, and the rest were already planning the attack on Xianji Mountain. They should have already come up with a plan.     

Zhang Ruochen and Ji Fanxin wanted to go to Xianji Mountain to collect the Divine Sky-connecting Tree trunk. No matter what, they could not be absent from this battle.     

"The plan is already set, and the attack will commence in five days' time," Zhen Yuan said.     

A look of confusion appeared on Zhang Ruochen's face as he said, "Why do we need to wait for five days?"     

"There is a person who has not rushed over yet, and he will be of great help in the assault on Xianji Mountain," Zhen Yuan said.     

Hearing this, a thought appeared in Zhang Ruochen's mind. Someone who could make Zhen Yuan, as well as Xuanyuan Liekong, wait was no ordinary person, and he wondered who that person was.     

However, he did not enquire further. If Zhen Yuan had been willing to disclose it, he would have stated it just now.     

As of today, that person's identity needed to be kept secret for the time being to avoid it being leaked out, lest the Deathkin be allowed to prepare.     

After exchanging a few words with Zhen Yuan, Zhang Ruochen and the others left the Northern Region Basecamp and rushed to the Cliff of Doom.     

With the great battle upon them, if they could get the Godstones earlier, then they could seclude themselves for refining for a while.     

Since the incident at the Cliff of Doom, the number of powerhouses who had been rushing over to the Cliff of Doom had increased since they were all eager to obtain an opportunity in the cave at the bottom of the cliff.     

However, over the past two days, the bottom of the Cliff of Doom had suddenly become quiet again.     

The reason was that a Rakshasa army had appeared and locked down the Cliff of Doom.     

A bloody battle inevitably broke out at the bottom of the Cliff of Doom, and many cultivators on the Celestial Court's side lost their lives, staining the Cliff of Doom with their blood.     

The Northern Region Basecamp was now busy preparing for the assault on Xianji Mountain, so they were unable to take care of the matter concerning the Cliff of Doom. That caused the Rakshasa clan to be even bolder.     

"No wonder Luo Ji contacted the Rakshasa powerhouse. It turns out that she was scheming to catch an opportunity in the Cliff of Doom," Zhang Ruochen said all of a sudden.     

The Northern Region was the Deathkin's battlefield. Unless there was a special reason, the Rakshasa army would not go there.     

Feng Yan rushed over and said, "Big Brother, I've just asked, and there's a total of 500 Rakshasa dukes and 36 Rakshasa princes at the bottom of the Cliff of Doom. They have sealed the cave with the Godstone. It won't be easy to fight our way in."     

"Five hundred Rakshasa dukes and 36 Rakshasa princes... Luo Ji really went all in." A strange look filled Zhang Ruochen's eyes.     

The Rakshasas had a nobility system, and a Saint could be regarded as a marquise, while a Saint King could be a duke or even a prince.     

The dukedom and marquisate were both divided into ten classes. A One-step Saint King was a Tenth Class Duke, so on and so forth. Therefore, reaching the Greater Precept World meant reaching the level of a First Class Duke.     

Once someone cultivated their Precept Dominion and had the potential to become a Supreme Saint, he or she could be raised to the rank of a prince.     

Princes were divided into five classes. The Precept Dominion realm equaled to a Fifth Class Prince, the Heaven's Reach equaled a Fourth Class Prince, and a regular Path's Anterior Saint King would be a Third Class Prince. Meanwhile, an elite at the peak of Path's Anterior would be a Second Class Prince, and for a First Class Prince, one's strength would need to approach the level of a Neverwither Supreme Saint. A First Class Prince would normally be able to exchange blows with a Neverwither Supreme Saint.     

The five hundred dukes whom Luo Ji had mobilized indicated that there were five hundred Saint King powerhouses.     

As for the 36 princes, that meant there were 36 elites above the realm of Precept Dominion.     

He had to admit that the forces behind Luo Ji were very powerful, and she could mobilize an amazing number of forces.     

Zhang Ruochen smiled and said, "The more Rakshasas the better. We can get more merit points this way."     

Having seen the Rakshasas destroy the Zuling Realm with his own eyes, Zhang Ruochen naturally did not have a good impression of the Rakshasa tribe.     

Even if it was Luo Ji, despite what she said about him being her destiny, he would never believe it. If he had the opportunity, he would find a way to get rid of her.     

In short, he could not be tempted by the women of the Rakshasa tribe. Zhang Ruochen had already suffered too much because of women.     

Immediately, Zhang Ruochen took out the upgraded Nine-Dragon Carriage and got everyone to enter it.     


A series of earthshaking dragon roars thundered as nine dragon souls rushed out of the Nine-Dragon Carriage, unleashing a terrifying draconic aura.     

After the Nine-Dragon Carriage had been upgraded to a Sacred Artifact of the Twelfth Radiance, the nine dragon souls had also undergone an evolution and become extremely corporeal. It was as if they were nine golden dragons with tangible bodies.     


The nine dragon souls pulled the Nine-Dragon Carriage, and like an invincible chariot, charged toward the bottom of the Cliff of Doom.     

"Who is that? For that person to dare go to the Cliff of Doom with such fanfare..."     

The Nine-Dragon Carriage's movements were so loud that it alarmed many cultivators.     

"Let's go and have a look. There might be a good show there."     

With the mentality of watching drama, some cultivators followed the Nine-Dragon Carriage.     

Not long after, the Nine-Dragon Carriage appeared near the cave.     

"Zhang Ruochen, you're finally here!"     

As the sound rang out, Luo Ji's figure slowly walked out of the fog.     

Zhang Ruochen stood on the Nine-Dragon Carriage with his hands behind him as he looked at Luo Ji and said, "Luo Ji, you still dare to show your face before me. Are you not afraid that I will kill you?"     

"Are you actually willing to kill me? Anyway, I am too reluctant to kill you." Luo Ji chuckled, appearing to be confident and without fear.     

Zhang Ruochen felt a slight headache, and his gaze suddenly became sharp as he said, "I have no time for nonsensical prattling with you. Get out of the way, or else don't blame me for being unkind."     

"Insolence. You dare to be rude to the princess? You deserve nothing but death!"     

A Rakshasa prince behind Luo Ji stood out and emanated a terrifying killing intent.     

Zhang Ruochen looked at the Rakshasa prince, and a strange emotion flashed in his eyes. According to the mark on the latter's clothing, he could tell that this was a Third Class Prince. That meant the prince was an average Path's Anterior elite.     

Nevertheless, it did not matter how ordinary he was. He was still a powerhouse of the Path's Anterior realm. If he was willing, he could easily cast an immortal Saint Body and become a Neverwither Supreme Saint.     

For Luo Ji to be able to mobilize a Path's Anterior elite, that really surprised Zhang Ruochen. It showed that Luo Ji's divine father really loved her.     

One needed to know that when Xia Wenxin led his army of hundreds of thousands to attack the Sword Vault, there were no Path's Anterior elites among them.     

To be able to cultivate till the point of Path's Anterior meant that a person's status would be very high. Even a Shenzi or an Imperial Prince would not be able to dispatch them at will.     

Luo Ji gently waved her hand, and the Third Class Rakshasa Prince immediately backed away.     

"Zhang Ruochen, let's discuss a business proposition," Luo Ji said.     

Zhang Ruochen faintly replied, "What business proposition is there between us?"     

"This place is completely blocked off by my army. I know that all of you are pretty strong and have many tricks up your sleeves, but trying to kill your way through won't be easy."     

"How about we work together? The Godstones inside the cave will be yours, while the divine corpse will be mine. We'll take what we need," Luo Ji suggested with a smile.     

Hearing this, Zhang Ruochen did not immediately respond but silently pondered in his heart instead.     

Based on his understanding of Luo Ji, the woman was very cunning, and working with her was like playing with fire. If he was not careful, he might be picked until his bones were clean.     

However, the Rakshasas had indeed blocked off the cave, and that was truly a problem. He was not afraid of going head-to-head with Luo Ji, but he feared that the fight would cause grievous losses on both sides. Then, someone else would just pick up the spoils later.     

He quickly ran through the thoughts in his mind and said, "Whether it is collecting the Godstone or the divine corpse, we still need to deal with the Dark Manifestation of Divine Will's body. I have the Five-Element Soil, what do you have?"     

"I have 500 dukes and 36 princes. Do you think that's enough?" Luo Ji said.     

Although she was smiling, the threat in her words was made very obvious.     

If she had not known that Zhang Ruochen could obtain the Five-Element Soil, she would never have had any ideas about the divine corpse or reveal her identity.     

"Get the hell out of here, Luo Ji! If you dare to deceive Lord Xiang, I'll rip you into pieces."     

While Zhang Ruochen was still contemplating, Xiang Chunan charged out of the Nine-Dragon Carriage, and he was particularly agitated.     

Feng Yan followed with an apologetic look on his face. He had wanted to hold Xiang Chunan back, but unfortunately, he was not able to do so.     

Zhang Ruochen grabbed Xiang and said, "Chunan, don't be rash. Collecting the Godstones is of the utmost importance."     

Immediately after, he looked at Luo Ji and said, "Okay, I'll agree to cooperate with you, but you better not play any tricks, otherwise, you can forget about leaving the Northern Region alive."     

Hearing that, the smile on Luo Ji's face grew even brighter as she responded, "Zhang Ruochen, you're a smart person, and I love working with smart people the most. Our previous two cooperations were very pleasant, and I believe this time will be no exception. Be my guest."     

Zhang Ruochen stopped talking and led Xiang Chunan and Feng Yan back into the carriage.     


The nine dragon souls pulled the carriage and entered straight into the encirclement of the Rakshasa army with absolute boldness.     

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