God Emperor

One Blade Wrecking a Ghost City

One Blade Wrecking a Ghost City

Back in Qianshui Royal City, at the Thirteenth Merit Sub-Terminal.     

Compared with its state in the past, this place was many times more prosperous now, and one could see Saints, as well as Saint Kings, frequently.     

As it was New Year's Eve, the city was brightly lit with lanterns and festoons. It looked particularly festive and lively.     

Carrying his iron sword, Le walked out of the sub-terminal and appeared on the streets of the royal city.     

After receiving Zhang Ruochen's communication talisman, Le immediately set off and rushed over as quickly as he could.     

On a three-story pavilion near the sub-terminal, one of the three candidates in the running for Lady of the Fane of Destiny, Pan Ruo, was sitting alone by the window in a private room. Her eyes were locked on Le as a strange glint flashed in her eyes.     


Le seemed to detect something, as he turned around and looked at the pavilion to the side.     

The window was empty, and there was no one there.     

With nothing else to see, Le withdrew his gaze. It must have just been an illusion earlier. He had just rushed over and should not have been marked by anyone.     

Without stopping too long in Qianshui Royal City, Le immediately headed toward the city under the Blackslaughter Ghost Lord's hold.     

Through the Fane of Death's intelligence network, he had fully grasped the information regarding the Blackslaughter Ghost Lord. He was sure that the Blackslaughter Ghost Lord was now inside Blackslaughter Ghost City, and there was no need to look for it elsewhere.     

Blackslaughter Ghost City was not within Qianshui Commandery, and it was also not the city's original name. It was only renamed because the Blackslaughter Ghost Lord had occupied it.     

Today, everyone only knew the city as Blackslaughter Ghost City. As for its former name, it had long been forgotten.     

Le used a Godspeed Talisman and broke out at a speed that was a thousand times the speed of sound. In less than an hour's time, he was already outside Blackslaughter Ghost City.     

The city was very large, and from its center, a powerful ghost aura radiated for thousands of miles as if it was the underworld, looking extremely terrifying.     

Even at a distance, one could see there were many ghastly phantoms, causing people to stay away from it.     

Standing before Blackslaughter Ghost City, Le could clearly perceive that there were many powerful auras in the city. There were numerous Four Tribulations and Five Tribulations Ghost Lords there, even several Six Tribulations Ghost Lords.     

A Four Tribulations Ghost Lord was equivalent to a One-step to Three-step Saint King, a Five Tribulations Ghost Lord was equivalent to a Four-Step to Six-Step Saint King, while a Six-Tribulation Ghost Lord was equivalent to a Seven-step to Nine-step Saint King.     

The Six-Tribulation Ghost Lord had the greatest range in terms of strength because a Nine-Step Saint King was divided into five smaller ranks, and the gap between each rank was very huge.     

Dark winds bellowed as a Three Tribulations Ghost Lord appeared and pounced at Le, wanting to suck his blood.     

A Ghost Lord was different from ordinary ghosts. They could suck the blood of living creatures to form powerful ghost bodies. The more powerful the blood of their living prey, the more beneficial it was to them.     

Le's eyes were cold as he swung his iron sword and slashed at the Three Tribulation Ghost Lord.     

The Three Tribulation Ghost Lord immediately burst into pieces, turning into a cloud of ghastly fog, its soul already annihilated.     

The swordsmanship that Le cultivated was different from Zhang Ruochen's. It was purely for murder, and it emphasized the first killing blow. Even a ghost cultivator would need to die.     

After he killed the Three Tribulation Ghost Lord with just a single slash, Le walked toward the city. He had already locked on the Blackslaughter Ghost Lord's aura.     

"Who goes there? Who dares to break into the Blackslaughter Ghost City! Insolence!"     

A Four Tribulation Ghost Lord appeared and intercepted Le.     

Le did not even look at it as he lightly swung his sword. The speed of his iron sword was beyond comprehension.     


It was just a single slash, and the Four Tribulation Ghost Lord could not even react before it was completely destroyed.     

Looking at the tall city gate ahead of him, Le waved the iron sword in his hand and released a terrifying Sword Qi.     


The Sword Qi instantly cut the entire Blackslaughter Ghost City in two, and many Ghost cultivators within the city perished.     




A series of powerful maleficent qi rushed into the sky, causing the already gloomy night to be even darker.     

With the Blackslaughter Ghost Lord at the head, over a dozen Four Tribulation Ghost Lords gathered around as all of them had their eyes fixed on Le.     

The Blackslaughter Ghost Lord was extremely hideous. He was dressed in black ghost armor, and in addition to exuding a powerful maleficent qi, a dark power that was constantly devouring Saint Qi was also drifting through the realm.     

There was no doubt it had cultivated one of the Nine Great Eternal Paths, the Path of Darkness, and his attainment was rather high.     

The Fane of Darkness existed in the Infernal Court and had always been controlled by the Ghost Clan, the Corpsewight Clan, and the Bone Clan.     

Han Qiu had a dark body, and if he could enter the Fane of Darkness to cultivate, he would definitely be able to cultivate his Path of Darkness to an extremely high level.     

However, it was extremely difficult, almost impossible, because the Infernal Court did not allow humans to enter the Fane of Darkness.     

The Blackslaughter Ghost Lord had murderous intent in his eyes as he stared at Le. "Who are you? How dare you provoke me," he said disdainfully.     

Le raised his iron sword, and his gaze was extremely cold. "The one who will kill you."     

"You want to kill me? You really don't know the limits of your own strength. I am here, and I want to see how you will kill me." The Blackslaughter Ghost Lord laughed.     

His cultivation level was comparable to that of an elite at the peak of the Precept Dominion realm, and his true strength was comparable to some Heaven's Reach elites.     

Even if a top-tier Heaven's Reach elite were to attack, killing him was not something assured.     

However, there were no Saint Path Precepts in Le's body. That meant his cultivation base was at best in the Lesser Precept World.     

For someone to have the guts to declare that he would kill him with such a cultivation base, it was a veritable joke.     

A light flashed past Le's eyes as a monstrous, murderous aura gushed out of his body. Around his body, the faint vision of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood emerged.     


Le raised his iron sword and promptly charged forth.     

The speed of his strike was so fast that it defied logic, as though it had surpassed the barrier of time and space.     

The Blackslaughter Ghost Lord's eyes sharpened, and for a moment, he felt chills all over his body.     

With his cultivation base and his vision, he could not see Le's sword strike and only caught an afterimage.     

Somehow, he actually felt a terrible threat from Le.     

The Blackslaughter Ghost Lord wanted to dodge, but he found that Le's aura had locked him firmly in place, making him unable to dodge at all.     

In desperation, the Blackslaughter Ghost Lord had to use all of the maleficent qi and Power of Darkness in his body to instantly create a hundred shields around him.     

Bam! Bam!!     

The hundred-odd shields were all instantly pierced through by the iron sword, unable to stop Le whatsoever.     

The iron sword continued to thrust forward as it aimed at the Blackslaughter Ghost Lord's forehead.     

Seeing the sword point before him, the Blackslaughter Ghost Lord's eyes shrank, as a pall of death was cast on his heart.     

His reaction was extremely quick as he proceeded to punch Le's chest, trying to force Le to pull his sword back to dodge his attack.     

However, Le did not seem to see his fist at all as the sword stabbed straight ahead, and true enough, Le had no intentions of dodging.     


The rusty iron sword was so sharp that it pierced through the dark sigils protecting the Blackslaughter Ghost Lord's forehead.     

A terrifying killing intent passed through the iron sword into the body of the Blackslaughter Ghost Lord, ripping his soul apart.     

At the same time, the Blackslaughter Ghost Lord's fist also slammed onto Le's chest, knocking him over and sending him flying.     


Le fell from the sky and plunged into the ground.     

The clothing on his chest had disintegrated, revealing a pitch-black fist mark as the Power of Darkness gathered and eroded that point with wanton abandon.     

The Blackslaughter Ghost Lord's dying counterattack was undoubtedly terrifying.     

"For me to die..." The Blackslaughter Ghost Lord's eyes were full of disbelief, and he exploded into pieces before he could even finish speaking.     

Once the Sword of Slaughter's blade was drawn, death was assured even if the opponent was a powerful Ghost Lord.     

All of the Ghost Lords around were stunned. They had never expected the Blackslaughter Ghost Lord would be so easily killed.     

"Kill him!"     

One of the Ghost Lords reacted and immediately attacked Le.     

In his opinion, Le already badly wounded during the exchange with the Blackslaughter Ghost Lord, and now was the best time to kill him.     

It was not to avenge the Blackslaughter Ghost Lord, but he was afraid that Le would continue to attack them.     

Once Le recovered, none of the Ghost Lords would live to see another day.     

Le soared into the sky and swung the iron sword in his hand as he sliced the charging Ghost Lord into two.     

Without stopping at all, he continued his assault as he slashed at the other Ghost Lords.     

Since he had already arrived in Blackslaughter Ghost City, he might as well kill to his heart's content and wipe out all of the ghosts inside the city.     


Sensing the murderous intent from Le's body, none of the Ghost Lords had the heart to fight. All of them immediately scattered and fled.     

However, how could the speed of their flight match the speed of the iron sword in Le's hands?     

It did not take long for the Blackslaughter Ghost City to be a literal ghost city as all of the spirits and ghosts were all slain, and none were spared.     

"Mission complete."     

After writing the two words, Le dispatched the communication light talisman.     

Then, dragging his wounded body, Le walked out of Blackslaughter Ghost City with determined eyes.     

Above an uncollapsed city wall, Pan Ruo's figure appeared out of thin air as she watched Le leave.     

Looking at the ruined Blackslaughter Ghost City, a bizarre delight appeared in Pan Ruo's eyes.     

The next moment, Pan Ruo disappeared from the wall as if she was never there.     

In the Northern Region Basecamp, Zhang Ruochen reached out to catch a communication light talisman sent by Le. After seeing its contents, he could not help but feel a sense of relief.     

"Big brother, who sent you a message? Is there anything good?" Xiang Chunan asked curiously.     

Zhang Ruochen shook his head slightly and said, "Nothing, I just have something on my mind. I've almost drunk enough today, and I need to get ready. After dawn, there is still a tough battle to be fought."     

"Even the Immortal Vampire's hundred-thousand-strong army was destroyed by us, taking Xianji Mountain is just a trivial matter. There will be no problems at all," Xiang Chunan said confidently.     

Zhang Ruochen solemnly replied, "This is different from the last time. The Deathkin are stronger, and we have no external forces to rely on. Do not be careless. Aside from destroying the Altar of Death, we have other things to do."     

"By the way, Brother, you haven't told us, but why have you come to Xianji Mountain?" Feng Yan asked.     

He had heard Xiang Chunan mention before that Zhang Ruochen had a special purpose in coming to the Northern Region.     

As for what the purpose was, it had always been a secret. It seemed that only Zhang Ruochen and Ji Fanxin knew about it.     

"Oh yeah, Big Brother, can you tell us now?" Xiang Chunan asked.     

Zhang Ruochen replied, "I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but you were too trusting of Luo Yi. I was afraid you would accidentally leak it out, so I had to keep it from you.     

"The main reason for my visit here is to take back the chopped trunk of the Divine Sky-connecting Tree. The Divine Sky-connecting Tree's trunk is very important, and it must not fall into the hands of the Deathkin or cultivators of other major realms."     

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