God Emperor

Huo Nu

Huo Nu

Feng Yan smiled. "If it weren't for the sundial's aid, it would have taken a long time for my strength to reach this state. The exercise I cultivated is a little special and more focused on deep accumulations before unleashing. I had some success during my previous seclusion, so I wanted to test it out on the battlefield."     

Only by personally cultivating it would one know how difficult it was to cultivate the Nüwa Scripture. It required lots of suffering and effort.     

However, with what he had achieved now, looking back, it was definitely well worth it.     

"Actually, you didn't need to interfere, Second Brother. I can do it myself. My Thousand-Fold Demonic Mountain Fist has not been fully unleashed. Have a look," Xiang Chunan said.     

Immediately, he activated his Demonic Qi as hundreds of thousands of Fist Precepts gathered at the tip of his fist. Then, he launched a powerful punch.     

Hundreds of thousands of Fist Precepts combined with the Demonic Qi and instantly formed tens of thousands of majestic demonic mountains. It was as if the gate to the Demonic Realm had been opened.     

When cultivating the Thousand-Fold Demonic Mountain Fist, conjuring a Demonic Mountain was considered elementary, and conjuring a hundred Demon Mountain was regarded as a minor completion. For it to be a full completion and be considered an Intermediate Tongxuan Saint Art, one needed to conjure ten thousand Demonic Mountains. Its power was close to that of a high-level Saint Art.     

The Thousand-Fold Demonic Mountains flew out, and like a minor realm descending on the area, they attempted to crush the wounded Death Knights.     

"Don't even think about it!" another Heaven's Reach Death Legate shouted as he sacrificed a precious seal and clashed against the Thousand-Fold Demonic Mountains.     

It was very clear to him that if he did not intervene, the six Death Knights' death was assured.     

At the same time, another Death Legate attacked Feng Yan and did not give Feng Yan another chance to continue his attacks on the Death Knights.     

Aware that Feng Yan was no pushover, the moment he attacked, he activated his Will of Death to draw upon the power of heaven and earth to crush Feng Yan.     


Feng Yan's closed eyes suddenly opened.     

Suddenly, Feng Yan's six arms moved together, forming an arcane mudra. The Divine Shadow behind him immediately transformed into three heads and six arms, as if an avatar of Feng Yan himself.     

In this way, the Divine Shadow became even more corporeal and majestic, unleashing a terrifying power of wind and thunder.     

The Nüwa Scripture was highly unpredictable, and the skills cultivated by every individual would be different, varying from person to person.     

Under normal circumstances, the Feng Clan disciples would cultivate the power of the wind, but Feng Yan had a unique talent. It turned out that he had cultivated the Thunderwind instead, which displayed many changes and stronger attack power.     


The power of the Thunderwind transformed into a torrent of destruction, sweeping across everything.     

The Death Legate's Will of Death was instantly crushed, and he could not reassemble itself.     

"How can he be so strong?"     

The Death Legate was shocked as a look of fear unwittingly appeared in his eyes.     

To think that the Will of Death he had exerted with all his strength was so easily defeated... Was his opponent's cultivation really just of the Greater Precept World?     

Without giving his foe any time to think, Feng Yan struck. The power of the Thunderwind, formed by countless Saint Path Precepts, evolved into a massive Thunderwind vortex. The vortex then stretched hundreds of feet and continued to expand as if it was trying to swallow the entire Xianji Mountain within it.     

Even though the Death Legate reacted quickly, he was still sucked into the Thunderwind Vortex and was unable to break free.     

"Death Sacrifice."     

Sensing a great threat, the Death Legate immediately decided to sacrifice himself.     

Suddenly, the Shadow of Death reappeared, as an even more powerful Will of Death surged. The earth shook violently as mountain peaks rose from the ground, creating a terrifying scene.     


Many of the peaks flew into the Thunderwind Vortex, ripping open a hole within the vortex.     

Taking this opportunity, the Death Legate darted out at his fastest speed possible.     

Even with the Will of Death supporting them, the peaks could not last long, and they were soon crushed into dust by the Thunderwind Vortex.     

"Thunderwind Spike!"     

Feng Yan's eyes were cold as the mudra formed by his six hands changed.     

The violent power of the Thunderwind transformed into hundreds of razor-sharp spikes before they shot out at a speed beyond comprehension.     

Both wind and thunder already represented extreme speed, and the combination of the two made their speed seem even more terrifying.     

Bam! Bam!!     

The Death Legate shrouded by the Shadow of Death was pierced by the Thunderwind Spikes, as they sank into him one after another.     


All of the Thunderwind Spikes then exploded, unleashing their destructive power.     

Suddenly, the Shadow of Death disintegrated again as the Death Legate was struck by the destructive force. His whole body was burned to cinders, and he lost an arm.     

Xiang Chunan repelled the other Death Legate with his Metal Demonic Crown and laughed. "Second Brother, good job! Don't go easy on them. Kill these b*stards!"     

He could not do anything to the Death Legate for the time being, but trying to hold the latter at bay was not a problem.     

"Don't worry, none of them will escape. I still want to earn more merit points and get on the Saint King Merit List," Feng Yan said.     

He was once ranked thirteenth on the Saint Merit List; now that he was a Saint King, would he not be laughed at if he could not even get on the list?     

Now that he had completed the cultivation of the Nüwa Scripture, his strength had greatly increased. Hence, he should fight hard on the Battlefield of Merits and strive to increase his merit points.     

Seeing the elites on his sides suffered heavy losses one after another, Commander He Yun's expression became somewhat uncomfortable. At that moment, he wanted to strike Feng Yan and Xiang Chunan because he could not just watch his own elites get killed.     

However, as soon as he moved, Zhang Ruochen blocked his path. "Commander He Yun, I am your opponent," he said.     


An azure spear flew out from the center of Commander He Yun's brow as he grabbed it.     

"Get lost."     

Commander He Yun roared as he swept the azure spear at Zhang Ruochen.     

Zhang Ruochen did not dodge as all of the acupoints on his arms and palms opened. Then, his Saint Qi surged while it infused into his Fire God's Gauntlet and Armguards.     

The Fire God's Gauntlet and Armguards lit up in flames, forming two clouds of fire as they met the azure spear.     


The azure spear was blocked, and Zhang Ruochen did not move a single inch.     

With his current "Beneath a Supreme Saint" body, if he had been stifled by a random blow from Commander He Yun, it would have appeared too weak.     

The so-called "Beneath a Supreme Saint" meant that as long as one's combat power was not at a Supreme Saint level, it was extremely difficult to cause any damage to the former. The wielder would be inherently invincible.     

Anyone who encountered a foe with such a powerful physical body would get a headache.     

While Commander He Yun was powerful, his combat power was still leagues away from the Supreme Saint level, and it was almost impossible for him to hurt Zhang Ruochen.     

"Dragon Upon the Nine Heavens."     

Zhang Ruochen did not like to be passively defensive, so he promptly went on the offensive.     

With a palm strike, an azure dragon flew up into the sky.     


The azure spear was sent flying as terrifying force passed through the spear into the arms of Commander He Yun, causing his arms to tremble slightly.     

Commander He Yun's gaze sharpened as he stared at Zhang Ruochen, not daring to be distracted.     

He had heard that Chixing Shenzi's third general, the Blackflame General had actually perished by Zhang Ruochen's hands. Back then, he had felt that the Blackflame General was useless.     

It now appeared that it was not the Blackflame General who had been useless, but Zhang Ruochen was just so strong that he could fight him bare-handed. That was completely beyond his expectations.     

Although he was not a Shenzi, he was still a true Path's Anterior elite, and his strength was definitely not weak. He never thought that he would not be able to anything to a cultivator of the Greater Precept World.     

Even Yuanmo Shenzi could fight him and defeat him only after the former had broken through the Precept Dominion realm.     

If Zhang Ruochen was allowed to grow and reach the realm of Path's Anterior, would he not be stronger than Yuanmo Shenzi?     

"No wonder His Highness ordered that Zhang Ruochen was to be captured. The threat from this person is enormous." Commander He Yun thought to himself.     

"Huo Nu, what are you waiting for?!" Commander He Yun yelled.     


A white flame flew out of the war fortress, and the temperature in the area plummeted as everyone felt like they had fallen into an ice cavern.     

There was a person inside the white flame, covered in silver armor. The person's appearance was shrouded and no one could tell if the person was a man or a woman.     

"Zhang Ruochen, I'll let Huo Nu play with you. Use whatever tricks you have now, otherwise you might not stand a chance!" Commander He Yun sneered.     

With Huo Nu joining the fray, he could finally be at ease.     

On the surface, the three commanders were the strongest warriors under Yuanmo Shenzi. In reality, however, even if the three of them were to join forces, they might not be a match against Huo Nu.     

Huo Nu was from the Fane of Death, and he had been personally raised by Yuanmo Shenzi's father. He absolutely obeyed Yuanmo Shenzi, so it was not an exaggeration to call Huo Nu Yuanmo Shenzi's blade that specialized in killing.     

Zhang Ruochen did not pay any attention to Commander He Yun's provocation. Instead, he carefully observed Huo Nu using his Eyes of God's Seal.     

Unfortunately, the armor Huo Nu wore was a little bizarre, and the Eye of God's Seal could not see through it.     

Without any words, Huo Nu attacked with absolute deftness as the white flames transformed into a ten-foot hand that grabbed at Zhang Ruochen.     

The attack seemed very casual as if Zhang Ruochen could be captured without any effort at all.     

Zhang Ruochen did not dodge but instantly activated the Fire God's Gauntlet and Armguards instead, unleashing two fire clouds as he slammed into the white flaming hand.     

Through this blow, he should be able to test out some of Huo Nu's capabilities.     


The fire clouds and the white flaming hand exploded in unison as the two rapidly disintegrated into thin air.     

The two attacks were both flames, but each was, without a doubt, fundamentally different. One was scorching and raging, while another was cold and quiet, literally two extremes.     

A gloomy cold radiated out, causing a layer of hoarfrost to form on Zhang Ruochen's body, which nearly froze him in ice.     

"It's really strong. Yuanmo Shenzi, you sure are something. To have so many powerful underlings... I wonder how strong he really is," Zhang Ruochen said to himself.     

His Saint Qi stirred as the Divine Purification Flames rushed out of his body and enveloped his whole body as the hoarfrost instantly disappeared without a trace.     

Through this test, Zhang Ruochen had determined that Huo Nu was a strong opponent, and he deserved his serious attention.     

On the other side, without needing him to speak, Ji Fanxin had moved to intercept Commander He Yun, relieving Feng Yan and Xiang Chunan of the oncoming threat.     

Feng Yan made a show of force, using the arcane Saint Arts of Nüwa Scripture to rip the wounded Death Legate into pieces. He destroyed both the Death Legate's body and spirit.     

Immediately after, Feng Yan assisted Xiang Chunan and severely injured another Death Legate. If not for the dozen or so Death Generals who had come to the rescue in time, the latter would have probably perished as well.     

The dozen Precept Dominion Death Generals were fully prepared, and they soon joined forces to form the Shadow of Death with their Will of Death. Otherwise, they would not be able to withstand Feng Yan and Xiang Chunan's withering assault.     

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