God Emperor

Each One's Technique

Each One's Technique

Standing before White Bone Mountain, both Zhang Ruochen and Bao Lie looked tiny, however, the aura exuding from their body was not weak at all, and blocked all of the aura released by White Bone Mountain.     

Standing on top of White Bone Mountain, both the Nine-eye Heavenly Lord and the third Shenzi looked down coldly at Zhang Ruochen and Bao Lie, as if they were looking at two gnats.     

It could clearly be felt that White Bone Mountain was recovering as numerous wards appeared and the blood-colored air current flowing in the mountain got stronger and stronger.     

With White Bone Mountain as the center, the spirit Qi of the land spun violently and forming a vortex in a blink of an eye.     

The storm vortex moved forward slowly, and wherever it passed through, all things were destroyed. Even a sacred artifact would not be able to withstand it.     

"Zhang Ruochen, you have completely pissed me off. I will completely annihilate the Zhenyu Clan now." The Nine-eye Heavenly Lord looked down at Zhang Ruochen and hissed coldly.     

He was not boasting; with the recovery of White Bone Mountain, destroying the Zhenyu Clan was not something difficult.     

It would not be long before this wilderness would cease to exist, and the entire area that spanned tens of thousands of miles would sink.     

"Third brother, help me."     

Zhang Ruochen's expression was grim and immediately deployed the Azuresky Pagoda.     

Bao Lie acted soon after as he continuously infused his Saint Qi into the pagoda.     

With one more person infusing into it, the supreme power unleashed by the Azuresky Pagoda would naturally be stronger.     


The Azuresky Pagoda transformed into a blue mountain as a blue halo blasted out and collided with White Bone Mountain.     

The supreme power was released in a frenzy, causing the storm vortex to slow to a crawl, blocking the advance of White Bone Mountain.     

Unfortunately, before the Azuresky Pagoda had exhausted its supreme power before it could break the storm vortex, and was sent flying.     

"Wanting to stop my White Bone Mountain with just the two of you powering a Supreme Sacred Artifact? What wishful thinking!" the Nine-eyed Heavenly Lord sneered mockingly.     

Since he had already used this trump card, then no one could even think of stopping him, especially now that he had broken through his cultivation base. His confidence was stronger than ever.     

"I'll help you, let's destroy the Zhenyu Clan as soon as possible." The third Shenzi spoke, thick murderous intent radiated from his body.     

In the previous battle with Bao Lie, he could not get the upper hand, and that upset him. That made him want to kill Bao Lie right this instant even more.     

With two Path's Anterior elites of the Immortal Vampires teaming up to activate White Bone Mountain, the storm vortex suddenly became even bigger, unleashing a terrifying suction power as it swallowed everything around.     

There was a cultivator of the Zhenyu Clan that stood too close and was instantly sucked into the vortex.     


He only had the time to let out a scream before being reduced to a cloud of blood and then absorbed by White Bone Mountain.     

White Bone Mountain seethed with evil and could devour the blood of living beings, consistent with the characteristics of the Immortal Vampires.     

"Fall back!"     

An anxious look appeared in Zhang Ruochen's eyes as he urged the cultivators of the Zhenyu Clan to fall back.     

At the same time, he launched the Azuresky Pagoda again, hoping to delay White Bone Mountain for a while longer.     


Bao Lie roared and shot out a fist seal.     

The fist seal carried with it wind and thunder that shook the earth, as it transformed into a running divine leopard and crashed against White Bone Mountain.     

The divine leopard was extremely real as if having flesh and blood as it resisted the storm vortex, and slowing its advance.     

The next moment, overwhelming Saint Qi rushed out of Bao Lie's body, transforming into a nebula and engulfing the storm vortex.     

Immediately, the speed of the storm vortex slowed, as it gradually came to a halt.     


Bao Lie roared as he stretched his hands out, forming two phantom claws hundreds of meters long as he slashed at the storm vortex.     

His purpose was very clear. Only by ripping the storm vortex apart could he attack White Bone Mountain.     


The Nine-eye Heavenly Lord sneered.     


The storm vortex quickly revolved again, tearing the nebula apart, and crushing the two leopard claws at the same time.     

Bao Lie grunted, and spat out a mouthful of blood, his injuries obviously worsened.     

After that short delay, the cultivators of the Zhenyu Clan retreated far away, and they were temporarily outside the range of the vortex's sweep.     

"Is this really the end of the Zhenyu Clan?"     

Seeing the might of White Bone Mountain, many cultivators of the Zhenyu Clan felt despair in their hearts.     

Even a Supreme Sacred Artifact could not defeat it, so what else could they do?     


Suddenly, thousands of blood-colored air streams rushed out of White Bone Mountain, like a swarm of vipers.     

The blood-colored air streams were extremely fast, stretching over thousands of miles and instantly entangling themselves with the Zhenyu Clan cultivators.     

Plus, whenever a blood-colored air stream wrapped around someone, in barely a moment's time, that person would be sucked dry, his or her body turning into dust in the wind.     

After draining a person dry, the blood-colored air streams would attack the next person.     

The blood-colored air streams released by White Bone Mountain were so terrifying that even a normal Saint King was unable to withstand it.     

In a very short period of time, tens of thousands of the Zhenyu Clansmen were killed, their bodies and spirits destroyed, leaving only piles of ashes behind.     

"Who can stop me?"     

The Nine-eye Heavenly Lord laughed haughtily as he enjoyed the pleasure of harvesting life.     

As long as it devoured enough blood Qi, White Bone Mountain would become stronger, and in the future, even if he encountered a Supreme Saint he would still have something to fight with.     

"I can."     

Zhang Ruochen roared and stood at the front, undaunted.     

Around him, countless Dimensional Rifts appeared, slashing off the blood-colored air streams.     

Bao Lie also joined the fray and used his leopard claws to rip a large amount of the blood-colored air streams apart.     

"It's futile, Zhang Ruochen. Since you want to die that much, I'll kill you first." A ferocious, murderous intent roiled in the Nine-eye Heavenly Lord's eyes as he infused more Saint Qi into White Bone Mountain.     

Located in the interior of White Bone Mountain, numerous arcane wards appeared as the aura of destruction was slowly released.     

"Third brother, help me block this for a moment."     

Zhang Ruochen said to Bao Lie with great seriousness.     

Bao Lie nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry, even if I cost me my life, I will definitely protect you."     

Between words, he stood before Zhang Ruochen, unleashing his Precept Dominion, and shrouded Zhang Ruochen within it.     

With his cultivation base, his Precept Dominion was extremely strong and was not easy to break.     

With Bao Lie standing before him, Zhang Ruochen had no more worries, as he held the Azuresky Pagoda in his hand and his sword spirit entered the tower.     

Inside the Azuresky Pagoda was a gaseous, nebulous world as countless stars floated it in, arranged in accordance to strange universal laws.     

Behind the stars was a cyan Biian beast that was asleep.     

It was one of the spiritual consciousness of the Azuresky Pagoda's vessel spirit and had existed for over a hundred thousand years. While it was not a vessel spirit, it was still very powerful.     

At first, Zhang Ruochen had used the power of the Divine Sky-connecting Tree to tame the Biian beast, and obtained control of the Azuresky Pagoda.     

Unfortunately, the Biian beast refused to see him, after all, he was a nemesis of the Chi Clan, and so the Biian beast put itself into a deep sleep as it waited for the true form of the spirit vessel to return.     

Due to that, while Zhang Ruochen had control of the Azuresky Pagoda, he was not able to draw out its real power.     

Now that he was in great trouble, and the situation was critical. To get through this tribulation, he needed to get the Cyan Biian beast to help.     

It might take a while to rouse the Cyan Biian beast. Plus, it also took time for him to convince the beast, so that's why he asked Bao Lie to help him fend off the attacks for a while.     

It was a pity that the Kaiyuan Deer Cauldron had been borrowed by Yueshen, or else there was no need for such trouble, and the Kaiyuan Deer Cauldron was far stronger than the Azuresky Pagoda.     


A bright light burst out of White Bone Mountain and blasted straight at Bao Lie.     

Normally, Bao Lie would be able to dodge it, but now he was protecting Zhang Ruochen, and could only take the attack head-on.     

The divine light blasted out one after another as they bombarded him in a frenzy. Each hit was enough to kill a top-level Saint King.     

Bao Lie unleashed a ferocious display of defensive techniques as he desperately resisted the attacks, annihilating the divine lights as they came.     

To protect Zhang Ruochen, he was putting his life on the line.     

However, the divine light barrage was just too dense, and no matter how strong he was, there were times that he was unable to fend them off.     


Bao Lie's body was pierced by the divine light, and a bloody hole appeared on his body before blood gushed out of the open wound.     

Nevertheless, he had managed to block the attack no matter what and did not let it hurt Zhang Ruochen.     


Seeing another bombardment of divine light, Bao Lie's eyes turned into a frenzy.     

His body lit up in flames, and stars shone as countless Saint Path Precepts appeared and transforming into a shield.     


The divine light crashed upon the shield, and the impact was only able to shake it, not destroy it.     


A curious look appeared in the eyes of the Nine-eye Heavenly Lord, he did not expect Bao Lie's defense techniques to be so powerful.     

Immediately after, he used another method from White Bone Mountain and slashed out at the speed of light with a bone saber.     

The bone saber was carved out of a Supreme Saint's bone; it was extremely tough, as well as sharp, and there was nothing it could not destroy.     


Bao Lie's shield was pierced through, and it cracked.     


Bao Lie roared, and his spirit was completely on fire.     

That moment, he felt something inside him seemed to be broken, as a powerful and unparalleled force surged out.     

The center of his brow suddenly cracked open, revealing a third eye. Bright starlight shot out of it and hit the Supreme Saint's bone saber.     


The Supreme Saint bone saber was blown away, and the inscriptions on its surface darkened.     

"Hahahaha, I have finally opened the Eye of the Star God." Bao Lie could not help but laugh out loud.     

With the desperate burning of his life force, he had accidentally opened the Eye of the Star Soul, and that came as a great surprise to him.     

At that moment, Zhang Ruochen also blasted the Azuresky Pagoda with all of his might.     

"Still not giving up."     

The Nine-eye Heavenly Lord sneered and did not even put the Azuresky Pagoda in his eyes.     

What he did not notice was that the Azuresky Pagoda was different now, with more inscription wards and bursting out with an even more dazzling azure halo.     


The Azuresky Pagoda struck the storm vortex, and actually forcibly stopped it.     

The rampaging supreme power erupted, like countless stars going supernova, instantly annihilated the storm vortex.     

Immediately after, the Azuresky Pagoda smashed against White Bone Mountain.     

While the tower was not big, it still carried power beyond imagination, and the impact shook White Bone Mountain.     

Even more shocking was that cracks appeared on many of the Saint Bones. Then, they started breaking one after another as the inscriptions engraved on the bones were obliterated.     

"How can that be?"     

The Nine-eye Heavenly Lord's eyes widened in disbelief.     

White Bone Mountain had been created using piles of Saint Bones, and array masters had carved wards all over it. It should have been indestructible, and even a Supreme Sacred Artifact would struggle to destroy it.     

Now, however, White Bone Mountain was damaged, and even the core divine bone had been hit too. It was on the verge of falling apart.     

The Nine-eye Heavenly Lord stared at the Azuresky Pagoda, his eyes filled with incredulity.     

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