God Emperor

Pan Ruo

Pan Ruo

The graceful woman walked forward toward the altar.     

A nether river appeared under her feet and started to flow slowly. Without anyone realizing it, the river ran through the entire place.     

The nether river shone with divine light as countless precepts flowed within it. The graceful woman looked like a supreme goddess as she stepped upon all of the heavenly and earthly precepts.     

Seeing this, the three white-robed priests were shocked and nearly could not help but to kneel and worship the graceful woman.     

In a blink of an eye, the woman had ascended the altar as a series of Precepts of Destiny appeared and formed a series of chains, as if capable of capturing the fate of all living beings.     

The chains extended toward the Shadow of Death and could actually draw both the Will of Death and the restorative power of the Northern Region.     

The Path of Destiny was mystical in such a way that it seemingly could absorb any force in the world.     


The space shook slightly as countless Precepts of Destiny became intertwined, forming a bizarre gate of light. That gate of light behind the graceful woman was the Gate of Destiny.     

It was the same Gate of Destiny, yet the one formed by the graceful woman was far larger and more solid than Prince Wujie. The attainments of the two in the Path of Destiny were on completely different levels.     

The three white-robed priests were all envious. Aside from Yuanmo Shenzi, only this candidate for the Lady of the Fane of Destiny could obtain the power gathered by the altar at will.     

The three of them held high positions in the Fane of Death, and they were responsible for guarding the altar, so they could obtain a lot of power from it. Yet, they were completely incomparable to Yuanmo Shenzi or the graceful woman.     


A tyrannical aura suddenly descended upon the underground space as a huge amount of evil Death Qi surged, faintly forming a part of a nether realm.     

Within the nether realm stood a heroic-looking man in pitch-black armor. He was holding a demonic spear in his hand, and the aura that exuded from his body was extremely domineering. He was not unlike a demon king who had just walked out of hell.     

The three white-robed priests hurriedly bowed and saluted him. "Greetings, Lord Shenzi," they said.     

Yuanmo Shenzi's return at this moment surprised them, but soon, they understood why. Yuanmo Shenzi had been pursuing this candidate as the Lady of the Fane of Destiny, and since she had appeared here, how could Yuanmo Shenzi not rush over?     

Yuanmo Shenzi ignored the three white-robed priests and focused entirely on the graceful woman. "Lady Pan Ruo's arrival has made this Shenzi extremely happy. Why didn't you inform me in advance? I could have personally come to receive you."     

"I only came here to have a look on a whim, so why should I bother you, Lord Shenzi. Also, I am just a candidate, not a Lady of the Fane of Destiny," Pan Ruo said indifferently.     

Yuanmo Shenzi had long gotten accustomed to Pan Ruo's attitude, and he was not bothered at all as he laughed and said, "With my help, you will soon become the Lady of the Fane of Destiny."     

"If I want to become the Lady of the Fane of Destiny, why would I need help from others?" Pan Ruo said coldly.     

Yuanmo Shenzi replied, "You're right. With your strength, you don't need anyone's aid to become the Lady of the Fane of Destiny, Pan Ruo. Even so, I still hope to be of help to you."     

Hearing Yuanmo Shenzi's words, the three white-robed priests were dumbstruck.     

Based on their memory, Yuanmo Shenzi was extremely domineering. No one could go against his will, and he was never a person with whom you could reason.     

Pan Ruo was an exception. Ever since she appeared in the Fane of Destiny a few years ago, Yuanmo Shenzi had apparently been enchanted. Everything he did seemed to follow Pan Ruo's impulses as if he had totally changed.     

However, Pan Ruo did not seem to have feelings for Yuanmo Shenzi. No matter how Yuanmo Shenzi pursued her, she was always like an iceberg, never showing Yuanmo Shenzi a single smile.     

Despite that, Yuanmo Shenzi never gave up. On the contrary, it looked like he had gotten more proactive, as though he had vowed not to stop until he got Pan Ruo in his arms.     

Speaking of which, Pan Ruo was not any ordinary character. She had appeared in the Nether Purgatory as a ghost a few years ago and withstood the tribulations of the Nether Flames, as well as the Nether Thunder, repeatedly. Her mind and will were extremely tough.     

As such, Pan Ruo had been favored by an influential figure in the Fane of Destiny and brought back to the fane to be cultivated. Soon, she had become one of the three most promising candidates to become the Lady of the Fane of Destiny.     

With the Fane of Destiny's great figures backing Pan Ruo on top of her own talents, she had cultivated the Path of Destiny to an astonishing level in just a few years. It was indeed true that she showed promise to become the Lady, even without anyone's aid.     

Only a mysterious and powerful woman like Pan Ruo could interest Yuanmo Shenzi. Even if he ran into a wall time and time again, he refused to give up, only growing more and more determined.     

Pan Ruo then ignored Yuanmo Shenzi as she refocused her attention on drawing the power of the altar.     

Upon seeing this, Yuanmo Shenzi was not angry, but instead also appeared on the altar as he drew its power using mysterious means.     

A massive Gate of Destiny appeared behind Yuanmo Shenzi, and it was not much smaller than that of Pan Ruo's     

Yuanmo Shenzi was also a disciple of the Fane of Destiny and a disciple of the gods. He held a very high status himself, or else he would not have dared to say that he could help Pan Ruo become the Fane of Destiny's Lady.     

Seeing both Pan Ruo and Yuanmo Shenzi cultivating on the altar, the three white-robed priests could only stand aside quietly. They dared not say anything to interrupt them.     

Northern Region Basecamp.     

Inside Zhen Yuan's manor, Zhang Ruochen told him all of what he witnessed inside Xianji Mountain.     

"For the Deathkin to deploy such an evil altar inside Xianji Mountain, it looks like they have something big planned. This is not a trivial matter. We need to summon the leaders of all major realms to discuss this," Zhen Yuan said in deep thought.     

The message Zhang Ruochen had brought back was undoubtedly very important, and it needed to be taken seriously.     

As one of the leaders of the Taoist Clans, Zhen Yuan's influence could be described as massive.     

Upon hearing Zhen Yuan's summons, many leaders of various major realms rushed over.     

Many great cultivators of the major realms gathered at the Northern Region Basecamp, and many of them were extremely powerful. Otherwise, how could they have checked the Deathkin's invasion?     

In a short period of them, over a dozen top powerhouses had gathered, and each one basically had a huge background behind them.     

Just as many of the powerhouses discussed amongst themselves, a beautiful figure with the aura of an immortal descended from the sky while a ray of blessed light fell. It instantly caught everyone's attention.     

Zhen Yuan immediately greeted her and introduced, "Junior Brother Zhang, this is Fairy Yuan of the Shangyuan Sect. You should have heard of her name before."     

Zhang Ruochen smiled and said, "I heard Fairy Yuan's name a long time ago, and I finally have the opportunity to meet you today. Speaking of which, I too have some friends in the Shangyuan Sect. My comrade on the path, Luo Yi is from the Shangyuan Sect."     

Zhang Ruochen deliberately used Fairy Yuan to test Luo Yi's background.     

Hearing this, Fairy Yuan immediately turned her gaze to Luo Yi and revealed a curious look on her face. "You're from the Shangyuan Sect? Why I don't recognize you?"     

"There are countless disciples in the Shangyuan Sect, so it is normal for you to not recognize me, Senior Sister," Luo Yi said.     

Fairy Yuan shook her head slightly and said, "While the Shangyuan Sect does have many disciples, those who have cultivated to your level are all very famous. It is impossible for me to not recognize one of them."     

"Senior Sister, you may be overgeneralizing a little. I am indeed a disciple of the Shangyuan Sect, but I rarely make contact with my fellow disciples because I'm one of Supreme Saint Xuanmeng's secret disciples.     

Luo Yi smiled and looked extremely calm as well as collected.     

"As far as I know, Supreme Saint Xuanmeng does indeed have a few secret disciples, but I never thought that Junior Brother Luo Yi would be one of them. Your future is limitless," Fairy Yuan said.     

"Compared with you, Senior Sister, my cultivation level is insignificant." Luo Yi smiled.     

Listening to the conversation between the two, many thoughts unwittingly flashed through his mind as he vaguely figured some things out.     

Zhen Yuan extended his hand and said, "Fairy, please."     

Fairy Yuan nodded slightly and walked into the hall.     

"Brother Zhen Yuan, I don't like such occasions, so I won't go in. I'll let you decide on everything," Zhang Ruochen said.     

At that moment, a sneer rang out from the hall. "At least you have some self-awareness. A minute character like you is indeed not qualified to participate in this meeting. Get lost!"     

It was a blatant provocation.     

All of the cultivators present were very savvy, and they knew that there was good drama coming up.     

The being who spoke had ten-eyes on its face, and it looked rather revolting.     

It was one of the Six Elites of the Fane of Youshen, the Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect. Its body was a relic of ancient times, and it had terrifying potential and talents. It was not one to be underestimated.     

Zhang Ruochen and the Fane of Youshen had a blood feud as deep as the ocean. The deaths of two sons of Youshen were both related to Zhang Ruochen. Plus, the deaths of the Drifter and the Wayfarer in the Eastern Region were also greatly related to him.     

It would have been strange if the Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect did not target Zhang Ruochen.     

If it were not for the fact that this place was the Northern Region Basecamp, the elite would have already struck at Zhang Ruochen.     

As long as one captured or killed Zhang Ruochen, it would be a great deed, and Youshen would reward the person generously.     

One of the main reasons why the Fane of Youshen sent so many elites into the Kunlun Realm was to deal with Zhang Ruochen.     

Sitting with the Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect was a handsome young man with a folding fan in his hand. The aura on his body was changing all the time, making him unpredictable.     

He was also one of the Six Elites of the Fane of Youshen, named Baibian Xiaoxiaosheng. The changes of his appearance were endless, and rumor had it that no one had seen his true face before.     

Different from the Four-Nine Mystic Arts inherited by the Chen Clan of the Eastern Region, the changing ability that Baibian Xiaoxiaosheng had mastered was a natural ability that was extremely mysterious, and it was for anyone to distinguish the real from the fake.     

Baibian Xiaoxiaosheng specialized in assassinations. He could transform into anyone, making it impossible for anyone to guard against him.     

"It's said that you have killed a hundred thousand Immortal Vampires in the Sword Vault, but I don't believe it. With just your Lesser Precept World realm, how can you kill those Immortal Vampire Shenzis? That Xuetu Shenzi has even defeated a Neverwither Supreme Saint, so how can you even defeat him?"     

Another powerhouse spoke, his eyes full of contempt.     

The person was tall, with fierce eyes as a powerful Demonic Qi radiated from his body. At first glance, one could tell that he was a demonic cultivator.     

"Blackdemon Realm, Shi Lingkun."     

Zhang Ruochen's eyes lit up, and he recognized the speaker.     

Shi Lingkun was an elite raised by the Blackdemon Realm, and he cultivated the 'Demonic Blade-draw Tapestry', and his skill with the saber was exquisite, and the strength of his cultivated was above Xie Canghai.     

Several people sitting next to Shi Lingkun were also elites of the Blackdemon Realm. Each had thick Demonic Qi around them and did not look like pushovers.     

The Blackdemon Realm had sent their elites into the Kunlun Realm mainly to find the true carvings of the Demonstone Engraving and severe the Kunlun Realm's inheritance of it. Their motives could be said to be extremely insidious.     

Seeing both the Ten-Eye Qiankun Insect and Shi Lingkun antagonize Zhang Ruochen, most of the other elites in the hall took on a look-and-see attitude. They wanted to see how Zhang Ruochen would react.     

Zhang Ruochen appeared very calm, without any trace of anger as he faintly glanced at the Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect and Shi Lingkun.     

As soon as he stretched his hand out, the Azuresky Pagoda appeared.     

"What are you doing?"     

The Ten-Eye Qiankun Insect showed a wary look.     

Zhang Ruochen smiled coldly, and the Azuresky Pagoda in his hand shook. A blue light shone as the Blackflame General was released.     

Of course, the Blackflame General had been completely shackled, and he was unable to use any of his powers.     

"It's the number three general under the command of Chixing Shenzi, The Blackflame General. For him to be suppressed by Zhang Ruochen."     

Someone instantly recognized the Blackflame General and could not help but feel surprised.     

Some of them had fought against the Blackflame General on the Battlefield of Merits and knew very well how powerful the Blackflame General was.     

For a time, everyone looked at Zhang Ruochen differently.     

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