God Emperor

Slaying the General

Slaying the General

When Zhang Ruochen released the Blackflame General, it had indeed surprised a large group of people.     

Even Fairy Yuan was surprised, and she gave him a curious look.     

Only Zhen Yuan was calm. He had already known everything beforehand. After all, Zhang Ruochen wanted to borrow the Five-Element Soil from him, so how could he not explain the situation to him?     

Of course, even if Zhang Ruochen did not tell him, he could just find out through other channels since the news of what happened at the Cliff of Doom had already spread.     

The Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect and Shi Lingkun had looks of discomfort on their faces. Zhang Ruochen's release of the Blackflame General had clearly been an attempt to embarrass them.     

Both of them had also received news that the Blackflame General, Ziyang Saint King, and others had surrounded Pei Yutian at the Cliff of Doom. Something major had happened after that because neither the Blackflame General nor Ziyang Saint King had emerged from the Cliff of Doom. Many guessed that both of them had perished.     

Unexpectedly, the Blackflame General had actually fallen into Zhang Ruochen's hands.     

This served to show that there were hidden secrets as to what happened at the bottom of the cliff.     

Some beamed with joy and said, "The Blackflame General enjoys a very high status among the Deathkin. He would definitely know some secrets surrounding the Altar of Evil."     

"Yes, as the number three general of Chixing Shenzi, he is sure to have access to many Deathkin secrets. We need to interrogate him thoroughly."     

For a time, the eyes of the many powerhouses lit up as they closely watched the Blackflame General.     

Zhang Ruochen had already been to Xianji Mountain and been discovered by the Deathkin's elites. It could be said that he had already alerted the enemy, and the Deathkin would have heightened their guard at this point, so trying to scout again was impossible.     

It was because of this that the Blackflame General's value became so great.     

Perhaps, they would only be able to figure out some of the Altar of Evil's key secrets by starting from him.     

However, Zhang Ruochen suddenly activated the Azuresky Pagoda, and once again sealed the Blackflame General inside it before turning around and walked out.     

"Zhang Ruochen, what do you mean by this?" one of the powerhouses asked.     

Zhang Ruochen stopped and faintly said, "Someone mentioned that I'm not qualified to participate in this meeting, so it's only natural that I leave, lest someone thinks I don't have any self-awareness."     

Zhen Yuan smiled slightly as he did not expect Zhang Ruochen to have such a proud side.     

Hearing this, the Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect's expression became extremely uncomfortable, Zhang Ruochen's words were clearly pitting daggers at it.     

At this moment, many turned their eyes onto the Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect, wanting to see how it would react.     

"Zhang Ruochen, you can leave but the Blackflame General stays," the Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect said coldly.      

"The Blackflame General is my prisoner. How I want to deal with him is my business. Since when have you had the right to interfere?" Zhang Ruochen spat.     

A powerful aura was unleashed from the Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect, and it surged toward Zhang Ruochen like a stormy sea.     

"Is that so? But I insist on you leaving the Blackflame General behind."     

Zhang Ruochen looked calm as he put his hands behind him and stood proudly. "You can try."     

Before him, the space became distorted, and there were faint dimensional rifts appearing, exuding a terrifying aura.     

Baibian Xiaoxiaosheng put away his folding fan as the smile on his face gradually faded away, obviously ready to strike at any moment.     

Even a few people from the Blackdemon Realm seemed ready to make a move. As long as the Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect struck, they would definitely join in without hesitation. It would be great if they could take Zhang Ruochen out here and then.     

For a time, the atmosphere in the hall became very tense as two sides were on the verge of coming to blows.     

Feng Yan and Xiang Chunan immediately walked to Zhang Ruochen's side and released their powerful auras, especially Xiang Chunan who was already holding his Metal Demonic Crown in hand.     

He infused demonic energies into the crown continuously, and if anyone on the opposite side dared to do anything, he would immediately blast the crown out.     

At that moment, both of them obviously wanted to stand by Zhang Ruochen. Otherwise, how could they call themselves brothers?     

A glint appeared in Zhen Yuan's eyes but he did not reveal himself. He knew what Zhang Ruochen's character was, so he was not worried about Zhang Ruochen suffering any losses.     

Fairy Yuan opened her mouth and wanted to stop them, but in the end, she held back. The conflict between the two parties was too great, and it was not appropriate for her to intervene now.     

"Zhang Ruochen, you are just too insolent, and you dare to provoke me. You are signing your own death warrant!"     

An intense murderous intent burst out of the Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect, and blood light gathered within its ten eyes.     


Just as the Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect was about to strike, a slam on the table rang out.     


In an instant, everyone in the hall turned their eyes to the main seat.     

Sitting in the main seat was a heroic-looking man in crimson armor. He was tall and burly, while his face was tough and dignified. He had the natural domineering aura of a king and was like an invincible God of War.     

Earlier on, the heroic man had kept his eyes closed, apparently trying to rest his mind. Yet, he opened his eyes at this moment. Few who were present dared to meet his fierce and domineering gaze.     

"Wanxu Realm, Xuanyuan Liekong"     

Zhang Ruochen perked up, but he still gazed at the heroic-looking man calmly.     

Before entering the hall, Zhen Yuan had mentioned to him that there was one main leader in the Northern Region Basecamp, named Xuanyuan Liekong, hailing from the Wanxu Realm of the Four Dominant Worlds.     

Xuanyuan Liekon was a legend who had experienced countless battles, and he had never been defeated. Thus, he was hailed as a god of war.     

Regardless of the fact that all present were leaders from great realms, but in the face of Xuanyuan Liekong, there were few that did not fear him.     

Right then, Xuanyuan Liekong slammed the table, and that terrified many.     

The mighty Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect also quickly kept his murderous intent, for fear that it would make Xuanyuan Liekong unhappy.     

Xuanyuan Liekong cast his gaze at the Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect and coldly said, "Get out!"     

Hearing this, the Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect could not help but feel a little confused, and it quickly said, "Brother Xuanyuan, I—"     

"Have I not made myself clear?" Xuanyuan Liekong's gaze became even colder.     

The Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect shuddered and felt that its soul was about to explode.     

Not daring to hesitate any longer, the Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect stood up and exited the meeting hall in a hurry.     

No matter how bold it was, it would not dare to make an enemy out of Xuanyuan Liekong.     

It did not doubt at all that if it dared to say anything else, Xuanyuan Liekong would have definitely dealt with him without any mercy.     

Being expelled from the meeting hall before so many powerhouses, the Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect's honor was literally being dragged through the mud, and it was extremely furious.     

"Zhang Ruochen, I will definitely rip you to shreds!"     

The Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect was afraid to seek revenge against Xuanyuan Liekong, so he could only place all of his hate on Zhang Ruochen's head.     

Inside the hall, many found it difficult to calm their hearts. Unexpectedly, Xuanyuan Liekong intervened at a critical moment, and even expelled the Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect, giving a little too much face to Zhang Ruochen.     

Xuanyuan Liekong turned his head and looked at Zhang Ruochen. "Zhang Ruochen, let the Blackflame General out!" he said.     

For him to choose to expel the Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect and let Zhang Ruochen stay was because he felt that Zhang Ruochen staying behind was much more valuable.     

In his eyes, people were divided into two types: one was valuable, and the other was without any value.     

Zhang Ruochen did not know what Xuanyuan Liekong's thoughts were, but since the latter expelled the Ten-eyed Qiankun Insect, it could be considered an olive branch to him.     

So, he simply took out the Azuresky Pagoda and released the Blackflame General again.     

Speaking of which, while he had indeed captured the Blackflame General alive, he really never had the time to interrogate the latter.     

"The Blackflame General's cultivation has reached the pinnacle of the Heaven's Reach realm. He is extremely powerful, so trying to get information out of him won't be easy."     

"It won't be easy indeed, and ordinary means are useless against him. Only if a very powerful spiritual-power Saint King acts will there be hope to forcibly obtain some valuable information from his soul."     

Some of the powerhouses frowned as they thought about how to interrogate the Blackflame General.     

They did not think that the Blackflame General would cooperatively reveal the Altar of Evil's secrets; it was almost impossible.     

Zhang Ruochen smiled faintly and said, "That won't be too difficult. We can just ask for Fairy Baihua's aid."     

"Fairy Baihua has also come to the Northern Region Basecamp?"     

"Two fairies of the Nine Immortal Beauties have come to the Northern Region; this trip sure is worthwhile."     

"Where is Fairy Baihua? Invite her out, quickly!"     


Many powerhouses who were present became excited as they looked around, searching for the figure of Fairy Baihua, Ji Fanxin.     

Ji Fanxin did not make her way to the meeting hall, and like Zhang Ruochen, she was not fond of such occasions either, let alone letting too many people know that she had arrived in the Northern Region."     

Nevertheless, Zhang Ruochen immediately sent her a telepathic message and asked her to rush to the meeting hall.     

Not long after, a refreshing floral fragrance appeared and filled the entire manor.     

Ji Fanxin walked toward the meeting hall slowly as many butterflies flew around her, creating a beautiful picture on the way.     

"It really is Fairy Baihua."     

Inside the meeting hall, many of the elites were excited.     

It was natural to love beauty.     

 Although they were all leaders of great realms and were extremely powerful, they still admired beautiful women, especially when the woman was a famous fairy such as Fairy Baihua. How could anyone not love her?     

A strange look appeared in Fairy Yuan's eyes as her gaze fell upon Ji Fanxin. Even she did not expect the latter to appear in the Northern Territory Basecamp.     

Under the gaze of a group of elites, Ji Fanxin stepped into the meeting hall.     

"Fairy, if you would," Zhang Ruochen said.     

Ji Fanxin nodded and said, "I'll give it a try."     

At that moment, many had a weird look on their faces as they looked at Zhang Ruochen and then at Ji Fanxin. Anyone could have guessed that Ji Fanxin had probably come to the Northern Region with Zhang Ruochen. Moreover, they also knew that Ji Fanxin had also appeared with Zhang Ruochen at Luoshui, and the two seemed inseparable.     

Could it be that there was a special relationship between Zhang Ruochen and Ji Fanxin?     

Thinking of this, some could not help but feel heartbroken. She was a perfect fairy in their hearts and was not to be defiled.     

Since Fairy Baihua had admirers, there was no surprise that Fairy Yuan had admirers too.     

Seeing so many people pay attention to Fairy Baihua, Fairy Yuan's admirers could no longer sit still.     

One of Fairy Yuan's admirers stood up and said, "Fairy Yuan has also mastered a secret technique. No matter how great the Blackflame General's cultivation base is, he will not be able to resist it."     

"Oh? If that is the case, how about both fairies act together and use their own techniques." Zhen Yuan smiled and said.     

Zhang Ruochen shook his head lightly and said to himself, "Zhen Yuan... the bigger the better when it comes to watching drama, huh."     

It was undoubtedly very interesting to see the two fairies doing the same thing.     

"You lot can just treat it as wishful thinking if you want to get the secrets of the altar out of me," the Blackflame General said coldly.     

He was now shackled, and killing him was easy, but it was impossible for them to dig the secrets out of his mouth.     

"Blackflame General, you are underestimating the two fairies. Just wait, you'll be crying soon!" someone sneered.     

A cold light flickered in the Blackflame General's eyes, and he did not say anything else.     

Ji Fanxin and Fairy Yuan walked to the side of the Blackflame General, the two looked at each other, and a smile appeared on each of their faces as they made their moves.     

Fairy Yuan did not want to intervene at that moment, but since someone had already revealed that she possessed a secret technique and Zhen Yuan had also spoken, she could only choose to act.     

Ji Fanxin unleashed an incomparably powerful spiritual power, transforming into countless petals that enveloped the Blackflame General, penetrating him little by little.     

It was just that the Blackflame General's will was extremely strong, and it was difficult for external forces to penetrate his mind.     

Fairy Yuan did not make any movements, only strands of mystical light appeared in her eyes, it was deep and starry, like two pieces of starry skies.     

Others might not have noticed anything, but a curious look appeared on Zhang Ruochen's face as he was secretly surprised. "I never thought that aside from The Thousand Star Maiden, there is another person who cultivates the Path of Origins."     

Of course, there was a big difference between the Thousand Star Maiden and Fairy Yuan. The Thousand Star Maiden was the master of the Origin, while Fairy Yuan was a cultivator of the Origin.     

As far as Zhang Ruochen knew, there were fanes for each of the Nine Great Eternal Paths, some were located in the Celestial Court, some in the Infernal Court, some were beyond material realms.     

It was precisely because of the existence of the nine fanes that some talented individuals had the opportunity to cultivate the Nine Great Eternal Paths.     

The Fane of Origins only appeared during the world's creation, and it had disappeared without a trace since. Even the Path of Origin cultivators had all disappeared, much less the Master of Origin.     

Before the Thousand Star Maiden, there had been a long period of time where a Master of Origin was not born.     

Now that the Master of Origin and cultivators of Origin had appeared, did it mean that the Fane of Origins would once again reappear?     

Obviously, Fairy Yuan had cultivated the Divine Eyes of Origin, and she could see through the origin of all things, perhaps even the Blackflame General's soul.     

The Blackflame General was really calm at first, but slowly, his expression gradually became menacing as he was obviously enduring some great pain.     


The Blackflame General let out a painful roar.     

Upon seeing this, Shi Lingkun could not help but sneer, "So it turns out that the so-called number three general is just hogwash. He's so weak, no wonder he fell into Zhang Ruochen's hands. I heard that the Blackflame General and Ziyang Saint King were both at the Cliff of Doom. The two of them fought each other until they were so badly wounded that you picked up an easy win, eh?"     

"That's for sure. No matter how weak the Blackflame General is, he is still a Heaven's Reach powerhouse. How can he be defeated by the likes of Zhang Ruochen?"     

"Zhang Ruochen, you sure are lucky, with spoils to pick everywhere you go. I'm jealous."     

Several other powerhouses of the Blackdemon Realm were also sneering, and they did not believe that Zhang Ruochen had used his own strength to capture the Blackflame General.     

Before Zhang Ruochen even reacted, Xiang Chunan blew his top as he stepped forward and shouted, "Shut up! Who do you think you are? People like you are not even fit to be my big brother's sandal bearers! If you are that capable, capture a general yourself!"     

"Do you want to die?"     

A murderous intent appeared in Shi Lingkun's eyes as a monstrous Demonic Qi emerged from his body.     

Xiang Chunan was not afraid, as a majestic Demonic Qi emerged from his body, and a menacing demonic shadow faintly appeared. "Come if you dare. See if Lord Xiang here pummels you to death or not!"     

He had always been hot-tempered, and he did not care about the identity of who he was yelling at.     

If one were to anger him, even if it was a Supreme Saint, he would still dare to fight.     

Zhen Yuan came forward and stood between the two as he said, "We're here to fight the Deathkin, not each other."     

Shi Lingkun glanced at Zhen Yuan and detected some fear in his heart. "I'll give face to my fellow brethren of the path, Zhen Yuan. I won't be calculative with this black fool," he could not help but say.      

As he said that, Shi Lingkun withdrew his aura and returned to his seat.     

Feng Yan placed a hand on Xiang Chunan's shoulder and said, "All right, Third brother, forget it. Don't get worked up."     

"Okay, I'll let them go this time. I just really hate empty vessels like them." Xiang Chunan snorted.     

Hearing that, Feng Yan could not help but to shake his head with a wry smile. Xiang Chunan had always acted very impulsively and recklessly. He was really worried that the latter would cause some serious trouble in the future.     

Inside the hall, Ji Fanxin and Fairy Yuan were still performing their secret techniques. They were not affected in any way.     

Ji Fanxin stretched her hand out and tapped as a ray of divine light entered the brow of the Blackflame General.     

The ray of divine light may seem very weak, but it was extremely tough and possessed mystical powers as it actually penetrated into the soul of the Blackflame General bit by bit.     

At the same time, tiny spots of light that were almost invisible to the naked eye flew out of Fairy Yuan's eyes.     

These light spots also penetrated the Blackflame General's defenses, and fused with his soul, as if it was no different than the original, seemingly a part of the general's soul.     


A curious look appeared on Ji Fanxin's face. With her unparalleled spiritual power, she had sensed something strange, especially after those light spots had merged into the Blackflame General's soul. It was then that she felt it much more clearly.     

To think that Fairy Yuan, who was as famous as her, was actually a cultivator of the Path of Origin... That really surprised her.     

In the same way, Fairy Yuan also keenly felt Ji Fanxin's spiritual powers at that moment and how powerful it was. On top of being massive, she had never seen the essence of a Saint King's spiritual power being so powerful before.     

From her point of view, it was not entirely impossible for the essence of some Supreme Saints' spiritual powers to be inferior to Ji Fanxin's.     

With that tacit understanding, the two chose to cooperate and combine each other's techniques in order to draw out more complete secrets contained in the Blackflame General's soul.     

After all, if they did not cooperate, their methods would conflict, and if they accidentally killed the Blackflame general, it would be a total waste.     

Right then, many powerhouses were paying close attention to the two fairies who were interrogating the Blackflame General. They looked forward to seeing the fairies, whom they admired, pull information out of the Blackflame General.     

The Blackflame General kept roaring in pain as his soul was eroded. It was the kind of pain that no ordinary person could comprehend, especially when the means available to the two fairies were extraordinary.     

No matter how tenacious his will was, it was still difficult to resist.     


Suddenly, the Blackflame let out a terrifying roar.     

A powerful Will of Death suddenly erupted from his body and actually shattered the shackles that bound him.     


The Blackflame General transformed into a stream of evil Death Qi and rushed out of the meeting hall.     

After breaking through the shackles using his secret technique, he naturally wanted to escape the Northern Region Basecamp. He did not want to stay to wait for his death.     

Everyone inside the hall was no pushover. If they were to strike at him as a group, even if his cultivation base had broken through the Precept Dominion realm, he might not be able to fight back.     

"Want to run? No, you don't."     

Shi Lingkun barked coldly and immediately acted.     

A monstrous Demonic Qi rushed out of his body, forming a massive demonic phantom with a demonic blade in its hand. The phantom then slashed at the Blackflame General.     

The Blackflame General turned around and a cold light shone in his eyes. "You mean to stop me?"     

The massive and surging Will of Death emerged from his body, forming the Shadow of Death.     


The Shadow of Death reached out and crushed the sword light that flew over with a powerful grip.     

Immediately after, the bracelet on the hand of the Shadow of Death shot out, as they started spinning rapidly. A black hole then appeared, unleashing a terrifying suction power to suck Shi Lingkun into it.     

Shi Lingkun's pupils shrank, as a Blooddrinker Demonic Blade appeared in his hand, and overlapping with the demonic blade in the phantom's hand, he shot out three slashes in extreme speed.     


The black hole formed by the bracelet collapsed and swallowed all three of the sword lights.     

The three solidified beads bloomed with a bizarre light, and the mystic runes engraved in it appeared, locking a small piece of dimension in place.     

For a moment, Shi Lingkun was imprisoned and was somewhat unable to move.     


The Shadow of Death swung its Death Scythe and struck at Shi Lingkun.     

Seeing the Death Scythe rapidly close in on him, Shi Lingkun became extremely anxious as he tried his darndest to free himself from the imprisonment.     

At the last moment, Shi Lingkun finally broke free as he raised his demonic blade to block his front.     


Although Shi Lingkun used his demonic blade to block the Death Scythe, it could not withstand the terrifying power of the attack, and his entire person was sent crashing into the ground at high speed, just like a falling meteor.     


Blood spurted out of Shi Lingkun's mouth. With just this single blow, he was already severely wounded.     

The difference in strength was clear as day.     

The Blackflame General did not continue his assault but chose to immediately retreat instead.     

He did not want to put himself in danger just to kill Shi Lingkun.     

At this moment, a blurry figure rushed out of Zhang Ruochen's body with the Ancient Abyssal Blade in its hand as it set off in pursuit.     

A look of surprise appeared in the eyes of one of the powerhouses. "A Sword Soul."     

There were countless sword cultivators in the realm, but those who could cultivate a Sword Soul were few and far in between. That represented a great achievement on the Path of the Sword.     

In an instant, the Sword Soul reappeared behind the Blackflame General.     

The Ancient Abyssal Blade trembles lightly as countless of Mark of Time appeared and imprinted themselves around the space, enveloping the Blackflame General.     

Suddenly, the Blackflame General felt that time seemed to have stopped at this instant, finding even thinking difficult.     


The Ancient Abyssal Blade easily slashed the Shadow of Death in half, and the Blackflame General who was wrapped inside the shadow was also cut into two.     

Before everyone could react, the Sword Soul held the Ancient Abyssal Blade and re-entered Zhang Ruochen's body.     


The two halves of the Blackflame General fell from mid-air, a massive amount of evil death Qi escaped from the two halves of his corpse.     

Hearing this, everyone snapped back, and they looked at the Blackflame General who had been cut in half with an incredulous look.     

This was the number three general under Chixing Shenzi, and he could not even resist a single slash from Zhang Ruochen. Many felt like they were dreaming.     

"He's that powerful?"     

Shi Lingkun's face was pale, and he was completely stunned. Thinking of what he had said before, he wished he had a hole to throw himself into.     

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