God Emperor

God-King Fist

God-King Fist

With Xianji Mountain's five main peaks as the center, the eight war fortresses that the Deathkin had built were all lit up in the fires of battle.     

On Xianji Mountain, a death ship made of Saint Bones hid in the mist.     

Multiple figures stood on the bow as they observed the fighting outside through the mist.     

Leading the party was none other than the current master of Xianji Mountain, Yuanmo Shenzi.     

Standing on either side of Yuanmo Shenzi were six people: four men and two women. The aura that radiated from their bodies was extremely terrifying, and they were clearly no ordinary people.     

Without exception, all these people were heirs of the gods, with high levels of cultivation and none of them were weak.     

The first person to Yuanmo Shenzi's left had a slightly thin figure with a pair of grey wings behind him, exuding a decaying aura of death. He was Chixing Shenzi.     

"Yuanmo Shenzi, the situation down there doesn't seem good. Are you sure Huo Nu and Commander He Yun can handle it?" Chixing Shenzi frowned slightly.     

He found that Yuanmo Shenzi seemed to be a little too calm and did not even react when one of his Death Legates had died.     

All of these Shenzis and Shennü had many elites under their command, but they could not withstand such losses. Losing a Death General or two was fine but losing a Death Legate or two would make anyone flinch in pain.     

For example, when Chixing Shenzi had three Death Legates under his command dying one after another, it almost drove him crazy.     

Yuanmo Shenzi looked extremely calm and said, "No need to worry, Zhang Ruochen won't be able to do anything. However, that Fairy Baihua looks a little tricky to me."     

"Fairy Baihua? She's only a Precept Dominion cultivator, and her strength is, at most, the closest to Commander He Yun. What's so tricky about her?" Chixing Shenzi had a puzzled look.     

Yuanmo Shenzi shook his head slightly and answered, "You underestimate Fairy Baihua too much. While her martial arts cultivation is indeed not too high, her spiritual powers are extremely strong. They are perhaps no weaker than Ming Gu's."     

Hearing this, Chixing Shenzi and the other Shenzis and Shennü all had a surprised look. They were not aware of this but did not doubt what Yuanmo Shenzi had said.     

Yuanmo Shenzi was not only powerful in his martial arts cultivation, but his spiritual power was also extraordinarily strong. He had almost no weaknesses, or else he would not have become one of the ten strongest elites amongst the Deathkin Saint Kings. There was barely anyone who could force him to use his full strength.     

"Since Fairy Baihua is that powerful, with her around, Huo Nu may not be her match." A rather tall Shennü frowned.     

A Shenzi with four arms smiled and said, "Muling Shennü, you don't have to worry too much, I believe that Yuanmo Shenzi has already thought of a countermeasure long ago."     

Delight appeared in Yuanmo Shenzi's eyes as he said, "Have you forgotten? Qi Yang has been eyeing the nine fairies of the Nine Immortal Beauties portrait for a long time."     

"Qi Yang has already come over?" Chixing Shenzi showed a surprised look.     

Yuanmo Shenzi nodded. "Yes. With Fairy Yuan appearing in the Northern Region, how could Qi Yang not come?"     

"I'm afraid only beautiful women are able to actually pique Qi Yang's interest. Since he is here, this battle will be a lot easier for us." A smile appeared on Chixing Shenzi's face.     

Who was Qi Yang?     

He was the same as Yuanmo Shenzi, one of the Deathkin Saint King elite ten, and his strength was terrifying.     

He had a well-known hobby of collecting beautiful women. The beauties of various races were all objects of his collection.     

All along, Qi Yang had wanted to take all the fairies in the Nine Immortal Beauties portrait as part of his collection, but he never had the chance.     

Suddenly, Yuanmo Shenzi's expression became serious, and he said, "Later on, not only Qi Yang will make his move. We will also need to make our move and face the Celestial Court elites. Be careful, don't go dying by their hands."     

"Zhen Yuan is mine. Pick whoever else you like." A glint appeared in Chixing Shenzi's eyes.     

The four-armed Shenzi laughed. "It looks like you suffered a defeat in Zhen Yuan's hands earlier. How about I deal with him instead?"     

Chixing Shenzi turned his head and hissed coldly. "Shengku, don't interfere with my business. It was just a test last time; do you really think I'm afraid of Zhen Yuan?"     

"I was just saying. Why are you taking it so seriously? I'll leave Zhen Yuan to you then." Shengku Shenzi shrugged.     

The relationship between the Shenzis and Shennüs was not absolutely harmonious. After all, the forces behind each of them were different, and most of the time, they were happy to see others suffer.     

The laws of survival in the Infernal Court were brutal; there was plenty more fighting and struggles than in the Celestial Court.     

A violent gale suddenly blew before the war fortress Zhang Ruochen was at as a golden light appeared and transforming into a massive golden demonic bird.     

On the back of the golden demonic bird stood a handsome man in golden armor. He wore a smile on his face and had an outstanding temperament.     

The moment he appeared, his eyes were immediately locked on Fairy Baihua. It was as if everyone else had disappeared and only Fairy Baihua existed in this world.     

"Beautiful, just beautiful. As expected of Fairy Baihua of the Nine Immortal Beauties portrait. You are much prettier than the flowers." An avaricious look filled the eyes of the handsome man in golden armor.     

He was not anyone else, he was the Qi Yang that Yuanmo Shenzi had mentioned. He was one of the top Shenzis of the Deathkins and stood equally with Yuanmo Shenzi.     

Ji Fanxin's gentle palm strike sent Commander He Yun reeling backward, and she then looked at Qi Yang.     

Upon meeting Qi Yang's gaze, a look of disgust appeared in Ji Fanxin's eyes.     

Qi Yang flew off the back of the golden demonic bird and stopped about ten feet before Ji Fanxin with a smile. "I am Qi Yang. I've heard of your good name for a long time and have always admired you. I wonder if you could reciprocate my infatuation, Fairy?"     

"Qi Yang, one of the top ten Deathkin Saint King elites, the sixth son of King Qi Tian... Danger Index Level 10, loves collecting beautiful women... This will be troublesome!" Ji Fanxin frowned.     

She had long memorized all of the information regarding the Infernal Court's elite Shenzi and Shennüs in her mind.     

As long as their danger index was at a ten, without exception, they would all have devastating fighting power that rivaled Neverwither Supreme Saints. They could even very well defeat those Supreme Saints.     

Throughout the entire Infernal Court, the top-tier monsters whose danger index could reach Level 10 were few and far in between. The Immortal Vampires, the Rakshasas, or the Ashurans were similar, where each race only had a bare few.     

Rumor had it that there was a Top 100 list among the Infernal Court Saint Kings, and all the top elites of the various Infernal Court tribes lined the list.     

Every single person who could get on the Top 100 list had a Level 10 danger index.     

The extremely powerful Xuetu Shenzi in the Sword Vault actually ranked lower on that list.     

Qi Yang, on the other hand, was higher up, ranking within the Top 50, which meant that his strength was stronger than Xuetu Shenzi's.     

"Huh? Qi Yang is here too!"     

On the warship, Xuanyuan Liekong frowned slightly.     

Before the battle, they had calculated and planned everything out, but Qi Yang was not part of the equation.     

A powerhouse like Qi Yang alone was enough to influence the direction of the battle.     

Zhen Yuan looked at Ji Fanxin and said, "Qi Yang probably came for the two fairies. As long as Fairy Baihua can hold him back for a period of time, there won't be any impact on our plan."     

"Can Fairy Baihua hold Qi Yang back?" Xuanyuan Liekong was a little worried.     

"Junior Brother Zhang told me that during the battle of Sword Vault, Fairy Baihua was deeply involved, and seeing how calm she is at this moment, I don't think she's afraid of Qi Yang," Zhen Yuan said.     

"Well, Fairy Baihua could use her spiritual powers to forcibly obtain the Blackflame General's memories, so her spiritual power is bound to be extremely powerful. She could indeed fight against Qi Yang with that. However, I do worry more about Zhang Ruochen's side." Xuanyuan Liekong looked at Zhang Ruochen with concern in his eyes.     

Zhen Yuan laughed. "Junior Brother Zhang is the Scion of Time and Space. Besides, even if he cannot fight them, he has the means to protect himself. You don't need to worry about him. I think we might need to reply Junior Brother Zhang's side on breaching the Deathkin's second defensive line."     

"You have a lot of faith in him, and it seems like your Taoism branch is ready to give him full support." Xuanyuan Liekong shook his head.     

Upon hearing this, Zhen Yuan just smiled and said nothing.     

"Zhen Yuan, fight me!"     

At that moment, Chixing Shenzi's violent roar thundered in the vicinity.     

The gray wings on Chixing Shenzi's back flapped as his Death Qi surged. It felt like billions of dead spirits were about to come rushing out of the underworld.     

At the same time, Yuanmo Shenzi and the other five Shenzis and Shennüs also appeared. Each unleashed an extremely powerful aura as evil Death Qi gushed out in a frenzy and smothered the heavens.     

"You came at the right time, Yuanmo. I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Xuanyuan Liekong roared as his body exuded a powerful battle spirit.     

As the new God of War of the Wanxu Realm, his strength had been increased through series of battles, and every battle made him even stronger.     

For a person to be called a God of War, he or she needed to be undefeated in thousands of battles and must have lived through ten thousand battles.     

Ever since he came to the Northern Region Battlefield of Merits, Xuanyuan Liekong had been looking forward to having a good fight with Yuanmo Shenzi.     

With his current strength, only through fighting against powerhouses like Yuanmo Shenzi could he improve his strength further.     

Yuanmo Shenzi stepped forward, and the nether ground beneath his feet expanded as Death Qi permeated in all directions. It seemingly wanted to turn this world into the underworld and annihilate all life.     

"Xuanyuan Liekong, I have long wanted to fight you. I hope you won't let me down." Yuanmo Shenzi unleashed a powerful battle spirit as well.     

"Take this!"     

Xuanyuan Liekong cut to the chase and instantly launched his attack.     

He used the God King's Fist, however, the kind of power he had unleashed was not at all comparable to the three Tu brothers.     

To be precise, the three Tu brothers had only cultivated a simplified version of the God-King Fist, and it was only an Intermediate-level Saint Art.     

On the other hand, Xuanyuan Liekong had cultivated the perfect God-King Fist, and it was a genuine High-level Saint Art.     

There were three types of God-King Fists circulating in the Wanxu Realm namely the Low-level Saint Art kind, the Intermediate-level Saint Art, and the High-level Saint Art.     

In the beginning, all cultivators of the Wanxu Realm would cultivate the low-level God-King Fist to lay the foundation first. It was not until later that they would have hopes to successfully cultivate an Intermediate-level and High-level God-King Fist.     

According to hearsay, the real God-King Fist was a very powerful divine technique, but it was simplified by a top Supreme Saint into a Saint Art and then spread across the Wanxu Realm.     

The High-level God-King Fist was extremely powerful, and since its creation, there had been few who could successfully cultivate it while they were still Saint Kings.     

Through this, one could see how powerful Xuanyuan Liekong was, and his "God of War" title was well deserved.     

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