God Emperor

The Situation Takes a One-Eighty Turn

The Situation Takes a One-Eighty Turn

At first, the Celestial Court cultivators were still exuberant, but when they saw the demonic saber in Qi Yang's hands, they freaked out and beat a hasty retreat.     


Xiang Chunan punched and smashed a Death Legate.     

"Stop throwing your weight around!"     

A cold light flashed in Qi Yang's eyes as he aimed one of his fingers at Xiang Chunan.     

Several hundred thousand precepts, along with the Precepts of Heaven and Earth from within an 8,000-mile radius, gathered on his fingertip.     

"Watch out, Brother Xiang!" Feng Yan warned since he was the nearest person to Xiang Chuhan.     

While he called out, he cast out an Eighth Radiance Thousand-Inscription Sacred Artifact as speedily as possible, trying to block Qi Yang's finger attack.     


The Eighth Radiance Thousand-Inscription Sacred Artifact exploded at once, turning into scrap metal. It failed to affect the finger light one bit.     

Xiang Chunan's reaction was quick. He quickly deployed the Metal Demonic Crown and gathered Supreme Power to shield his front.     

Yet, it was useless. The finger light deflected the Metal Demonic Crown before hitting Xiang Chunan's body.     

Xiang Chunan roared. Black divine marks appeared and became intertwined all over his body to block the finger light.     

The divine marks blocked most of the finger light but he was still sent flying backward. He coughed up blood as he was badly wounded.     

Had it not been for the Metal Demonic Crown and divine marks, he would have probably died.     

"I can't believe that you are still alive. You've got some skill." Qi Yang broke into a faint smile as he raised his hand to unleash another strike for good measure.     

At that moment, ripples suddenly formed in the dimension, then out of nowhere, Zhang Ruochen appeared and kept Xiang Chunan behind him.     

Zhang Ruochen looked grim and enraged because Qi Yang had almost killed Xiang Chunan in front of his eyes. Qi Yang had crossed the line.      

"Dimensional Warp!     

"Dimensional Rift!"     

Zhang Ruochen immediately performed his dimensional skills as soon as he saw Qi Yang striking with his finger move again.     

After the war fortress was breached, the dimensional lockdown at Xianji Mountain had been removed, and he regained control of the dimension.     

Interfered and deflected by Dimensional Warp, the finger light was then devoured by Dimensional Rift.      

There was a surprised look in Qi yang's eyes. "Dimensional skills! As Yuanmo said, you are the Scion of Time and Space! I can't believe that Xumi, the old monk could still train a successor after he died for so long. Not half bad at all!"     

"Let us join hands, Zhang Ruochen. You hold off Qi Yang with your dimensional skills while I attack him," said Bi Yunhai via telepathy.     

Obviously, he could see how amazing Zhang Ruochen's dimensional skills were and could cause problems to Qi Yang while giving him the opportunity to attack.     

Qi Yang turned his head around and looked at Bi Yunhai.     

A strange glow appeared in Qi Yang's eyes, which sent out a horrible energy wave.     

"Not good!"     

The three Tu Brothers standing nearest to Bi Yunhai sensed the danger, their faces changed.     

With no hesitation, they cast out a Ninth Radiance Thousand-Inscription Sacred Shield in front of them and summoned the full strength of the shield.     

Likewise, Bi Yunhai quickly yanked out the sky-blue gourd when he sensed the danger.     

As invisible energy hit the shield, it melted away like ice under the scorching sun.     

The three Tu Brothers screamed in pain as their bodies melted just like the shield did. They summoned their Saint Qi to resist it, but it was useless.     

If things kept going like this, they would be done for.     

Meanwhile, Bi Yunhai's situation was better as he was blocking the attack with a Regal Weapon. Even so, he was still forced to retreat since the attack was too much to bear.     

At last, a through and through bloody wound appeared in his chest. He nearly fell headfirst to the ground.     


He clenched his fists tightly, as he could not believe what was happening.     

He could totally understand it if Qi Yang had used a Supreme Artifact to beat him, but Qi Yang had not been moving. With his eyes alone, he had already wounded Bi Yunhai badly. Bi Yunhai could not believe that the gap between them was so huge.     

The Celestial Court cultivators were quaking in their boots when they witnessed the death of the three Tu Brothers and the wounding of Bi Yunhai. How powerful was Qi Yang, really?     

They did not think that the three Tu Brothers were weak. Each of the three brothers was actually powerful enough to beat any Heaven's Reach fighter, and they rivaled a Path's Anterior fighter when they joined hands. Yet, they could not withstand a glance from Qi Yang.     

Bi Yunhai, who had beaten a Neverwither Supreme Saint before, was no exception. He did not stand a chance against Qi Yang.     

What kind of out-of-this-world Saint technique had Qi Yang used?     

This showed that the information in The Maleficent Records of the Infernal Court's Ten Clans was not accurate. Before this, no one knew that Qi Yang possessed a Supreme Artifact, and no one knew he had such a pair of terrifying eyes.     

Zhang Ruochen was the only person who remained calm. He took out a Dimensional Chaos Scroll, unfolded it, and hurled it at Qi Yang.     

Tens of thousands of dimensional inscriptions rushed out of the scroll and became one with the Precepts of Heaven and Earth.     

The dimensional structure around Qi Yang started to change. Even the earth's crust was shifting. The space within a several-hundred-mile radius transformed into a chaotic dimension in the blink of an eye.     

It was a Dimensional Chaos Scroll that Zhang Ruochen had made long ago. During his closed-door self-cultivation practice earlier, he had remade it and burned more dimensional inscriptions onto it.     

When he first made the Dimensional Chaos Scroll, his level of cultivation was comparatively low, and his attainment of the Path of Dimension was high enough. Hence, the first-version Dimensional Chaos Scroll had limited power. It was good enough to trap Non-Precept Domain cultivators but obviously not Heaven's Reach or even Path's Anterior fighters.     

Qi Yang, along with the strange energy wave from his eyes, were trapped as soon as the chaotic dimension formed.      

That way, the three Tu Brothers could still live.     

Qi Yang looked surprised when he sensed a strange energy wave approach him from behind.     

He immediately stuck his out hand to block the strange energy wave while he stopped using his secret eye technique.     

"The attack has changed course? Is it another dimensional skill?" Qi Yang carefully studied his surroundings without looking fearful.     

He had full confidence in himself. No matter how mysterious and elusive Zhang Ruochen's dimensional skills were, it would cause him some troubles but definitely no harm.      

"Bring the three Tu Brothers away," said Zhang Ruochen.     

A warship flew over at once and a few Celestial Court cultivators carried the three Tu Brothers on board.     

The three Tu Brothers might have escaped death, but they were badly wounded. Part of their bodies had melted. Recovering was going to be a challenge, especially when they had lost their combat strength and were no good on the battlefield.     

Bi Yunhai had also retreated and taken a sacred herb, making the best of the time he had to heal his injury.     

Zhang Ruochen took out a bottle of Spring of Life from the Qiankun Realm and poured it down Xiang Chunan's throat.     

He could see that even with the divine marks protecting him, Xiang Chunan was in terrible shape. The blow had inflicted trauma to his internal organs. If it was not treated in time, the trauma could leave a chronic effect on his body.     


Qi Yang was launching an all-out attack.     

The attack might have been blocked, but the chaotic dimension was shaking. There was a sign of it breaking down.     

The reason was, Qi Yang's powerful attack had overloaded the chaotic dimension.     

In a matter of moments, a fine crack formed in the Dimensional Chaos Scroll.     

"Your dimensional skill is not bad, Zhang Ruochen. But you couldn't be more wrong if you thought that you could trap me with it." Qi Yang roared with laughter while he attacked, looking unusually at ease.     

However, no matter how sophisticated a skill was, it would not hold a candle to absolute power.      

Just then, a glow appeared on Ji Fanxin's forehead as an extremely ancient tortoiseshell shot out.     

The tortoiseshell was the size of a palm, and it was silverish, as well as covered in strange patterns. It formed naturally and showed no signs that it was manmade.     

"The tortoiseshell is a portrait of arrays, and should be good enough to keep Qi Yang in for a while," said Ji Fanxin.     

Zhang Ruochen got the hint and immediately opened up the chaotic dimension and threw the tortoiseshell into it.     

The tortoiseshell glowed as strange patterns appeared and formed an esoteric array to engulf Qi Yang in it.     

With the combination of a chaotic dimension and the portrait of an array, Qi Yang could no longer escape despite how powerful he was—at least, for now.     


Qi Yang struck the tortoiseshell array portrait...     

Yet, no matter how hard he tried, the tough tortoiseshell array portrait would not budge.     

He hissed as he used the demonic saber to strike the tortoiseshell array portrait.     

More strange patterns appeared on the tortoiseshell array portrait as the Precepts of Heaven and Earth were gathered and formed into a protective shield to withstand the demonic saber's attack.     

Zhang Ruochen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the tortoiseshell array portrait was fine. "Taking this opportunity, we should kill our way in!"     

He immediately engulfed Ji Fanxin, Feng Yan, Xiang Chunan, Pei Yutian, and the Evil Spirit with his Saint Qi.     

As he performed a Dimensional Shift, the six of them disappeared into thin air.     

There was a flash in Bi Yunhai's eyes. He stopped his healing process and faded into a stream of light as he hurled toward the heart of Xianji Mountain.     

He wanted to get a piece of the action if there any opportunity arose on Xianji Mountain.     

"Not good!"     

Seeing that Qi Yang was trapped, Bi Yunhai was moving toward the center of Xianji Mountain, and Zhang Ruochen, as well as his mates, were nowhere to be seen, Yuanmo Shenzi began to look grave.     

Feeling anxious, he tried to shake off Xuanyuan Liekong. He wanted to go after Zhang Ruochen and the others.     

"You're not going anywhere, Yuanmo! You're going to stay here with me!" Xuanyuan Liekong did everything he could to hold him back.     

He needed to buy Zhang Ruochen and the others some time.     

Meanwhile, other Deathkin Shenzis and Ladies were also tied up in battles, feeling desperate.     

Chixing Shenzi's situation was not looking good either, as Zheng Yuan had pinned him down and almost broken one of his wings.     

It was apparent that he had underestimated Zheng Yuan's ability. Had he known earlier, he would have let Shengku Shenzi deal with Zheng Yuan. He should not have looked for trouble.     

The same situation happened to Ming Gu, who was ambitious about beating Lu Baiming to become the top Non-Supreme Saint array master. Sadly, things did not turn out as he had expected. Lu Baiming had gotten the upper hand, and it was a matter of time before he lost the battle.      

The situation had taken a one-eighty turn and swung in favor of the Celestial Court.     

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