Let Me Game in Peace

Four Dimitrios Monkeys

Four Dimitrios Monkeys

Zhou Wen felt his scalp tingle. Although there were indeed many creatures that ate dragons in the ancient myths of the East District, hearing about them and seeing them with his own eyes were two different matters.     

Having seen a flood dragon being eaten alive, Zhou Wen's hopes of a vegetarian ape were dashed.     

Furthermore, Zhou Wen knew that he couldn't pull a living flood dragon out of the deep sea.     

The golden-haired ape was already so terrifying, but there were four of such monkeys here. Zhou Wen felt that things were going south now that he was being watched by four terrifying apes while he was under their noses.     

Thankfully, the four terrifying apes hadn't attacked him yet.     

I have to think of a way to leave this godforsaken place. Zhou Wen looked at the golden-haired ape's legs, but he didn't have the courage to run through them.     

They still had no intention of taking action. Perhaps they planned on storing him as food. If their food were to escape, they might be displeased.     

Who wouldn't feel the pinch after losing more than fifty kilograms of meat? Anyway, Zhou Wen didn't dare take the risk or rashly move about. Even with the four Golden Battle Gods surrounding him and Banana Fairy overseeing him, Zhou Wen still didn't feel safe.     

With Zhou Wen staying motionless, the four terrifying apes didn't move either. They just stared at him as though they had no intention of attacking.     

Could it be that they really plan on storing me as food? That's not right. I'm only a tiny bit of meat to them. I'm probably not even enough to fill the gaps between their teeth. A flood dragon has been eaten up in one go. What's the point with storing a pittance like me? Zhou Wen felt that something was amiss.     

If I had known, I would have brought Ice Maiden over. We would have been able to negotiate. Perhaps she knows what the four apes are. Zhou Wen regretted leaving Ice Maiden and Nether Lotus in Luoyang.     

In the myths and legends of the East District, there were many apes. The most famous one was naturally the Handsome Monkey King that wreaked havoc in the Heavenly Palace.     

However, these four apes had looks which had nothing to do with beauty.     

The Handsome Monkey King was an Intelligent Stone Monkey, and among the Four Dimitrios Monkeys, there were also the Six-Eared Macaque, Long-Armed Ape Monkey, and Red-Bottomed Horse Monkey. There were also four apes here, so Zhou Wen couldn't help but think of the Four Dimitrios Monkeys.     

Zhou Wen carefully sized them up, hoping to see if he could find the characteristics of the Four Dimitrios Monkeys on them.     

After some observation, he failed to discover any ape with especially long arms, nor did he discover any ape with six ears.     

These four apes don't seem to be the Four Dimitrios Monkeys. Furthermore, I've never heard of monkeys standing on a turtle's back holding a stone artifact in myths. Zhou Wen couldn't help but be curious when he thought of the stone artifact.     

These four apes were definitely at the Terror grade or even stronger. How powerful was the Guardian cocoon they protected?     

Zhou Wen had previously heard that there were still differences between Guardians. Some Guardians' potential might be at the Terror grade, making it difficult for them to advance any further. As for other Guardians, they might reach the Calamity grade or even the Apocalypse grade.     

And according to An Sheng, the strangest point was that Guardians hatched from Earth all seemed to have considerable potential.     

In contrast, the Guardians that were directly teleported over from the dimension were at the Terror grade when they arrived—they didn't seem to have any room for growth. Their strength would basically stagnate. Advancing to a higher grade wasn't even the main problem—there were very few examples of them undergoing slight improvements.     

In fact, Zhou Wen had always been unsure of the relationship between Guardians and the dimensional creatures. Most of the Guardian cocoons on Earth had a powerful dimensional creature guarding them.     

However, having seen so many Guardian cocoons, Zhou Wen felt that the dimensional creatures weren't just simply protecting it.     

Just like when he went to contract Fairy Burial with Jiang Yan, the dimensional creature suspected to be Bai Ze didn't seem to care too much about the Fairy Burial he was protecting and easily gave up.     

Of course, he couldn't rule out the possibility that Bai Ze was seriously obsessed with cleanliness and had to leave because he was disgusted by the two of them.     

Without anyone else to discuss it with, Zhou Wen got Demonic Neonate to release Grim Demon. This fellow was rather knowledgeable, so he might be able to recognize the four monkeys.     

Even if he couldn't recognize the monkeys, as a Guardian, he might be able to tell something from the Guardian cocoon.     

"It's so boring. Can you let me come out more often in the future? After all, I was once…" After Grim Demon came out, he protested unhappily. However, when he saw the scene in front of him, he halted the words he was about to say. He wore a look of horror and quickly retreated, hoping to return to the demonic sword.     

However, without Demonic Neonate's orders, how could he return?     

"From the looks of it, you know these four monkeys?" Zhou Wen was delighted and shocked when he saw Grim Demon's reaction.     

He was delighted that Grim Demon seemed to know them. He was shocked because Grim Demon's reaction undoubtedly meant that the four monkeys were terrifying existences. It seemed even more difficult for him to escape alive.     

Grim Demon stood there with a nasty expression. Although his legs weren't trembling, it was obvious that his legs were a little limp.     

"Why did you come to such a godforsaken place? Can't you just lead a peaceful life?" Grim Demon had always been considered Demonic Neonate the boss, while he was second. He thought nothing of anything else. For him to speak in such a tone now made Zhou Wen feel even more uneasy.     

Zhou Wen thought to himself, Do you think I'm willing to come to such a godforsaken place? No matter how free I am, wouldn't it be nice if I just stayed at home and gamed? Who wants to come here to die? I didn't expect that darn Wings of Tomorrow to be so strange.     

"Cut the crap. What are these four monkeys?" Zhou Wen naturally wouldn't tell Grim Demon that he had used a skill to get himself into such a situation. It would be too embarrassing.     

Grim Demon said gloomily, "I don't know what they are, but I'm certain that they are Calamity-grade creatures or worse."     

"What do you mean?" Zhou Wen's heart skipped a beat.     

"The collars and chains on their bodies are clearly a form of imprisonment. Their strength must have been suppressed, but even so, the Essence Energy fluctuations they emit are still at the Calamity grade. I really don't know if they will become stronger if they aren't suppressed…" As Grim Demon spoke, he sized up the four apes from time to time. He looked a little afraid.     

"Are you saying that they are at the Apocalypse level?" Zhou Wen was alarmed.     

"I'm just saying that it's possible. It's not that easy to reach the Apocalypse stage, but they are definitely top existences among Calamity-grade existences," Grim Demon explained.     

Zhou Wen's expression became even more complicated. Top Calamity creatures were chained here to guard a Guardian cocoon; that meant that the Guardian cocoon was definitely extraordinary.     

In any case, Zhou Wen had never seen a Guardian cocoon with such a luxurious lineup of defenders.     

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