Let Me Game in Peace

The Truth Behind the Bet

The Truth Behind the Bet

"You suspect that it wasn't a coincidence that Teacher took us in as students?" Although Zhou Wen was somewhat suspicious, he still felt that it was unlikely.     

"Who knows? Anyway, I have a nagging feeling that there's something wrong." Liu Yun paused before saying, "Do you still remember the time the old man came to you?"     

"The time he made the bet with Teacher?" Zhou Wen naturally remembered the matter.     

Jing Daoxian had used an alias to get him to help him get on the Cube's rankings. Zhou Wen had even taken his Companion Beast, but he ultimately didn't help him get on the rankings.     

Jing Daoxian acted oddly as well. He said that it was fine if Zhou Wen didn't help him get on the rankings, and Jing Daoxian really didn't cause trouble for him. He didn't even take back the Companion Beast he had given Zhou Wen.     

"Yes." Liu Yun nodded and said, "Although my meeting with the old man was a coincidence, Teacher got to know the old man because of me. That resulted in the bet. I keep finding it a little odd."     

"What's up with that bet?" Zhou Wen couldn't figure out why Jing Daoxian would bluntly tell him the contents of the bet. Jing Daoxian would definitely lose once Zhou Wen learned of the bet after all.     

Zhou Wen had always felt that their bet wasn't as simple as Jing Daoxian had said.     

"The content of the bet is actually very simple. Just as the old man told you, if you help him get on the rankings, he wins. If you don't help him, Teacher wins."     

"Is it really that simple?" Zhou Wen still found it unbelievable.     

Liu Yun inhaled before continuing, "The simplicity of the matter depends on how you view it. The final outcome of the bet is this, but there are some additional conditions. Teacher can't tell you anything about the bet. Only the old man can contact you."     

Zhou Wen roughly understood something, but he still looked at Liu Yun and waited for him to explain.     

"The old man clearly told you everything, but he's Jing Daoxian. Do you dare trust him?" Liu Yun asked.     

"I wouldn't dare." Zhou Wen naturally didn't dare completely trust Jing Daoxian. In fact, he had previously suspected him.     

"That's right. No one would believe the words of the number one devil in the Federation, Jing Daoxian. Therefore, the more he tells you the truth, the more you will suspect him. Furthermore, Teacher can't explain it to you in person, so the average person might think too much and help him get on the rankings," said Liu Yun with a smile. "The old man was betting that you wouldn't believe him, that you would have some doubts and end up approaching the matter wrong. Unfortunately, he lost the bet. He never expected you to be so determined and not give him a chance."     

Zhou Wen smiled bitterly to himself. He wasn't that determined, but he had been plagued with problems back then that forced him to work on them. He didn't pay attention to the matter at all.     

By the time he recalled this matter, Venus had already exploded. Naturally, the matter was left unsettled.     

He never expected his inaction to help Wang Mingyuan defeat Jing Daoxian. This unexpected development was purely unintentional.     

"What's their bet?" Zhou Wen asked again.     

"I don't know. Only they know the bet. I don't know what they were betting on," Liu Yun said helplessly.     

In this world, there weren't many secrets that Liu Yun couldn't eavesdrop on. There weren't many people who could stop him from eavesdropping either. However, this matter happened to involve the two people who could stop him, so Liu Yun really hadn't heard anything.     

Zhou Wen didn't know if Liu Yun was lying, but when he thought of Wang Mingyuan and Jing Daoxian's way of doing things, he felt that the possibility of Liu Yun knowing was slim.     

Zhou Wen had no choice but to ask, "Why did you follow Jing Daoxian to Mount Laojun to take this calabash?"     

"Didn't the old man tell you last time that he won't live long? He has to find a way to extend his lifespan. The simplest and most direct method is naturally to create the Elixir of Immortality. This calabash and millstone are, according to myth, treasures used by the Laojun for alchemy. They have magical powers. The old man wants to use them for alchemy." Liu Yun didn't hesitate as he explained Jing Daoxian's goal.     

As the two of them were chatting, Zhou Wen suddenly heard a roar from below Laojun Platform. A ferocious beast was running towards them.     

"Strange!" Zhou Wen circulated Truth Listener to scan the foot of the mountain and realized that the dimensional creature wasn't the giant bear.     

It was a golden monster that looked between a cross of a tiger and lion but neither. It was covered in scales and had horns on its head.     

From afar, it looked like the mythical Qilin, but upon closer inspection, it didn't look like it. He couldn't tell what kind of creature it was.     

Could it be that the terrifying creature that the survivors mentioned is this one? It's not the giant bear? Zhou Wen immediately realized that he had been wrong from the beginning.     

He instinctively believed that there was only one Calamity creature on Laojun Platform, but he never expected there to be another. As the saying went, two tigers couldn't share one mountain. This principle didn't seem to exist here.     

The monster roared as it rushed up the steps of Laojun Platform before disappearing from Zhou Wen's senses as though it was invisible.     


Before long, Zhou Wen sensed a terrifying power erupt on the seventh step. It caused the entire Laojun Platform to tremble violently.     

Bang! Bang!     

Eighth step… Ninth step… Tenth step…     

Terrifying explosive forces were released with every step, causing Laojun Platform to constantly shake.     

"I wonder if the old man can withstand it. I have to be quick." Liu Yun continued feeding the treasure calabash. Every time he fed one pill, he tried moving the treasure calabash.     

Although it still couldn't be lifted, it could already be moved. It looked like it wouldn't take long to lift it.     

The terrifying sounds outside continued, but the higher the entity was on the stairs, the slower the pace of explosions.     

Zhou Wen listened carefully for a while before saying in surprise, "Jing Daoxian seems to have used the power of the 33 steps to block that dimensional creature. Although that dimensional creature is very strong, it probably won't be able to rush up anytime soon."     


To his surprise, Zhou Wen heard another roar after finishing his sentence. He saw the blue giant bear storm over and rush up the stairs.     

There was a series of crackling sounds as the stone steps were breached. The giant bear charged forward crazily, and Zhou Wen could even see a smoke trail that resembled a dragon behind the giant bear.     

"My good grandson, how's the treasure calabash feeding? I'm afraid I won't be able to last much longer," Jing Daoxian said as he pushed open the door and looked inside.     

"I'm about to be able to lift it. I reckon it can be done after another two or three pills," Liu Yun answered.     

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