Let Me Game in Peace

Discovery Under the Cube

Discovery Under the Cube

There were many places where the Cube appeared. Most of them were places where large numbers of humans gathered. There were also some ancient cities or dimensional zones that might have the Cubes appear.     

Zhou Wen didn't find it surprising that Guide Ancient City had a Cube, but with the city's continuous outflow of population, it surprised him that the Cube would appear outside a dimensional zone.     

"We also found it odd in the past. I've also read reports about the Cube. The Cubes in other cities appear in the center of cities where humans gather. However, even back then, Guide City's Cube was located in the suburbs. There weren't many people there, nor were there any dimensional zones. There's no one there now. I wonder why the Cube appeared there," Yu Qiubai said.     

"Where is it?" Zhou Wen felt that the location of the Cube definitely wasn't for no reason. Perhaps there was something there that hadn't been discovered.     

Yu Qiubai took out a map and gave Zhou Wen directions.     

It wasn't far from Ancient City. It used to be the suburbs of Guide City, a place where crops were planted.     

It was once a place where lots of wheat was planted, but it had long been abandoned. There were weeds everywhere, almost as tall as a person.     

This place didn't have any dimensional zones. It looked like a barren land.     

A huge Cube stood in the middle of the weeds. From afar, one could see the lit Cube's screen. On it was the shimmering orange-red planet.     

This should be a star, right? Zhou Wen looked at it for a while and was roughly certain that it was a star that resembled the sun, not a planet like Earth.     

Stars emitted a large amount of light and heat. It was almost impossible for creatures to survive on it.     

The sun had a surface temperature that could reach 5,500°C. Its interior temperature was higher beyond imagination. Even a Calamity-grade creature couldn't withstand the high temperature inside.     

If the dimensional zone is on that planet, the dimensional zone this time will probably be much more difficult than Venus. Zhou Wen was roughly certain that it wasn't the sun, so he heaved a sigh of relief.     

If it wasn't a planet in the Solar System, the impact on Earth would be much smaller.     

The scene on the Cube didn't move, nor was there anything interesting to watch. Zhou Wen circled the Cube and used Truth Listener to scan the nearby area, hoping to figure out what was different about it.     

Strange, there aren't any special Essence Energy fluctuations here, nor are there any dimensional zones. However, this isn't a place where humans gather. Why would the Cube be here? Zhou Wen plucked some weeds and carefully observed them.     

Although the weeds here had mutated due to the environment, they didn't exceed the normal range of mutation. They hadn't evolved into dimensional creatures.     

Such mutations were everywhere in the world. There was nothing special about them.     

There must be a reason for the Cube's appearance here. Unfortunately, the Earth Elemental Beast has already been killed by Perfect Sword Immortal. Otherwise, I might discover something if I let the Earth Elemental Beast venture deep underground. Zhou Wen was somewhat depressed as he summoned Tyrant Behemoth who was also good at digging.     

After Tyrant Behemoth came out, it followed Zhou Wen's order and lowered its head to burrow into the ground. The strange horn on its head spun like a drill, drilling a huge hole through the weeds.     

Tyrant Behemoth failed to discover any underground dimensional zones despite burrowing a few hundred meters. Just as Zhou Wen was feeling disappointed, he saw the baby bear run to a grass patch near the Cube. It crouched down and dug something with its front paws.     

Zhou Wen walked over curiously and saw the baby bear's front paws quickly dig open a huge hole.     

"What's that?" Zhou Wen realized that the baby bear had really dug out something.     

He still couldn't tell what it was. It looked yellowish-brown with some fine patterns on it. It wasn't gold, jade, or stone.     

The baby bear's actions became very gentle. It used its paws to remove the soil on it, allowing the thing to gradually appear.     

Eh… This is… a hive… Zhou Wen finally saw what it was.     

It was a hive resembling a lotus with a diameter of more than fifty centimeters. The baby bear tore open the hive with its paws, and honey flowed out.     

The baby bear licked the honey and sucked quite a bit. It even gestured for Zhou Wen to eat the honey with it.     

Zhou Wen dabbed a little with his finger and tasted it. It was really sweet honey.     

Strange, this hive should be on a tree. The hive of the Scoliidae isn't like that. Why would this hive appear underground? Zhou Wen called Tyrant Behemoth over and got it to continue digging in the pit dug by the baby bear.     

The baby bear made another discovery after a short dig. However, this time, it wasn't a hive, but some rotting bronze tools.     

As most of them had already rotted, from the remnant parts, they were likely something similar to a tripod cauldron.     

Tyrant Behemoth damaged many bronze tools while digging due to its potent strength, making it even more difficult for Zhou Wen to identify them. Therefore, Zhou Wen decided not to let it dig any further and dug with his hands.     

Soon, Zhou Wen dug out some gray pottery and some jade-like decorations. Although Zhou Wen didn't know what the decorations were for, he could tell from the jade's texture that they were very inferior jade.     

These things look like antiques, but antiques aren't of much value to this era. Zhou Wen's understanding of history was limited. He didn't know what era these things came from, so he guessed that they were likely from the Shang dynasty.     

Zhou Wen continued digging and dug out some strange items. Most of them were gray pottery and bronze. Although there were other things, most of them had rotted due to the passage of time.     

As he dug, Zhou Wen's eyes suddenly lit up. Beneath his fingers, a hard object appeared. It looked like jade, but upon careful inspection, he realized that it was actually bone.     

What creature do these bones belong to? Zhou Wen slowly wiped the soil from the bones. Soon, he realized that the bones were connected. They didn't look like ordinary bones. Bones would scatter after the flesh rotted.     

The bones beneath were connected, but the flesh was long gone. For some reason, the bones hadn't split apart. They had remained firmly stuck together.     

When Zhou Wen dug out the entire skeleton, he realized that it was the skeleton of a giant bird. Furthermore, it was complete without any missing bones.     

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