Let Me Game in Peace

Star Chart

Star Chart

Zhou Wen experimented a few more times and was certain that anything that came into contact with the giant bird's skeleton would vanish into thin air.     

Strangely, Zhou Wen didn't sense any spatial fluctuations.     

Zhou Wen could understand if it was a spatial teleportation power, but it was somewhat strange that the items vanished without any spatial fluctuations.     

Now, Zhou Wen still didn't know where the missing items had gone.     

If they had disintegrated, there should have been remnants, but Zhou Wen didn't even see the remaining particles after the disintegration.     

If it was teleportation, Zhou Wen wasn't sure what had happened to the Companion Beasts after they vanished due to the loss in connection. He naturally didn't know where they had been teleported to.     

Unable to figure it out, Zhou Wen had no choice but to bury the giant bird skeleton again.     

He didn't dare place it into the chaos space. It would be a huge loss if he lost the Chaos Bead.     

Strangely enough, anything that touched the giant bird skeleton would vanish, but the soil here didn't.     

Zhou Wen got some soil from elsewhere and placed it on the giant bird's skeleton. After a while, it vanished.     

This place is indeed not ordinary. Zhou Wen dug some nearby areas and discovered many gray pottery and bronze items, but they were only ordinary antiques and weren't of much value.     


The various factions were studying the celestial bodies that had recently appeared on the Cube. Some factions had already attempted to send people over, but they only sent suicide warriors or death row convicts.     

They wanted to figure out what kind of dimensional zone existed on the celestial body.     

Strangely, after the various factions made their attempts, they realized that the Cube could be activated, but they couldn't teleport people over.     

This happened until someone dripped the blood of four people on the Cube. Amidst the Cube's brilliance, the four of them vanished together.     

However, the Cube's screen only shook for a moment before returning to normal. It was as though nothing had happened. It was unknown if the four of them were still alive.     

Before long, many factions discovered this phenomenon. Only four people could activate the Cube together—no more, no less.     

However, the people who were teleported were considered to die an instant death. There was no news from them. The Cube's screen only shook for a moment before it fell silent.     

"The temperature on that celestial body is too high. Ordinary humans can't withstand it. It's useless even if we teleport over." A Censor briefed Wei Ge in the bureau.     

The Censors had done the most experiments. A large number of prisoners had already died.     

Wei Ge didn't look up as he continued reading the information in his hand. It was a star chart, but it wasn't a modern star chart. It was a star chart used in ancient times to distinguish celestial bodies.     

"End the experiments. Don't touch the Cube for the time being," Wei Ge said to the Censor as he looked at the star chart.     

"Yes, Director-General," the Censor answered. He hesitated for a moment before saying, "Director-General, everyone is looking to us for more information. The League of Guardians is pressing us the most. How do we reply?"     

Wei Ge placed the star chart in his hand on the table and pushed it in front of the Censor. He said indifferently, "Make a few copies of this star chart. If anyone comes to ask for more information, give them this start chart once they pay the price."     

"Will that work?" The Censor picked up the star chart and looked at Wei Ge in puzzlement.     

Although this star chart was an ancient copy, it wasn't too rare. It wouldn't be difficult to obtain it.     

"Go." Wei Ge didn't explain and got him to do the job.     

After the Censor left, Wei Ge held his chin with his hand and thought for a moment. As though he had thought of something interesting, he picked up his phone and edited a picture of the star chart he had taken. He clicked on a friend and sent it.     

Zhou Wen was studying the giant bird skeleton when he suddenly heard his phone ring. He took it out and realized that it was a message from Wei Ge.     

What's the meaning of this? Zhou Wen opened the message and took a look. He realized that it was a very crude star chart. The stars labeled on it weren't as detailed as modern-day star charts. Furthermore, there weren't any labels for the stars' names.     

However, on the star chart, a star was circled in red.     

Zhou Wen held the star chart and compared it to his Singularity Universe, but he failed to tell which area of the cosmos these stars belonged to.     

As Zhou Wen's Singularity Universe was very detailed, and this star chart had too many missing stars, it was difficult to make a comparison.     

"Is this star the celestial body on the Cube's screen?" Zhou Wen sent a message to Wei Ge.     

"Yes," Wei Ge replied succinctly.     

"What's the name of this celestial body?" Zhou Wen had no choice but to continue sending messages.     

"Think about it yourself." Wei Ge was even more straightforward this time.     

"Isn't it simpler if you tell me?" Zhou Wen said gloomily.     

"I like seeing your thirst for knowledge without getting it. How about this? Beg me and I'll show some kindness and tell you." After Wei Ge sent the message, the corners of his mouth curled up smugly.     

Zhou Wen closed the chat window the moment he read Wei Ge's message.     

"What a joke. I have so many teachers here. I don't believe they can't recognize a single star chart." Zhou Wen took the star chart to Yu Qiubai.     

After Yu Qiubai took a look at the star chart, he glanced at Zhou Wen and said, "Little Wen, while cultivating, you still have to take some time to gain some cultural knowledge. This star chart is a division of the Arctic Sky in ancient times. The star that's circled in red is the first star of the Big Dipper. It's called Dubhe and also known as the Ravenous Wolf."     

This is the Big Dipper? Zhou Wen looked at the star chart again and realized that with Dubhe as the starting point, it indeed connected to six other stars in the shape of a ladle. He couldn't help but feel ashamed.     

"Actually, it's not your fault. The star charts that were drawn by the ancients naturally aren't as detailed as they are now. However, a celestial body as obvious as the Big Dipper should be recognized." Yu Qiubai asked curiously, "Why are you suddenly interested in the star chart?"     

The celestial body on the Cube is very likely Dubhe. Zhou Wen checked the information on the Big Dipper on the Internet and suddenly discovered something very magical.     

The Big Dipper was the brightest celestial body at the North Pole. This was the way the sky was divided in the East District during ancient times. And according to the division of the West District, the Big Dipper belonged to the Ursa Major constellation.     

Zhou Wen couldn't help but recall the giant bear that had ascended to the cosmos from Laojun Platform. He thought to himself, Could that giant bear be related to this dimensional zone?     

However, the constellations were from the West, while the giant bear was a dimensional creature from the East. Furthermore, it had ascended from Laojun Platform, so it just felt somewhat odd.     

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