Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

She is His Weak Spot

She is His Weak Spot

Yun Bixue saw Ji Qiongxin's vibrant smile and felt rather guilty. "Aunty, I've inconvenienced you. I should have been the one getting up to prepare breakfast."     

"What are you talking about? I had nothing to do anyway. I'm happy to prepare food for you." Ji Qiongxin wasn't that fussy, and she wasn't one to bear a grudge in her heart. As long as her family was contented, she would feel glad.     

Xie Limo helped Yun Bixue sit down and then passed a pair of chopsticks into her hands. "Eat more—these were all prepared for you."     

Yun Bixue lowered her head and lightly stomped on his feet. Do you see me as a pig? Why are you asking me to eat more? However, she couldn't retort at all in front of Ji Qiongxin.     

Nonetheless, she took a look at the food on the table, then met Xie Limo's gentle gaze and her mother-in-law's look of concern. She recalled all her past experiences and her eyes welled up with tears. She genuinely cherished the present time, and she was exceptionally grateful for Xie Limo. He was the one who had given her everything that she had now.     

Her tears glistened incessantly.     

"Why are you just holding your chopsticks? Quick, take a bite. The eggs are nothing special, but you should eat them every day. Limo mentioned that you dislike oily food, so I prepared eggs hard-boiled in tea."     

Yun Bixue nodded, but before she could reach out to take one, Xie Limo's hands were one step ahead of her. "I just took it out from the pot, so it's still too hot. Let me peel it for you."     

Although Xie Limo had always taken good care of her on the usual days when he was at home, Ji Qiongxin was now in front of them. She looked at Ji Qiongxin awkwardly, feeling embarrassed, and realized that her mother-in-law had lowered her head as she enjoyed her congee. She seemed not to find his actions unusual.     

After Xie Limo peeled an egg, he passed it to Yun Bixue. It all seemed natural, and his movements were highly elegant.     

Sometimes, Yun Bixue felt that regardless of what Xie Limo did, it would appear pleasing to the eyes.     

Ji Qiongxin watched the scene and felt satisfied. "Bixue, you can feel relaxed no matter what happens in the future. With Limo around, the sky will not collapse."     

Ji Qiongxin's words carried another meaning; she was implying that she had full confidence in the Xie family.     

Xie Limo knew his mother well and instinctively understood that she must have learned something new this morning. "Mother, did you meet someone, or did something happen when you stepped out to go shopping?"     

"According to the morning news, the Shen and Jia families are in conflict, and it's creating a huge commotion. The news reported that the Shen family sent someone to kill Bixue, and both families have been working together to deal with you right from the beginning." As the matriarch of the Xie family, her wits were unparalleled. With just the slightest of clues, she could simply decipher the entire situation.     

However, Ji Qiongxin was also resolute. Even if she knew of such matters, she still wouldn't bat an eyelid. She had already completely let go of such matters ever since Limo was young, and allowed him to mature individually.     

Moreover, the Shen and Jia families' existences were like an ant's—they were simply insignificant to the Xie family.     

"Mother, you don't need to worry. I know what to do regarding that issue." As he spoke, his eyes shone with a glint of menace. The worst mistake that the Shen family committed was to join Old Lady Shen in tackling Yun Bixue right at the start.     

Therefore, the Shen family would be annihilated no matter what. He was now offering the Shen family a chance to bounce back, but it was also to blow up the matter even more. It also served to send a warning signal to the other influential families, urging them to stop plotting against his wife.     

To Xie Limo, Yun Bixue was his weak spot. Harming her would result in their own demise.     

Although the two families were in heated animosity and had become a laughing stock to the entire Ning An City, the other influential families couldn't help but reevaluate the capabilities of their leader as they watched from the sidelines.     

During this period of time, all the schemes of the influential families had been thwarted. The union of Xie Limo and Yun Bixue was simply overwhelming. The means adopted by the married couple truly caught their opponents off-guard.     

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