Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

Protecting Daughter-In-Law

Protecting Daughter-In-Law

Although Old Master Yun's words were directed at Shen Wenqi, his gaze was fixed on Old Lady Shen. The look in his eyes was deep and cold.     

Old Master Yun was very angry at their interruption; he didn't want anyone to ruin this day. He'd been too kind to these people in the past, so much so that they had dared to bully his granddaughter to such a degree.     

Old Lady Shen's heart froze for a second when Old Master Yun's gaze landed on her, and she felt a sense of unease.     

However, as she wrapped her head around the situation, she realized that she was perfectly entitled to stand here today as Old Master Yun's official partner.     

Shen Wenqi was originally an extremely proud person, even a bit lofty at times. However in recent times, given the blows that Shen family had recently suffered, he was indeed close to falling apart.     

It was no use pleading with Old Lady Shen. She didn't have the Yun family under her command yet—Old Master Yun was still alive. At last, after discussing it with his aunt, he disregarded everything and came crying for Old Master Yun's help. Old Master Yun was really his last hope.     

Old Master Yun didn't want to lash out on such a joyous day, but he couldn't hold back his anger. He hit Shen Wenqi's body with the cane in his hand and said scoldingly, "Get up, you're making a scene! What's the use in crying? If you continue to cry, I'll have you thrown out from the premises."     

Shen Wenqi had been immersed in his crying. After being hit and threatened by Old Master Yun, his wails got stuck in his throat, and it was difficult to go either way.     

Old Lady Shen saw the firm authority in Old Master Yun's gaze, and she didn't dare to meet it. She could only avert her eyes and look at Yun Bixue. Under the pretense of a caring tone, she said, "Bixue, so you're here as well. What should I say about you? I can't believe you hid away your grandfather here. If any outsiders were to learn about this, what would they think of you? You might not care for your own reputation—"     

"Shut your mouth!" Old Master Yun shouted angrily as Old Lady Shen was getting into her tirade. Old Lady Shen was so scared that she took a step back.     

All these years, regardless of how displeased he had been with her, he had never shouted at her like that. Furthermore, he had done it in the presence of the youngsters. She felt deeply embarrassed.     

Yun Bixue's eyes gleamed with a dangerous light, piercing Old Lady Shen like a blade. She was about to utter a few sarcastic remarks.     

However, Ji Qiongxin's reacted faster as she jumped forward. She pointed her finger at Old Lady Shen and started shouting, "Where did this dog come from? Such a shameless dog, she dares to bark in such a place! You have the audacity to speak about my daughter-in-law like that! Who do you think you are? Take a good look at yourself, how unsightly… Ah, why are you still standing here… Can't you tell that you're not welcome? Look at how annoying you are… Such a foul old lady… So old, yet you keep running around outside… like you've never seen the world before…"     

Ji Qiongxin rattled on, with one hand on her waist, the other pointing at Old Lady Shen. Her sharp gaze bore into the older woman.     

As the lady of the Xie family, Ji Qiongxin knew exactly how to deal with all kinds of people. As for this Old Lady Shen, such scoldings were the most effective.     

Old Lady Shen was the daughter of the Shen family's direct bloodline, and she was also an elder. She had thought of herself as a sly old fox and that no one could be a match for her. However, in the eyes of Ji Qiongxin, she was someone inconsequential.     

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