Beauty and the Beasts

Bai Qingqing's Choice

Bai Qingqing's Choice

The bloody and sticky liquid filled her gums, making Bai Qingqing feel nauseous. She wanted to vomit, but her mouth was blocked by Curtis's, making it impossible for her to do so. The only thing she could do was to struggle and swing her legs wildly against his snake body.     

Curtis slowed down the speed at which he transferred blood from his mouth to hers, biting her lips and pressing his lips even closer to hers.     

After he was finally done with feeding her, Curtis let go of Bai Qingqing. Before leaving, he conveniently licked away the bloodstains on her lips.     

Bai Qingqing raised her hand and slapped him loudly. The agitated sensation in her stomach made her eyes tear up. She was clearly the one slapping someone, yet she looked like the one being slapped.     

Curtis grabbed Bai Qingqing's soft and petite hand and asked tenderly, "Does it hurt?"     

Bai Qingqing forcefully retracted her hand, feeling like she had pounded her fist on cotton. Her anger wasn't appeased, and instead, she felt even more vexed now. The rusty taste of blood still lingered in her mouth, sticky and disgusting.     


The screeching of an eagle was heard from the skies. A black giant eagle stood on a tree branch above them, staring at them with his round eagle eyes.     

It wasn't that Muir's speed was faster than Curtis's. Even though, when you look at a mountain, it may appear near, but it was actually a pretty long distance on foot.     

No matter how fast Curtis was, he had to climb up the hills that curved and turned. On the other hand, Muir was in the skies, so he was able to take the fastest route between two points. In fact, he even had ample time to rest.     

Curtis raised his head and glanced up, shaking his tail and continuing on his journey.     

"I want to rinse my mouth!" Bai Qingqing said firmly.     

Curtis felt that Bai Qingqing had just drunk water and didn't need to drink more, so he didn't respond to her.     

Bai Qingqing kept fidgeting in Curtis's arms and ranting relentlessly. "I want to rinse my mouth and wash my face. My body is covered with blood, I can't take it anymore!"     

Curtis ultimately gave in. Although he still didn't respond, amidst the female's ranting, he crawled to a river.     

It was only then that Bai Qingqing quietened down. She ran to the river and cupped her hands with water and rinsed her mouth several times, then drank plenty of water. She felt more comfortable now.     

She also cleaned up her tube top, which was covered with bloodstains. Now that the bloody smell had disappeared, the stench of eggs attacked her senses once more.     

Struck by an idea, Bai Qingqing suddenly halted in her actions. The smell of the behemoth's eggs can't be removed, but it can be covered by other stuff!     

Her gaze swept over the riverside. Mud would do the trick.     

"Alright, let's continue on our way." Curtis grabbed Bai Qingqing's wrist and pulled her up.     

Bai Qingqing bit her lips. Should I tell Curtis?     

She really couldn't bear to see Curtis so exhausted. However, this was her best shot at leaving him. Perhaps after missing this opportunity, she would never be able to return to a normal life again.     

Curtis didn't give her much time to hesitate. He simply lifted her up and started swimming away.     

Watching as the river became further and further away, guilt overwhelmed her fury towards Curtis.     

"Curtis," Bai Qingqing said gently, "hand me to the eagle beastman."     

Curtis's aura suddenly turned cold. It was like his gaze at Bai Qingqing was now layered with ice. "In your dreams!"     

Heart trembling, Bai Qingqing clenched her fists to embolden herself up and analyzed calmly. "We're not going to reach the seaside in one or two days. You can't very well go on without rest like this. You're going to collapse from exhaustion. Even if you disregard your own body, I won't be able to take it. Matters such as… relieving myself."     

Curtis said, "The beast tide will have to rest too. We'll rest when they stop. You will be drinking animal's blood these few days, so you will have little to poop."     

The speechless Bai Qingqing felt that she would die at the hands of Curtis one day.     

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