Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Your Grandpa, Guan Xilin

Your Grandpa, Guan Xilin

Yang Xiao Er was jolted by Leng Hua's yell. She backed away with her bow and arrow, not daring to cause him trouble.     

The middle-aged leader saw the Heavenly Pill Tower's men getting slashed by his subordinates' swords. After so long, they still kept fighting and there's no sign of poisoning at all. This made him wonder and his brows were creased into a frown.     

The weapons carried by their Five Poison Sect were all poisoned. Why was it that these people who had been slashed by their poisoned swords showed no sign of poisoning? Could they all have physiques that repel all kinds of poison?     

The thought flashed in his mind. Indeed, their mistress was Ghost Doctor Feng Jiu. Since they were her people, perhaps, Feng Jiu had already prepared them much earlier and given them some antidotes. It seemed ordinary poison would do nothing to these people.     

While the people on this side of the city were engaged in battle, Guan Xilin arrived outside Hundred Rivers City's gate. He was dressed in black and looked weary from his travels.      

After finishing his task, he left the mercenary group and came to Hundred Rivers City, intending to see his sister and give her a gift.     

Once he entered the city, he saw the bustling Hundred Rivers City and smiled. This place was really good. It's very suitable for Feng Jiu to take root and set up her residence here.      

As soon as he stepped into West Street, he sensed something unusual in the air. He walked over and saw many people gathering. He grabbed a man who was passing by and asked, "Brother, what's going on in front?"     

The man was about to get angry as someone suddenly grabbed him. When he was about to scold the person, he saw a burly guy with a long broadsword in his hand. He was shocked by the man's vigour. The curse he was about to utter changed into a hasty answer. "Something happened at the Heavenly Pill Tower. A group of people are attacking the Heavenly Pill Tower's people. I heard that the fight was very fierce."     

Hearing this, Guan Xilin's face sank and his anger filled the air. The man he was holding turned white and his legs trembled. When he was about to say something, Guan Xilin had already released him and strode forward.     

People around him retreated far away. Guan Xilin walked over and passed the crowd. At a glance, he saw that Leng Hua and others were engaged in a fierce battle with a group of people. He saw that Leng Hua and others were all hurt. Even Cloud Devouring Beast was involved in the battle. However, he did not see his sister Feng Jiu. Although he was baffled, he did not think much about it.     

At that moment, the mystical energy breath surged inside his body. He swept forward while brandishing a broadsword at the same time. With a quick and fierce move, he slashed the sword at a cultivator.      

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"     

The fierce stream of air was mixed with a scream in the air. People only heard a frightening shout, the strike of a sword, and a miserable shriek at the same time. Then, the sight of blood spattering out dazzled their eyes.     

"Hiss, aah!"     

A severed head dripping with blood fell to the ground. The eyes were still wide open and the look of a grievous death was frightening. This sudden scene stunned both sides, making them stop the battle.     

"Who are you? How dare you meddle in our affairs!" Their leader, the Immortal Sacred Strong Exponent stared at the man in black who suddenly appeared and shouted at him.     

Guan Xilin waved the long broadsword in his hand. His low voice contained authority and pressure. "I am proud of my name and stand by my own actions. I'm your Grandpa, Guan Xilin!"     

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