The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise

Ye Jiu: Come On, Call Daddy!

Ye Jiu: Come On, Call Daddy!

Wu Zhiheng's questions sounded complex, but for someone like Fu Zhi, who was the teacher of the group of researchers in the research institute, this was like asking her what 1+1 equaled.     

"The former is 3 grams, while the latter is 2.6 grams," Fu Zhi replied. Then, something suddenly popped into her head, and she looked at Wu Zhiheng. "So is this the toughest question of your school?"     

Wu Zhiheng was stumped.     

He felt insulted.     

Wu Zhiheng's reaction was something the students from No.1 High School had not expected.     

His silence could only mean one thing: Fu Zhi's answer was correct!     

"I haven't even taken my paper and pen out yet…"     

"Well, I guess even the patient didn't expect anyone to figure out so quickly how much medicine he could take to stay alive."     

"Stop embarrassing yourself, Hang Yuan. Sister Zhi is the best!"     

Wu Zhiheng's face was red with anger. He knew Fu Zhi's answer was correct, but he could not bring himself to say that she had guessed the answer correctly by luck. After ruminating for a short while, he said, "It's just a Chemistry question. The students of our school can answer it as fast as you can! Answer a math question if you can!"     

Fu Zhi looked at him as if she was looking at an idiot and nodded.     

"The height of a regular tetrahedron S-ABC is 3, and the base length is 6. A vertical line is drawn from point A to side SBC, then from point P… Find the cross-sectional area…"     

"Square root of 3," Fu Zhi answered before Wu Zhiheng could finish the question. Her thinking ability was far better than anyone else's, so she did not need much effort and could work out the answer to the question in her brain.     

'She got it right again!'     

Wu Zhiheng refused to believe it. "This is impossible. I would need at least 30 minutes to finish these questions, not to mention that I haven't even shown you the diagram yet. You must have seen the question before. That's why you gave the answer so soon!"     

Ma Mingquan chuckled and said, "I thought you said nobody has access to these questions other than the top students of your school?"      

Wu Zhiheng replied, "She knew we were coming to No.1 High School for an exchange meeting, so she colluded with one of our top students to get her hands on our test paper questions!"     

'Is he high or something? How is there any possibility Fu Zhi would know what kind of questions he would ask?' Ma Mingquan could not help rolling his eyes at Wu Zhiheng.     

As for Fu Zhi, she did not care about his attitude at all. She just looked at him calmly and said in an indifferent voice, "This is such an easy question, and I'm sure anyone with a functioning brain would be able to come up with the correct answer without a problem. Unless you don't have a brain?"     

"You!" Wu Zhiheng's face turned pale from anger.      

'How dare she say I don't have a brain!'     

Mu Chenxi, who was amongst the crowd, failed to come up with the correct answer as well, and her face was ugly.      

'Isn't it normal for an ordinary person not to be able to solve such advanced math problems? Anyone with a functioning brain is able to answer this question? Who the hell does she think she is to make such a bold statement?'      

"She could've just ended this stupid farce herself. Why must she bring all of us into it?" Mu Chenxi mumbled to her friend.      

"But…" Her friend seemed to not agree with her. She hemmed and hawed for a long while before hesitantly saying, "She's talking about Hang Yuan…"      

After all, considering Hang Yuan's attitude, No.1 High School would not be able to get back at them if Fu Zhi did not behave more aggressively.      

Mu Chenxi was stunned. She had not expected her friend to say this and she felt betrayed.     

After a short while, she shook her head and said, "Just you wait. Once the representatives from Hang Yuan regain their composure, it will be Fu Zhi's turn to get roasted."     

Just as she expected, after Wu Zhiheng regained his composure, he said, "Fine, fine, fine! If all the students from No.1 High School are as great as you claim and they can answer our test paper questions without a problem, then I will challenge one of your friends to a contest!"     

"Sure, just name a student yourself."     

Wu Zhiheng knew he could not pick Lu Yubai or Zhou Zihuai. He was certain that they were pretty good as well, or they wouldn't have become the representatives sent to participate in the exchange meeting.     

As for Lu Yumo… Well, he was definitely not among his options. After all, beating an under-achieving student would not prove anything.      

Wu Zhiheng scanned the crowd, and every student who met his gaze lowered their head. Then, he pointed at the young man beside Fu Zhi and said, "I choose you then!"      

Ye Jiu was stunned. He pointed to himself and asked, "Me?"     

"Yes, you. What? Are you not up to the challenge?"      

"Fine by me. After all, you're the boss."     

However, Ma Mingquan chimed in, "He just transferred to our school not long ago. He hasn't been to a school before!"     

"Don't worry, Mr. Ma," Ye Jiu said, comforting Ma Mingquan. "I assure you I won't let you down."     

After saying that, he turned back to Wu Zhiheng and added, "You lost to Fu Zhi, so you have to put the photo back on the bulletin board for her. If you lose to me, you'll have to call me daddy."     

Wu Zhiheng was speechless. He did not want to, but his current situation did not permit him to back away now. Thus, he gritted his teeth and replied, "Deal!"     

"Let's start with an easy one. How much is 689,321,566 plus 456,389,723? I will give you three seconds to answer!"      

"Holy... What the hell was that?"     

"I didn't catch it either. How can he be so mean to someone who has never been to a school before?"     

"That's right! He's so mean!"     

Below the stage, everybody shouted and screamed.     

On the stage, Ye Jiu pressed his lips firmly and said, "I guess you must have misunderstood. I am someone who's been graced by the goddess of luck."     

Wu Zhiheng was stunned.     

"The answer is 1,145,711,289," he said. Ye Jiu had been a lucky guy since he was a kid. Whenever there was an examination at the research institute, the person who got the perfect score would definitely not be Fu Zhi but Ye Jiu.      

He did not even need to study. The test paper would appear in his dream three days before the examination, and even if he could not remember his dream, he would still be able to get the answer right.      

Lu Yumo hastily opened the calculator on his phone. "Look at it yourself. He got the answer right."     

Wu Zhiheng knew Ye Jiu had gotten the answer right without needing Lu Yumo to tell him, for his sister, Wu Zhiyou, was nodding at him from not far away.     

"Alright then! Next question!" Wu Zhiheng said. "How much is 135,689 times 256,894?"     

"I'm sorry." Ye Jiu smiled. He put his arm on Fu Zhi's shoulder before adding, "If you want me to answer that question, then you will have to call me daddy twice. Is that okay with you?"     

Wu Zhiheng was left speechless. Just as he was about to say something, a teacher from Hang Yuan went forward and stopped him, as he did not want him to disgrace them any longer.      

Then, he turned to Fu Zhi and said, "Alright, we admit that every student in No.1 High School is excellent and we apologize for the wrong Chemistry questions as well. Let's let the matter rest now, okay?"      

Fu Zhi was indeed one of a kind, but Ye Jiu was normal. He did not see any need to continue the match, as the match did not seem to be getting anywhere.      

Ye Jiu handed Fu Zhi's photo over to Wu Zhiheng.      

No matter how reluctant Wu Zhiheng was, there was nothing he could do. Thus, he could only take the photo from Ye Jiu and put it back on the bulletin board with glue he borrowed from his friend.     

Then, just as he was about to go back to his seat, Ye Jiu stopped him and said with a grin, "Hey, dude. It's fine if you're stupid, but you must not be an uncultivated person. Have you forgotten what you promised me?"     

"The reason you answered those questions is because I made it easy for you. I'm a member of the Wu Family in the capital and I suggest you don't burn any bridges. Life is full of uncertainties. You might not know what will befall you when you walk out of this school!" Wu Zhiheng said coldly.      

"Well, it was your choice to go easy on me, but a promise is a promise. I like to burn my bridges, and I don't want to see someone like you ever again in the future. Therefore, I suggest you keep your promise, or you might not be able to walk out of this school today!"     

"Don't you dare talk to me like that, you imbecile!" Wu Zhiheng snarled. He was the young master of the Wu Family, and nobody had ever talked to him like this before.      

Ye Jiu let out a cold sneer. "This is the price you should pay for peeling my sister's photo off the bulletin board."     

'If it were not for Fu Zhi, do you think you would still be standing here and talking to me?'      

"Wu Zhiheng, just like Ye Jiu said, a promise is a promise. Don't waste our time anymore and keep your promise. Otherwise, we won't let you walk out of our school today!" A student stood up and spoke.     

Wu Zhiheng wished to run away now. He turned his head around and saw that the teachers of No.1 High School had surrounded him, their heads raised high to admire the blueish-green ceiling.     

He could not run away now.     

"Daddy..." Wu Zhiheng said, his voice fine as a mosquito's. However, the moment he'd opened his mouth, Ye Jiu had put a microphone next to his lips.      

The gymnasium was scientifically built to allow voices to travel across a long distance. Thus, Wu Zhiheng's voice was magnified by the microphone until it permeated every inch of the spacious gymnasium.      

Ye Jiu took the microphone back and said, his voice laced with glee, "Yes, my good son. Daddy is here!"      

Ma Mingquan spewed out a mouthful of tea. He hastily apologized when he saw Wu Zhiheng's eyes, which seemed to be spitting fire. "I'm sorry. I'm a professional teacher, and I wouldn't be reacting like this if it was not so funny…"     

Now that their work here was done, Fu Zhi waved her hand at Director Liu and said, "My brother is sick, so I have to take him to the infirmary!"     

Director Liu, who was in seventh heaven, waved his hand and said, "Okay! Give me a call if you need anything."     

Fu Zhi and Ye Jiu hopped out of the gymnasium holding hands.      

The rest of the students looked at the two of them in admiration, especially Fu Zhi.      

She was a monster.     

They were certain that when God had been spraying wisdom on earth, Fu Zhi and her brother had been the only ones not holding an umbrella.     

Compared to No.1 High School, the representatives of Hang Yuan were feeling mildly despondent. The silver lining was that Nian Feiyuan had seen many such cases before. A situation like this was just a small case for him. After all, the exchange meeting would last half a month, so he was confident that they would be able to get back at No.1 High School eventually.     

He patted Wu Zhiheng's shoulder, picked up a microphone, and said, "Ha ha ha… What an exciting match! Director Liu, your students have done a great job!"      

Just as Director Liu was about to say something in return, Ma Mingquan kicked his leg. Director Liu stroked his bald head and said, "Well, thank you for the compliment. My students are really great!"     

Nian Feiyuan was stunned. He'd thought Director Liu was going to praise his students back. However, he soon recomposed himself and said, "Of course, my students have done a great job too!"      

Director Liu said, "Ha ha."     

Looking at Nian Feiyuan's face, Director Liu cleared his throat and added, "Keep going."     

Nian Feiyuan took a deep breath and continued. "Other than coming to attend the exchange meeting, we also prepared a small gift for every student in No.1 High School."     

He clapped his hand, and the 20 students from Hang Yuan each pulled 5 copies of 'Red Sun' out of their bags.     

These books did not have Pure Feather's signature in them nor her message. They were just ordinary copies of 'Red Sun', but there were a hundred of them.     

A round of whispering erupted from the students below the stage.     

Putting on a confident grin, Nian Feiyuan added, "I guess all of you have already heard the announcement of the government, so I'm not going to repeat it. Right now, the book 'Red Sun' is sold out everywhere. These 500 copies of 'Red Sun' were bought by Ms. Ouyang Ya out of her own pocket."      

After saying that, Nian Feiyuan looked at Ouyang Ya.      

Ouyang Ya smiled faintly and said, "This is nothing. Since we were coming for an exchange meeting, we figured that we could not come empty-handed. Consider these 500 copies of 'Red Sun' a little something from me."      

Ouyang Ya, who had finally found a chance to redeem herself, returned to her usual calm, elegant self.     

However, she sounded arrogant in No.1 High School's students' ears, and they were infuriated.      

"Erm..." Ma Mingquan chimed in. "Thank you for your kindness, but it's fine. You can keep those copies for yourself."      

Ouyang Ya frowned. "What do you mean by that? Are you not going to take these books?"     

However, when she thought about it again, she found this normal. Their original intention for giving these copies of 'Red Sun' to No.1 High School was to warn them and show them their place.      

The students could not see through her intention, but the teachers were different. That said, nothing would change even if they were able to see through her intention.      

Ouyang Ya then said, "I can understand that you don't want the books because you're angry with us for the things we did earlier, but are you sure you can represent the students of your school? Do they not want the books either?"      

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