Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Qi Zhenbai Returns to the Military District

Qi Zhenbai Returns to the Military District

When Chi Shuyan got home, she rinsed some rice and cooked a meal. She had just finished cooking when Qi Zhenbai came back first.     

Chi Shuyan heard the sound of the man's leather boots on the floor. She came out of the kitchen and heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that the man was fine.     

"Where's my dad?" Chi Shuyan relaxed and had the man go into the kitchen to wash his face first. She couldn't help but worry that her father wasn't back yet as she looked at the door.     

Qi Zhenbai washed his face casually and said, "Dad went to the Shen residence!"     

Chi Shuyan choked. Her father really did have to go, but the thought made her lose her appetite.     

After washing his face, Qi Zhenbai took advantage of the fact that his father-in-law wasn't around to suddenly pull his wife into his arms forcefully. He lowered his head and kissed her fiercely on the lips. His domineering tongue dove in and he kissed her fiercely a few times. However, he was worried that his father-in-law would appear at any moment, so Qi Zhenbai quickly let go of his wife with faint regret.     

Chi Shuyan was still panting and her lips were red.     

Qi Zhenbai recalled how, after getting back into the car today, those boys no longer discussed their Shen goddess, but his wife. Not only did they discuss his wife, they also subtly hinted from time to time, asking when they could meet her.     

Qi Zhenbai was displeased. Looking at his wife's seductive appearance, he felt more and more that he had to be wary of men wanting his wife in the future.     

Despite panting from the kiss, Chi Shuyan didn't forget proper business. She couldn't help but ask, "How was it with you today?"     

Qi Zhenbai sat her on his lap on the sofa as he recounted what happened today. First, he mentioned that there was a person infected with corpse poison in the county town, who suddenly pounced on Tan Yecheng. If not for Chi Shuyan's talisman, that rascal Tan Yecheng might not have come back today.     

Qi Zhenbai also broke out in a cold sweat for Tan Yecheng at that time, but it wasn't a bad thing that the rascals had been taught a lesson after letting their guard down.     

As for the person infected with corpse poison, Qi Zhenbai judged from the smell of decay on the person's body that he was no different from the living dead. His internal organs had all decomposed. Since he was still alive on the surface, what else could he be but the living dead?     

Qi Zhenbai had weathered all sorts of storms in the past, and he and his wife had encountered many of these strange and supernatural things for a period of time. Even though this was the first time Qi Zhenbai had seen a "living dead," he was very calm. He just wondered where this thing had come from.     

After talking about the county town, Qi Zhenbai mentioned that when he was patrolling several nearby villages, he also saw a person acting strangely after being infected with corpse poison. His symptoms were exactly the same as what the first person had. The boys had let their guard down in the county town before, but didn't dare do so when they were patrolling the villages. In the end, in the woods near a village, they found someone who was infected with corpse poison and was about to bite someone. They directly tied this thing up and brought it back. It was just that the person who was almost bitten was still unconscious after the scare.     

Chi Shuyan never thought that when this man took a few of his subordinates out on patrol, they would be so efficient. No, it should be said that their luck was too good. They ran into two people who were infected with corpse poison in succession. Her father had been on patrol for a few days, and only ran into one yesterday.     

Hearing that the man had brought back the person who had almost been bitten and the two infected with corpse poison, Chi Shuyan was quite happy. She said, "Shall we go take a look now?"     

"There's no hurry. The two infected are tied up and in the quarantine area under surveillance. It's no big deal! We can go tomorrow!" Qi Zhenbai tapped the table expressionlessly. "The most important thing now is to confirm where these people were infected and how! I've already sent people to investigate the infected, including where they've been recently!"     

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