Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Fang Qingtian's Face Hurts Too Much

Fang Qingtian's Face Hurts Too Much

Chi Shuyan didn't agree immediately and didn't wait for Father Chi to speak. Instead, she curled her lip and said, "Commander Fang, are you sure you want me to save Vice Commander Fang? I recall you said that even if you chopped off your head, you would never look for someone like me, who doesn't know the immensity of heaven and earth, for help, let alone someone from the Chi family!"     

Fang Qingtian's face was stiff and very embarrassed at that moment. Back then, he had completely disdained Chi Lingyan's daughter. Now, his face hurt and burned as if it had been slapped.     

He could also see that Chi Lingyan's daughter was the complete opposite of the honest man that was Chi Lingyan. He really couldn't afford to offend this great one. Fang Qingtian was afraid that she would suddenly make him call Chi Lingyan "Grandpa" because of the bet.     

Thinking this, Fang Qingtian's face alternated between green and white. He wished he could go back and strangle himself to death for making a bet with Chi Lingyan's daughter!     

Fang Qingtian made up his mind that if she really wanted him to call her father "Grandpa," he would drag his younger brother over to do it. All this had happened because of him.     

At that moment, Fang Qingtian's face stiffened and he was about to speak, when he suddenly looked up and met Chief Qi's sharp and cold gaze. Fang Qingtian shuddered violently and hurriedly said, "Miss Chi, it was my fault back then, my fault! I hope you won't hold a grudge against a petty person!"     

Seeing that Fang Qingtian was still sincere, Chi Shuyan didn't make things difficult for him. She didn't want to push her luck and cause a falling-out. After all, the Fang brothers would still be in the military in the future. There was no benefit in making enemies for her father.     

Moreover, when she thought of how Fang Qingyang liked Shen Rongyin, her eyes flashed and her lips curled into a smile. She agreed readily. "Since Commander Fang is so sincere, I naturally have to show my sincerity. I agree. I'm free for the next few days. I can give it a try when the Fang family is free!"     

Fang Qingtian didn't expect Chi Lingyan's daughter to agree so readily. He had been worried that she would make things difficult for him and make him call Chi Lingyan "Grandpa" – how would he dare show his face in the future?     

So, when he heard Chi Lingyan's daughter agree so readily and thoughtfully, Fang Qingtian was very grateful. Although she was vengeful, she was also very sensible. At that moment, he had a good impression of her. As if afraid that she would go back on her word, Fang Qingtian hurriedly said, "We're free! We're free! Miss Chi, we're free now!"     

Chi Shuyan curled her lip and said, "Okay. After breakfast, Uncle Wei can take me there. Or you can just give me your address!"     

Fang Qingtian couldn't wait to leave immediately. Being stared at by the Qi family member, he inexplicably shuddered in fear. After leaving his address, he took the initiative to bid farewell to the Qi family member, but was summarily ignored.     

Sure enough, this Qi family member didn't want to have anything to do with him. Inexplicably, however, Fang Qingtian heaved a sigh of relief. He took off, walking as fast as he could.     

Father Chi took the initiative to see Fang Qingtian off, but Fang Qingtian quickly declined. By the time Father Chi reached the door, Fang Qingtian had run away and disappeared.     

Father Chi had disdained Qi Zhenbai before, largely because he didn't approve of the latter's relationship with his daughter. He also hoped that Qi Zhenbai and Yan Yan would break up right away. It didn't matter if he offended Qi Zhenbai or not.     

Seeing how the arrogant and condescending Fang Qingtian was filled with fear and dread when he saw Qi Zhenbai, like a mouse seeing a cat, Father Chi, for the first time, truly realized how extraordinary the son-in-law his daughter had found was.     

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