God´s Eyes



The further Jason walked away from the dome, the less dense the mana around him became and Jason assumed that it was because the distance from the mana vein increased.     

But that was not important right now, as he had a mission to complete.     

Jason wanted to finish his assignment and obtain the enticing rewards promised by their teacher.      

After activating the video brace to record everything, Jason was ready to kill some awakened beasts, even if it was not completely using his own strength.     

And that was also why Jason asked his teacher if he really could use everything except instant killing weapons and other similar things.     

The Vanguard labeled knowledge as strength, as such one could interpret his tactic as strength without being narrow-minded.     

He wasn't sure if the poison he bought was among the forbidden items, but the poison wouldn't kill his prey instantly. His target had a certain degree of resistance that would let them suffer for around half a minute if he didn't hit their vital spots or killed them immediately.     

After around ten minutes, Jason came across the first small group of awakened beasts.     

There were four low-awakened ranked goblin soldiers, which was the simplest kind of evolved basic goblins.     

Apparently, there seemed to be a small society of goblins in this two-star wild zone which Jason hadn't been aware of before spotting one of their soldier troops.     

Two of them had small stone swords in their tiny hands, the third one had a spear while the one in the back had a bow in his hand.     

Jason estimated their height to be around one meter and their pointy ears and hideous faces that had turned into a grimace looked extremely disgusting with their light-green-colored skin.     

Before they could notice him, Jason sneaked up to them until he reached a distance of 70 meters, where he pulled back the bowstring and aimed at the archer.     

70 meters was considered a large distance, even for Jason with his current strength, but the goblin soldiers were sluggish, and it looked like they weren't moving.     

It wouldn't be impossible for him to estimate the perfect angle with his eyesight telling him how far his target was.     

Loosening his grip on the nocked arrow, Jason also released his mana along with the capsule as the arrow soared through the sky in an elegant curve, before a dull *plop* sound indicated that he had hit one of the goblins.     

Shocked shrieks could be heard and the three goblin soldiers looked at their fallen comrade that seemed to be alive, as it twitched.     

An arrow was stuck in its abdomen and the capsule almost immediately dissolved, releasing the lethal venom.     

While the goblin soldiers looked around for the perpetrator, a *whir* could be heard and the spear-holding goblin soldier slumped down next to the archer, who was alive, but unable to move a muscle.     

Only then, the goblin soldiers could see their enemy as they began to rush at Jason.     

A distance of 70 meters couldn't be crossed in one or two seconds at their rank, and Jason took out normal arrows that he used to shoot at the goblin soldiers in front of him.     

Goblins were one of the dumbest races that formed societies, but to Jason, this particular goblin soldier troupe looked even dumber than all kinds of beasts he had fought so far. They ran straight towards him, without caring about their defense at all.     

Their eyes were bloodshot and one arrow after another flew through the sky, piercing into their flesh and organs.     

While the first sword-holding soldier fell after being spiked by five arrows in its belly, the other one was only roughly 20 meters apart from Jason, when he noticed his last comrade's death.     

Looking left and right, it was confused as to what had happened, before a whirring sound could be heard as the goblin soldier´s vision blurred, and a *plop* resounded through its head.     

The last arrow pierced into the goblin soldier's skull, killing it immediately and giving it a painless death.     

Jason only shook his head, as he remembered fairy tales about the maliciousness of goblins and their crudeness.     

Dying at the hands of goblins like that would be embarrassing and being raped by them even more so, as Jason couldn't even consider them as enemies of the weakest humans.     

However, he could understand people being anxious about facing goblin commanders, chiefs, lords, or kings. They were all said to be above Jason´s combat prowess by a huge margin and high wisdom at that.     

After picking up the goblin soldier corpses, he continued with his search before he found another goblin troupe only an hour later.     

But this time, there were six of them while one was slightly larger than the rest.     

It had a large insignia tattooed on its head.     

'Ohh it's a Mage apprentice?'      

Jason was astonished because it was an extremely rare sight, but this also made him slightly suspicious.     

'Since when are goblin mage apprentices involved with goblin soldier troops? Aren't they way too precious for such simple tasks, like hunting?'     

It wasn´t normal to have a mage apprentice in a hunting troupe within a two-star wild zone and Jason wasn't sure why, but something seemed foul.     

But, before he continued thinking about the strange situation, Jason wanted to finish his hunt and assignment.     

A mage apprentice was at least at the mid-awakened rank, but it wasn't difficult for Jason to kill it, because the mage apprentice goblin seemed way too confident.     

Similar to the previous group, this troupe didn't even imagine that it could be assassinated by a poisoned arrow, which however happened.     

Everything was quickly over and Jason had used up one poisoned arrow for each goblin soldier, even if it was something of a waste.     

If he had only been a little stronger, Jason would have faced these goblins head-on. But, the difference of an entire rank was just too much for him to handle, in instances where there was more than a single opponent to face at the same time.     

Picking up the corpses, Jason noticed that the goblin mage apprentice was still not dead and only paralyzed by the lethal poison. Pulling out the arrow, he used the arrowhead to stab its throat, without a moment's hesitation.     

For a race like the goblins, Jason wouldn't be gracious, because this race was said to be one of the most vicious races existing since 300 years and was known for abducting many women in order to rape them.     

Goblins were even worse than rats from more than 300 years ago because they could bring viruses and infections from everywhere.     

They raped and abducted women, to increase their population before they would continue their onslaught and were seen as a living pest.     

Millions of humans had died at their hands when the mana outbreak had occurred and it was horrifying enough to think about it.     

Jason however was happy that his assignment was already finished, and he sent the recorded video immediately to his teacher while he ran back to the dome.     


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xsAY0z     

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