God´s Eyes

Unique technique

Unique technique

['Splitting Mind' is a dangerous technique that focuses on refining the brain in order to divide the practitioner's mind into a main area with the consciousness operating it normally, while the newly split sub-areas can be used subconsciously for certain tasks.     

Increases the brain's capabilities due to its refinement, while lessening the burden of doing many different things at the same time     

Remark! Dangerous because the willpower needed to practice this technique is abnormally high while a single mistake can cripple one permanently!]      

Jason found this technique to be terrifying but also equally exciting.      

He was always lamenting about the incapability of absorbing mana during the whole day and now this technique appeared in front of him? Was this fate?     

If he practiced this technique to build a single sub-area inside his mind, using the passive mana replenishing/absorbing technique 24/7, without actively thinking about it, there wouldn't be a single wasted minute to absorb mana.     

With this combination of two techniques, Jason was confident in increasing his rank extremely fast.     

Maybe he would be able to catch up to Greg's rank in a few months like that, which ignited his determination even more.     

Greg would probably reach the 5th Adept rank in around three months, which was not excessively fast but also not slow.     

After learning how to absorb mana 24/7 Jason was also confident in achieving a similar feat.     

The only issue, he had to face, was the difficulty of the technique and Jason roughly knew that even Tier-1★★★★★ techniques were difficult to comprehend for ordinary humans below the magus ranks.     

Tier-2 techniques were mainly learned by magus ranks and above and Jason was sure that even the worst Tier-3 technique would be hard as hell to learn.     

And now a ★★★★★ unique technique was right in front of Jason, which was roughly equivalent to the most difficult Tier-3 techniques, if not Blessed skills, that could only be learned by the most promising prodigies in humanity.     

Jason was unsure how the ranking was and he had only heard fairy tales about Blessed skills found in high-ranked rifts, which were humanity's most treasured skills and techniques.     

To understand them, one was required to have a Godlike comprehension and vast knowledge or something similar, but Jason didn't really care about the fairy tales he had heard.     

However, now it was astonishing to see a unique ★★★★★ technique in front of him.     

Till Greil noticed Jason´s curiosity and his uncertainty in deciding what technique to pick which delighted him somehow.     

Some students would think that the assignment was over once they sent him the video clips but that had just been a small hurdle.     

The real test would be to decide which technique was the best for them to pick in order to increase their combat prowess as fast as possible within the shortest amount of time!     

He knew that it was weird to have so many high-tiered techniques and some of his students might grow suspicious about his background, but Til didn't mind that right now because he was looking at Jason with interest.     

It had been a long time since he had found a student interesting and the fact surprised him quite a lot.     

As he observed Jason, he took a trip down the memory lane when he had been studying on Canir while both good and bad memories resurfaced in his mind.     

There was only one week left for his students to learn the techniques he provided which was an extremely short amount of time.     

It was also unclear if some students would even understand the content within their techniques in a week.     

He would teach his students other techniques soon enough, but now was the only time his students would be able to learn humanity's top-tier martial art skills.     

What would the black-haired youth in front of him choose?     

Picking a Tier-3 technique with high difficulty would mean he was overconfident and overestimated his capabilities while choosing a Tier-2 technique would be playing safe but also somewhat disappointing in Till´s opinion.     

While Jason thought about whether he should pick the `Splitting Mind` technique or not, he continued to browse through the catalog of skills.     

Unfortunately, not a single technique was as exciting as the unique technique with its horrifyingly high difficulty.     

Till was expectantly looking at Jason while still thinking about the capabilities of the youth in front of him.     

He had been extremely calm during the fight against a Low-Adept and was capable of defeating such an opponent with his combat prowess and special trait eyes.     

Furthermore, he didn't care what his classmates thought about him even if he fought a little dirty, which is the way to survive in the wilderness.     

His mana absorbing talent was very good even among the youths on Canir and it wouldn't be long until he caught up to his peers….but his soul-awakening ranking... Ugh...?     

He knew that Jason's soul-awakening ranking was only two out of five stars which were, at most, slightly above average, when one looked at Astrix or the archipelagos as a whole.     

However, for students at the three big schools and their affiliated school on Astrix, this was seen as below average, if spoken nicely.     

On Canir? Even high schools from B-grade cities would laugh at him.     

Even worse was the miniature Parascor Jason had recently soulbond and Till could only shake his head helplessly. He was of the opinion that a precious spot in Jason´s soul world had been wasted because of the scorpion, which didn't have any other means to improve its limit.     

He continued thinking about Jason and his other classmates in order to figure out how to increase their strength as fast as possible as he wanted to charge up to the classes with them at the class battles due in 3 weeks.      

Suddenly he was dragged out of his train of thoughts when he heard a sound next to him.     

It was Jason telling him what technique he wanted to learn from him for the next few days.     

"Teacher, I want to learn the Unique technique [Splitting Mind], please!" When Jason said that, he sounded confident but his teacher was only looking at him with an open jaw, disbelief gleaming in his eyes.     

"Are you sure??" Mr.Greil asked hesitantly. He would've never believed that Jason would pick this technique.     

Previously, he had been pondering if he should even add this technique to the catalog or not, but he decided to go ahead because he wanted to show them how many varieties of techniques existed and not confuse them with the information overload.     

He himself had practiced this technique to the peak of the second layer but that was it.     

Furthermore, it took him more than a dozen years to reach that threshold…     

Till wasn't someone who liked to talk about age but he wasn't as young as one would imagine as his youthful years at the prime of his potential were well behind him now.     

He had only got the hang of this technique after putting his utmost efforts day in and day out for a long time.     

Now, this young 14-year-old boy wanted to learn this technique? Didn´t he read the description and the remark about the dangers??     

"Yes, I'm sure." Till felt as if he had been sucker-punched in his belly when Jason said that and it took him a few minutes before he was jolted back to reality.     

He was disappointed and Jason could see that when Till sent the file about the technique to him.     

Jason immediately received a notification and a file with the size of a few gigabytes appeared within his quantum bracelet..     

`More than 8000 pages….!!!` That was the only thing Jason could see when he opened the technique's manual.     


The letters were written in an extremely small font size which shocked Jason even more.     

'How long will it take to read this completely through?'     

Seeing Jason's shocked expression, Mr.Greil smiled sadly thinking that it was an expensive lesson for Jason.     

Once Jason would find out how difficult a Unique ★★★★★ technique was to learn, he would probably regret his decision immediately.     

Trying to console Jason, he said in a gentle voice,     

"You just need to read the introduction part for the first level. I´ll teach you for the rest of the week and if you don´t understand a single thing after a week, I grant you the chance to change the technique with a low difficult tier-2 technique as a small punishment.     

This would be a special reward because you finished the assignment on the first day within a relatively short amount of time!"      

Mr. Greil thought he was being extremely generous because Jason wouldn't lose everything at once, as he could still learn a tier-2 technique.     

"That is not needed, Mr.Greil. I'll persist and learn this technique, by all means!!" Jason sounded confident and looked ambitiously at Till which made his heart ache painfully.     

"Ugh….ok… you can go home now! Read the Introductory chapters until tomorrow and note down the words you can't understand, if you have any questions, write them down.     

I´ll answer them tomorrow, you just need to attend school like always and I'll design individual lessons until your classmates arrive."     

Jason was extremely satisfied to have received such nice rewards for his first assignment as he rushed out of school with ambition and determination shining in his eyes.     

As usual, Jason practiced the Heaven's Hell technique in the shuttle on the way home because he didn't want to neglect it, before opening the Splitting Mind manual.     

Looking at the sheer page numbers in the Introduction section alone paled his face. He immediately knew that today would be a long night and he didn't have the luxury to lose focus if he wouldn't have to make a night shift.     

Once Jason started reading the introductory part, he thought it would be easy for him to read a few pages at once until he reached home because of his fast reading ability, but it was the complete opposite.     

He wasn't even able to finish the first page when the shuttle stopped.     

Jason looked up with a frustrated expression and noticed that the shuttle was already outside his home.     

`What kind of bulls**t is that??`     


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xsAY0z     

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