Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Weird Fighting Method

Weird Fighting Method

"I wonder how long you will take to use your elements. You lasted longer than I thought."    

Ares said as he waved his hand. His sword changed. It is also a short sword, but this one is much more flexible than the one before.    

Sam looked at him vigilantly.    

He looked at Ares' body. It is acting like a normal body instead of like an energy being. Even the sensation he felt when stabbing into that shoulder felt like a real body.    

And from that stab he could see the bloodlust that created this body slowly leaking out bit by bit, just like the blood. The only difference is that blood usually drips, but the blood lust is like a vapor going up in the air.    

Sam put his spear away and just stood there calmly. He is waiting for Ares to make a move.    

Until now, he couldn't understand much about Ares' own style. He sticks to basics, but even his basic moves are strong. Way too strong and lethal. And his technique is textbook perfection. Its like he created those moves.    

Apart from that, Sam didn't understand anything much. Maybe the only other factor could be that this guy can adapt to the other's style and that might be his style.    

Sam usually did that. But he adapted and created a counter style to the enemy's style. But Ares on the other hand is imitating the enemy and perfecting the enemy's style in his own way. Making it much harder for them to deal with.    

After all, a warrior knows about his own style than anyone else and when he saw it with his eyes, he would instinctually react and assume the next move. But Ares' adaptation is changing greatly making it a huge drawback.    

Ares looked at Sam and they didn't make a move for a few minutes.    

Meanwhile, the whole city is on its toes. The bloodlust creatures are attacking the formation like crazy. But the situation inside is relatively stable. The creatures didn't have the same level of mobility and freedom like the creatures outside the formation.    

It is the effect of the soul and space formation Sam placed.    

They are not able to move freely and their sentience is being attacked by the souls. Sam's beasts are having a much more easier time than their counterparts outside.    

But they had to stay vigilant about the bloodlust effecting them and had to take it a bit slow.    

The only good thing is that there is no bloodlust within the estate. It seemed like the clan leader at that time had taken measures to cleanse the whole area before building the estate.    

The citizens are all witnessing everything from within the estate. Even though they are safe inside, they couldn't help but let their minds wander around about what would have happened if they stayed in the city without any formations to help them out.    

Sam and Ares stood in that distorted empty area without making a move.      

Ares had a smile on his face as he spoke.    

"Come on. Make your move. The longer your beasts are in contact with that bloodlust creatures, the harsher the side effects will be.    

They might be beasts of great bloodlines, but the mental strength is not proportional to the bloodlines most of the time. They might not be able to handle that much pressure."    

Sam didn't say anything. He just stood there and waited for Ares to make a move.    

Another five minutes later, Ares sighed and said.    

"It can't be helped then. I must commend your patience though."    

He lunged forward with his sword and shield in his hands. He stabbed straight at Sam while keeping an eye on his movements. This time no matter what Sam brings out, he would be able to defend against it.    

But to his surprise, Sam charged forward like a dumb brute. He aimed dodged to the side and slammed against Ares' shield. He caught a hold of the edges of the shield and acted like he wanted to pull it off.    

Ares used his sword to stab at Sam while he was still hanging onto the shield. But at this moment, Sam made a move that Ares didn't expect.    

He took advantage of the huge stature of Ares and hung himself from the shield, then he used that as a leverage to throw a kick on Ares' arm from under his arm.    

The kick is imbued with void style and ripple style along with fire element.    


The explosive caught Ares off guard. Sam made that kick in a weird angle. It is not a decently strong kick for his strength. But the aim of the kick was not to cause maximum damage.    

The fire element spread through the body because of the ripple style and caused multiple miniature explosions with the void style. Since Ares' body is acting just like a normal body, the fire element's invasion and corrosion are going to last.    

Ares was stunned by the weird way Sam attacked him.    

He wanted to Slam Sam against the ground along with his shield, but Sam just let go of the shield and dropped to the ground. Before Ares could react, the earth opened up and swallowed Sam.    

Ares lost his smile for good. He is very serious now. He slammed the shield anyway. Energy transferred into the ground in an explosive way. The ground shook and tore open. It cracked and large pieces of earth moved around.    

He is trying to force Sam out.    

And Sam indeed came out. He came out of a piece of earth that elevated behind Ares.    

Ares turned around and wanted to stab Sam, but to his surprise, Sam is not standing straight, instead he is upside down with his legs wide open. Ares' stab completely missed.      

Sam used his legs and locked on Ares' leg, before Ares could react, he activated metal fusion and metal spikes spread out of his legs and entered into Ares' body.      

Ares was dumbfounded once again. He hurriedly tried to pull his leg back. But when he sensed the depth of the spikes in his leg, he knew he couldn't just pull it out harshly. His legs will tear open instantly.    

But of course, Sam is not going to just let him go.    

Ares changed the sword to spear and stabbed at Sam.    

Sam caught a hold of the spear by his arms tightly. The explosive force made him almost want to throw up blood.      

But he held the spear shaft in place at the same time, his legs morphed a bit. The spikes on his legs that are dug into Ares' leg started moving upwards.    

Ares groaned in pain. The leg was mangled completely. He used the shield to slam against Sam once again, but Sam was once again swallowed by the ground.    

Ares couldn't stand anymore. His right leg is destroyed. He looked at Sam who appeared a few meters away. This is very weird. From the fight he had with Sam until now, he is very skilled person with a proper technique. But the last two attacks made by Sam made him feel very weird.    

Sam on the other hand, didn't give enough time for Sam to think. He disappeared in a puff of black smoke and closed the distance. They clashed for a few times as Ares tried to turn the tables around.    

Even though he lost one leg and his left arm is already injured, he is still perfect in his technique and his defenses. Sam is even using the sneak attacks on Ares, but he was still unable to attack him properly.    

In a way, there are all proper techniques.    

After exchanging another dozen blows, Sam once again did something that doesn't make sense.    

He first appeared as if he is trying to attack Ares' legs, when Ares dodged and countered, Sam suddenly ducked and crouched so low that he almost looked like a frog. The earth distorted as it caught a hold of Ares' leg.    

Sam slammed his palms on the ground, making a stone shoot out and hit Ares at the back of his head when he leaned backward.    

Then Sam jumped forward as he used his head to hit the crotch area of Ares shamelessly. When Ares tried to block the attack with his shield, the earth below Ares' legs raised him up. His shield positioning moved along with that.    

Sam landed straight at his legs. His head went right through those gaps. He caught a hold of Ares' legs. Since one of them is already mangled beyond repair, he took advantage of that. He broke than bone further making it unable to stand.      

When the intact leg was about to buckle because of that, he didn't let it. Instead, he forcefully made the leg bend the other way.    

Ares felt his leg break and fell on his back.    

Sam didn't leave him at that. He crawled over to Ares and activated Fire elemental fusion along with metal fusion.    

As the golden flames raged, he started punching leaving a bunch of cuts and openings on Ares' body while the flames acted like little snakes trying to invade the body throughout these wounds.    

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