Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer



Ares pushed Sam off of him and escaped.    

He didn't expect such a crazy style of fighting from Sam. It is without finesse. The movements are weird and there is no connection between the first and the second move. It is a nonsensical way of fighting.    

Sam didn't want to give Ares any more time to analyze his style.    

He is indeed using a nonsensical way of fighting, precisely because he knew how easy it is for Ares to figure out his patterened and regular fighting style.    

He disappeared with space element and reappeared behind Ares.    

Ares' instincts screamed a punch was coming from the side, but a kick came from a completely different side. He barely tried to block it in last minute, which still made him take a huge brunt of the force from the kick.    

Then Sam disappeared once again.    

Ares jumped into the air as he felt a sweeping kick might come at him. And it did, but to his surprise, the kick changed into a jump and Sam hugged Ares' leg. He then tore the leg muscle or at least the part where the muscle should be in shreds with a claw and disappeared before Ares could even land.    

Ares was getting irritated with Sam's disgusting and crude fighting method.    

The most frustrating part is, if anyone else fought with him like that, he could have easily killed him. An attack with no proper technique and crude is easy to deal with for an expert. But the problem is Sam is even executing these crude moves with perfection.    

It is a contradiction on its own.    

As he was gritting his teeth in anger. He sensed some spatial fluctuations and stabbed his sword there. But at that moment…    


An explosion happened. Instead of Sam, a liquid energy capsule that was destabilized arrived there. The explosion threw Ares away and Sam was there to receive him.    

He used a spear and lodged it directly into Ares' back making him stop. Ares was about to react, but Sam disappeared and in process left a couple of more liquid energy capsules there.    

*BOOM* *BOOM*    

Ares was thrown away from the spot by the explosion. He crashed into the ground. His strength has weakened a lot. If only his real body is here. That is what he thought as he looked at Sam.    

"You are a dirty fighter too. I like it."    

Ares said with a grin.    

Sam just shrugged. In a way, it is indeed dirty fighting. If Sam didn't have any lasting consequences that are related to this fight, then he would have fought more. He would have taken his sweet time and thought of a way to properly counter Ares.    

But now, he doesn't have that luxury.    

Ares closed his eyes as Sam came forward with his sword.    

He resigned to the defeat, but he is too proud to admit that and he is way too egoistic to not hold a grudge against Sam.    

But right now, he needs to satiate his ego and pride to a certain extent. He needs to fight some bright side to this shitty situation. And just from closing his eyes he saw something.    

He stood up weakly and looked  at Sam.    

"You are one hell of a person. You are smart, can use battle prowess, great at reading your opponents and all the formation shit is an added bonus.    

You alone stopped so many gods from causing disasters. It is basically going against nature. But there is one thing that even a guy like wouldn't be able to control and that would one day be the cause of your defeat."    

"What would that be?"    

"A shitty teammate."    

As soon as he spoke, Sam sensed something. He turned around to look at the formation.    


An explosion occurred to the formations of the city. The one covering the city and the one covering the estate, both of them were damaged at one spot each.    

Sam widened his eyes disbelief.    

Ares disappeared into a large puff of red smoke that divided into very small equal parts and merged with all the bloodlust creatures that are targeting the city. All the creatures stopped whatever they are doing and started moving towards the hole in the formation.    

The same thing happened to the creatures inside the city. Due to the formation break, the spatial deterrence and the soul deterrence vanished. The creatures ran towards the hole in the formation of the estate.    

"All of you block the creatures. Kill them as fast as you can."    

Sam passed an order to the beasts as he used his spatial element to transfer himself into the city.    

His target was the hole in the estate formation.    

He activated space elemental fusion. He connected himself with the spiritual energy in the surroundings and the froze everything within a certain perimeter.    

A few bloodlust creatures that went past the hole before he appeared slowed down a bit, but the creatures that are in the immediate surroundings froze like statues.    

As more creatures poured towards the hole, the more frozen creatures were added to the mix and the more pressure Sam started feeling.    

He closed his eyes and focused.    

Void Hopper who was previously controlling the formation is already inside and he went after the bloodlust creatures that are not in completely control of Sam.    

The citizens who were shocked by the sudden development of the events were panic stricken. Of course of those people got ready to engage with the bloodlust creatures to defend themselves, but before they could even make a move, Sam already managed to intervene.    

The Void hopper moved like a very tiny flash that could barely be seen. And with every flash that appeared in front of their eyes, they saw a spatial tear injuring the bloodlust creatures severely.    

Meanwhile, Yanwu, Raiju, Ape etc went all out as they fought every creature in the city. Since the creatures are not focusing on them, they are much easier targets than before. But the problem is the number is higher and they are crazily targeting Sam.    

Sam just took a few deep breaths as he felt the pressure increase on the formation. He knew this is as far as the beasts could help without using bloodline techniques and if his guess is right, they would have to use the bloodline techniques to end this as fast as possible.    

The only problem is, he has to hold up here. Since all of these creatures are gathering at this one particular point, they will all be in a cluster in a particular area. This way, the beasts would have less chance of missing the attack.    

He already sent the message and all the beasts are acting according to the plan.    

Meanwhile, Sam who is blocking the path also decided to reduce some numbers while he still can.      

The space around him started twisting upon his commands. Miniature explosions of spatial turbulence destroyed the bloodlust creatures on by one. The only problem is that all of that bloodlust that escaped this creature is being driven to Sam.    

Sam took a deep breath and let it enter his mind. Right now, he couldn't use force to expel this. He could only count on his mental strength and be confident in himself to be able to resist this completely.    

One creature after another was being twisted by space and was destroyed. The bloodlust started pouring into Sam bit by bit.    

This went on for five minutes as the beasts waited while doing small attacks.    

"Are all the creatures in the line?"    

Sam asked the beasts through his mental connection. Right now, all the creatures from outside the city are already inside the city and all of these creatures combined are trying to squeeze through the hole in the formation of the estate.    

Sam took a deep breath and got ready to launch the final attacks.    

"Everyone, target the crowd of these creatures with your bloodline attacks. Every single one of them should be destroyed."    

Sam threw a command with a cold tone. But at this moment, he saw something happen.    

Some of the creatures that are in his captivity started exploding even without his prompting. He widened his eyes in disbelief and then he saw the bloodlust of all of these creatures that exploded by themselves is moving towards the citizens nearby.    

Within no time, Sam saw over half a dozen people getting infected and they turned to the people beside them to attack them.    

"HURRY UP. NOW."    

Sam said as he forcefully twisted the space. He didn't give the time for the creatures to explode anymore. He destroyed them.    

As Sam destroyed the creatures at the front, the creatures at the back came forward to fill up the void and they are also victims of the turbulent twisted space. Meanwhile, the beasts outside launched their bloodline attacks.    

Golden flames, Wind Blade hurricanes, thunder storms, magnetic turbulence, devouring forests, twisted space, venomous zone, all kinds of attacks targeted the bloodlust creatures and within no time all of them were destroyed.    

The citizens who saw the whole thing in awe, finally understood how powerful Sam is. Maybe he could have fought the disasters by himself without needing the formations. The only reason he is using the formations is to save the people.    

He wouldn't have to go through so much trouble if he doesn't have to save them.    

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