New Age Of Summoners

Sky city, Night ranger

Sky city, Night ranger



As soon as he nodded his head, Ajax's virtual avatar disappeared from the mist-filled region.     

'Th..this is...'     

Soon, Ajax appeared in a place that looked just like any other human city; however, it was flying in the air.     

Currently, Ajax was standing in front of a hovering board with the words 'Sky city'.     

'I better find something to trade as soon as possible.'     

There were no guards at the entrance as Ajax hurriedly entered the city because he only had three hours to trade.     

Since the reason he entered the trading realm was to trade, Ajax wanted to trade for something before leaving this realm as he could not enter this realm for another 30 days.     

'There are so many shops, many items. What's more, there were many other races.'     

After entering the city, Ajax could not help but marvel at the sight of various races walking side by side.     

Except for the tales in Elder Boron, Ajax had never seen or heard that many races could co-exist peacefully; however, he finally found a place where they could co-exist.     

'Even though it was mainly because of the trading realm rules, still, it is a sight I have never seen.'     

Ajax knew why there were no fights or curses even though there were many beings from different races walking side by side.     

No one wants to get kicked out of the trading realm as it is a place where they could gain many good items at a lower cost.     

'I can enjoy all these sights after I reach the high-level. For now, I will focus on what I need.'     

After checking a few stores and what they were selling, Ajax stopped and started thinking about what he needed.     

'There is no need to trade for my cultivation resources. I don't need weapons, pills.'     

Soon, Ajax started eliminating the things he didn't want and started thinking about what he needed to buy.     

'Cultivation resources related to the elemental spirits and the contracted spirit beasts.'     

Finally, he decided what he would be trading or buying in this trading realm.     

'Let's start with the resources for the contracted spirit beasts.'     

Since he had already given so much for his elemental spirits by buying good stuff from the elemental spirit store, Ajax thought of the contracted spirit beasts.      

So, he walked to the section where the stores sold the stuff related to the spirit beasts.     

"Welcome fellow trader, what do you need?"     

The trader who owns the store was a dark elf as he politely invited Ajax into the store before asking what Ajax wanted.     

Dark elf belongs to the elf race that likes to live in places like night forests. With pointy ears, dark skin, medium build. Other than the bright brown eyes, there was nothing note-worthy about the dark elf in front of Ajax.     

"I want bestial law stones or things that could increase the cultivation of the spirit beasts."     

Even though Ajax observed the dark elf in front of him, he also maintained a respectful look as he informed what he wanted to the dark elf.     

'Why can't I see through his cultivation? Even the system was saying that he didn't have any cultivation.'     

Soon, Ajax noticed something that made him raise his brows.     

Ajax saw a few traders before entering these stores who didn't have any cultivation; however, he felt those beings were like grey dwarves who could not cultivate.     

However, Ajax was sure that dark elves are fighters and their cultivation realms were more or less the same as the humans.     

'Is it because of the trading realm? Wait a second...I can't use my bloodline, skills or anything in this realm.'     

Finally, Ajax understood that even though his spirit consciousness could use skills and bloodline, the virtual avatar was doing something that is making it impossible to use his skills or bloodline.     

'So that means, everyone's strength is equal in this realm.'     

Ajax came to that conclusion and looked at the dark elf for his reply.     

"Bestial law stones are very rare even in my world that was filled with many powerful spirit beasts; however, you are lucky as I have one in my store."     

The dark elf's initial words made Ajax a little disappointed; however, when he heard his last words, Ajax revealed a slight smile on his face, trying his best not to show his excitement.     

"Other than that bestial law stone, I have three Heaven-grade primitive stones that can even increase the purity of the King realm bloodlines. However, the purity will be very less compared to the normal bloodlines."     

"One beast evolution crystal and a dozen re-cultivation techniques."     

"Also, if you are not satisfied with your current contracted spirit beasts, I can sell some powerful spirit beast eggs. So, what do you want?"     

The dark elf continued to inform what type of cultivation resources for the spirit beasts he currently had in his store.     

Basically, he only talked about the high-level items as it was his first rule of business. Start with costly items.     

"Wow. You have so many items with you."     

Even though there were many stores, there was not a single item that was kept outside. Other than the name on the store which says what the store sells, a buyer or trader could only ask the store owner about the items.     

So, Ajax was surprised when he heard so many items and all of them were high-level ones.     

"Looks like it's your first time entering the trading realm. But, what I said right now is the highest level of items; however, that doesn't mean they are only high-level items in Sky city."     

The Dark elf shook his head with a slight smile on his face.     

"You are right! I need to stay calm."     

Ajax already knew that he would be seeing more and more high-level items in the trading realm. So, he thought to control his surprise and excitement lest he embarrass in front of others.     

"Haha...there is no need to suppress your excitement as you will get used to it after a few visits to the Trading realm."     

The dark elf shook his head as he introduced himself, "My name is Night ranger. Why don't we add each other as friends? If you have any doubts, you can ask me until you get used to the Trading realm."     

The dark elf smiling asked Ajax and at the same time, Ajax saw a row of words appear in front of his words.     

Unlike the system's words which would be on a holographic screen, these rows of words are made up of mist.     

"You must be seeing the words made up of mist in front of you. If you like to become friends with me, you can accept it or if you don't, you can reject it."     

Seeing the surprised look on Ajax's face, Night ranger knew what Ajax was seeing in front of him. So, he informed Ajax about it.     


Ajax was only surprised for a moment before nodding his head as he was already used to the system notifications.     



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