New Age Of Summoners




Looking at the words made up of mist in front of him, Ajax was a little surprised; however, he nodded his head and selected 'Yes'.     

"So, what items do you want?"     

Once they became friends, the Night ranger asked Ajax about the items he needed.     

Since the Night ranger said the items he had on him, Ajax just had to tell him what he wanted.     

"I want the bestial law stone, heave-grade primitive stone, beast evolution crystal and some re-cultivation techniques for the spirit beasts."     

Except for the spirit beast eggs, Ajax asked almost everything that the dark elf had on him.     


Night ranger was shocked when he heard Ajax's words before getting excited; however, when he thought about Ajax being a newbie who entered the trading realm for the first time, he was a little doubtful whether Ajax had enough stuff to trade or buy the items from him.     

"Harbinger of destruction, if you don't mind, can you show me the stuff you want to trade or buy my items?"     

Nevertheless, he didn't show any disrespect to Ajax as he politely asked about it.     

"I have some legend grade weapons and heaven grade weapons along with some monster peach pills."     

Ajax had already thought about what he wanted to use for the exchange. So, when the Night ranger asked about it, he directly replied.     

'Huh? Legend grade weapons? How many do you have?'     

Night ranger was satisfied with Ajax's exchange of trades as weapons would never lose the market as everyone needed weapons.     

At the same time, Night ranger asked about the number of the legend grade weapons Ajax had on him.     

"Enough, I guess."     

However, Ajax didn't directly say the number of legend grade weapons he had on him; instead, he asked, "Why don't I check the items first."     

After experiencing the stores in the dimension crevice, Ajax had the experience with the stores. So, he asked the storekeeper to show him the items first.     


Night ranger knew Ajax's worry because he had gone through his phase once upon a time. So, he took out one item after another for Ajax to check.     

Even though the dark elf was not sure whether Ajax really had the legend grade weapons on him or not, he was not worried as Ajax could not escape without paying him for the items he bought.     


        Item name:- Bestial law stone (level 1)     

        Usage:- Using it, a fire elemental spirit beast can learn the bestial law 'Fire aura'.     

Ajax started his appraising with a bestial law stone as he got the information he needed from the system.     

'Even though it was just a level 1 bestial law stone, it is enough for Black kitty and Red kitty to learn it.'     

Ajax planned to let the two infernal spirit beasts learn this bestial law and he thought it was possible for both the spirit beasts to learn from a single bestial law stone.     


          Item name:- Heaven-grade Primitive stone.      

        Usage:- Increased the bloodline purity of all the spirit beasts including the King realm spirit beasts.     

          Note:- The effect of this stone on the King realm spirit beast is very low.     

'He has three of them. I think I can use one of them to increase the mutated spirit crane's bloodline purity to 100 percent?'     

The first thing he thought of after seeing the information on the Heaven-grade primitive stone was to increase the bloodline purity of little blue.     

As long as the mutated spirit crane was able to increase her bloodline purity to 100 percent, the so-called inheritance ground of the Crowned turquoise queen will be opened.     

After that, he no longer needs to carry the mutated spirit beast along with him.     

'Other than the mutated spirit crane, I can give these stones to the Golden wyvern king and the five elemental spirit beast.'     

Even though his five elemental spirit beast had five elemental laws, it didn't have a bloodline.     

As for the Golden wyvern king, Ajax already left the aqua dragon blood essence for him. As long as he consumes it, his chances of awakening a dragon bloodline are high.     

So, this Heaven-grade primitive stone would help him increase the purity and stabilize his newly awakened bloodline.     


          Item name:- Beast evolution crystal.     

          Usage:- It can be used to evolve any spirit beast below the King realm to become a 'King' in their race.     

'So, it can make a normal spirit beast evolve into a 'King' type spirit beast.'     

Ajax was surprised as he felt he should get this crystal at any cost.     

Even though he had so many contracted spirit beasts, there were not many 'King' type spirit beasts except for the Golden bear kings and Devourer eagle kings (only 3 so far, 7 are yet to evolve into 'King' type spirit beasts).     

"As for the re-cultivation techniques, you can choose whatever you want from the list."     

Since there were many re-cultivation techniques with Night ranger, he gave a list of re-cultivation techniques he had with him. So that, Ajax could select from it.     

'Oh. So many recultivation techniques.'     

Ajax was surprised to see all the re-cultivation techniques; however, he tried to remain calm as he searched for the re-cultivation technique he could use.     

'Infernal beasts re-cultivation technique.'     

'Monkey king re-cultivation technique.'     

'Lightning cat re-cultivation technique.'     

After searching through the list, Ajax found three re-cultivation techniques that his contracted spirit beasts could use for the re-cultivation. So, he chose them.     

"Three re-cultivation techniques? Okay."     

Night Ranger was once again surprised; however, he nodded his head as he muttered, 'More he buys, the quicker I can go back.'     

"Yes. Give me the price details in the Heaven grade and legend grade weapons."     

Ajax nodded his head as he asked about the price in terms of the weapons.     

"Three re-cultivation techniques need 10 high-level heaven grade weapons each."     

"Beast evolution crystal will be five low-level legend grade weapons."     

"Three heaven-grade primitive stones will require 20 high-level heaven grade weapons each."     

"As for the Bestial law stone, three low-level legend grade weapons."     

"In total, it will be 90 high-level heaven grade weapons and 8 low-level legend grade weapons; otherwise, you can just pay 9 low-level legend grade weapons in place of 60 high-level heaven grade weapons."     

Night ranger calculated the prices very quickly as though he was doing the business for a long time despite looking very young.     

"I have 10 low-level legend grade weapons and I will give another 30 high-level heaven grade weapons. That's my final price for all the items."     

After thinking for a while, Ajax bargained for a price where he could be saving 40 high-level heaven grade weapons.     


Night ranger didn't agree to Ajax's deal and at the same time he didn't reject it as he thought for a while before nodding his head and said, "On one condition."     

"Sure. Say it."     

Ajax revealed a slight smile on his face as he asked the Night ranger about it.     

"In the future, you have to buy all the items related to the spirit beasts from me. If you are okay with it, then let's finish the deal."     


Ajax nodded his head without any hesitation.     


New Monthly Target     

For every 100 Golden tickets, a bonus chapter will be released.     

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