New Age Of Summoners

Aqua dragonkin

Aqua dragonkin

  Currently, Ajax's primary goal is to save Westin from completely turning into a mindless creature and complete the mission.     

  Moreover, he didn't have an accurate method of how to help Westin. So, when he saw Westin, who was barely maintaining his consciousness from becoming a mindless creature, Ajax decided not to waste any more time with the demon kings rushing at him.     

  'Even though the aqua dragon bloodline can increase my battle prowess by 10 times, it is still not enough to fight a dozen demon kings.'     

  Ajax looked at the incoming demon kings and silently muttered to himself; however, even then, Ajax was not worried much as he slowly revealed a slight smile on his face.     

  'It is finally time to use the skill I received when I upgraded the aqua dragon bloodline.'     

  Since he had already activated the aqua dragon bloodline, he could use the skill he received because of the bloodline.     

  'Dragon transformation'     

  So, without any hesitation, he activated the skill as the demon kings had almost closed in on him.     

  "Die, you b@astard."     

  The mid-level demon king who was frustrated because of Ajax shouted out loud when he saw that Ajax was not moving from his place even when a dozen demon kings were attacking him at once.     

  "Looks like he must have been too scared to even dodge our attacks."     

  Another demon king mocked Ajax as they didn't stop their attacks and used their full strength.     

  However, Ajax didn't even bother to move from his place as the inheritance sword in his hands disappeared from his hands and he used his hands to block all the demonic swords aimed at him.     



  Unexpected from the thoughts of the demon kings, Ajax was standing in his place, blocking all the demonic swords with a slight smile on his face.     

  On Ajax's hands, there were light blue coloured dragon scales and at the same time, more and more scales were growing all over his body.     

  'Huh? Dragon scales?'     

  The demon kings were shocked when they saw the sudden appearance of the dragons on Ajax's body.     


  At the same time, they also noticed that Ajax's body was transforming into a humanoid dragon.     

  "A dragonkin?"     

  All the demon kings were shocked when they saw the finished transformation of Ajax because they never expected a human to have a skill that was capable of transforming him into a dragonkin.     

  "Surprised? Me too."     

  It was Ajax's first time using the dragon transformation skill and even he was surprised when he saw his body didn't transform into a dragon; instead, it was transformed into a dragonkin, also known as a humanoid dragon.     

  "Let's see how powerful I am in this form."     

  As Ajax knew that he should not waste any more time with the demon kings, he didn't hesitate to release his full battle prowess in the dragonkin form.     

  "Even though you are one odd human, you can't win against us even with that skill of yours."     

  The mid-level demon king was the most frustrated one among the demon kings around Ajax. He had already swallowed his pride in receiving help from other demon kings and now, Ajax revealed another trump card.      

  Nevertheless, he didn't want to back down and shouted at Ajax before rushing toward him along with the other demon kings.     



  "Since you are coming at me in a single go and saving me time, I will kill you painlessly."     

  Ajax was itching to test the battle prowess in his dragonkin form and rushed at the incoming demon kings without wasting any more time.     





  Even though Ajax's speed was still not comparable to the incoming demon kings, his movements were a little bit difficult for the demon kings to predict. Before they could realize what was happening, Ajax had already killed four demon kings among the twelve demon kings.     

  'Looks like sacrificing the skill 'Demon hands' is a good thing.'     

  Ajax looked at the sharp dragon claws and thought about the skill he sacrificed for the Blessed refining cultivation technique.     


  "How can he easily ignore our defences?"     

  "Everyone, use your demon souls to increase your defence."     

  Even though the demon kings had already started using their demon souls, they are yet to use the skill linked to their demon souls.     

  So, the mid-level demon king shouted at everyone when he saw how easily Ajax was ignoring their defence.     

  "Easy? Do you know how much power I have to use to put holes in your hearts?"     

  However, Ajax scoffed at the mid-level demon king as he complained that it was not as easy as it seemed.     

  "Die, you bastard."     

  As for the demon kings, they were not interested in Ajax's complaints as they felt a great threat whenever they saw Ajax.     

  If Ajax continued to grow, it would be a great problem for the entire demon race. So, they rushed forward to kill him without wasting their breath talking with Ajax.     

  "Fine, fine."     

  Ajax shook his head as he rushed towards the demon kings.     





  Ajax used the dragon scales on his body to block the demonic swords and used his dragon claws to pierce through the hearts of the demon kings.     

  In Ajax's head, system notifications rang whenever he killed a demon king informing him about the rewards he gained.     

  The main reward for killing a demon king was, of course, spirit points and the essence of nature.     

  Also, there was some random item belonging to the demon kings added to his inventory; however, the chance of getting that random item was not 100 percent.     


  'Aqua Dragonkin transformation. Looks like he already started collecting the bloodlines and skills.'     

  Elder Boron was not at all surprised when he saw Ajax transform into an aqua dragonkin; instead, he revealed a slight smile on his face as though he was expecting Ajax to have such a skill.     

  'I wonder how the leader and members of 'House of dragons' will react when they see Ajax?'     

  Elder Boron looked through the crowd as though he was searching for someone.

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