Omega Summoner

Mythical Tier Rune Stone

Mythical Tier Rune Stone


Item Name: Soul Expanding Rune Stone     

Item Rank: Unique Mythical Tier     

Item Type: Rune Stone     


-  Consume in order to expand your soul. This item lets any player create a special space that is the same as a Soul Chamber.     

-  This rune stone can only be used once per player and any rune stone that has the same effect cannot be used by the player. If a higher tier rune stone of the same effect is used by the player, then it will be absorbed to upgrade this rune stone.     

-  This can be used by any player and not just summoners.     

-  Using this item will not use any rune slot for any item as this will bond to the player's body.     

-  All summoned creatures will have 10% more damage when this rune stone is engraved in one's body.     

Description: A peculiar rune stone that is said to have originated from a special place where every being are just souls. It was just a normal rune stone but has transformed due to the powerful soul energy that has been infused in it for being in that special place for a long time. It is so unique that it is said that only a few of them could ever exist.     


Adrian could not believe that such a rune stone could exist, and it must have been a gift directly given to him from the Twin Gods. Adrian did not know that this reward is given because he has managed to defeat the World Eater Parasite and finish the quest in record time. The rune stone became so rare because he defeated the World Eater Parasites before they fully control their hosts.     

The Soul Expanding Rune Stone looked like a radiant pale stone that emanated mists. It had a special glow that made it clam down anyone that gazes on it. Adrian could even feel the same thing that he feels when his soul weapons first came out. It was definitely a unique feeling which means that soul weapons or stones like the Soul Expanding Rune Stone must have originated from a special area in the game.     

[Do you wish to bond with the Soul Expanding Rune Stone?]     

"Yes!" Adrian replied immediately.     

Adrian did not even hesitate for one bit as he accepted the prompt. The mist that surrounded the Soul Expanding Rune Stone suddenly became bigger and bigger until all parts of Adrian's body is covered in it. The mist then started to enter every part of Adrian's body using his eyes, ears, nose and mouth.     

Adrian suddenly floated as his body could not be moved voluntarily. He is covered in this mist that made it almost for him to see what is happening around him. This process was not painful as Adrian just felt like air was being pushed inside of his body.     

"Hah! Aha!" Adrian suddenly started coughing as it seems that he had a difficult time processing what happened.     

A pale silver mark suddenly embedded on his chest that is the same rune that was embedded on the Soul Expanding Rune Stone. His body did not feel different, but his soul could be seen bigger if any member from the Church of Death could see him. Since the only change was the rune being embedded on his chest, no visible physical changes could be seen which means he can actually hide the fact that he has another soulbound slot.     

[The Soul Expanding Rune Stone has been embedded in your soul perfectly.]     

[You can now create another pact with a summoned beast.]     

[All summoned creatures will now deal 10% more damage.]     

Adrian smiled but then he also thought that expanding the soul chamber was not enough. He actually wanted a runestone that could let him send out another soulbound out. Still, he did not want to be too greedy but there might actually be a rune stone like that if he searches for it.     

"Since I have already gotten another slot, I can now make a permanent soulbound contract with the worm. I will have to name it though. What is it doing anyway? I know that it is currently hanging out in the major soul chamber." Adrian thought.     

"Reporting to the master, the Faux Mana Caterpillar is currently being lazy and eating at your excess mana whenever it wakes up. Recommend for you to have it contracted permanently so that I can monitor it further." Paradox stated.     

"Why does it seem like you are somewhat exhausted talking about the Faux Mana Caterpillar?" Adrian asked as he thought that Paradox sounded like it was not happy with the Faux Mana Caterpillar.     

"Negative. I do not possess emotions, master. I live to serve you and only you." Paradox replied.     

"Ok then. I shall make a contract with it permanently then." Adrian stated as he suddenly summoned the Faux Mana Caterpillar into the real world.     

"Summon: Faux Mana Caterpillar!" Adrian stated as he took out the monster that was sleeping inside of him.     

Adrian summoned the Faux Mana Caterpillar, and it could be seen dozing off. It was even happily squirming about as if it was dreaming about something. Adrian can now see that Paradox might have been slightly irritated with the way it was acting when it was only a temporary tenant.     

"Seal: Faux Mana Caterpillar!" Adrian shouted as he needs to reseal the Faux Mana Caterpillar in order for it to register as a permanent soulbound.     

A magic circle suddenly appeared below the Faux Mana Caterpillar, and it suddenly woke up. The Faux Mana Caterpillar did not know what was happening, but it could see that the chains that brought it inside a very comfy place has surfaced one again. It did not even resist as it just let itself be sealed once again.     

[You have successfully sealed the Faux Mana Caterpillar and it has now occupied the empty slot in your soul chamber.]     

[Please give a name to your new soulbound.]     

"Its name shall be Kenos." Adrian replied as Kenos has become a permanent soulbound.     

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