Take My Breath Away



"Yes, you are too simple. As you grow up, you'll learn that there are too many horrible things in the world! I have to go. I have classes to attend. Catch you later!" Rhea said.     

"Okay, bye!"     

After the call ended, Erica slipped her phone back into her pocket and went to see Hyatt.     

Erica thought Hyatt was silly and pitiful. He didn't dare to stay in A Country and had no other friends in Y City. So, she decided to show him around.     

To Erica, Hyatt was like Rhea. And so, Erica treated him as her best friend. But, this male friend of hers was a bit daft, even sillier than her. In comparison, Rhea, who was smart and lively, was more likable.     

Erica had promised to take Hyatt for a hot pot meal that evening. As they reached the entrance of the hot pot restaurant, Erica received a phone call. She frowned as she looked at the screen as the number was unfamiliar to her. "Hello, Mrs. Huo, this is Paige Shen."     

"Oh, hello. What's up?"     

Paige smiled. "Mrs. Huo, Mr. Huo is drunk and can't drive. I have to go to the company to deal with an emergency. Can you come and pick him up?"     

"What? But I... " Erica wanted to refuse. After all, she had promised Hyatt an evening of fun and exploration!     

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Huo. But it's not appropriate to hand responsibility of Mr. Huo to someone else. We're at the Orchid Private Club now. Please come here as soon as you can. See you later, Mrs. Huo!" Paige hung up without waiting for Erica's answer.     

Anxiety coursed through Erica as she stared at her phone screen.     

Having heard her end of the conversation, Hyatt, who had been standing nearby, nudged his friend gently. He offered, "Go ahead with your business. I'll take a cab and return to my dormitory. We can eat hot pot another day!"     

"Okay," Erica replied with a sigh of resignation. Matthew was her husband, and he needed her. She knew she shouldn't turn down Paige's request. Erica weighed her choices in her mind before she turned to Hyatt and said, "Eat something before you return."     

"I'm not hungry. I have been eating since I began shopping with you this afternoon," Hyatt grinned as he reassured Erica. What he had said was true. Even as a little girl, Erica ate whatever food intrigued her, and Hyatt always ate with her. If Erica hadn't suggested eating hot pot, he probably would have skipped dinner tonight.     

"Okay. Then I'll see you at school tomorrow!"     


When Erica arrived at the Orchid Private Club, Paige was waiting for her anxiously. Upon seeing Erica, Paige handed the car keys to her and said, "Mr. Huo is in Room 888. Here are the car keys. I'm leaving! Thank you, Mrs. Huo."     

Then, without waiting for Erica's reply, she left.     

She seemed to be in such a hurry when she walked away that Erica was convinced that Paige really had something urgent to deal with.     

Erica stared at the keys in her hand, speechless.     

Soon, a waiter led her to Room 888. Erica's heart thumped in her chest when she pushed the door open. A dim light from somewhere inside cast eerie shadows on the hallway floor. Erica glanced at the waiter, but he seemed unperturbed. As soon as she stepped inside, the stench of alcohol overwhelmed her. Erica placed her sleeve on her nose as she ran from room to room in search of Matthew. It took her a while, but she finally saw him on the sofa.     

Two of the buttons of his white shirt were open, and his suit and tie lay in a crumpled heap on the floor. With his hair a tousled mess and the way he leaned on the leather sofa—the man was so unlike the Matthew she knew. He looked like a dandy who was enjoying his sleep.     

Perhaps he was asleep. There was also the possibility that he was just pretending. Erica couldn't tell. And so, she hesitatingly took a few steps closer and nudged his leather shoe as she called, "Hey, Matthew."     

But he didn't respond.     

She leaned forward and pinched his cheek. "Wake up. I'm here," she continued.     

There was still no response from him.     

Erica frowned as concern coursed through her. She took a few more steps forward, and squatted before him. As Matthew was in a seated position, he was still taller than her. She had to look up at him.     

Erica shook his arm. "Do you still want to go home? I'm here to pick you up—Ah!" Not expecting Matthew to have such strength when drunk, Erica screamed with surprise when he pulled her into his arms.     

Unable to keep her balance, she fell on his lap.     

When her racing heart settled, Erica stared at the man whose eyes were still closed. She couldn't believe that Matthew had just pulled her into his arms.     

After that, he remained quiet.     

Still on his lap, Erica felt uncomfortable. After all, she had never been in such an intimate position with Matthew before. It made her nervous. Her heart beat insanely fast. When Matthew didn't move, she began to pry his hands away. Just as she was about to stand, Matthew held her tighter.     

This time, she landed with her face pressed against his chest.     

Repulsed by the odor of alcohol coming from him, Erica wrinkled her nose.     

Shocked by his behavior, she remained motionless. As Erica knew that they couldn't spend the entire night in this way, she decided to try and wake him again. Just then, Matthew propped his chin against the top of her head and mumbled, "Honey."     

Erica's mind went blank. Without enough time to think, she stammered, "D-D-Don't call me honey. I'm not..." Who knew which woman he was dreaming of?     

Unexpectedly, the man changed his address to something more intimate. "Darling."     

Erica's heart was about to explode! However, she still didn't believe that he was talking to her. And yet, she felt a tinge of excitement coursing through her. Perplexed by both their behaviors, she stammered, "Don't, don't call me darling either." She was his nominal wife, not his beloved one. It was too much for her to be called by him like this. Crimson tinged Erica's cheeks when she thought of how embarrassed they both would be when he sobered up and remembered what he'd done and said.     

"Why not?" he whispered huskily as he tightened his embrace.     

"Because, because..." She struggled to find an excuse. "Oh, because you've mistaken me for someone else!" she finally blurted out. 'Oh, my God! How sweet he sounded when he called honey and darling.'     

Matthew was quiet this time. When she tried to get up again, he raised her chin and kissed her.     

Their rapid breathing vanquished the deafening silence in the room.     

When she came to her senses, Erica found that Matthew had pinned her on the sofa. No matter how much she struggled, the man didn't seem to stop.     

Unable to imagine what would happen next, she panicked. Erica used her hand to block his kiss by her ear, and begged pitifully, "Matthew, look at me! I'm not the girl on your mind. I'm Erica. Erica Li!"     

Matthew's eyes fluttered open. Erica, who was under him, looked like a startled deer. There was even a trace of fear in her eyes. When he looked up, he saw that he was holding her hands tightly.     

He explained expressionlessly, "I drank too much. I'm sorry."     

Erica breathed a sigh of relief and said softly, "It's all right. Let go of me now. I'm here to take you home."     

"But..." he continued.     

Her nerves were still on edge. "What's wrong?" It didn't help that he was still on top of her and holding her tightly.     

Matthew lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "I got drunk and lost control over my body and my consciousness. But I want to do it with you. Why not here?"     

Then he kissed her again.     

Erica was so shocked that she wanted to curse.     

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