Take My Breath Away

Marry Mathew

Marry Mathew

What about Erica? She didn't look like a mother at all; she was just as free as before.     

Originally, when she heard the baby cry, she'd be at his crib, ready to help him. But eventually, she got used to the infant's cries, and turned a deaf ear to them.     

Luckily for her, she was at the Li family's house. If she were living with her mother-in-law, she would have been kicked out long before now. After all, what good was a daughter-in-law who wouldn't take care of her own child?     

It looked like it was hard times ahead for Erica. Wesley and Blair could see them coming a mile away.     

In the Huo family manor     

Someone knocked on the door of Carlos' bedroom. He sprang out of bed and opened it. It was Matthew.     

"You wanted to talk to me?" the younger man said. Before he got in, Matthew received a text from Carlos. The old man said he had things to discuss with his son.     

Carlos pointed in a particular direction and said, "Let's go to the study."     

In the study, before the young man could even take a seat, Carlos cut to the chase. "Phoebe Su is married to Nathan. Just forget her."     

Nathan Tu was Matthew's best friend. He just got married to his girlfriend, Phoebe Su. Carlos believed this was the girl that Matthew had a major thing for.     

Matthew was about to sit down when Carlos spoke. But he stopped and stood straight instead, listening to the old man. "I know you've had a crush on her since...well...forever."     

"How do you know?"     

"That's not the point. The point is I know. I don't care whether she is a goddess or a muse in your heart. Just give up on her and date someone else. If you're too busy to find a girlfriend, I can introduce one to you." Carlos knew that there were many similarities between him and Matthew. They were driven, career-minded, and would do anything to get what they wanted.     

He was afraid Matthew would screw up his friendship with Nathan Tu, if he focused all his energies on making Phoebe Su his. He needed to give up on that idea. He was too high-profile now to create a scandal like that.     

"You? Introduce a girl to me?"     

"That's right. There's nothing good about pursuing a married woman. I'll find someone far better for you." Carlos had already found the right woman for his son.     

"Mind your own business, old man!" With an emotionless face, the young man turned to leave.     

"We've already been over this. Let's not fight about it. So here's a reminder: I won't let Phoebe Su marry you even if you do win her over."     

When Matthew opened the door to the study, Carlos followed him and said, "Your uncle Wesley and aunt Blair will be here the day after tomorrow. They'll have Erica in tow, too. They invited us to dinner, so you'll need to be there. Hey, Matthew! Stop! Did you hear me?"     

To save Carlos' face, Matthew turned around and said calmly, "Your voice is as loud as it is annoying. I'm not deaf. How could I avoid hearing you?"     

Carlos' eyes widened in anger. He wanted to teach this kid a lesson, but the hostile aura he used to carry when he was young was already gone. "Dinner, the day after tomorrow," he demanded. What he didn't know was that he was no longer as intimidating as he used to be to his son. Even if he puffed himself up and tried to sound threatening, it just fell flat.     

He also forgot he wasn't as powerful as he was. He didn't wield the financial influence he used to. It was his son, Matthew Huo, who was now the most powerful man in the financial world.     

And— his son-in-law, Sheffield Tang, who was known as "Smiling Tiger" by many people in business circles.     

The name was well-earned. He appeared to be friendly at first, but he was as fierce and cruel as a tiger when dealing with enemies.     

Both of these two young men had the economy of Y City in a stranglehold. And they could wield that power as long as they wished.     

Matthew quoted Sheffield's words before leaving, "You're my dad. You're the boss. You have the final say."     

He was soon out of Carlos' sight.     

"Humph. That sounds better," Carlos murmured to himself. Meanwhile, he concocted a plan.     

Back at the Li household, Wesley and Blair left Feb with the nanny and set off to Y City with Erica.     

The whole Huo family were gathered on the fifth floor of the Alioth Building. They were going to treat the three members of the Li family to a big meal.     

Wesley had come to thank Carlos for his help looking for Erica when she disappeared for nearly ten months. Besides, he also wanted to have a get-together with his friends.     

They had a good time during the meal. Sheffield whispered to Evelyn, "Any idea what's going on? This isn't normal. Uncle Wesley and Dad are pretty close. They get together all the time. Why did Dad want us all here for dinner?"     

Evelyn knew that things weren't that simple, but she didn't know what it was about. "Maybe he has too much time on his hands now. He just keeps worrying about this or that."     

Carlos was always hatching plans, and if he and Debbie weren't on a trip, he'd be home making trouble.     

"Something big's going to happen!' Sheffield surmised.     

"Maybe. Gwyn, come here. Get your brother and cousin something to eat," Evelyn said to her daughter.     

Gwyn was playing with two little boys. A waitress was watching them.     

Evelyn and Sheffield's second child was a boy. His name was Godwin Tang. He was barely four years old now.     

Joshua and Terilynn's firstborn was a boy. His name was Godfrey Fan, now less than three. Gwyn always kept the two boys in line.     

"Yes, Mommy. Gods, it's time for dinner. Let's play later, okay?" Every time Gwyn said "Gods," the two boys knew she was talking to both of them.     

"Okay!" On Gwyn's orders, the two little boys ran to their seats obediently and dug in.     

When everyone was done eating, Carlos cleared his throat and began, "Hey, everyone. I have something important to tell you guys."     

The two boys stopped talking at once when they saw Gwyn put a finger to her lips to shush them.     

Carlos looked at Wesley and Blair, and explained, "Wesley, Blair, here's the thing. Debbie and I have discussed it. It's time for Matthew to settle down. Erica and he are both single. After careful consideration, I've decided Matthew should marry Erica. This way, Feb can have a father and a family. What do you think?"     

His words astonished everyone in the room.     

Erica was too shocked to say a word. Spoon in hand, she shifted her gaze among the people involved in this scheme. She looked at Carlos, as poker-faced as ever. Matthew wore a gloomy expression. Debbie was smiling. Finally, she looked back at Matthew.     

'Am I hearing things? Marry Matthew?! Me?' Erica couldn't wrap her brain around such a wild suggestion.     

Wesley hesitated. "But... Carlos, that's unfair to Matthew." Although Erica was his daughter, he couldn't say yes to that.     

Matthew was a great guy. Why should he marry a woman who had another man's baby? And he didn't look super happy about it. It was just an order from his parents. Wesley felt bad for Matthew.     

But Carlos didn't think so. He simply remarked, "Rika's a good girl. So she made a mistake. She's young. As long as she knows what she did wrong and lives happily with Matthew after they're married, we should just let bygones be bygones." No matter who Matthew married, it was much better than his best friend's wife.     

Moreover, Erica was lively and outgoing while Matthew was cold and reserved. Their characters would be complementary to each other.     

Debbie chimed in, "Yeah, Carlos is right. Blair, I know this city is a ways away from where you live, but you don't need to worry about anything. Our home will be her home too. She can do whatever she wants, just like she does now."     

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