Take My Breath Away

The Tables Are Turned

The Tables Are Turned

Two men in green camo fatigues sat beside Blair's date and leaned their bodies close to her. "Hi, Blair. Been a long time."     

It was Bowman, one of Wesley's men.     

The man sitting behind Blair patted her shoulder. "Hey, Blair. Remember me? I'm Lenard."     

Blair remembered him, of course. But why were they all here? And why now? She took a deep breath and turned to Wesley, who kept his head forward, eyes on the screen. It was like he was there just to watch the movie. "What's going on, Wesley?"     

Wesley turned to her and answered, "It's movie night. We're here to watch the movie. You're not?"     

'How can I enjoy the movie with you guys talking to me?' Blair rolled her eyes.     

Bowman and his companions kept talking to Blair's date, distracting both of them. Bowman even told him, "Man, let's get out of here and light up. I'm having a nic fit."     

Blair's date could feel something was up, but he wasn't sure what was going on. He followed the two of them out of the theater.     

The moment the three were out of sight, the rest of the soldiers except Wesley stood and stretched. "Now that they mention it, I really want a smoke, too."     

"Me too. Let's go. Chief, we're taking off. Enjoy!"     

Wesley nodded indifferently.     

Blair was dumbfounded. 'Why does it look like Wesley and I are on a date?'     

Blair's date followed Bowman and Lenard outside the theater and around the corner, lighter in hand. But suddenly the two soldiers stopped and cornered the guy. Bowman fished a marriage certificate out of his pocket and showed it to the man. "Check this out. Blair's married, so she's off-limits."     

When he saw the photo and names on the certificate, the man's heart skipped a beat. "I'm really sorry. Blair never told me."     

Bowman put the certificate back into his pocket. "That's okay. I get it. You couldn't have known. Blair's...um...mercurial. She was trying to make our chief jealous, and was using you to do it. They're fighting."     

Four more soldiers came over and surrounded the man, as if they were going to beat him if he said the wrong thing.     

The man forced a smile. "Got it."     

"Great. And you know, our chief and his wife don't want everyone knowing they're married. They want to keep it on the down-low. So..." Bowman finished in mid-sentence on purpose.     

The man nodded his head vigorously. "I won't say a word about it."     

"Thanks, bro." Bowman patted his shoulder heavily.     

The man's face paled because of this, but he didn't dare to protest. He just ran as fast as he could once he was let go, like all the devils in Hell were chasing him.     

Lenard looked at his receding figure and then looked at the closed door of the theater, shaking his head. "I didn't expect our chief to have any regrets."     

Crossing his arms, Bowman smirked. "I really enjoyed seeing our chief getting the cold shoulder from Blair."     

"He deserved it. Years ago, Blair proposed to him in front of us. Yet he turned her down without even thinking twice. The tables are turned now. Our chief snuck out and got the marriage certificates. He didn't tell Blair. Afraid she might run away, I guess,"     

Lenard said with a cunning smile, patting Bowman on his shoulder. "Why not poke your head in there and see how those two lovebirds are doing?"     

Bowman firmly shook his head. "No way. Use your head. They've been apart for a long time. If I recall correctly, the last time they got laid..." He grinned. The rest of them all smirked knowingly.     

Bowman continued, "That was maybe a year ago. I'm pretty sure they're going at it by now. Sure you want to watch that? Our chief wouldn't like that."     

Lenard shook his head like a rattle. "I admit I really want to know if our chief is as strong in bed as he is in battle. But I'm not a peeping tom, and I don't want to get caught."     

In Lenard's eyes, Wesley was as brave, skillful, and fierce as any tiger or wolf in battle. He thought Wesley must be the same in bed.     

Problem was that Blair was a petite gal. He might really hurt her.     

"So let's get out of here. Even our chief has a girlfriend. I think I need one too. I'm so jealous."     

Speaking of this, Lenard was really frustrated. "Chief sucks. Why does he get all the girls? He could send some of them our way. Dammit! I want a girlfriend too."     

Bowman patted him on the shoulder with a smirk. "You want our chief to introduce you to a girl? In your dreams! You fell for Blair too, remember? Be glad he doesn't give you any grief for it. Remember when our chief got injured and was in the hospital? Blair took care of him. Talbot told her our chief had been locked in the girls' dorm and laughed about it. He heard that and punished Talbot for it. Made him go rock-climbing with Niles. He holds a serious grudge and always takes it out on someone."     

Lenard scratched the back of his head. "I don't think he'll care. Back then, he didn't have feelings for Blair."     

Talbot didn't think so. "You're so naive. Chief already fell for her back then. He just couldn't admit it. Otherwise, he wouldn't have carried her to the school clinic when she got heatstroke. He would have just had one of us do it."     

But Wesley not only took Blair to the school clinic by himself, but also drove her to her apartment.     

"Yeah. Makes sense. Chief has it bad for her. Horndog."     

Bowman kicked Lenard's leg and threatened him, "What if I walk into the theater now and tell him you called him that. What do you think he'll do to you?"     

Lenard's reaction was not what he expected. "Do it! I don't care. Go in there and tell him." He was sure his fellow soldier wouldn't go in there and interrupt their chief.     

And he was right. Bowman just snorted and said, "Fine. I did have a girl in mind. She's good girlfriend material and I was going to introduce you. But just for that, I'll set her up with Rodney, instead."     

Rodney, who was walking behind him, immediately approached. "Really? Thanks, Blowman."     

Bowman kicked him in the leg. "Call me Blowman again, and I'll..."     

"You'll what? Beat my ass? Everyone calls you that. You plan to take everyone on? Live with it. Blowman," Rodney said with a silly grin.     

"Get lost!"     

The group left the Cineplex, talking and laughing.     

Inside the theater     

Blair and Wesley were left alone. She stared at the screen, pretending he didn't exist.     

However, Wesley was not here to watch the movie.     

Before long, he began to do what they left him alone for. He grabbed Blair's hand. She struggled hard, but he refused to let go.     

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