Take My Breath Away

Getting Together

Getting Together

One knee on the bed, Wesley carefully laid Blair down and tucked her into bed, covering her with the beautiful patchwork quilt. When he was about to draw his arms back, she suddenly opened her eyes a little.     

Wesley froze, wondering if he woke her.     

Blair closed her eyes again, but then she wrapped her arms around his waist and mumbled, "Wesley? You visited me in my dreams."     

She buried her face in his chest, yawned and continued mumbling, "Wesley, I missed you so much!"     

He lifted his hand to caress her smooth cheek, and planted a kiss on her forehead.     

Fascinated by her murmuring lips, full and colorful, he couldn't help but lower his head to kiss them.     

The next morning, when Blair woke up, she remembered her dream. Wesley hugged her and kissed her. But the passionate kiss felt so real that she could even feel her lips hurting and her breath ragged at that moment.     

And she dreamed of Wesley running his rough hands all over her body.     

As she remembered what happened in her dream, Blair buried her face in the pillow, scratching her messy hair in shame. 'Oh, my God! I can't believe I had such a sexy dream. That's not like me!' she thought, shocked.     

But at least, she felt lucky no one had the supernatural power to see her dream. No one knew her little secret.     

She then sat up. Her eyes went wide and she jumped out of bed, rushing towards the bathroom. She felt a large amount of menses gushing out.     

However fast she ran, it was too late. Her pants were red; some even dripped on the floor.     

She grabbed a rag, got it wet and went to town on the carpet. She kept herself busy cleaning and totally forgot about her dream. She didn't even have the time to think about how she got from the sofa to the bed. Someone had moved her, but she didn't stop to wonder about that.     

When she walked to the living room, she was surprised to find there was no food on the table. She remembered she had put the barbecued dish on the table. But where was the food? No skewers or bits of food in the bin, either. So where did it go?     

'Did Wesley really come back last night? Did he eat the rest of the food?' she wondered.     

But still, she didn't stop to ask herself a very vital question. Who moved her from the sofa to the bed?     

Blair turned to look at Wesley's bedroom. The door was open.     

She walked over to his room and peeked inside. He wasn't there. His room was as neat and tidy as it always was. The quilt was carefully folded and placed at the end of the bed. Wesley was fastidiously clean.     

'Wait! Something's not right.' Blair remembered she had put Wesley's bed sheet and quilt into the washing machine two days ago when she did the laundry. She forgot to help him make the bed after they were dry.     

When did he make his bed? Now, she was sure Wesley came back last night and carried her to the bedroom. She was sound asleep and knew nothing about it.     

Blair patted her forehead remorsefully. She had missed a chance to be with him.     

Then she remembered her dream. Was it a dream? Or was it reality?     

One day, Blair was working in the office when she got Wesley's call. "You available tonight?" he asked.     

Blair paused and then answered, "Yes." She had planned to work overtime. But since he called her, she decided to leave work on time.     

"Great! Pick you up at eight."     

"Where are we going?" Blair asked curiously.     

Wesley told her, "Some friends of mine are getting together."     

'I get to meet his friends?' She was excited at the invitation. "Okay." She smiled sweetly, even though he couldn't see it on the phone.     

That night, Blair met Wesley's close friends: Carlos, Damon and Curtis. She was happy to see everyone there, except one person—Megan. Every time she saw this troublemaker, she wished she could kick her far away like a soccer ball. She didn't even spare the girl a second glance.     

But at least Wesley wasn't taking care of her. Carlos had brought Megan along. The cold CEO was on duty to take care of the girl that night, so Blair could just sit quietly next to Wesley.     

Then later, she witnessed an interesting bit of drama. The star of this live show was the legendary Mrs. Huo—Debbie Nian.     

In the middle of the get-together, Carlos' assistant called him and told him that Debbie was at a nightclub at the other end of the building where they were in. Debbie had asked for some hot young men in the club to serve her. Blair was shocked when she heard that; her curiosity about Mrs. Huo increased.     

She saw the cold CEO leave the booth in a hurry, and then the other people also followed him out. But Wesley didn't budge, showing no interest in Debbie or her games. Blair was disappointed. She wanted to see the show too! A few seconds later, for some unknown reason, Wesley suddenly changed his mind and joined the rest of his friends at the nightclub.     

When she arrived, Blair saw Debbie, wearing heavy makeup, sitting in the middle of a group of absolutely gorgeous guys. No messy haircuts, pecs visible through their shirts, nice-sized biceps. There was another girl there too. She seemed to be a good friend of Debbie's.     

Blair liked Debbie a lot: bold, straightforward, honest. They even had the same enemy—Megan.     

Since Blair wasn't dating Wesley, she couldn't really say anything about Megan, no matter how much she hated the girl. But Debbie was different. She was Carlos' legal wife, so she had the right to shut Megan down and expose the girl's true colors.     

Debbie did a good job. She said everything Blair wanted to say.     

But Debbie thought Blair was Wesley's girlfriend. That came out when she was arguing with Carlos. Much to Blair's surprise,     

Wesley didn't clear that up. He just let her assume that. He was pretty adamant that Megan was like his niece, and off the table as far as dating went. Carlos liked to say that a lot too.     

Debbie not only confronted her husband face-to-face, but she also took potshots at Wesley, who had also let their so-called niece get away with too much.     

Blair felt relieved, knowing that she wasn't the only one who hated Megan. Meanwhile, she looked up to Debbie after that.     

Wesley noticed the stars in her eyes when Blair stared at Debbie. He silently gripped her hand and squeezed it, as if warning her.     

Then, to avoid punishment from Carlos, Debbie turned to Blair for help. The naughty woman wanted to take Blair to the manor and have fun together. Blair decided that discretion was the better part of valor. She wasn't going to get involved in this lover's spat, so she turned Debbie down.     

After Debbie was rather forcibly removed from the club by Carlos, Blair also left the nightclub with Wesley.     

Shortly after they left, Wesley's phone rang. Blair caught a glimpse of the screen and saw that the caller ID said Megan.     

Blair sneered. Megan couldn't bug Carlos tonight, so she decided to bother Wesley instead.     

Wesley picked up the car phone. "Uncle Wesley... I'm sad. Boo...hoo..."     

Megan's crying echoed inside the car. When Wesley said nothing, the girl continued, "Do you and Uncle Carlos hate me now, Uncle Wesley?"     

"No," Wesley replied simply.     

"I know Debbie Nian has always held a grudge against me. Uncle Carlos doesn't care about me now... Uncle Wesley, if you hate me, please tell me straight up..."     

A hint of impatience flashed in Wesley's eyes. But he tried to comfort her, "You're sick. Don't cry. It'll make it worse."     

"I know..." Megan's sobs continued to come from the other end of the phone.     

Blair felt so annoyed to hear Megan going on like this. Her good mood was dampened. Although the line was still connected, she looked at Wesley, expressionless, and demanded coldly, "Wesley, can you stop the car?"     

Megan stopped crying in an instant. Wesley shot her a confused glance and asked, "Why?"     

'Why? Isn't it obvious?' Irritated by the stupid man, she didn't care that Megan could hear their conversation and said as calmly as she could, "Either hang up the phone now, or let me out."     

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