Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 402: Purgatory Vs Angel's Descent

Chapter 402: Purgatory Vs Angel's Descent

Time seemed to have stopped as Leonardo watched the scythe slowly come toward his head.     

Just before the scythe could reach his body, purple lightning ruptured under Leonardo's feet to launch into the sky.     

As he floated in the sky, Leonardo launched another two lightning vortexes, those two vortexes combined into one deadly tornado that destroyed everything in its path as it rushed at Lilith.      

Lilith waved her hand scythe upwards and fiercely struck it towards the ground.     


A loud explosion sounded out as an overwhelming blast of black energy from her weapon and body channeled outwards towards all sides and even dissipated Leonardo's lightning vortices because of the pure force behind her blast.     

Craters formed on the ground as shockwaves passed through it, and Leonardo could see the ground shaking fiercely from the sky. The shockwave was so strong that some spread to the air.     

Purple lightning streaks danced on Leonardo's body as he quickly moved hundreds of meters backward. But the enormous shockwave and explosive force rammed him flying.     

However, he somehow regained his balance while protecting himself from the shockwaves. But he still felt like his head was rammed and felt a bit dizzy as he couldn't altogether avoid the shockwaves.     

'What a strong attack!' Leonardo was astonished, experiencing the oppressive force behind Lilith's dark blast. He also saw that his lightning vortices, which he had sacrificed a lot of his MP for, had already been dispelled.      

[Phantom Sword!]      

Leonardo unleashed his sword skill toward his back.      

Clangs! Clangs! Clangs!      

Lilith, who appeared behind him, was forced to deal with the phantom swords.      

In the meantime time, Leonardo raised his sword, and dark purple lightning appeared in the sky and touched the tip of the sword then he swung the black sword, the dark purple lightning seemed to follow Leonardo as it descended toward Lilith at breakneck speed; she was still dealing with the phantom swords when the dark lightning struck.      

Zila~ Boom!      

The sheer destructive force carried by the dark purple lightning destroyed the ethereal phantom swords before striking Lilith, so it appeared.      

At the last moment when the dark purple lightning was about to strike Lilith, the latter lifted her head; her purple eyes flashed dark before like a docile child in front of its mother, the dark purple lightning momentarily stopped as if to worship Lilith before descending after receiving some kind of signal, the dark purple lightning landed on Lilith's body before moving to her hands and enveloped her legs, everything happened in an instant.     



Leonardo's felt like a truck had just rammed into his as he was sent flying like a rocket while he vomited a mouthful of blood. It took him some moment to understand what just transpired; somehow, Lilith had borrowed his dark purple lightning to increase her strength before moving toward him at a godly speed; she then punched him with two hands covered in dark purple lightning, everything happened too fast, so fast that Leonardo who prided himself for his speed, to be a speedster couldn't react at all.     


Leonardo coughed up a mouthful of blood. His chest and hands ripped open, and hot blood splashed out. He ignored the pain as the impact sent him flying toward the ground.     


A small crater was created, and as if it wasn't enough, the shockwave behind the punch tried to drive into the ground; he forcefully altered his body, he stood. Then he put his feet on the ground forcefully and stopped himself from dragging back any further.      

Leonardo grinned, dark mist appeared from his right arm to cover his body, and astonishingly, his wounds showed a quick recovery.      

Lilith was not surprised by this; she showed disgust because of something ominous from that dark mist.     

''This is so much fun!" Leonardo grinned as blood trickled down his lips. "But now is the time we bring this to an end!"     


Leonardo used the same technique he used against Alex in their last confrontation.     


Suddenly, the half-destroyed forest turned pin-drop silent and turned blinding dark. Every source of light lost its function.      

A sense of helplessness gripped Lilith's heart. It was a helplessness every blind man would experience as they lost their sight.     


In such an environment, in the sky, a slit violently ripped open.      

The slit was not even as thick as a hair. Still, it was too bright, radiating glow of countless colors swirling as if it was the insides of a kaleidoscope tube.     

Instinctively Lilith hurriedly jerked her head at the slit. Memories that were suppressed in her brain awakened; she revived her worse nightmare, that night, the night where she lost everything, where her once beloved brother had gone crazy and heartlessly slaughtered his family members one by one, only leaving her.      


Lilith muttered, half unconscious.     


Ghost-like and demon-like figures appeared in the swirling colors, their expressions filled with hunger.      

Lilith looked at them and realized she was right. She remembered what she had read in the ancient record.      

''Do you really think now is the time to be distracted?"      

Suddenly, Leonardo's voice rang in Lilith's ears, bringing her consciousness back to reality.     

It quickly turned its head.     

But it was too late.     


By then, the sword has brutally pounded onto her chest.      

Lilith's chest caved in, and her back arched out while her body was sent flying, ready to slam into the slit. The ghost-like figures smiled and extended their hands to grab the incoming meal.      

Their ethereal hands turned into chains that shot at Lilith.      

Time seemed to have stopped, Lilith saw her life flash through her eyes, she saw what the day she was born, the purple-haired woman above her, this woman looked like her, in a mature form, the woman seemed to be whispering something into the baby ear when suddenly, her purple eyes looked in adult Lilith's eyes, smiling the mature Lilith murmured.      

'Wake up!'      


Lilith's heart skipped, unknown memories flooded her brain, bringing intense pain; among those memories, one particular struck her, almost as if saying this could get you out of your current situation.      

Lilith believed in her intuition, so with a bloody mouth, she declared.      

''Spirit Possession: Angel's Descent !"      


There was a bright flash of light that forced Leonardo to close his eyes, and when he opened them again, he was gobsmacked by the sight before him.      

A gigantic figure appeared behind Lilith; this figure wore a white robe, she was blindfolded, beautiful dark purple hair, twelve pairs of black wings.      

Fear gripped Leonardo's heart; even the ghost-like figures summoned through Purgatory seemed afraid before the angel swung the giant sword in her hands.      


Leonardo's purgatory was cleaved alongside the whole island.      

Leonardo's figure disappeared, then the whole dungeon trembled before the falling Lilith disappeared in the flash of light..     

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