Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 533: Into a Unfamiliar World

Chapter 533: Into a Unfamiliar World


The sound of something breaking could be heard, and the scene changed to the most famous square in the capital.     

Artemia, who watched everything from the spectator seat, knew what her enemy was about to do and sneered.      

Indeed, the enemy following action showed that Artemia's assumption was not wrong.      

A big window displaying Artemia and Alex having sex was shown, drawing everyone's attention. People were first shocked before soon these shocks were transmitted into hate and curses, such as Artemia being a whore, selling herself just for the sake of getting Alex.      

Normally, Artemia should have been affected, but she kept laughing; she laughed hard because her enemy had not disappointed her.      

''Stop it, it's boring. Those illusions would not work on me. So, why about you face me directly?'' Artemia shouted.      

At first, there was not much response before everything stopped as if it had been put on pause, then a voice identical to that of Artemia echoed.      

''Are you sure about that? Hehehehe, let's see, let's move onto the next stage then.''      

Artemia frowned upon hearing such a response and before she could open her mouth, reality warped, and she disappeared.      

At the same time outside the pyramid, the same old man Sakuya encountered with the other players was still talking.      

The old man told them a bit about the Gods, such as Set being extremely good at fighting and was quite being powerful, while Horus might appear weak but was deadly due to her ability to enter one mental world and influence it from inside.      

The players shuddered, feeling dread; mental attacks are harder to deal with than physical ones because not everyone had a countermeasure against them. They hoped they wouldn't be the unlucky ones to encounter that God.      

While those players were still listening to the old man's explanation, Artemia, who disappeared from where she was, reappeared somewhere unfamiliar.      

She appeared in the middle of bustling traffic, high buildings, cars horns echoed. The unfamiliar scenery left the strong-willed Artemia's mind in disarray.      

''Where is this?" She couldn't help but mutter as she looked around but could not identify a single human familiar when suddenly.     

Vroom! Screech!      

A supercar almost crashed against her, but thanks to the driver peerless skill, a collision didn't happen. As the Lamborghini Veneno Roadster passed, Artemia caught a glimpse of the driver and became frozen; it was a familiar face; although he didn't have the heterochromia eyes, his beautiful green eyes were still the same, who could be if not Alexander?      


Artemia shouted, extending her hands forward, trying to catch him but couldn't as the Lamborghini disappeared in a flash; however, how could Artemia, who finally encountered someone familiar would let go like that? She put strength into her legs; the ground cracked as she shot into the sky like a rocket; she appeared on top of a building.     

''What? Are they shooting a moving or what?" Someone in the crowd shouted when he saw Artemia jump in the air like Supergirl; some took out their smartphones and started recording; however, Artemia was too fast for them to get anything, they ended up frustrated.     

Meanwhile, Artemia, who was jumping from a building to another, had no idea that she had become a hot topic, a rising star equal to that of the universe of Marvel; however, even she knew she wouldn't care as all these things mean nothing to her, she wants to catch up with Alex and have a chat to know where she was. She had an idea, but Artemia dared not to jump to a conclusion.     

Suddenly, the Lamborghini stopped before a high-class hotel, and Alex got out dressed in smoking; he was handsome as in Mysthia but was still a sight to behold.      

At the same time Artemia arrived on the other side, she was walking when suddenly she froze, Alex went to open the door for guest in the car to come out, it was a beautiful lady, black hair with golden eyes.      

Immediately Artemia felt something unpleasant building inside her heart and frowned; her hands trembled.     

Cackle! Cackle!     

Small amount of lightning started gathering around them. Artemia quickly controlled her unusual emotions and began walking toward Alex when suddenly her body jolted; she had a bad feeling not for her life but because someone seemed to be targeting Alex.      


In a split second, she sensed this; Artemia immediately zoomed the surrounding. Her senses quickly covered a radius of two kilometers. Finally, she could locate the culprit; eight hundred meters East of their current position was a sniper aiming at Alex and was about to figure.      


The bullet was fired and sliced through the air at incredible speed; not even Alex's normal bullets on Mysthia's were that fast. Lightning appeared under Artemia's feet as she shot forward.     

Swoosh! Bang!      

Artemia arrived before the bullet and caught Alex before they rolled on the ground; the sniper who was observing everything froze before chill ran down his spine because of extreme danger; he didn't have the time to dodge before a lightning needle pierced through his head before covering his body which was soon burnt to a cinder.      

Back to the front of the hotel, everyone became frozen, Artemia who was about to help Alex stand before asking where is this, had her eyes widened because of what Alex did next.      


Alex slapped her; she was so shocked that normally her body, which should have been stronger than Alex's mortal body, was flung backward, and she fell on her butt, holding her burning cheek.     

''You bitch! You still followed me even after I said we are done. Don't you understand English? I have moved on. I'm not interested in you any longer.''      

Alex's merciless words were like spears piercing through her Artemia heart; unconsciously, tears started falling from her eyes.      


''What is happening?"      

''It seems that Mr. Alexander Ex-girlfriend, even though they are separated, she still pursued him like a madman.''      

''Eh! Don't you understand? He is handsome and a billionaire on top of that. It was like getting the jackpot, so a poor countryside girl would not want to let go so easily.''      

''How pathetic! It's why countryside girls are bad.''     

Here and there, people were murmuring while pointing at Artemia, who was like time had stopped for her.      

''How filthy! I wonder since when you have bathed. Never appear before me again.'' Alex spat before entering the hotel, accompanied by the golden-eyed girl smirking.      

Soon, the police came and took Artemia with them; she was like a broken marionette, not making the slightest move even when she was being put in a cell.     

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