Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 699: Three against one 3

Chapter 699: Three against one 3


There was a silent explosion as the two punches finally clashed; on one side was a golden fist shining brightly like the sun, and on another side was a black fist darker than the night itself; time seemed to have stopped when the two clashed.     

''Protect your ears!" Artemia warned before bringing her hands to cover her ears while putting strength into her foot to stand firmly on the ground; the others immediately followed after her and did the same thing; Kuina and Eris put some distance between them and those two lunatics, everything happened in less than two seconds.      

Finally, there was a change on the platform. Formless energy rippled from the two fists.      


The platform was instantly destroyed, with Alex and Leon thrown far away. Alex felt like throwing up but managed to force the blood back; Leon was not lucky as him; he vomited blood drenching his helmet red, but unexpectedly the Lionheart seemed to shine brighter upon the contact of Leon's blood, his injury healed quickly.      

He vanished and arrived before Alex and threw another punch; Alex hastily defended with his right hand still covered in black chain.     


This time the collision of the two fists did not result in a devastating outcome but instead, in a stalemate, it was exactly what Leon was aiming for, he might have discovered an unexpected ability of the Lionheart, but he didn't want to rely too much on it, it was his blood essence it was sucking after all besides he was not fighting alone, he must not forget his friends, it was exactly for them he created this opportunity.      

Alex could understand what Leon had in mind, and he chuckled. Eris was the first to act as he previously thought. She appeared behind his back and knocked an arrow; the invisible arrow sliced through the air like a rocket.      

Relying on his extraordinary senses and Sleipnir, Alex detected the arrow's location; still locked in a deadlock with Leon, Alex did something completely out of everyone's expectation. He used his left leg covered in green light and kicked the invisible arrow to the side.      


Bang! Bang! Bang!      

He fired a round of bullets at Kuina from his left hand; everything happened too fast. Leon was shocked, so were the two girls; Kuina hurriedly defended against the incoming bullets by creating illusionnary fox flame tails.      

Leon was the first one to recover; he jumped back and called out the Lionheart's sword; using this sword, he attacked Alex, but to his utter horror, he became slower unknowingly Alex had activated Hellsing, slowing down Leon's movement. At the same time, he aimed his right hand toward Eris, who was trying to retreat and snipe him from a safe location.      

The tip of the black chain pierced through the air like a bullet, and all the air on Eris's body rose; she knew she would not be able to dodge given the current situation; thankfully, there was Kuina present. She combined her fox flame tails into one, and using it like a whip, she caught Eris midair faster than Alex's black chain could arrive; at the same time, she attacked, sending a golden fireball toward Alex, this fireball was small, but its might could not be underestimated.      

Alex reacted; Leon was still under the Hellsing effect, the black chain switched target and got wrapped around the golden sword, yanking it to the side, the golden flame happened to collide against the golden sword was bounced back, in the girl's direction.      

''Phantom Bullet!"      

Time resumed, but Leon had no time to defend as the invisible bullet knocked him flying.      

Meanwhile, the girls were doing everything they could to defend against the incoming flame; Kuina was not genius like Gracier, capable of controlling almost every type of flame, normally a flame created herself; she should have been able to deal with it easily, but because it was a flame that came from her bloodline, the nine tails fox who she had no control over as she was at the moment a barely seven tail fox, she could only defend against it.      

With the help of Eris, she controlled her fire domain to form a flame wall made of countless tails; behind this flame wall was a wind wall perfectly under Eris's control.     

They thought that they would be able to easily deal with the golden flame; however, everything changed when Leon was sent flying; Alex looked at them with his lips curled slightly, showing a faint smirk. They immediately had a bad feeling.      

''This is bad, let's-"      

Kuina had not finished her words when their domain vanished to their horror.      

''This is cheating.'' The girls shouted in unison before the golden exploded near them.      


The two were sent flying, knocking against the wall on their back; they rolled on the ground, unable to get up, they vomited a mouthful of blood before lying on the ground, they have lost.      

Alex's eyes stopped on them for a moment, and after making sure that they were not seriously injured, he heaved a sigh of relief, and his gaze shifted onto Leon struggling to get back on his feet; he used his sword to stand up.     

''Cough! Cough!" He coughed blood.      

Looking at his friend struggling, Alex's face was calm; he knew better than anybody that if he were to propose to stop the fight, this decision would hurt his friend's pride, he doesn't need a look of pity, but what Leon needed right now it was to fight to his heart's content.      

Alex waited patiently until Leon was ready again, nodding his head in his direction; he opened his helmet, his golden eyes shone dangerously, and he opened his mouth and roared.      


Alex's eardrums shook. He felt momentarily dizzy; using this opportunity, Leon shot toward Alex like a missile; he arrived before him in an instant, holding his sword with two hands. He used it like a bat.      

Swoosh! BAM!      

Unexpectedly at the last moment, a shield made of a black chain appeared and blocked Leon's sword; having expected this, Leon let go of his sword and switched to a hammer. His hammer was automatically covered in flame, and he swung it toward the black shield.      

Alex was feeling numb after defending against the first attack; he knew even he stopped Leon's hammer, his arm might break. Therefore he decided to attack.      


Just as Leon's flaming hammer was about to touch the chain's shield, the latter acted like a starving beast and greatly devoured the flame around the hammer; it even began sucking Leon's energy through the hammer, which greatly shocked him.      

''What the hell?"      


A lightning bullet penetrated Leon's stomach, his body jolted, experiencing an intense shock, foam came out from Leon's mouth, and he fell on the ground unconscious.      


The fight ended up in Alex's victory.     

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