Little Miss Devil: The President's Mischievous Wife

I’ll Let You Touch Me If You Have the Right Price

I’ll Let You Touch Me If You Have the Right Price

There were times that Lu Xinyi wondered if she had horrible impressions on people she had just met. She wasn't really a sociable and likeable person, but she did try to see the good side of those people around her. Being the only child, her parents' full attention and discipline were on her.     

Waiting for her husband to finish his shower, Lu Xinyi sat on their bed, she examined the sketches she made on her sketchpad earlier. The sketch was supposed to be the scenery outside their window, not Shen Yi!     

Damn. Shen Yi would surely tease her to no end if he found these sketches. She quickly hid it back inside her suitcase and got up to get the one of the pints of ice creams Shen Yi bought before they came back to their suite. At least, he was good enough to replace that delicious ice cream she'd lost because of him.     

She came back with her ice cream and with her phone ringing again. Seeing that it was another call from Gong Yijun, Lu Xinyi declined the call and turned her phone off.     

She refused to hear what he was going to say. How would he try to convince her with his lies again. She refused to be hurt by him and Meng Jiao again. If they thought they could break her again, they're wrong.     

Cowardly as it seems, Lu Xinyi wanted to have nothing to do with them again.     

Sighing to herself, she left her ice cream on the bedside table and decided to take a quick shower to the other bathroom outside their room. She pulled her favorite cotton nightshirt over her head and a short shorts that disappeared under the shirt.     

When she came back to their bedroom, Shen Yi was still inside the bathroom.     

'What's taking him so long? He's like a girl when he take his showers.'     

She popped in a movie as she waited and chowed down on her ice cream.     

Resigning from her job surely gave her a leeway to enjoy the things she hadn't done for so long. If she stayed in that hell hole and work with Meng Jiao, she wouldn't know if she had the guts to forget what she'd seen before she left for the cruise vacation.     

The only saving grace for her for the past weeks was meeting and marrying Shen Yi. True, she hadn't really knew him that much; at least now, they're trying to learn from each other. The man made her life tolerable, and though he didn't seem to know, he earned a place in her heart.     

Perhaps she could get lucky and fell in love with him. A bitter smile played on her lips. Such a far-fetched idea.     

It had taken an incredible amount of trust to simply marry him when he proposed the deal. They were strangers who met in an unexpected place and reasons, but for Lu Xinyi, it wasn't really hard to like Shen Yi.     

While he was extremely shameless when he flirts and teases her, he knew his limitations. But the unexpected kiss they shared earlier might be one of his failings.     

Did he really consider her as his real wife and not a contractual wife? Lu Xinyi wasn't sure. In fact, she didn't even know their real status outside their marriage contract. Since that time he said that he will have her heart, they hadn't talked about the real score of their relationship.     

Her face then turned red when she remembered how he kissed her.     

"I hope you aren't watching a love scene right now."     

"W-what?" At that voice, Lu Xinyi snapped out of her daze and glared to her grinning husband.     

"Xinyi, you don't need to watch those scenes. I swear we can perfectly outdo them." Shen Yi said with a wink.     

Though, she didn't miss the deliciousness of his body served for her eyes only. Her eyes trailed down over the taut muscles of her husband. Damn, where did he find time to work out? Those pecs couldn't be well-defined by simply sitting on his desk all day while working.     

Oh my gosh, Shen Yi was unexpectedly sexy when he was in a state of undress.     

'Not that he wasn't normally sexy in his business suits.' Lu Xinyi reasoned, which also made her stop. Wait. What?!     

Shen Yi just came out from the shower. His hair was still wet and slightly matted on his head. He wore no shirt, which allowed her to gawk at those fine muscles that a CEO or a president like him shouldn't have. Broad, strong shoulders that tapered down to a narrow waist. His chest and his abs looked so wonderfully good and hard, making her Lu Xinyi wonder if she could touch it.     

Lu Xinyi slapped herself mentally. What was wrong with her?     

"I heard staring is rude." His eyes were locked on hers. "But I'll let you touch me if you have the right price."     

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