Little Miss Devil: The President's Mischievous Wife

A Great Blow to Her Vanity

A Great Blow to Her Vanity

Duan Yong had been interested in Shen Yi for the longest time she'd known him. In spite of the rumors about him being gay which were ridiculous, she still refused to let go of her feelings for her employer. Once a month, Shen Yi would pay a visit to their branch to supervise and check the monthly performance of their team and Duna Yong patiently waited for her chance to seduce him.     

She was so excited when she heard that Shen Yi came and then took time to prepare herself. It was such a disappointment, though, that when she stepped inside the conference room, there was an unfamiliar woman talking to Shen Yi. There wasn't a proper introduction of the woman, but as their employer called her as Lu Xinyi, no one had questioned why he was with her and not with Qiao He.     

Her excitement slightly faltered as she took note the comfortable and companionable aura that the pair radiated. There were no words needed to see that Shen Yi and Lu Xinyi were familiar with each other. Everyone gave Lu Xinyi a quizzical expression which she ignored while she played a game on her phone.     

How dare this woman ignore their presence? She didn't even pay attention to Shen Yi when he was talking. Just who did she think she was?     

"Do you think she's Boss Yi's girlfriend?" one of her subordinates asked when they took a quick break from the meeting.     

Duan Yong was really irritated with Lu Xinyi's presence. Shen Yi didn't even spare her a glance and looked irritated as the meeting went on. She had no idea that it was the strong scent of her perfume that bothered him.     

"Impossible. Boss Yi has never been seen dating a woman before," Xuan Ling, her assistant exclaimed. "If there's someone who can get his attention, it should be our 'Lady Duan'."     

In her assistant's remarks, Duan Yong's foul mood was forgotten. She was hailed as the 'beauty and brain' of their team and in this branch. Most of them knew that she was infatuated with their boss, but Shen Yi never talked to her outside of business.     

"Maybe she's a family member or a friend." Duan Yong noted with a very vague and false smile as she prepared a cup of coffee she will bring back to the conference room for Shen Yi.     

"I don't think so. She doesn't seem like she came from a wealthy family like Boss Yi. She looks so plain and boring." Xuan Ling shook her head and patted Duan Yong's shoulder.     

"I suppose we should go." Duan Yong said thoughtfully, looking over her shoulder to see her subordinates following her lead.     

The door burst open, and Duan Yong stood in the doorway with the rest of her team with confusion. Something was amiss. Looking at the pair they'd left earlier wrapped in each other's arms, she was caught off-guard when she saw them kissing and enjoying themselves.     

Duan Yong could hear her own heart shattering into a million of pieces. She knew perfectly well that Lu Xinyi was kind of special for Shen Yi for he never allowed any woman near him. Bringing Lu Xinyi with him was something no one could ignore. There had been some sort of rivalry between her and Lu Xinyi for Shen Yi's attention, but Duan Yong didn't realize that she was beaten even before the fight started.     

She had hope that she still had some advantage for she'd known Shen Yi for years although their relationship never crossed the professional side, whereas Lu Xinyi just appeared out of nowhere, and no one really knew who she was and where she came from.     

Failure to get Shen Yi's approval was already a great blow to her vanity.     

Disappointment raced through her veins that made her lose her grasp on the coffee mug, letting it shatter against the ground with a loud sound just like her heart. The look on Shen Yi's face told them that he didn't give a fuck with what they'd seen.     

"No words shall escape from this very room about what you'd just witness." His cold and threatening voice shook them to the core. Of course, no one would dare to disobey him for his words were the absolute law within the company.     

Shen Yi went back to his seat as if nothing had happened while Lu Xinyi fixed her clothes with a blush on her cheeks. Duan Yong met Lu Xinyi's eyes, and she could swear she saw Lu Xinyi giving her a smug look as if taunting her.     

'This witch! What kind of voodoo she used to charm Boss Yi?!' Duan Yong sneered inwardly.     

Hastily, Duan Yong stepped in the room and closed the door behind her. She'd lost this time, but that didn't mean that she was going to give up on Shen Yi. He may have given in to whatever trick Lu Xinyi used and played this time, but she would make sure she would not lose next time.     

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